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Ask 411 Wrestling 03.21.12: WM Main Events, WM Mistakes, WM Streaks, More!

March 21, 2012 | Posted by Mathew Sforcina

Hello, and welcome to the column!


That’s a horrible opening! What bright spark came up with THAT stupid thing?

Anyway, I’m Mathew Sforcina, and this is Ask 411 Wrestling! Before we begin, here’s a pretty cool column on Atari Games in Ask 411 Games this week. I liked it. So go check it out. Secondly, as the blurb probably indicates, this is a special Wrestlemania themed edition of Ask 411 Wrestling. This week will all be about the Granddaddy of them all. Next week will hopefully be the same, but I did use up most of the WM questions this week. But I might get more.

While waiting to see if I have enough questions for next week, go listen to Just Another God Damned Wrassling Show, 411mania’s podcasts and Wrestling PodClash.

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The Draft Rules: … Well ok, maybe my logic about putting Jeff on SD was flawed. But the basic idea of using Jeff as a transitional wasn’t horrible. Totally wrong, but then I owned up to that.

Disbelief: Thanks for the pick up.

Radicals Original Plans: I’m not sure how the 8 man would have impacted the main event. I’m just going on Foley’s book there that flat out say that’s what would have happened.

Women in wrestling: … Oh for the love of…

Look, of course women aren’t going to draw like men. To expect any woman to match the money brought in by a Cena or DX or whatever is stupid. Women don’t pop buyrates. What they do is sell a lot of ancillary merch, posters and stuff, they allow the company to run more angles, and they can try to appeal to a wider base. I can’t ‘prove’ Trish made the company money because I don’t have the numbers on how her merch moved. But I am fairly sure it did since they kept making it. Plus she was invaluable for PR.

And hell, right now? No-one ‘draws’ now really. How many extra buys did Rock’s first match in several years draw in, 10, 15K more? It’s now mostly merch that individual people can influence.

My reasons for not liking this discussion is because it relies on data neither side has and tends to come off as my opponents being misogynistic, which I hope isn’t the intent, but saying all the women should be fired is kinda hard to read as being pro-woman.

*awaits firestorm in the comments section*

Your Turn, Smart Guy…

Who am I? I once teamed with a current color commentator. I’ve been in multiple wrestling video game series. I once won a company’s triple crown without actually winning one of the three needed titles in that company. I never lost the last major leagues title I held. One of my signature move names revolves around shoe sizes. I’ve been in an Elimination Chamber, I’ve been an invader, and a WCW wrestler. Who am I?

Jim had the answer I was looking for.

Who am I? I once teamed with a current color commentator. – Booker T

I’ve been in multiple wrestling video game series. – ECW Hardcore Revolution, ECW Anarchy Rulz, SVR series, Day of Reckoning series, probably a few more.

I once won a company’s triple crown without actually winning one of the three needed titles in that company. – ECW Tag, TV, then Heavyweight (WWECW)

I never lost the last major leagues title I held. – TNA Title (Stripped due to an attack from Abyss)

One of my signature move names revolves around shoe sizes. – I think this is the ‘4:20’ he and Mysterio used.. all 4 of their legs dropping on the opponent at the same time, and 20 being their combined shoe sizes. Wink wink.

I’ve been in an Elimination Chamber – The first one at SS 02, and the awful December to Dismember.

I’ve been an invader – The original ECW invasion in 97.. he had a match with a then-jobber Jeff Hardy, which he won via split legged moonsault. Started his whole ‘Mr.Monday Night’ gimmick.

and a WCW wrestler – Robbie V

Who am I? – Rob Van Dam.

What am I? I’m a Wrestlemania. My main event was 1 on 1, although it had more than just two guys involved in it, beyond the usual. The first match had two future world champions and one former world champion in it. The number in the title was written in roman numerals. There was at least one pinfall victory, at least one DQ, and at least one gimmick match victory condition. Of the two titles that changed hands, one of the subsequent reigns was less than a month, the other went a couple of months. I was held on US soil, I am what?

Questions, Questions, Who’s Got The Questions?

Tom starts us off about main events at WM.

Hey Mathew, (correct spelling this time)

Thanks for answering my questions last time. There’s no better wrestling column than yours. I have a couple questions about Wrestlemania main events for you this time around.

The Rock main-evented three straight WMs at XV, 2000 and XSeven in WWE title matches and never won. Was he ever scheduled to win any of those championship matches? I’m sure Austin was a lock to win at XV as it was the culmination of the long Austin/McMahon feud. But Rock was the top draw heading into WM 2000 and a heel had never left the show as champ before so maybe it was the plan for him to win early in the process when it was supposed to just be him and Triple H in the main event. And I always wondered if WWE thought about evening the Rock/Austin series at one win apiece at XSeven. The Rock – the biggest star never to leave WM as champion (although there’s always the chance that could change at this year’s show I guess).

XSeven is actually the least likely for him to win, since he was about to leave to go shoot The Scorpion King. There was no way he was walking out as champ, unless they had some insane desire to pop a massive ratings score the following night on Raw and have Austin win there. But no, he was never walking out there.

2000… Rock winning at 2000 only had tradition going for it. They seemed fairly early on to have HHH leave as champ so as to double dip and get everyone to buy Backlash as well to see Rock finally win. Common sense would have had Rock win when they were in early, early planning, but it seemed that it was decided early on to go with the twist.

As for XV… Yeah, you’d assume Rock had zero chance, but given that A) Russo was booking and B) it was supposed to be a three way with Foley… It’s very unlikely still (Backlash would have been Austin V Foley) but it’s possible. Just as likely as 2000 really.

Similar to the last question, how early was it decided that Austin would turn heel at WM XSeven? I always wondered if that was the plan all along or if it came about when Rock took the Scorpion King role and they knew he would be gone for a few months. Or if they were planning on a clean finish at any point. I still think it’s the best WM match of all time but I’m a sucker for “what if” questions.

Well it was certainly in place by the time this promo was aired.

I can’t specify when Austin went to Vince and asked to turn, since it was Austin who came up with the idea. Austin felt that he wasn’t performing as well as he should, nor was the reaction quite there, so the heel turn was, by most accounts, his idea. I would think it was at some point between the Rumble and No Way Out, since NWO was an important step on the road to Austin’s turn, even if it wasn’t referred to (he couldn’t beat HHH, thus he realised he didn’t have it any more, so he went to Vince to ensure he won…) but I couldn’t find a date or time. Maybe a reader can.

And finally (though it’s not technically about the main event), was there ever a plan to have Hogan get a win over Rock following the epic WM X8 match? I’ve read the reason Austin/Hogan never happened was because they couldn’t agree on who would get the WM win and subsequent wins in the series, etc. and it seems strange that Hogan would just agree to Rock beating him once and letting it be. I know they had a Rock/Hogan II at No Way Out 2003 that Rock also won (maybe the only guy to ever go 2-0 against Hogan?) but the face/heel roles were reversed and it was more to set up Hogan/Vince at WM XIX than a feud-ender.

Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this column. Love your stuff.

Hogan/Austin was a different beast because at the time both men were on the way down, and Austin was a lot less willing to work with Hogan, which set Hogan off. Rock on the other hand was clearly a superstar, and Hogan, for all those who hate him, did understand his position at the time. It all came to an end over Brock Lesnar, sure, but that run he had was pretty cool with wins/losses.

(It’s a cliché to say this, but Hogan could have extended his career a couple of solid years just working tag matches.)

As for if Hogan was ever booked to get his win back, while I’m sure Hogan pitched it or at least would have liked it, it was never on the cards. Certainly it was never booked beyond the second match, which was both setting up Hogan/Vince and turing Rock heel fully.

Erik asks about Wrestlemania III.

Hey, Mat…..you recently answered a question about wrestlers winning a match when they weren’t supposed to — either by the referee counting three too fast or by the opponent kicking out too late — and one match jumped to mind. Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog at Wrestlemania III. If you watch the end of that match, near the count of two, Junkyard Dog attempts a drawn out kickout, and the referee eventually counts three before JYD is able to do so. I know Race was almost certainly booked to win this match, but it still seemed a bit off…..Race winning with a belly-to-belly suplex, the referee quickly signaling for the bell (as if to imply JYD took too long), JYD’s long kickout and then dissatisfaction with the referee immediately after the match. Is it just me or did something look slightly strange here…..as if that was not the intended finish? Thanks for your time.

No, that was the finish. See, Race’s normal finisher at the time was a Cradle Suplex.

But he clearly couldn’t do that on JYD. In the lead up to WM, he and JYD had several matches, and the rare times Race pinned JYD (they mostly had DQ results) it was either reversing a cradle or a belly to belly. So that is how the match would end. And the short result was par for the course that night, most of the matches were very short. So while it looks a little off, probably due to JYD being slightly broken down at that point, it was the plan, it seems. Certainly as huge and famous as that show is, if anyone botched up a finish, it would be known about.

Adam takes us away from WM for a moment, although it counts since it’s based off an angle they are running for this WM I guess…

As far as who is better between HHH and HBK, what is the official track record between the two of them? How many times have they faced off and what was the outcome?

*cracks knuckles*

Assuming we only count one on one matches…

01/26/96: House Show- HBK pins HHH
05/13/96 (taped 04/29/96): Raw- HBK pins HHH
12/22/97 (taped 12/11/97): Raw- HHH ‘pins’ HBK
08/25/02: Summerslam- HBK pins HHH
12/15/02: Armageddon- HHH beats HBK 3 stages of hell by obtaining title
12/29/03: Raw- HBK draws HHH double pinfall
01/25/04: Royal Rumble- HBK draws HHH as neither man answers 10 count
06/13/04: Bad Blood- HHH pins HBK
10/19/04: Taboo Tuesday- HHH pins HBK
12/19/05 (taped 12/09/05): Holiday With The Troops- HBK pins HHH
03/27/06: Raw- HBK by DQ over HHH


That appears to be it.

So, we have 4 pinfall wins for HBK over HHH, 2 pinfall wins for HHH over HBK and one more pinfall that was a farce, a HHH win in a gimmick match, 2 draws, and a DQ win for HBK. So HBK is up by a DQ win.

Bobby asks if Flair was punished for bleeding.

I have a question about Ric Flair blading at Wrestlemania 8. According to rumor, Vince McMahon expressly forbade anyone from blading but Flair took it upon himself to do it anyway without getting permission first. I noticed that Ric Flair didn’t have a match Summerslam ’92, the next PPV, despite being healthy and available. Was this punishment for blading at Wrestlemania or was there some other reason?

No, it was not punishment. Punishment is “you aren’t booked”, not “you’re front and center in a major angle that will set up the next PPV’s main event”. If Flair was to get punished beyond the money he and Savage had to pay for WM, he would have not been on the show at all.

His lack of match was because he was strictly angle at the time, the point of the match was to either turn Warrior heel or to set up Warrior/Savage V Flair/Perfect/Razor, depending on which story you believe. Either way, Flair and Perfect being at ringside was not punishment, but just storytelling. Besides, if he was to be punished, would he have gotten the belt so soon afterwards?

It may be a work in progress, but there is no better way for you to spend the next 24 minutes than by watching this video.

And you’ve probably already seen this, but hey, double dip.

Anthony asks about yet more plan changing (maybe I should have thought about this prior to going ahead with it…)

1. Why did Kurt Angle beat Triple H at No Way Out 2002 for HHH’s Wrestlemania spot and then lose it right back the next night? Was there a plan for a triple threat?

God no. The reason for Angle to win the slot then lose it back again was to establish that the real feud, the thing that you were supposed to care about, was Steph V Hunter. Angle was just some stiff she used, and then when he failed her, she turned to another stiff in Chris Jericho. And that since with her, Angle could beat HHH, and without her, he couldn’t, that A) Angle couldn’t beat HHH, B) Steph could beat HHH and thus, when she aligned with Jericho, he might have a shot at beating HHH at Wrestlemania and C) HHH is ALL MANLY MAN and is awesome and that you love him.

2. If not then why did Kurt get the short end of the stick that Mania? From potentially main eventing to a match with Kane is a pretty big drop off.

But to be fair, he never actually WAS going to main event X7. Although he was one of Vince’s pet projects, and was doing pretty damn awesome as Champion, the odds of him making it to WM as champion were slim to none.

Angle was at that point over and able to work well with anyone. So, naturally, since he wasn’t one of the super top stars, he got a random undercard match to do his thing and provide a great match. And he did, even if the finish was wrong.

That would have been a bigger WM moment then the botched roll up.

Ronald asks about Wrestlemania 23’s main event.

I always wondered if john cena vrs hbk at wrestlemania 23 was really meant to be… what was the original plan to main event the show w/ john cena? It just seemed weird because triple H and hbk were tag teaming as DX and it looked like they were headed in a fued with edge and orton for wrestlemania. Then trip’s blew his other quad and HBK got hot shotted in the main event, even more confusing, leaving orton and edge with nothing. what would of happend if triple h didnt get injured?

If Hunter didn’t blow his quad, then we would have gotten HHH/Cena II. Everyone involved has said this, Hunter was meant to face Cena again. And presumably, the idea would have been that Hunter would beat Cena and then the two would have one last match at the next WM as the final ultimate blow off to their trilogy.

As for HBK, the plan was for him to face off with Booker T… Sorry, KING BOOK-HAH! one on one. Rated RKO was either going to be in MITB (which happened) or were to be up against The Hardys.

Kevin asks about another couple of matches that might have been at a WM. It’s a theme week!

Was there a match planned for wrestle mania 20 between Matt hardy and mark Henry? Because both of them were on losing streaks at the time

I’ve read it online in one or two places, namely that Hardy was indeed on a losing streak gimmick after jumping to Raw, and that it was scheduled to end at Wrestlemania when he turned face and beat Human Person With A Y Chromosome Who, When Compared To The Rest Of The Population That Currently Existed At The Time, Was, Depending On The Testing Apparatus And/Or Frame Of Reference Would Be Considered To Possess The Highest Level Of Ability To Exert Force On Physical Objects Via Energy Produced By Their Muscular Fibers, Mark Henry.

But most of what is said is just repeating the same source. So while it’s possible, it hasn’t been confirmed by anyone involved. Wait till Matt Hardy does a YouShoot and ask him.

Was there any truth to the rumors around 2005 that rock was pushing for wwe to sign sting for a match at wrestlemania 21?

411mania reported it, it must be true.

But yes, there was talk at the time. This was when Rock and WWE were working on his contract, the one that expired at the end of 2004. Basically Rock was, at the time, saying that if he was to stick around, he should have a ‘special’ match. And Sting is the dream one.

After all, WWE, Vince, has wanted Sting for so long. The one guy he never got, the sole hold out. I can certainly see why he’d want Sting to have even just one match, to get that WWE stamp. But it’s just not in the cards, not every time they’ve tried…

But yeah, he was pushing for the match. But WWE didn’t budge, the contract lasped, and Rock got a little upset that they didn’t call, and that lead to the fallout which was eventually patched up. Obviously, given the main event of WM this year.

My Damn Opinion

Kevin continues, asking about an infamous match.

Just out of curiosity….What was the original Goldberg v. Lesnar plan? Did they knew one or both or none were leaving at the time? And for the sake of just having fun what do you think they would they have done with Goldberg had he stayed? Seems to me he had one big problem….HHH. That can kill anything at anytime for anybody.


Goldberg they knew was on his way out. He was unhappy with his treatment and position (and you can understand why), and so he wasn’t going to be sticking around. So in booking the match, the intent was always to have Brock F5 him into oblivion and send him on his way to continue making Brock the unbeatable pain bringer. But when Brock upped and quit a few days prior to Wrestlemania, they changed the booking since Goldberg was giving them less of an FU than Brock. Goldberg was merely choosing not to re-sign a lapsing contract after they didn’t push him to a way he liked, which was somewhat poorly. Brock was quitting after getting the moon because… Well they couldn’t quite work that out, but he was walking out so, in their mind, fuck Brock. Goldberg was seen as the safer bet.

If he had stuck around, he’d continue being a solid face that wasn’t as over as he was in WCW nor as over as he should have been, given that they tried to book him ‘correctly’ and we all see how that worked.

But they could easily have switched Goldberg to Smackdown, away from HHH, and had him team with Eddie against JBL and his lackeys. Hell, had Goldberg been around, he probably should have got the WWE title, not JBL. That would have been interesting.

Steve has two questions about this upcoming Wrestlemania.

Hey Matthew, great job as always.

1) With Wrestlemania on the horizon now, this has been bugging me: I know that Cena needs to win. I understand the reasons why and I understand the importance of someone like the Rock putting him over. BUT, this is in Miami, in a huge stadium. Do they actually think that it’s going to be a split crowd? If it were anywhere else, I could see, but this is the Rock’s hometown. What are they going to do if it’s a Money in the Bank 2011 situation all over again, just on a much much larger scale? Can they really have Cena pin him clean in the face of 50,000 (or however many) pro-Rock fans? Is the only way to pull this off a heal turn? I just feel like if Cena wins clean, they shake hands, and the Rock lets Cena have the moment, it won’t end how they want it to.

Yeah, WWE has pushed this “Team Rock V Team Cena” thing so much that they seem to be buying it themselves, to paraphrase a quote. It is possible that they truly believe it’ll be a mixed reaction. But I would think that they are going in knowing that Cena’s going to get booed out of the building.

That said, Cena does have a history of rising to the occasion. MITB and One Night Stand showed that Cena can, if the circumstances are right, work as the ‘heel’ without turning. I think you are going to see that if he doesn’t get any cheers. Cena’s not going to turn (regardless of what many are saying/wishing for), but he’ll work in the heel role for the match. I also don’t think you will get the handshake moment at WM. I think if they try for the “I respect you, Cena” thing at WM, it’ll fall flat. Unless they panic and have Miz end up involved in the finish directly (i.e. somehow he eats the pinfall) Rock will lose and then walk away as Cena stares at him, triumphant, in the ring.

Then next night on Raw, while it’ll be in Miami, it’ll be smaller, and they can have a better shot of having Rock pass the torch and it not falling as flat. You can have them talk for 20 minutes and then have Rock shake his hand. It’s a safer option, rather than risking having the torch passed to the raw hatred of an entire arena.

2) Why do I have a sneaky feeling that they are going to have Sheamus squash D Bryan with a brogue kick off that bat?


Because you know that Sheamus has got a friend in HHH and you assume that Bryan will get jobbed out quick smart. I don’t think you’re right, although it wouldn’t surprise me if the match begins in such a way, but it’ll be longer than 5 seconds. 10 minutes or so for Sheamus to systematically show Bryan’s ineffectual and weak and then pin him with one pinky finger and then leave with AJ.

Travis asks for my fantasy booking.

So with Wrestlemania coming up and how the year started off, how would you have booked Wrestlemania at the end of last week? Obviously with spoilers we have more matches announced for the end of the week but still, with out that how would you have done it?

So, with counting back, Travis means at the 10th/11th of March, which at the time was

The Rock vs. John Cena.
Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker vs. Triple H (w/Shawn Michaels as special referee)
WWE Title match: C.M. Punk vs. Chris Jericho.
World Heavyweight Title match: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus.
Intercontinental Title match: Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show.

Now then, would I change any of those matches? No, they are all built up (apart from Cody/Show you could argue), but the rest of the card is free to play with.

So then, what would I book?

First off, Kane/Ryder. I know Ryder’s not liked in the back for daring to get over on his own, but I think the dude deserves a shot at the guy who, you know, injured him. Have Kane challenge Orton and then have him refuse, saying someone else already has him. Ryder then attacks Kane from behind. Make it no holds barred, and you have a nice brawling match to go between Bryan/Sheamus and Cody/Show. Hell, even have Kane beat Ryder if you must, hook up Eve and Kane maybe to pay it off.

But then that leaves Orton. What to do with him. I know they’ve gone back and forth on it, but I’d put one more gimmick match on the card (yes it’s overloaded, but then it’s WM after all. Plus I think WWE kinda needs to hit this one out of the park), but bring back Money In The Bank. You can replace the PPV later if you must (or not, I mean, the PPV ones are limited, make this Super Money In The Bank… Money In The Bank 64? MITB HD Remastered?), but instead of the unwieldy GM match, do MITB instead. Orton, Miz (he can work double duty in the main if you must), Dolph, Kofi, Del Rio, Clay, Christian, Hunico and R-Truth, say. Give Dolph the briefcase. Or hell, give it to Clay to keep until Wade gets back if you insist on him holding it, have Wade get it off Clay.

Have a quick Divas match, lumberjill, Beth defending against… doesn’t mater really. AJ maybe, so Bryan can call her selfish for not focusing on his match or something. Just to calm the fans down before the main, and to establish Beth is Super Mega Top so when Kharma does come back she can squash her.

And if you must do the GM thing, make it simple. Long/Santino V Ace/Otunga. Total comedy, no more than 10 mins.

Round out with a dark match over the top battle royal for the tag titles, and that’s a WM. Not that what they have is horrible, that’s just my booking. I’m sure others below will have ideas.

Christian wants to end on the Streak.

Love the column, easily my favourite read of the week.

I have a quick question regarding Undertakers streak. I have read time and time again lately that taker will be going 20-0 this year as if its a foregone conclusion. I think that’s the problem. For a while now the matches have been predictable. As good as the Michaels matches were he was never going to end the streak even with his career on the line and I don’t think anybody thought that HHH was going over last year.

With everybody expecting the inevitable is there any chance that WWE may swerve everyone and have someone end the streak? It would surely be the most amazing thing to happen if it did. Imagine how many people would want to watch the match that ended takers streak, I think it would be considerably more than if he were to just win again.

Clearly if he did lose the next question would be who. Right now I don’t see anybody who could do it really. So I say wait, taker is struggling anyway right now so let him recover properly and rebuild him for one last match at next years mania against… Cena.

Cena goes over the rock teasing a heel turn but again it never comes. For a whole year tease the turn even more until finally next year he ends the streak via healish shenanigans. What better way to turn Cena heel and get people talking about wrestling again.

Probably never gonna happen I know but surely I can’t be the only one beginning to tire of the predictability of the streak, even as historic as it is.


OK, first off, Cena turning heel isn’t going to get people talking about wrestling again. Cena is not Hogan. In some cases, this is a good thing (Cena is a much better wrestler than Hogan). But Hogan had immense cross over appeal. Everyone knew who Hogan was, on sight. John Cena appeared on SNL in a cameo a while back and the audience didn’t notice. John Cena is known by anyone who knows wrestling, or has a passing knowledge of it, or if they watch something about wrestling. But turning Cena heel doesn’t have the same “Wait, what?” appeal as Hogan, since Hogan turning heel was genuinely shocking. Cena turning heel has been demanded for years by the people who will react when it does happen by cheering their asses off for Heel Cena.

That said, ending the streak isn’t about unpredictability. In fact, if the streak is to end, it should be Taker’s last match, since if he loses the Streak he has nothing left to give. I don’t think Taker should have a match at 20-1, or whatever.

See, I fully support unpredictability in wrestling, but I think with certain things, you need some predictability. The winner of the Rumble should win the title at Wrestlemania. You shouldn’t swerve a months long angle just because some fans have called the answer. And the face should walk out of the WM main event as champion. There is a difference between being unpredictable and being stupid with the story.

But then, perhaps I am wrong. What do you guys feel? Should there be more unpredictability? Or less? Or is today the right amount? And, if you do feel Taker should lose at WM, who too? My answer is always the same (Beat HHH this year, beat Kane next year, lose to Cena at XXX). But what of you?

We’ll come back next week and discuss it over a nice glass of whatever you drink while reading this column. Until then, thank you for joining me on this impromptu theme week of changes at WM. It is bye from me for now, and happy trails all!


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Mathew Sforcina

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