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411 Fact or Fiction 10.26.06: RVD, Angle/Joe, K-Fed, More

October 26, 2006 | Posted by Ashish

Welcome to another week of fun here at 411 Fact or Fiction! This week, 411 rookie Jordan Linkous goes up against 411 veteran Tim O’Sullivan! Let’s get to it!

1. Putting the ECW Title on Rob Van Dam soon is the right move.

Jordan Linkous: FICTION. I think the ECW title should go to RVD, but not soon. Well, actually it depends on what you mean by soon. If at December to Dismember is considered soon, then it would be fact. But if you mean in the upcoming weeks, it would be fiction. The RVD/Show rivalry has only gone on for about two weeks, so I don’t think the title should change hands too quickly. This past Tuesday we saw RVD get his title shot, and I think they should make something out of the rivalry, and then turn the title over to Rob at the PPV. I mean, Big Show hasn’t done that bad as the Champion, anyway.

Tim O’Sullivan: FACT. I truly loathe the way ECW has been dealt with since its clumsy re-birth. Big Show being the number one guy is such bullshit. Put it on Taz for all I care……just don’t put it on an established WCW/WWE guy. Even if it doesn’t bump the buyrates, just stabilize some damn history and legitimacy into the product. RVD is probably ECW’s favorite son, and guess what, he is still kicking it today. Give him the damn title, and make some other solidified ECW stars fight him for the belt. They’ll probably put it on him, and then get Orton or Carlito challenging for it. I need a paracetemol.

Score: 0 for 1

2. Wrestling Society X will not make it past its first season.

Jordan Linkous: FICTION. I haven’t heard much about the Wrestling Society X, but I think they have enough credible superstars to make it past the first season. You have Waltman, PUMA, Vampiro, New Jack, and Justin Credible. There are also some lesser known superstars that really haven’t been given that much time to shine. Of course, this all depends on if they are booked right, and actually have a story line. You also need to consider the top guy seems to be Waltman, and we all know about his ability to miss shows. It will also bring in some music fans, because it was said that they will be having rock bands, like I think there was Black Label Society. There you have the show appealing to two groups, rockers and wrestling fans. Anyway, I have high hopes for this promotion and we all know MTV has enough money for it.

Tim O’Sullivan: FICTION. It looks like it’ll suck more than Jenna Jameson (damn, I use that gag waaaaaaay too much) and the generated revenue will hardly cause earthquakes, but they will probably fight until they are forced not to. I mean, c’mon, they have some really reliable guys on board. In opposite land, anyway. The words, “WALTMAN” and “NO SHOW” seem to go together like “PEANUT” and “BUTTER”. It should still last more than a season though.

Score: 1 for 2

3. WWE should turn John Cena heel.

Jordan Linkous: FICTION. This is a tough one. The main event scene on RAW is already floundering, so it doesn’t matter much to me if he is heel or face. I mean, he would get the same reaction as it is. The only new “main event” rivalry it would open up would be Shawn Micheals/Cena feud. However, there isn’t really a heel opponent for him either, since Dorkboy and Edge are feuding with DX. I guess once this Taboo Tuesday thing settles over, we can see the “long awaited” Cena Orton feud. Since this seems like the only possible option, I don’t think WWE will or should make Cena a heel anytime soon. He just needs to get back his “ruthless aggression.”

Tim O’Sullivan: FACT. All this tossing and turning between character’s personality traits used to get on my nut, and well, it still does……but maybe Cena does need a revamp. Hell, whilst DX is still alive you may as well give them some big match opposition. Edge has improved ten fold over the past eighteen months, but there is still something missing, and he is, and never was, going to become what HHH was at the turn of the millennium. That five star heel factor HHH had around 2000/2001, somehow eludes Edge, and seeing him get pinned 1-2-3 doesn’t make you happy. Not really. C’mon. Cena, on the other hand, has an annoying way about him at times, and if they turn him, generate some good storylines, and keep the belt on him until Mania……the buzz around a much hyped “good guy” facing him could lead to quite the payoff. It won’t happen though.

Score: 1 for 3


4. Monty Brown should sign with WWE rather than returning to TNA.

Tim O’Sullivan: FICTION. The WWE would slap a mediocre gimmick on him, or ship him to ECW, and he would make zero commercial impact. Of course, there is the possibility of him producing the goods in the ring, which would subsequently lead to extended plaudits from the internet faithful, but in terms of how they would use him……I can’t see the WWE portraying him adequately.

Jordan Linkous: FACT. I think Monty would be the good midcarder in the WWE. He is big, a football player, and is fairly decent on the mic. He’s been floundering for a while in TNA, and I think WWE might be something to rejuvenate him. TNA missed their chance with him at Bound for Glory last year. The fans were hot for him, but they gave the belt to Rhino. I think he can have a decent run in WWE, as long as they don’t saddle him with a ridiculous gimmick like MVP.

Score: 1 for 4

5. The November TNA PPV is way too soon to deliver the Kurt Angle/Samoa Joe match.

Tim O’Sullivan: FACT. Of course it is, but you could ask me that about any rumored/potential big time match-up and I would shoot it down. The term, “dream match” is waaaaaaaay overused, and there isn’t really any left out there that could plausibly happen. This certainly doesn’t fit into the mould of the cliché, but I guess it could be a decent contest. The problem is that Angle’s cache has been seriously dented by a poor final year with the WWE, and a seemingly crazy controversy over how stupid it may be for him to ever step foot in a pro wrestling ring again. It was actually Angle’s eventual match with Lesnar that is the best example of biding time for a significant payoff, and even then the feud came around sooner than it perhaps could have done. Everything else in recent memory has been rushed and severely lacking in a genuine, believable build. Obviously, the aura of the Rock/Hogan clash of X8 and quality of Michaels/Angle at XXI were standout moments, but even they felt decided two weeks before the Rumble, because Vince needed something special for the biggest show of the year. Okay, so I’m digressing, and with the current state and rapid fire pace of storyline turnovers I am being unrealistic to say the least, but if people genuinely want to see this match, TNA should build it PROPERLY for six-eight months and get some buzz around the company. It won’t happen though, and I’ll continue flicking.

Jordan Linkous: FACT. FACT FACT FACT. TNA has their biggest superstar to date, and they need to build up anticipation. If they can keep the interaction between these two very limited, similar to the Sabu/Taz rivalry that ECW had, the payout would be awesome. We’ve seen Angle in dream matches before, but the build hasn’t been all that long. However, I don’t think it should be too long, or the fans will get bored with it, similar to the DX return. About half year, maybe a little more, seems like a good long (but not too long) wait.

Score: 2 for 5

6. Kevin Federline has played his role on RAW the last two weeks near perfect.

Tim O’Sullivan: FACT. He was meant to be a cock, right? Well, as much as I nothing him and everything he stands for, the WWE brought him in to play the annoying little shit that annoys the champ with the crap film (in all good and bad theatres right about now)…………and what can I say, he portrayed annoying to perfection. In fairness to him, this question has kind of made me realize that he did okay. God help me if they ever try and turn him into a fan favorite though. Damn, that would be a train wreck waiting to happen.

Jordan Linkous: FACT. For some reason, I always work when raw is on. I need to start calling in sick days. But from what I have heard, K-Fed has been good at what he is doing so far. He gets reactions, which is good, and he also gets cheers for Cena. I think he is probably pretty annoying in real life (but I shouldn’t judge what I don’t know), so this part shouldn’t be too hard for him. It has also gotten the WWE some publicity, which is all good for Vince. But back to Kevin, he has played the role of cocky smart ass pretty well, but just don’t keep him on TV too long. K-Fed for President 2008!

Score: 3 for 6

These two finish 3 for 6! Join us next week for more Fact or Fiction!


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