wrestling / Columns

WRestling’s 3R’s 1.05.07: Retro WWE New Years Revolution, The Importance of Words, RVD Battles Lashley, James Mitchell Owns Your Soul and More!

January 5, 2007 | Posted by Larry Csonka

The 3R’s of wRestling!


Welcome back kids for another edition of Wrestling’s 3R’s! As always I am Larry Csonka, along with me is my tag team partner “The Whole Geoffin Show” Geoff Eubanks. This is the first 3R’s of 2007 and we have a hell of an edition for you. I dissect Raw, Impact and ECW as well as bring you the RetRo R’s of WWE’s New Year’s Revolution 2006! On top of that, Geoff brings you a special look at the Smackdown brand and wrestling as a whole since there was a best of special last week. There is so much happening that I have suspended Reader Rant time for the week simply because there was no room! Let’s get to work kids!

How the 3R’s of wRestling Work!

Here is a quick explanation of the 3 R’s. I will take the 4 main shows (5 if I go RetRo) of the week: TNA Impact, WWE Raw, ECW on Sci-Fi and WWE Smackdown. If we have a PPV, that show will get a special PPV edition of the R’s all to its own. I then group my feelings on the shows in 3 categories: The Right, the wRong and the Ridiculous. The Right is stuff that worked very well: a great promo, a great match and so on. PuRgatoRy is a section between the right and wrong. It shows equal traits from both sides that cannot be ignored and need discussed. It is not a bad place per say, as things can get remedied or go the wrong way the very next week. The wRong is what it sounds like: bad matches, bad or boring promos and so on. The Ridiculous is stuff that had no right on TV: Stupid angles, Diva searches and so on. And there is always a possibility of a 5th R, which is as bad as they come, unless you are TNA. They have a special R all of their own, the 6th R; the Russo-FN-Riffic~!

This column is supposed to be analytical, and at the right time very critical of the shows, it was the whole reason it was created. This is not a “mark” column, nor a “smark” column, I cannot speak for Geoff, but my goal is to analyze the show from many different fronts, reward the good and call out the bad. There are also occasions where I will bring out a 4th, 5th or even a 6th R to the column, so beware of those~! I will not apologize for my opinions, they are as they are, whether very positive or negative.

iMpact!: size=36>

iMpact 12.28.06:

The Right:

The importance of words – There are times when we cringe at promos, or times that they are fine but we just don’t care about them at all. But then there are times that they really add to the shows and angles and we love them. At the Turning Point show there were some damn good promos on the show, so we shall discuss those here.

Jim Mitchell owns your soul: Jim Mitchell, to me, is just amazing in his character. He is demonic, serious and never wavers from his path. Last week he accused Abyss of not having his head in the game and being influenced by Sting. He even went as far as to not let Abyss hold the NWA title. Little things kids. He then added to the current story by saying Cage and Tomko know the result of Abyss’ evil deed, he knew the cause and would let it out if Abyss didn’t get back into the game. Great stuff.

Joe continues to help his stock rise: Joe had two good segments this week. First of all he explained that no matter how much damage Angle did to his ankle he would never give him the rematch because it was over and he was looking for the NWA Title. Later on after it was announced he won Mr. TNA, Angle drug out his escort and threatened to break her ankle if Joe didn’t accept the challenge. Joe showed great emotion here as he begged for Angle not to do it and eventually gave in to save the chick. Angle them admitted that it wasn’t personal, but then agreed it was and “snapped” her ankle. Good stuff here as Joe continues to show all his attributes to the audience.

Christian rules: Christian continues to roll in the heel persona. He promos are good, intense and most importantly, he comes off as feeling totally justified in his actions, the trademark of a good heel. He has been money every time he gets on the mic and last week was no different.


Storm/Petey, Daniels/Sabin, Lynn – This was a fine little opening match. The four guys all work well period and work well together, so all was good. They had a solid little sprint, but in the end the match was a little over 3-minutes and with all of the stuff happening afterwards it was just so much to digest. In a lot of ways I liked the tag team deal to further the 2-angles at once, but as they were doing that I feel it lost the angles in its execution. Storm cheats to win as Lynn has Sabin and Daniels distracted and then after the match is over they start to brawl as the commentators frantically try to explain what is all happening. The average viewer will have forgotten this by the time the commercial is over. Not horrible, an A for effort, but a D for execution so we’ll put it here for now.

Gringo Clause is an alki? – Ray and Devon came out on Impact and declared that all of the other teams were dead or too busy playing with themselves, and since that was the case and they were still standing, they were gunning for LAX. Runt them came down to the ring and was apparently drunk. This was confirmed when he pulled out a bottle and started to drink and then spit the drink in Ray’s face. Ray got pissed and wanted to kill Runt. Devon was reluctant but Ray got a table and it seemed to be on. LAX then hit the ring and we had a brawl through a commercial. Runt joined with 3D and they beat down LAX, including a powerbomb with Runt through a table with Homicide on it and some nasty chair shots to Hernandez. In the end I get what they are doing, since it is something they have done in the past. Ray and Devon have no problem beating down Runt, but when someone else tries to do it they get insulted, since it is all about family. Also the good thing is that this is the ignition of the Team 3D vs. LAX feud. LAX is hot right now and if this will be the time that Team 3D gets to feud and win the titles, the title change should blow the roof off of the place. In that aspect they are doing well but how they got there was, well, odd.

The wRong:

Nothing of Note

The Ridiculous:

TNA: We are Wrestling, on PPV; but if you are looking for Wrestling on our TV show you’re fucked! – TNA, We Are Wrestling. That is the new company motto and if they were talking about their PPV’s they would be dead on. But when you look at the last 6-weeks or so of TV shows, that motto is the farthest from the truth. Don’t believe me? Let’s break down the show.

Match #1. 3:30 The only match in the first 30-minutes of programming.
Match #2. 1:50
Match #3. 3:50 Sting vs. Cage vs. Abyss ©

That is just over 9-minutes of wrestling in a 40+ Minute show (after commercials.) Which means that 30-minutes of the show were dedicated to interviews (s0me of them very good) and angles. That is all fine if they were all good and building to something, some are, but you know, some wrestling on the wrestling show would be a good thing from time to time. They have done a good job of staying away from the 4 and 5-match shows, and in all reality the 3-match format should work rather well of you do it right. Two short matches and one longer, important match to drive angles and such. But they aren’t doing that, they are just throwing matches out there, some for free that they shouldn’t be, and are losing the focus of wrestling, which is on the marquee the last time I checked. DO us a favor TNA, don’t bill yourself as “We Are Wrestling” if you don’t intend to deliver weekly.


Sting vs. Cage vs. Abyss and a POLE~! – All right, here is the problem I have with this. The NWA Title match at the last PPV included these three men. Abyss retains and now they play the game over Abyss’ soul and past, which is great stuff, and they are building towards another match with these three men. So what do they do in this case? Put them in a match, together, on FREE TV! RUSSONOMICS at work! Now here is the question, why would people pay to see a rematch of a three way, when they just got the rematch on FREE TV? They wouldn’t. Now to all of you that are going to email and bitch that I am judging Russo too harshly, FUCK OFF! TNA did a great buy rate for the first Joe vs. Angle match, and then it dropped, almost in half if projections hold. You need to do what you can to make people care, get intrigued and want to PAY to see your next PPV and you give away one of the main event 2-weeks before it! It is idiotic and piss poor booking, or classic Russo. If you can’t see that, then I can’t help you. And then there is the match, something on a pole, RUSSO~! They have this match, which is one of those matches where you win by hitting someone. Yeah, that’s it, get the gimmick from the pole and hit someone with it. Match over. While in essence it “protects” the guys from taking a pin, it is just stupid. Add into this the fact that they only got 4-minutes and it was rather pedestrian in execution and it falls perfectly into the RUSSO-FN-RIFFIC category. Yeah, this was a great way to sell PPV’s guys.

SmackDown!: size=36>
By: “The Whole Geoffin Show” Geoff Eubanks

SmackDown! (sorda)

Hello, friends, and welcome to the first edition of The 3 R’s of 2007! I hope all enjoyed a tremendous New Year’s Eve and that all have recovered from your hangovers! Just read JT’s massive two-part edition of the 411 year-end awards and all I have to say is if Steve Cook is 411’s resident alcoholic, I shudder to consider what that makes me…! I recall fondly back when Cook hadn’t had anything stronger than Ovaltine pass through his liver. God bless him, he was TWTF’s honorary Mormon. Then The Penguin visited him and next thing we knew, Cook’s drinking beer with a straw out of ice trays like a true frat boy. Ah, the sweet passage of time…

Before we rev up for this week’s rant, I quickly want to address an e-mail I received regarding my cynical prognostication concerning the WWE future of Vladimir Kozlov from a reader named Johnny Sorrow:

“So you’re killing the Kozlov thing after a two-minute interview in the crowd. You super-smarks are so predictable.”

Hear that, peeps? I’m not just a smark, I’m a SUPERsmark! I smell a new CAW brewing for “SD! vs. Raw 2007″…! Seriously, though, I’m pleased Mr. Sorrow brought this up. This is a perfect lead-in to what needs to be discussed this week. Let’s press ahead.

As SmackDown! was a year-end recap show on Friday, I have nothing new to R-ify this week, thus Larrold has given me carte blanche to blabber on about whatever gives me a tingle, and how fortuitous an opportunity, as I managed to piss some folks off last week, a symptom of a larger issue warranting discussion.

It seems to me that in today’s professional wrestling climate, fans are becoming increasingly polarized, in that, there are those who remain adamantly loyal to Vince McMahon and vociferously defend the programming WWE offers on each of the three brands under its umbrella and others who are of a more critical nature and demand a little more, who search for professional wrestling alternatives such as TNA and ROH, decrying the WWE product as they do so.

My on-line slap fight with my buddy Mike Lafave, Vince’s #1 cheerleader and MVP mark, has been well documented here. That’s been fun, because Lafave is a good sport when I take the piss as I make him a scapegoat for my own rapidly declining interest in anything WWE aside from SmackDown! (I’ve completely abandoned WWECW and will watch Raw only if I’ve nothing better to do or my Netflix delivery is stalling). However, I’m finding, as I’ll share momentarily, that there are others who find themselves on Lafave’s side of the fence…he’s not just the lone voice of loopiness…hahaha. Here’s an e-mail I received from an old buddy of mine, eRIK:

“we all got opinions and all but gees man, u just make it like if its not going ur way the entire show is not perfect

u sure as hell know that i’ve been a Taker fan all my life watching wrestling and all I can say is that maybe this is his going away present. u can say all the shit u want but there wont be a great guy like him once he finally retires. I appreciate what he’s done. he is pretty much one of the very few loyal guys that’s stuck around the E and I would figure Vince is up to giving him this push. give him his fucking glory for once. cuz of all the people who have come and gone, who Vince put time and effort in…oh btw, Angle I feel for him the way I feel for Brock, a FUCKING QUITER….and to leave him high and dry, while he is still there. that’s just great for me as a fan.

I’m pretty much what u call a E Loyalist. through thick and thin, NO MATTER WHAT…..I will remain a WWE fan. I can care less if sumtin is right or sumtin is wrong. I watch this because it ENTERTAINS ME……even the friends who USED to watch it, the bandwagon fans, still come over to watch PPV’s. yeah these are the SAME people who think the boogeyman is FUCKING HILARIOUS…..but I guess they are nothing but simply names that u call boogeyman fans that I cant remember at this point but its still pretty bad. I still DONT watch TNA but the last few times I read comments on a TNA show, it seems I really am NOT MISSING OUT.

It’s just a reason why I don’t visit this site as much as I used to. being an insider fan and READING people’s opinions thinking why this is so right and something IS SO FUCKING WRONG…its just getting ridiculous. all I read is news on whets going on and THATS IT.

yeah I know its ur opinion and all but now I rather not read it.”

Okay, before I begin to respond, I truly and honestly want to know what YOU, the person who kindly clicked on this column and reads Larry’s and my opinions/analyses, whether every week, only periodically or if you’re popping your 3 R’s cherry with this installment. Are you pleased with WWE’s product overall? Do you share eRIK’s loyalty and find yourself entertained week in and week out? Do you view TNA as a viable alternative to the WWE umbrella? I honestly want to know what our readership feels about this subject.

And so to respond. First of all, yes, I can’t deny that I’ve been rather negative over the last several months. So has Larry, which makes me feel justified in feeling down on the current product overall. The thing that struck me most about The Boss when we first met on-line years ago was his unquenchable passion for the business and, especially, the boys who bust their asses to entertain us. Believe me, Larry’s passion is second-to-none and if he’s frustrated, then something’s up.

Certainly, of course, not to call into question the passion of those sharing the mindset of eRIK and Lafave. We’re all passionate about the business, it’s the reason we’re all here in the first place. It simply appears that different camps approach the product with different mindsets. I actually kind of envy those who can sit in front of a Boogeyman segment and be entertained; I, however, cannot be entertained when matters of basic principle are in question. Quite frankly, I do think there is a place for the Boogeyman character, but not the manner in which it’s been used heretofore, i.e., burying much more promising talent than the character itself in three minute squashes.

What I find truly insulting is when my own loyalty to the WWE product is called into question, or I am referred to as a “fair-weather” fan, especially when these comments come from critics who weren’t even sperm when I started watching the WWF in 1983 (It strikes me that many of these “WWE loyalists” are younger then people Larry’s and my age, thus they don’t have the scope he and I have…just a thought). I sat through Hulk Hogan’s shallow, one-dimensional act for YEARS to see the Jake Roberts, the Greg Valentines and the Curt Hennigs of the day who really made the Fed for me back in the day. But as I now divorce myself from the bulk of WWE-TV, I look at everyone else who has left the company VOLUNTARILY in the last couple years, Christian, Chris Jericho, Trish Stratus, THE DUDLEY BOYS, Kurt Angle, and I think that I’m in pretty good company. Really, is there anyone who thinks that if all was well at Titan Towers that this bulk of top-level talent would be bailing out?

The WWF/E product, indeed, as is the case with virtually anything in life, has always been about taking the good with the bad, and I think here is the crux of the argument, that being, what exactly is good, what is bad and, most importantly, WHY. It’s my contention that this new wave of “WWE loyalists” see things differently, i.e., viewing the product in terms not what is Right or wRong, but of what is more or less entertaining and, I daresay, don’t make it to the “why” part, or at least, are content to allow “because I like it” suffice, leaving the where fore’s and the why’s out of the picture.

That’s where Larry and I and other such analysts come into play. Yes, I have opinions. The point is, The R’s is an opinion piece. By virtue of the very name, the philosophy is that we analyze what is Right, wRong and Ridiculous about the week in wrestling (with the honorary secondary R’s thrown in for utility). If opinions ruffle your feathers, this is not the column for you (and, eRIK, God love ya, brother, but as long as I’ve known you, you seem to view opposing viewpoints as an affront to your own, and to a mind-blowing extent where Taker’s concerned). I’m not going to blow sunshine up anyone’s ass, there are some columnists here on 411 who absolutely piss me off, but I’ve identified them to myself, and simply don’t read them. That’s not to suggest they aren’t solid writers, quite to the contrary, everyone here on 411 is exceptional, we just look at things differently and, as many of our readers have myriad varying viewpoints, we offer a little something for everyone. I will give some love to The Hidden Highlights, because JT & JP have managed to create a column that focuses on the positive aspects of the business without sacrificing an intelligent point of view, so props to the lads for that!

Please allow me to be frank, I don’t approach each program filing my nails into claws and salivating at all the ways I can tear apart the show, absolutely to the contrary. The WWF/E has been one of the few absolute constants in my life, along with my family, my libido and my devotion to booze (wink). In an ideal world, in fact, this column wouldn’t even exist, because there would be no need to bring a wRong or a Ridiculous into the equation at all! Seeing what’s going on in today’s product actually hurts me and I think perhaps I am reacting to that by lashing out. Good thing I’ll never have kids…

However, as both a 23-year fan and an analyst, I simply have to question what I see, point being, where eRIK’s e-mail is concerned, the program involving Kennedy and The Undertaker. Another exceptional column here on 411, High Road-Low Road, had a LOT to say about this subject. Incidentally, unless I am mistaken, the voting on whether to take the high or low road on the subject was swung staunchly in the opinion that Kennedy got screwed like a bitch in heat at the dog park, so I know I’m not the only one questioning the outcome.

Looking at the past six years, one would have to be blind or indifferent not to see what’s happening in WWE. I forget where exactly I saw the reader comment, but here on 411 shortly after King Bookah won the World Title, an astute reader suggested that, with such victory, all of the longtime IWC darlings with a shot of ever holding a world title had managed to achieve that pinnacle (Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, and, to go really old school before Litagate, Edge). And that’s true!

Of course, the popular argument I hear from Vince’s faithful is that these athletes all managed to accomplish a world title reign as a result of the added opportunity afforded by the brand split. I’ll put it to you that Vince is simply back to his old drawing board of throwing a ton of shit against the wall when he has no idea which end is up and hoping some of it sticks. Problem is, when none of them manage to catch fire like Steve Austin: The Second Coming, they have the rug yanked out from underneath their run and Vince defers Right back to the Mark Henry’s, the Umaga’s and the Big Show’s or else falls back on the big names of yesteryear (Taker, HHH) who can still go…perhaps not as well as they used to, but still get over based upon their name appeal and solid ability.

The fact is, Taker is the last huge name Vince employs, period. Sure, HHH has had some crossover appeal (gotta wonder how those strings got pulled), but I don’t think I need to argue that he’s seen better days and has never made “household name” status. And, yeah, I’ll say it, neither have Rob Van Dam, Chris Benoit, or Shawn Michaels, my three favorite performers of all time. Each brand has its featured talent, but Taker is the last of his kind. The Rock is in Hollywood, Austin *may* have one more match in him, Hogan is a leathery walking corpse, Randy Savage flipped out and has exiled himself, Roddy Piper and Bret Hart are lucky to be alive at this point. There hasn’t been a single phenomenon, marquee-level, breakout star created by WWE since the Attitude era. Brock Lesnar was on his way, but, as eRIK mentioned, he gave up the business entirely.

(I disqualify Kurt Angle from this discussion because 1. Vince didn’t create him, he was already known in the sports and entertainment worlds due to his winning the gold medal at the Olympics with a broken freakin neck; and 2. Vince drove Angle to the alternative company…I’m not dignifying eRIK’s claim that Angle’s a quitter with a response.)

Which brings us back to d’oh, that being Taker versus Kennedy. Somebody has to start putting someone over and soon, otherwise anyone not on the level of a Viscera or a Vito will eventually all be wallowing in a pool of upper-mid-card mediocrity, with no one establishing any real dominance over anyone else, only managing to rise above to suit whatever story McMahonagement happens to have on tap at the moment, which will likely involve more pathetic attempts at getting a scrap of mainstream attention, even though anytime WWE manages such a thing, the announcer/anchor reading the story off the prompter has a tone of indigence in their voice and a snide, condescending gleam in their eye because they think it’s all a big joke.

To go back to eRik’s e-mail, he suggests that perhaps Taker went over Kennedy because Vince is finally giving The Dead Man a reward for his loyalty all these years. That may well be; however, how do you explain Khali? Honestly, a guy who can’t speak English, can hardly move and is so bad in the ring that 1. he had to be placed on the show with the tape-delay so his matches could be post-edited; 2. he KILLED someone in the developmental league. A dead-end such as Khali was given a HELL of a lot more than was Kennedy, and now he’s the world’s largest valet for a CruiserWeight on WWE’s bastard brand. Granted, Taker got his heat back and won that feud…he HAD to! You want to know how damage a legend like Taker? Allow a foot-on-the-chest pin on Taker to stand unanswered by an abortion like Khali. Kennedy didn’t need to go to those lengths to make his name against Taker, but, likewise, Taker didn’t need to be given as many opportunities as he was afforded to make certain Kennedy “knew his role”, and Kennedy certainly didn’t need to run away like a child with poo in his pants as often as he did.

And what was this about Taker “finally” getting some glory? Are you kidding me? Who’s 15-0 at WrestleMania? It ain’t even HHH…Taker saw to that at WMX-17 (in the sleeper match and one of my favorite stories of that year!). This is something else that irritates me about the “positive kids”; they’re so quick to jump to Vince’s defense they ignore the fact that, quite frankly, they don’t stop to think that they don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s a standard in the “time-honored tradition of the business” that the guy on his way out goes out on his back. He doesn’t get a little goodbye kiss from the promoter in thanks for all his years of dedicated service.

And on that subject, I question praising Taker too much over his loyalty to Vince during the Monday Night Wars. Taker going to WCW would have been absolutely idiotic on his part for virtually everyone involved. He’d not have been allowed to carry on with Vince-owned The Undertaker gimmick in WCW, a character that means more to him than the millions he’d have made working for Turner. Vince would have lost The Taker character once Mark Calloway left, as we all saw what happened when Fakes Razor & Diesel were introduced on WWF-TV in an asinine attempt to replace Scott Hall & Kevin Nash after they bailed to WCW. And Eric Bischoff has since admitted that he’d have not known what to do with Calloway should he have jumped. It would have been another Bret Hart situation all over again, in that it wasn’t the having for the company, but rather the taking from Vince that counted to Uncle Eric. However, and I want to underscore this in Taker’s regard, I commend him for having had the intelligence and business savvy to recognize that he’d be much better served in the long-term to stay put in the WWF.

To bring this all around, I want to make clear that, I too, admire and respect The Undertaker, and whole-heartedly echo eRIK’s sentiment that there will never be another like him. Bottom line, Taker’s the best big man ever in the business, nothing will ever bring that into dispute. And, who knows, perhaps there are big things in store for Kennedy after all; Austin certainly had a couple run-ins with Taker before he ever got his hands on a world title, so there could very well still be hope for the man hailing from Green Bay, Wisconsin!

And as far as Johnny Sorrow’s e-mail goes, no, I did not write the guy off in so many words. What I meant to get across, at least, was, historically speaking, foreign performers don’t fair too well in the WWF/E, Samoans, of course, excepted. They nearly invariably get locked into a gimmick that focuses on their nationality and they eventually turn on the fans for not thinking their home country is superior to America, and then someone like The Patriot (who was about on par with Khali by the time he made to the WWF) or Jim Duggan to wave an American flag and get the big win, generally around the 4th of July. As always when I think I smell trash on the wind, I’m hoping I’m wRong, but history has set a different precedent and seeing as how Vince appears to be trying to take the company back to 1993, I’m wincing like a retard under a plastic tarp at a Gallagher concert. I was wRong about Jimmy Wang Yang…now if we could just get him back on TV and involved in a meaningful program against someone decent…Also, preliminary response regarding Koslov’s string of matches with Val Venis on the house show circuit have been extremely favorable, so that, at least, brings my hopes up quite a bit!

I really wanted to address the issue I said I’d discuss last week with respect to my views on how Vince contributed to the demise of ECW, but this has been a crazy week and I’ve been lucky to get these five pages down in and of themselves. Besides, I’ve talked your eyes off as it is. I promise to get to that next week, as well as discuss faithful reader Todd Vote’s idea on how to make Kane relevant once again. In the meantime, please take a moment and respond your views on the current state of WWE as well as TNA. Thanks for sticking with me on this one!

Remember people, show Geoff some love by emailing him here: [email protected]


Raw 1.01.07:

The Right:

PPV Build – In my opinion, they did a really solid build for the PPV here on this episode, which they really needed to do. There was a LOT of goodness in the building here, and while it is the ONLY “Right” this week, it is a BIG one due to all of the goodness it involved.

  • Kenny vs. Flair/Carlito vs. Masters: This was one of those, let’s toss two mid-card feuds into one match deal, but it worked fine to me. They had a longer than expected match and in the end it wasn’t bad. Carlito and Masters continued on well and Kenny snagged another win over Flair to keep that burning. It wasn’t a lot, but it worked to add to the already established feuds. Sometimes the tag matches work really well instead of too many single matches leading to a singles match, which only proves who is the least loser. Overall this was fine stuff here.
  • DX vs. RKO: I liked how they worked this feud this week. They didn’t touch, which I feel was important. They have had tag and singles matches and beat downs so to do it again would have been counter productive. DX gave a pretty strong, if odd promo to set their motivations. No more fun and games, it is war. It means more now and I liked it. RKO, who “wasn’t there” showed up after DX “left” and took out Flair, again, to prove that they were bad asses, but not that bad ass to stand up to DX on this night, keeping that chicken shit heel aspect. They added some emotion to the feud and hopefully the match will be a good one and not a burial of RKO. Overall this was good stuff.
  • Cena vs. Umaga: I also feel that they did a pretty solid job of pushing Umaga vs. Cena. First of all was the run in, leading to the stupid and embarrassing loss to Kevin FN Federline. This then led to a Handicap match, which I hated because it was a handicap match, but kept them involved without giving away too much like a singles match would. This all worked because while they did have contact, it wasn’t a ton and keeps you wondering. Umaga looked like a beast taking multiple chair shots, while Cena looked vulnerable at times, creating intrigue. Solid build here, for what could be a surprisingly good match.
  • Mickie vs. Victoria = Ample Supply: I have enjoyed this feud thus far. While the division as a whole is in shambles, at least we have these two ladies to have an interesting storyline and solid to good matches. They have had a good build with Victoria returning to her psycho ways and building her “Kill Bill hit list.” They continued this week as Victoria came out to watch Maria vs. Melina because she had forgotten to take someone out. Melina won and after the match they stared down and Melina left. Victoria decided that Lillian needed to die and attacked her. This brought out Mickie James to save the day and it was simple, effective and good stuff. I must also mention that these ladies are the reason jeans were invented. Victoria wearing a bikini top and sweet jeans on that ass that read “Ample Supply” was tremendous. Mickie in jeans is an instant solid steel bone. Add this into the great feuding and I am a happy man.
  • But: My only criticism was that they did no build for the IC Title match. They made mention, but there was nothing done to sell it since they had Nitro involved with Kevin FN Federline and Hardy was too busy having coffee with Conway. This is not a throwaway match like Carlito vs. Masters here, this is a cage match for the IC Title, between 2-men that have been feuding for months. It was put on the backburner and that is a shame. Small gripe I suppose, but people buy PPV for title and gimmick matches, and this needed some more attention. 4 out of 5 isn’t bad though!


    You won’t believe this…but I found some tag teams! – Holy hell, we may, and I stress may have a tag team division again here on Raw. We have:

  • Rated RKO ©
  • DX
  • Cryme Tyme
  • The Redneck Whirling Dervish
  • The Highlanders
  • The Worlds Greatest Tag Team

    RKO is probably not very long for the tag division and DX is there because they are challenging for the titles, but they are not long for the division either. But the good news is that they have been trying to establish the other 4 teams over the last few weeks, with one of them hopefully taking the titles soon. They got continued TV time this week in an 8-man match, which was not too bad, and that is a great thing.

    But I will not proclaim the rebirth of WWE Tag Team Wrestling yet. I refuse because I have been burnt to many times, teased even, like that bitch in high school that you think is going to give you head but you only get the clean and jerk. Sure it’s ok for right then but not nearly as satisfying in the long run and nothing to brag about. But there are signs of life here, and if they continually build on this and don’t forget about it, it could be good. I love tag team wrestling and if it is on the way back in WWE, I am all for that.

    Kevin FN Federline vs. Cena… – As most of you know I have not been a huge fan of the c angle. I don’t think he is as spectacular as everyone else. Sure he gets heat, but let me fuck Britney Spears and spend her money for a while and then let me go brag about it, I’ll get the same heat he does. He does have a good presence, but overall I have not been very high on the whole thing. That all being said, how they went about the deal was pretty good. I loved the Kevin FN Federline entrance, with swank boxing style robe with “Team Federline” on it. He then announced it was no DQ and his corner man Johnny Nitro made his way out, with a matching jacket. They got to the ring and I will admit we had an assload of stalling, but it all was the right kind that built heat. We knew there was going to be no “match” per say, and this was great. First he had to get his mouth guard, and then he stalled. He then had to get his MMA style gloves on, to knock a bitch out, and stalled. Finally he went for the Tully headgear and we were on. But he stalled and was pissed, and slowly took everything back off. And then they endeared themselves to me by using the Kaufman vs. Lawler “headlock” spot. Unfortunately for me Cena did not drop Kevin FN Federline on the top of his head. But the fact that all of this worked out very well, and then Umaga ran out…

    I just cannot get over the fact that, even with Umaga running in and Nitro interfering that Kevin FN Federline pinned John Cena. Kevin FN Federline…not Nitro, Edge, Orton…not anyone on the roster, no because they protect Cena, but Kevin FN Federline gets to pin the WWE Champion. I do NOT give a fuck that Umaga ran out and fingered Cena in the throat first, Kevin FN Federline pinned your champion. Yes it got mainstream publicity, yes, whooptidy doo! Will Kevin FN Federline pinning John Cena help sell the PPV this weekend? Will the buy rates grow because of this? What ever, I don’t get the logic here; especially this close to the PPV. I bet some of the guys weren’t that happy to see it either.

    The wRong:

    Loser goes to Smackdown/ECW…Random Vince appearance? – I hate this, if you have read the column before you know that this is a huge pet peeve of mine. Whenever they have someone on Raw lose some form of loser leaves town/brand/if I lose I will never come back bullshit match, they may as well name it “Loser goes to Smackdown/ECW.” So that is the main bitch, but here is another one. Why even bring out Conway to have him lose in 30-seconds? 99.9% of fans probably didn’t even remember he was on Raw, let alone employed by WWE still. It was pointless because he got JOBBED THE FUCK OUT in the time it takes me to prepare a cup of coffee. The goal here is to move him to Smackdown and re-team him with Sylvan as La Resistance or just as a tag team, with a possible new gimmick. I am all for that because separated they have collectively done DICK. They have a much better chance as a team, and moving them to Smackdown would be good. You would have:

  • London and Kendrick ©
  • Regal and Taylor
  • La Resistance

    Also, there is the possibility of two other teams:

  • James and Stevens – Off of TV for a while, but were progressing well.
  • The Gymini – Off of TV for a long while, not great, but big goofs to toss little faces around.

    So while the result is much better than what they have been doing, the execution was bad. And then why did Vince have to come out? What was the big deal, just to fire Rob Conway? Some say that this was a reason for Vince to appear, but really, Vince doesn’t need a reason. The reason could have been because it was a new year or some shit, but this was just lame. It was like he was chilling backstage and said, “I should go out on TV tonight, just for the fuck of it.” And that is what happened. Blah.

    The Ridiculous:

    2007 begins as 2006 lived…Handicap match – I…HATE…HANDICAP MATCHES. I saw approximately 3,000 of them from WWE last year, and between that and all of the man ass I was about broke. I was promised that 2007 would be different and that I needed to be more positive. Sure thing, I went into 2007 with a fresh look and what was I greeted with? ANOTHER FN HANDICAP MATCH! They couldn’t even wait a week they just threw it out there and I wanted to punch someone in their throat.

    But that was not even the worst part of it. Earlier in the show you had K FED beat Cena, albeit with Umaga running in, but still, K Fed pins the world champion. Fine. But then you have a match later on with UMAGA, the #1 contender, Johnny Nitro, #1 contender for the IC Title, and then 2 goofs in Coach and AAE. Once again I have issues. The guys with the numbers advantage didn’t win, and not only couldn’t they win but we had to have a no contest. This annoys the hell out of me, and in a small way, and argue away, means this: K Fed > Cena > Umaga > Nitro > AAE & Coach. Tremendous. STOP THE MADNESS and STOP the handicap matches, please!

    ECW on Sci-Fi!: size=36>

    ECW on Sci-Fi!: 1.02.07:

    The Right:

    The importance of words – There are times when we cringe at promos, or times that they are fine but we just don’t care about them at all. But then there are times that they really add to the shows and angles and we love them. At the Turning Point show there were some damn good promos on the show, so we shall discuss those here.

  • Dreamer: Call me crazy but I really liked the Dreamer sit down interview. To me this is something that they really needed to do with him at the beginning. They needed a LONG video package of Dreamer taking abuse in the old days along with the interview explaining why he does what he does. If it would have been done sooner, the newer fans that don’t know who Dreamer is or who only remember him as eating hair or drinking Taker’s chaw could have a chance at obtaining an emotional connection with the man so that he would have a chance as the brave face. Sorry for the rant, but anyway, this was done pretty well and it may be too late, but if not, it could give Dreamer a chance to connect and mean something to the brand.
  • Test: Once again call me crazy, but I dug the Test interview. He came off as a cocky, douche bag of a heel and that is what he is supposed to be. He said that he was a winner and showed a clip of him pinning Sabu. He then explained that he should have got the title shot tonight, but that the idiot fans were blinded and voted RVD. He said he was a winner and only winning mattered. This brought out Sabu who got his ass beat, cementing Test’s claim that he was indeed a winner. This was fine, solid and made sense. While Test Is not my #1 choice for lead heel if I run a company, he is a fine short-term solution as long as the booking stays logical.


    RVD vs. Lashley – So RVD and Lashley had the big title match this week. I for one am not that thrilled with all of the title matches they have had on ECW TV, but with the nature of the beat being that they only have 2 PPV’s for themselves, it is a needed evil I suppose. The match is set and here we go. The crowd seemed into it, which is good and for the most part they had a really solid match. Lashley did the power game, RVD was RVD and with the exception of a few minor miscues, which could be attributed to the first time meeting, it was fine. And then the finish came. I fully get the point that they didn’t want either man to lose. Got it. But they could have come up with something else. A double DQ, they have done that in the “new” ECW. Double count out, Test coming out to break shit up due to his frustrations, something else but what they did. In theory what they did was a good plan, the double injury deal but the execution was poor. RVD lays out Lashley on the announce table, goes for the leg drop, Lashley gets up and stumbles like a giant goof on the table, RVD goes to the ropes and delivers a lame clothesline on Lashley and they stumble to the floor. And they the crowd groans, boos and starts chanting bullshit. That is NOT the reaction they wanted, planned for or needed. Not good kids, not good at all.

    Brad Armstrong – It has been a while since I have got to discuss ECW, but while I had to break to take care of other things Brad FN Armstrong debuted on ECW TV. Now right off the bat you need to know that I am a HUGE Brad Armstrong fan, the man was and still is a hell of a worker and he could really help some of the younger talent “learn the ropes” for lack of a better term. That all being said, while I marked out seeing him on TV again, why is he there? If he was adding analysis to the matches I would be all for that, but he is just out there doing a rather bad comedy act. One idea is that he maybe groomed to take Tazz’s spot if he doesn’t renew his contract. I guess that’s fine since in my opinion Tazz and Styles are both phoning it in these days. But they could do more with him. He should be working with these guys on house shows, maybe take an on air role as a “mentor/manager” for the company. Anyway, I will leave it here for now to see where it goes, but right now it isn’t anything that great.

    The wRong:

    Thorn vs. Balls“This is the feud that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on MY friends…” Fucking Lambchops OWNED you. Anyway, yeah, the feud that will just not end it seems as they keep coming out to fight and people continue not to care. They just put them out there and they trade wins in 3-5 minutes and the world continues to go on just the way it was. This week the match just seemed to be particularly blah, and going towards bad. I have no motivation to see either mat right now. Thorn started off rather hot booking wise, and then they started to beat him and made him just another guy. Granted he is just another guy with a vampire wardrobe and a bat chick sidekick to make out with, but he is just another guy right now. It got worse at the end when Thorn stiffed the ever-living hell out of Balls and it led to an awkward looking pin. Poor Balls, I mean, if the man doesn’t have his looks he has nothing! Accidents happen and all, but the match was just not good and Thorn continues to show lack of experience at times.

    I know that they need practice to improve… – But Lashley and RVD just need to stop talking. Seriously, these men are the reason that managers were created. Lashley sounds like Michael Jackson and Goober all wrapped up in one, with his “Golly Gee Sheriff, I sure am glad to be a fightin here ta night!” Jesus, it kills the image. He is a MONSTER, he looks scary (when not smiling) and it works, until he opens his mouth and then I just cringe and wonder to myself how the hell they let this get on TV. And then there is RVD, who is just bad when he talks. He is not only monotone, but sounds like he is speaking to a metronome. **Click…Click…Click…** “I want to thank…the ECW Fans…for voting…for me…and I want to thank…Lashley…” It is just bad and he always looks like he is reading off of a teleprompter or cue cards. I am all for people getting practice, but you cannot change Lashley’s voice, and you would think all of the roids would have done that already. RVD has been in wrestling for how long now? Of he hasn’t learned by now he never will. Get these guys some managers and please stop the hurting.

    The Ridiculous:

    Burke and Terkay vs. The FBI…and a bigger problem – This week we had some more of Elijah Burke Productions as he presented team Tap Out/Knock Out to the ECW audience yet again. And yet again they faced off with the FBI, you know, the team that not only loses to everyone but already lost to Burke and Terkay at the ECW PPV. Yup, been there, saw that and still want the $40 back. I just don’t get it. They are pushing them as a unit right now, a tag unit in a company that has no tag team division. Yes I know that they only have one hour of TV and one title to feud over, but that is the problem. Outside of that ECW title picture, they have nothing else for anyone else to do. Everything underneath is a treadmill and will continue to be just that. They only have 2-PPV’s and occasional appearances on other “WWE” PPV’s, so they just produce “house shows” with a main event angle every week. They do this over, and over and over again and it means nothing. They need something else to build to, something else to mix things up. If you had a tag or secondary title and actually book the division, you also wouldn’t have to give away “World” Title matches as often as they have been. But as I stands now, it all means nothing and that is another reason why the “company” is in the position that they are in right now. Not good kids.

    RetRo WWE New Years Revolution~!: size=36>

    Match Results:

    Match #1 – Ric Flair defeated Edge via DQ @ 7:17 *¾

    Match #2 – Trish Stratus defeated Mickie James via pin @ 7:09 **¼

    Match #3 – Jerry Lawler defeated Gregory Helms via pin @ 9:34 *

    Match #4 – HHH defeated the Big Show via pin @ 16:12 ***

    Match #5 – Shelton Benjamin defeated Viscera via pin @ 7:48 (ASS)

    Match #6 – Ashley won the Bra and Panties Gauntlet match @ FOREVER (BALLS)

    Match #7 – John Cena won the Elimination Chamber @ 28:25 via pin ***½

    Match #8 – Edge cashed in his “Money in the Bank” Title shot and defeated John Cena @ 1:48 via pin to become the NEW WWE CHAMPION *

    The Right:

    The Elimination Chamber – At first I was thinking I hated the booking of this match. Carlito pins HBK clean, Angle out first and Carlito and Masters being in the final 3 men. But you can’t make stars without them going over eventually and a multi-man match like this is the perfect situation to do so. Angle was putting the Ankle lock on Carlito when he got superkicked and pinned. HBK was out-manned when he fell to Carlito. Kane got double teamed by Masters and Carlito when he fell to them on a double pin. It was unexpected and a total change from the norm.

    The match overall was pretty good, not as good as last year’s chamber, but good. Angle was awesome when he came in for his crazy running wild segment, HBK busted his ass and bled like a stuck pig and Carlito busted out a sweet little dive, which was nice. Overall good stuff, which it needed to be.

    Edge Cashes In – Some will say that they saw this coming, and I did to a point. But I had no faith in the lack-of-creative team to actually pull this trigger. Also, I felt if they did that they would play unbeatable Cena and have him escape with the title. This was well done and a pleasant change as well. Under 2-minutes and Edge destroyed him. Whether you like Edge or not, you have to be happy with them actually booking something the right way. For the first time in a long time, a PPV made me look forward to Raw.

    Show vs. HHH and Trish vs. Mickie – I liked these matches. Show vs. HHH was slow I will say, but they played up Show’s hand injury as the focal point of the match, and HHH continually capitalized on that injury. HHH got the win in the end by abusing that hand and by using the sledgehammer. Show looked strong still and it took nothing from him, while it gave HHH a “big” win so to speak.

    Trish and Mickie was also another fun match. Along with HHH vs. Show it was a well-constructed feud. They were stiff as hell for a WWE women’s match, which was also a nice change. I do like that they didn’t fully pull the trigger on a turn her, just planted more seeds. With limited women’s contenders, this needs to be don eon my opinion.

    I’ll admit it, Mamma was funny – Yes, Mamma was very funny tonight. Maybe it’s that I didn’t expect much, or that the PPV was off to a very slow start but she was funny. Asking Shelton is he ate right, then threatening him to go to his locker room. Then as she got him food, Viscera and his entrance music hit on her, which led to the match. Shelton was funny because he just wanted an apology, but Mamma demanded they have a match because, “Benjamin’s give ass whoppins, they don’t take them!” She was humorous during the match as she cheered and yelled at Shelton. She then hit Viscera with her purse and Shelton get his wacky dragon whip leg kick for the win. Later on Shelton told Mamma that he dropped Viscera “like a ton of bricks” and she let him know brick was right as she pulled one from her purse. It was entertaining to me, but I feel that she will get old fast and am not completely sure how this will get Shelton over in the long run.

    The wRong:

    Mamma was fun, but Shelton vs. Viscera blew – Dear lord this match was bad. There was heat, it drug on forever and as I explained above Mamma was the star of the set up and match. I mean, if you are going to add matches to PPV, could you guys pleas add something that isn’t ASS? Shelton worked hard, I suppose under all of himself Viscera worked hard, but it sucked.

    What the hell are they doing to Angle? – So they had him come out and say the he hopes the US loses the War, he “doesn’t like the black people,” France is his favorite country and if he could make one person tap out on history, I’d be Christ. What this was, was a poor attempt at reverse psychology. Angle went on to say that, “no matter what I say, you may start chanting I suck, but you always cheer for me because I am so good.” Well, yes, that is it. They do respect how goof he is and eventually, people don’t want to cheer his as a “traditional heel or face.” SO they have him cut these ridiculous promos in order to get him over as a heel, and it just isn’t working. The whole thing is just annoying to me, and it is in bad taste, whether he is “joking” or not.

    The Ridiculous:

    Bra and Panties Gauntlet – This would have been fine with the chicks they had planned. And then, then they had to go back to 1997 again when Mae and Molar were kind of humorous. How about this, the “match” was going well with the girls, some of them are even learning moves and shit! They could have had a fine little match, inoffensive and yeah, I like stripping to. But no, they has to turn thousands of men gay and thousands of lesbians straight by having Mae Young lose clothing again on PPV.

    Lawler beats Helms – Can anyone tell me what this accomplishes? Seriously, can anyone come up with ONE GOOD REASON why the announcer who almost NEVER WRESTLES ON WWE TV got to beat a regular fulltime wrestler? They make Helms drop the Hurricane gimmick, which while they jobbed him to death he was hella over with. They make him a normal wrestler, and then they have Lawler even say, “you’re just a guy…that sucks.” Way to put over that young, up and coming talent WWE. That was genius. At least that youngster Jerry Lawler got a win, he’ll need it going into his next big money feud with…oh…wait.

    Closing thoughts:

    -Best Match: John Cena won the Elimination Chamber @ 28:25 via pin ***½
    -Worst Match: Ashley won the Bra and Panties Gauntlet match (N-R)
    -Score: 6.5
    -My Thoughts: This is really a thumbs in the middle show for me. I don’t think its anything to go out of your way to see. But I can see why many would go thumbs up for the live viewing. The unexpected booking actually made for an exciting evening and made many people excited for Raw, which hasn’t happened for a while coming out of a PPV. Nothing blow away are even that great match wise, but the unexpected feeling and creative booking made this one interesting.


    Too much column this week, emails will return next week!

    For more interesting information on wrestling, check out Bryan Alvarez and Figure Four Weekly Online, Mike Campbell over at SPLASH MOUNTAIN and Dr. Keith Lipinski over at Puroresu Power!

    Thanks for joining us, PEACE!

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