wrestling / Columns

Hidden Highlights 01.22.07: Issue #73

January 22, 2007 | Posted by Prag-Thomlison

Hidden Highlights
By JP Prag and James “JT” Thomlison and Friends!

Issue #73


Hello everyone who is ready for an issue with JP, and welcome back to Hidden Highlights!!

Hidden Highlights

There are very few positive things on the Internet. It’s more about everyone’s negative view of what everyone else is trying to do.
— Eric Bischoff, Controversy Creates Ca$h

Hidden Highlight (n) – a small, hardly noticeable point that makes a big, positive difference. This could be anything from a wrestler putting extra emphasis into his moves to make it believable to a person in the background reacting while not the focus to the cameraman shaking the picture to create an effect. There are just so many unsung heroes of wrestling that it is impossible to cover them all.

Every week we take the top 3 Hidden Highlights from the biggest shows on television (RAW, ECW of SciFi, iMPACT, SmackDown!, and a PPV or television special if there is one). Plus we turn to you, the readers, to let us know all the Hidden Highlights you saw this, last, or any week in history. On top of all that, we explore the other issues that prove why this is the most positive article in the IWC.

And who is this mysterious we, you ask?

Why none other than JP Prag and James “JT” Thomlison, of course!

We bring you Hidden Highlights with one goal in mind: to appreciate all those little things that make a huge difference. JT?

JT: Wait? Who is asking me that question? Who wrote the intro if I’m doing this issue alone this week? JP?

JP: I’m not here at the moment, so I’m sure JT will write something really cute for me. If not, then he’s a gentleman and a scholar. …and a coward.

JT: If HTML counts as “writing for you”, then GUILTY! But you can’t even respond, because you’re night here, right? Right?

JP: …

JT: Just had to be sure.

Ghost of Chanukah Past: JP may not be here, but I could still give you a hand, if you asked nicely.

JT: I don’t need you help at all, I got it covered.

Ghost of Chanukah Past: Shlemiel! We’ll see how well you’ve got it covered!

JT: We shall! …and shouldn’t you be with JP?

On with the Hidden Highlights!

Hidden Highlights for TNA Presents Turning Point: Sunday, January 14, 2007 by Martin Fallon!

JT: Well, with JP gone and me being a Scrooge on the PPV’s, we really didn’t have anyone to cover things this week. Fortunately for us, reader Martin Fallon decided to show up this week and therefore, he is getting the spotlight! Let’s all show our love for Martin Fallon, who not only sent in one, but he covered us completely on the PPV!

Martin Fallon: Thanks JT, glad I could help. Let’s get to it, shall we? AJ walks away from Rhino, Lynn gets robbed as Sabin wins the XD title, LAX gets help from a drunk, Angle is an ironman, and Christian Cage is your new champion, which I know you’ll love.

BONUS HIDDEN HIGHLIGHT! Not sure about this one!:

This is not a highlight I don’t think, more of a question (as I have only been watching TNA for about a year)… The fifth pin in the iron man match, when Angle pinned Joe, was that Joe’s first pin in TNA? The commentators didn’t pick up on it so I am not sure?

JT: Well, if you recall, there was the crazy six-man tag match recently in which Angle pinned Joe, so THAT was technically his first pin, but the pin on Sunday was Joe’s second official pin. Either way, good eye. Now let’s get to the goodness MF.

(3) More like bloopers than highlights!:

There were several occasions during the PPV when people forgot what they were saying…

  • When Bob Backlund was reading out his results he said “Austin Starr 90 Alex Shelton 95”. Erm learn the names Bob!!!
  • When Chrissy storms down to the ring to interrupt VKM, she says “Shaun and Hunter. They’re the foundation of DX”. This is after weeks of VKM very carefully calling them “Paul” and “Michael” to avoid any legal ramifications! Did she forget?
  • During the Angle – Joe match, Mike Tenay said “Five minutes gone now in this 30-man Iron Man Match”. Think he had Royal Rumble on the brain (although I would love to see a 30 man Iron Man match!!)
  • With 9:54 left in the Iron Man match, Tenay says “Joe is down two to one, with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line”. Erm was it? We know he meant “shot” on the line, but always fun to catch things like this. Sometimes the bad is the good!

    (2) BG James’ shot out to, erm, Paul?:

    Prior to the above, during the rundown on DX, BG James recalls when he ambushed Paul (HHH) Leveque in Nashville and he didn’t do anything about it. He then turns to the camera and says “On a side note, Paul, nobody likes to see one of our boys go down. Heel your wheel bro”. I thought that this was a great touch to give a shout out to HHH’s injury and did not detract from the segment at all.

    (1) My Sign is a Hidden Highlight!:

    Yes that’s correct. I am 95% sure that there was a Hidden Highlight’s sign at the Pay Per View. Thing is it is VERY quick and if you blink, you would have missed it. It was right at the very start of the PPV just before AJ Styles comes down for his match. As he is saying “Ladies and Gentlemen this is your opening contest”, the camera pans up towards the ramp, and passes a guy with a sign that says “My Sign Is A Hidden Highlight”. I don’t have a facility to screen grab, so I dunno if any readers can help you out here to check properly?

    JT: I didn’t get this, so all I can say is that if anyone can either confirm or deny the sign at the spot he mentioned, we would be super grateful here. Chances are, since we’re so awesome, it was in fact the sign! (just kidding, I’m being hopeful). Other than that, the bloopers are hilarious, AND I think that it’s uber-cool that VKM wished HHH well, because my major fear was that they would try and play off it. Nice to see an example of the fact that in the end, everyone in the backstage is on the same page. As I mentioned before, it’s like an entire arena cheering for an opponent when he goes down and finally gets up and walks off the field. No, playoffs aren’t on my mind at all…? Thanks again Martin, we REALLY do appreciate it. You stepped it up big time this week and without your email, we’d have had blank space for this section. SHOT OUT TO RWA! …oh, and CHRISTIAN CAGE BIATCHES!

    Hidden Highlights for WWE RAW: Monday, January 15, 2007 by The Big Face Palm

    JT: If a picture is worth a thousand words, then let this be my thousand words.

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    JT: Yeah, let’s just move on, shall we?

    Hidden Highlights for ECW on SciFi: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 by Michael Bauer

    JT: Helping us out with ECW this week is Michael Bauer. Michael handle’s ECW recapping for 411, and Mike, his correct name is Monty Brown. Duh.

    Michael Bauer: Thanks JT. As soon as I saw that JP was going to be gone, I knew there was no way you could handle this on your o-

    JT: Woah, woah, woah. Are you suggesting what I think you are? You have how many columns posted on this site? 6 over a month and a half? Let me remind you of the time I was busting out four columns a wee-

    Csonka: Play nice kids, we don’t need a history lesson.

    JT: Where the hell did you come from?

    Csonka: I’m everywhere.

    JP: True story. He’s with me right now.

    JT: Wow… no wonder The Ghost is jealous. Anyway, just kidding Michael. You stepped it up big time in the Year End Awards (thank you) and you cover ECW. How can I not appreciate that?

    Michael Bauer: What the hell is going on? I didn’t type any of this!?

    JT: You were warned! Now give us the goods man!

    (3) Nothing major, but…:

    A good case in continutity for the Kelly/CM Punk deal. Honestly, it wasn’t anything hidden, but it was something quite unexpected and that counts in my book. I expected Kelly to come back, nothing major would happen and nobody would remember it. Instead, we got one great Striker promo and a long opener between Mr. Straight-Edge and the former NYC teacher. There really wasn’t much else hidden this week, other than the two things below.

    (2) The Alpha Male Arrives:

    OK, I won’t go into how much was wrong about this, but there was the music, the new name, no hype at all, etc… and the match itself was exactly what it needed to be. So what made this a hidden highlight? Cassidy Riley. The Alpha Male coming off the ropes and connecting with the PPPOOOUUNNCCEE (… period), with all the shocking commentary from Styles and Tazz, would have meant nothing without Cassidy Riley. I mean, the guy literally flew in the air and sold that move like The Alpha Male was a freaking 40 ton semi truck, not a human. If he didn’t do that, The Alpha Male’s debut would have been complete shit. Instead, everything else was, but we still know that he is here.

    (1) The psychology of a Triple Threat match:

    Now I know that you are all wondering what the hell I am talking about. Pretty much, we got the whole build up like we get every week for the main event and we get our generic deal about the champion not having to be pinned to lose the title. Yes, we all know that there is no championship advantage. But Tazz and Styles, mostly Tazz, went the extra step as to explain exactly what Lashley needed to do to keep the title. Granted, it was mainly focus on RVD and keep Test on the outside, but the fact that Tazz went into that type of detail was intriguing. It’s something you normally don’t get out of a triple threat match and I think it added just that little something that most people don’t think of.

    JT: Yeah if there is one thing EVERYONE can agree on, it’s that Cassidy Riley sold that Pounce like it was on clearance. Also folks, be sure to keep reading as Striker gets some more love later on in the Reader Write In! Thanks Mike.

    Hidden Highlights for TNA iMPACT: Thursday, January 18, 2007 by Larry Csonka

    JT: You’re all aware of who Csonka is.

    Larry Csonka: What’s up bitches? I have invaded Hidden Highlights in order to bring chaos to order, negativity to positivism and to give JP some piss for his vinegar while he’s gone. And it is really time I lent my help to this column. Let’s face the facts; this column has deteriorated into a clichéd – let’s be honest – BORING SNOOZEFEST that is in dire need of a knight in shining armor! Now let’s go over the facts. Hit count – downward spiral. E-mail – plummeting. Message board acceptance – nonexistent. And reactions of the readers – complete and utter silence! And I know why you’re silent! You’re silent because you’re embarrassed to be here! And quite honestly, I’m embarrassed for you! And the reason why you’re embarrassed is because of the steady stream of uninteresting, unfunny, mediocre ‘jokes’ you’re forced to cheer for and laugh at – no wonder you’re not cheering! You couldn’t care less about either idiot that writes this column…You people have been led to believe that mediocrity and positivism is excellence…well my friend’s it isn’t, honesty is excellence and so is Csonka~! Ladies and gentlemen I am here to SAVE this column and what better way than to go to what brought me to the dance, TNA! Let’s get to work!

    (3) Tenay hypes the replay, on the down low…: This week on Impact new NWA Champion Christian Cage made his way to the ring to give his first promo as the 2-Time NWA Champion, a celebration of sorts. As he came to the ring, Mike Tenay made mention that Cage had told him that he would, “Be watching the replay all week so that he could relive the moment.” Well we all know that Mr. Cage doesn’t have to order a replay multiple times to watch the event and relive the moment as he would get a tape of the event from management. What this was, was Tenay being sly in reminding the fans that replays of the PPV were available all week for their viewing pleasure and that they should order as many replays as possible because TNA wants your money. Oh that sneaky professor.

    (2) :Captain Charisma, Back In Charge In one of those not so small or hidden, Hidden Highlights, we will follow up on the above Hidden Highlight of Christian coming to the ring and continue on from there. The Canadian Rage had a different feel to him this week as he came to the ring. Instead of just being cocky he had that walk of confidence about him. He was slightly dressed up with the leather jacket and walked like the king of the world with the NWA Title over his shoulder. There was no baby face joy this time around, no, no rest for the wicked as he put it. Also, no putting Angle’s accomplishments over, nope, just the biggest ass he ever met. What a difference a year makes when a man is a 2-time champion.

    (1) Miss Tennessee: At the Final Resolution PPV former WWE Women’s Champion Jacqueline Moore made her return to TNA (Not a debut as she has made appearances before) along side former AMW member James Storm. She was addressed as “Jacqueline Moore” at the PPV but when we came to Impact this week we got a surprise. Tenay told the viewing audience that James Storm demand that we address her as “Miss Tennessee.” Now the obvious angle is that since James Storm has been billed his entire career as “The Tennessee Cowboy” that she would become his “Miss Tennessee.” But it goes deeper than that my friends. Back when she debuted in wrestling she originally went as “Sweet Georgia Brown” but shortly after that she went with a different name. “Miss Texas.” That’s right, not only is this an easy gimmick to be paired with Storm but a tribute to her past in the business. This was a nod to the old school if you will, which I enjoy.

    JT: Two HH’s featuring Christian Cage in some capacity? Larry, I love you, in that completely non-gay Scrubs way. Chris Jericho, I miss you. If you show up at WM 23, I will mark for you harder than the guy that has the Hogan tattoo on his back did the time he met Hogan.

    Hidden Highlights for WWE SmackDown!: Friday, January 19, 2007 by Randy Isbelle

    JT: Randy comes to us by way of the Sports Zone, where he covers the NFL in his Weekly Previews (something I’m somewhat familiar with!). By the way Rizz, those little helmets in your column are the coolest things on the entire planet.

    Rizz: Thanks. This week, Kennedy hates Teddy Long, Joey Mercury hates Matt Hardy, MVP hates guys in dresses, Chavo Guerrero hates Chris Benoit, Deuce and Domino hate anything after the 60s, Kane hates guys lying to impress women, and Undertaker hates people taking his title shots. Other then that, Smackdown was full of love and flowers and all that other stuff…well not really…but it was full of hidden highlights!

    (3) Protecting the face:

    Joey Mercury was finally getting his revenge against Matt Hardy, but it was a little too soon, as his face was still sensitive, and Joey was afraid to get hit there again. I love the philosophy of this match through-out, but the pinnacle came when Matt actually got a shot in on Joey and popped him in his face. Now most would notice that Joey felt it more then normal, and had to roll out of the ring to recover. But, if you looked behind him as he
    rolled out, Matt Hardy is shaking his hand, showing that those things aren’t soft, and actually hurt when hit.

    (2) MVP + Fire = Bad!:

    Yes, I am making my Hidden Highlights debut, and I am giving love to MVP…because of this, I doubt I will ever be invited back, but I am going to do it anyways. It is not a hidden highlight that they are still selling the burnt back, I mean the bandage is clear as day, but what you usually don’t see is the wrestler actually selling it completely. As MVP made his
    overdramatic entrance, he flinched as his pyro went off, looking back at the flames and remembering what had happened to him. Then while in the match, he sold the injury all over the place. Not something you would expect from a mid-carder, but he impressed me. What can I say, I like it when people actually do their jobs correctly, you really don’t see it as much lately.

    (1) So who is going to win the main event?:

    At first I wasn’t sure if I was right on this or not…but was able to look again and find out I was right. Right before the Undertaker/Kennedy match to decide whether or not Undertaker would be added to the World Title match. They previewed the Royal Rumble card, with the main match being, of course, the Royal Rumble match. And who do you think was missing from the participants? Undertaker. The guys in the back had enough sense to show that they weren’t sure what match Undertaker was going to be in and
    took him out of the picture, since he was no longer confirmed for the match. I like this, because it keeps the result of their main event in doubt. Very well done all around.

    JT: I love that last one, man. Giving love to boys in the back is always something we try to not forget around here, and that is a PRIME example of why. One thing to keep in mind is that wrestling shows are one of the few on television PERIOD that do not run credits, so it’s important to remember that there are a bunch of people you never see putting it all together. Good stuff Randy, thanks.

    Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights

    Hidden Highlights aren’t just for us to find and tell you about, but for you to spot and share with us. Don’t just sit there and stare, but be a more active, attentive, and engaged viewer. Appreciate all the hard work that goes into making the wrestling we have the privilege to watch and then let us know what you caught this and every week.

    This week JT gets to pick our Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights of the week.

    JT: Before we start, reader Shane M. emailed us with the info that apparently Kendrick regularly wears pink kneepads. I’ve never noticed, but he might be spot on. I cannot confirm or deny either way, so just wanted to pass along the email to you guys the readers. So, *GENERAL WARNING*:: some parts of the following Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights may be edited for grammar, spelling, and English translation…

    First up, just want to say thank you to Nick G.. That was a very interesting and informative email you sent us, and I will make sure JP addresses it next week as that was pertaining to his baby. Just didn’t want you to think we were ignoring you. He is out of the country and I’ll make sure he responds once he gets back (the 1/22 issue). With that in mind, starting us off on RAW is Nathyn G.. Nathyn gets right to the point:

    I thought it was a nice touch to have the referee explain the rules to Donald Trump and Rosie, since they are not wrestlers nor probably WWE programming watchers.

    JT: There ya go. Not much to add; just further proof we often overlook the little things the ref do to make the show run smoothly. Before we continue with last week’s RAW, Benjalyn D. wants to take us back two weeks:

    When Jeff Hardy goes up for the Swanton on Kenny Dykstra during the IC title match, Kenny cups his hands over his crotch before Jeff comes down on him, which both sells Flair’s low blow and keeps his hands out of the way so they don’t get smashed

    JT: I actually noticed this too and agree that it serves an excellent double purpose. I remember wondering if people thought he was just trying to cover up way too early for the Swanton, but in fact it was just a really good sell of the Flair shot. Now maybe one of these days I’ll sell Dykstra as his last name! Matt J. gets in by default, because, well, we like playing favorites! (just kidding, you all know myself and JP are to two most impartial people on the planet!):

    It’s the little things that get pointed out in this column that can turn a mediocre or bad segment/match/interview into something worth watching. I caught one last week during the Cryme Tyme/Texas Rangers match. After JTG took off the turnbuckle pad, he made it a point to hover over the top of the metal hook so that the ref couldn’t see that he had exposed it. I thought that was cool.

    JT: Well, of course it’s cool. It’s Cryme Tyme! Alright, let me stop. Truth is I saw this as well and he did indeed to everything he could up to the last minute to ensure the ref saw nothing and they could still use the corner. I’d have put in your other one Matt, but we have touched on the green paint/Eugene thing several times in the past. Good time know it’s still being noticed though. Speaking of Cryme Tyme, Kradation caught one from them as well (man, they have really gotten themselves all over this column lately!):

    In the Cryme Tyme Vs Murcoch/Cade match, Shad was in the ring being double teamed while JTG was by the ropes being forced back into his own corner by the referee.

    Usually the face does that over acting crap, waving his arms about… doing that ‘I’m looking over your shoulder while arguing with you and I’m trying not to make it obvious’ and then stepping to the outside when the heels finish the 2 on 1 assault and acting like nothing happened.

    Well JTG was by the ropes and instead of that crap he was screaming at the ref ‘Turn around’ ‘look behind you’ then when he left the ring he was cursing that the ref was to blame for that.

    Brilliant stuff… and its really cool that a lot of the new blood that’s come on tv this past year like cryme tyme, kenny dyke…… kennedy etc… are pulling off old school segments in the ring but with less of the ‘im ok with this happening’ approach.

    JT: Well how’s that for a positive outlook! I couldn’t agree more. It will be a while before these guys are at the top, but you can really see a lot of the younger guys coming into their own and if handled correctly over the next couple of years, some of these guys could be huge stars that take this company into the future. As for your highlight, glorious. Not only does he actually try and REASON with the ref, but he throws in the little touch to explain to his partner that it wasn’t that he didn’t help him, he couldn’t help him because of the ref. Good stuff all around on that one. Brett S. has a quick one regarding, well, you’ll see:

    Although this will make me sound totally gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that) in the mixed tag match Jeff Hardy & Maria both had their fingernails painted black.

    JT: Not much to add here, although the image of Maria and Hardy sitting in the back doing their nails together is quite humorous to me. Jay P. gets us started with some ECW love:

    I hope you discuss the debut of Marquis Cor Von, formerly Monty Brown of TNA, on ECW’s January 16th episode in your next column. Although it wasn’t such a “hidden” highlight, I thought Marquis/Monty did a fantastic job of improvising once the crowd started interrupting his promo with those annoying “What?” chants. Most wrestler’s would have paused and leveled a baleful glance at the audience, further enflaming the crowd, but Monty completely disarmed the crowd by throwing them a goofy, dismissive look while pantomiming their “What?” chant. It was a small thing, but the crowd’s reaction was immediate and palpable. They laughed and promptly shut up, because they wanted to hear what the guy had to say. I thought it was a great touch that will go a long way toward making Marquis a marquee player in the WWE.

    JT: Well Jay as you saw, ECW wasn’t my call this week, but I still wanted you to get your thoughts into the column so here you are! The general consensus is that his debut went very well, certainly better than many of us (myself included) expected. The way he handled the “What!” chants was perfect. He immediately drew the attention towards himself, and like you said had the entire crowd waiting to hear him talk. It appears that MCV might do just fine in the E after all. Matt C. has a MOUTHFUL for us regarding the Punk/Striker match:

    1. Kelly Kelly started off being overly happy going to very unhappy when Striker started berating her to very happy again when CM Punk made his way out. Though she obviously wasn’t brought in to wrestle she has done a good job of being emotive in the way of character since she was first shown off to the crowd. This continued here after her absence as she knew how to react correctly to the situations given to her. (Which is far better than some other Diva’s recently, i.e. Maria)

    2. Rule Enforcement – match starts with a side headlock on Punk which he escapes but Striker pulls him back in by the hair and reapplies the headlock. Not only does the referee actually start a 5-count for the illegal hair pull for the set up but Striker lets go and reapplies again to make it legal all without complaining because he knew why the ref was counting. Most (pretty much any other time this would happen) of the time there would be no count and the official would just give a warning about not pulling the hair. This was a great example of the “smarts” of Matt Striker knowing the rules by having the official enforce the rules on him.

    3. Before the commercial break there was a small spot where Striker had Punk in a front face lock and Striker looked behind him to see where the official was and repositioned himself and Punk so the officials view would be obscured while Striker hit Punk with a closed fist. Unfortunately the official still caught the initial hit made by Striker but kudos to Matt for trying to cheat within the rules with that movement.

    4. The Finish – I know this will be in your HH for the week but the play off the finish was the best I’ve seen of all those involved in the match. You had the official whose back was turned to Kelly so he wasn’t distracted and could call the match normally (otherwise he would have been distracted as well allowing Striker to pick up the win as he would have missed the pin), Punk, who only knew that he won with a back slide therefore went off to celebrate with the crowd instead of Kelly (important for two reasons, first he wrestled the match because he was scheduled to not because Striker was berating Kelly and he celebrates victories with the crowd, and second he didn’t see what Kelly did this time so there was no reason for him to acknowledge it), and Striker, who clearly through his expression and body language in the ring was not upset that he lost the match as much as he was upset with himself for allowing Kelly to get into his head to distract him.

    JT: Wow. Well, I mean you did a fine job of explaining yourself here so not sure there’s much I could add to that. I will also commend you for keeping your eyes REALLY open allowing you to find all of this in ONE match. See people, HH really are all over the place. Continuing with the same match (and also regarding the finish) is – and I assure you it is in fact his real name – Remington Steele:

    Long time reader, first time giving you guys a hidden highlight. This one comes from ECW On Sci-Fi on Jan. 16. During the finish of the Stryker/Punk match, did anyone notice the face that Stryker made? If you didn’t, you would have missed it, but he made the most disgusted look on his face when he saw Kelly Kelly’s tits. Now Now, before you go off and call Stryker gay, let’s look at the promo he did before the match started. He was disgusted with the way Kelly Kelly went about with herself. So the face that he made really was a good way of playing off that promo. I think Matt Stryker deserves a little pat on the back for that one.

    JT: You know, a lot of people find him supremely dull. And while I will admit that he doesn’t necessary bring a consisten spark to what he does, it certainly isn’t for a lack of trying. From attire to how he talks to his mannerisms (to his faces as you mentioned) he is always trying to add in that little detail to help sell himself.

    Kahz B. caught a couple, the first being from ECW:

    The next one was from ECW last week. In the opening match, CM Punk v Holly, listen to the 3-man booth. You guys mentioned before why Brad was there, and how he may be there to replace Tazz. During the first match, those two just went off. Styles got in, like, 5 or 6 comments, Tazz and Brad were just dominating, each trying to analyze the match and prove that they were the better color guy. Seriously, one would get on a point, and the other would try to add something even more analytical and insightful, I was laughing out loud throughout the whole match. Tazz’s leaving may be his choice, but I’m sure he still wants everyone to know that he’s the best color guy, and Brad has something to prove as well.

    JT: An excellent point. We’ve talked about it before, and ANYONE in this business will tell you that competition is ALWAYS a good thing. It’s no different here. The fact those two are essentially fighting for a job (although Taz may walk) is bringing out the best in both of them, and I say we all just sit back and enjoy! KB continued with:

    from SD, remember at the end of the Hardy/Finlay match, when Mercury came in and beat down Matt? Well you know how the agents and various backstage people came out to keep him from his head broke by the chair? Look again, the FIRST guy out (and when they show the replay and give you a ramp view, he really is the first down the entrance ramp, I believe) is Michael Hayes! Remember his history with the Hardys, you gotta think he still sees a lot in them, and would want to keep a kid like Matt from getting such a serious injury.

    JT: You know, just because Cook is taking a short leave from Ask411, doesn’t mean he can’t drop in and help out his boy JT. Steve?

    Cook: For those who may not have been around way back when, allow me to explain the Hayes/Hardy connection. Back in April/May of 99, Michael Hayes wrestled a few times with the Hardyz against the Brood. He then became their manager, and led them to Tag Team gold! The trip was short lived though; as a result of them losing their tag titles to the Acolytes, they dropped Hayes as their manager and joined Gangrel in the NEW Brood.

    JT: He’s still got it kids, and EXCELLENT memory there KB. Also love to first time write-in Travis B. for catching that, but his was later in the week and I already had Kahz’s plugged in!!! I’d throw in the whole love for continuity, but JP isn’t here so really it’s wasted. Ah well, at least we know…

    …oh alright, I’ll get Travis in the column somehow!:

    Also from last week’s Raw, if I saw correctly Jeff Hardy threw up three fingers. It made me think of two things, either a nod to his brother or to remind people this is his (I might be wrong though) third Intercontinental Title Reign.

    JT: Either way works for me. If I had to guess it would have something to do with his brother, but you just never can tell. Point is you noticed it! Hitting us up for last week’s Smackdown (1/12) is Benj D.. Benj, it was a really good catch regarding Hardy using extra weight to pin Mercury, but I think even you would admit it was too short to include. Good catch, brother. Next up is John M., who caught some tomfoolery on the part of Kennedy:

    I’ve got what I think you would consider a HH from the just aired Smackdown. At the end of a very good Benoit-Kennedy match, Benoit is distracted by Chavo and Kennedy takes advantage to roll him up, grab the tights and get the win. The HH is in when Kennedy grabbed the tights. From the replay, it appears that Kennedy legitimately rolled up Benoit to start. It was only after the referee came around to other side of the ring to count the fall that Kennedy grabbed the tights out of the ref’s sight for the win. To paraphrase JBL, “Cheating isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught”.

    JT: I like this. Benoit is a tough opponent, and it’s clear Kennedy is willing to do anything to beat him. First, he uses the Chavo distraction to his advantage, then smartly waits until the ref is out of position to see him grab the tights. That’s certainly more of a highlight than the ref just “magically not seeing it”.

    On a personal note, I totally agree with JBL that Smackdown is the #1 WWE show right now.

    JT: Team Hidden Highlights fully supports and endorses this position. That is all. Long time reader Manu B. checks back in with some sound strategy advice from Finlay:

    Normally in a beat the clock match, you dont want to work on an opponents body part, which the commentators pointed out. sure, its a good strategy for a normal match, but this aint no normal match. but after the little bastard distracted the ref, and finlay hit hardy with the…..stick, finlay went to work on that leg, trying to further injure it to a point where matt would submit before time ran out.


    JT: Okay, be honest. When you read ‘brilliant’, did anyone else immediately picture the Guiness guys in their head? No? …liars. I agree with you on this Manu. When attempting to beat a clock, applying an effective submission maneuver is a far better tactic than attempting to simply wear out your opponent in time. Manu also sent this regarding last week’s issue:

    ” The pink kneepads would lead you to think that Kendrick does indeed have something going on with Ashley, and on the other hand, the first thing Kendrick did when they won was brush off Ashley to go check on London.”

    Didnt kendrick first run towards ashley (maybe not TO her, but definitely towards her) before turning around and going to paul london? I remember seeing it (this morning, no less) and thinking “ha! taylor was standing over london and the first thing kendrick did after getting the pin was run away!” which happened to be in the direction she was standing. not saying it meant anything, cause it wasnt overtly give-me-a-hug-we-won-ashley-love-me, nor was it very taylors-scary-hide-me.

    JT: No you’re absolutely right Manu. I noticed that too, and what he did was basically run over to her, give her the quick “areyouokay?”-superfast-touch-to-her-arms, and then turned around and headed towards London to check on him. Dissention in the ranks! Shame really because those two (as a team) are one of the things making Smackdown so good right now.

    As we finish off, a few notes. First to Stephen B., Adam W., and Manu, thanks for the comments on the Maven/Royal Rumble situation. I have dropped the issue, but if JP wants to respond to your thoughts next week, I’m sure he will.

    To ST3, who wrote:

    I believe that the guy with the Diva Drool bucket is/was a plant. I’ve seen him regularly on Raw, and even a house show down here in Tyler, TX. He always has really creative signs.

    JT: I have this new policy about DVD’ing everything, so I can’t go check, but I do remember it mentioned last week and chances are it’s just like you said, “Sign Guy”, although he’s not really a plant. He has been getting himself all over television for years, and the E even did an article about him in a magazine once. Most don’t have a clue who he is and there have been hundreds of stories trying to explain it; but basically the most credible one (and as he’s known to 90% of the non-kayfabe wrestling community) is that he’s just a rich white dude who loves wrestling and therefore spends all his time following the E around. He’s like the guy who still thinks it’s real, only has a fat pile of cash and knows better.

    JP’s conscience: Why’s he gotta be a white boy?

    JT: I don’t know. I just was inclined to type it that way. What does it matter? And why did you spell it ‘gotta’?

    JP’s conscience: uh… I’m not really sure either. I too was just kind of inclined to say it that way.

    JT: Weird…

    Finally, to all those who showed us love in the emails (we print the HH’s, usually not the love), we really do appreciate it and glad that you guys enjoy what we do. Trust me, we will “keep up the good work” so you guys can keep “lovin’ the column”.

    Do you have a Hidden Highlight from this or any week in history that you would like to share? Please e-mail JP..erT…er…us at [email protected] with your thoughts! Send them by Saturday afternoon to be considered! And remember, they can be from any show, live or taped, or any house show, or anything you saw… we just like to know!

    That Other Section

    This week, JT has something for That Other Section.

    JT: Well, I figured since our good friend Cook was going on hiatus, he’d at least read us! So in that fashion, there was no way I couldn’t continue with the:

    Hidden Highlights for Hogan Know’s Best: Sunday, January 14, 2007

    (3) Drink Anyone?:

    I’m sorry, but did anyone notice that now that they are in a different environment, the drinking habits have changed? Brooke had a normal 20oz. Hogan had a Corona. Later in the show, Linda had a beer (I believe a bottle of Michelob Light). Point is, no more Red Bull! In fact, there was only one appearance by the Hogan drink (I THINK it was anyway). Like I said though, Red Bull is apparently gone, and the Hogan’s are attempting to adapt to the new environment.

    (2) Figures:

    So Hogan went and got himself a sub from Subway. Sure, it was a bit difficult, because everyone on the planet speaks Spanish and he doesn’t, but he did manage to point and “word” his way through it. As he sat down, frustrated that the language barrier was becoming an issue, he noticed a woman leaving and said, “Asta Luego”. The woman turns to him and says “bye”. How funny is that!? He even did the double-take like “eh?”. Just found it funny that his one attempt at Spanish was met with an American greeting. He too found it shocking.

    (1) Don’t be a hypocrite!:

    At the end of the episode, the entire Hogan family was attempting to have an entire evening/cooking/dinner thing where they would all speak in Spanish. They were all really doing their best, and then Brooke said like two words in English and Linda says:

    “Brooke, speak Spanish! If you don’t, it will ruin my night“.

    I just found this FABULOUSLY ironic that the one comment designed to stress using Spanish was made in English. It could just be me; my mother is German, and I speak it, so anytime she wants strictly German to be spoken, she tells me so IN GERMAN. Again, might be me, but I thought it was funny.

    Exit, stage left!

    JT: Thanks to all who helped out, hope you make it back safely JP, and hope you all have a good week my little 73rd issues!

    Ghost of Chanukah Past: 73rd issues? That was just weak…

    JT: It’s been a long week thank you! It’s almost the end of January, aren’t you due somewhere? I think so, and that destination is called “next year”. Good riddance, sir!

    Thank you for joining us for THE 73rd ISSUE of Hidden Highlights! Be sure to drop us a line and let us know what you think and all the other Hidden Highlights we missed. Plus, we want to hear your Reader Write-ins for all the moments you see this and every week.

    We’ll catch you next time in the reader approved most positive article in all of the IWC, and most definitely the most positive article on Mondays: Hidden Highlights! Until then…

    Larry: …Denny Crane.

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