wrestling / Columns

Hidden Highlights 02.12.07: Issue #76

February 12, 2007 | Posted by Prag-Thomlison

Hidden Highlights
By JP Prag and James “JT” Thomlison

Issue #76


Hello everyone glad to be let out of a trunk, and welcome back to Hidden Highlights!!

Hidden Highlights

There are very few positive things on the Internet. It’s more about everyone’s negative view of what everyone else is trying to do.
— Eric Bischoff, Controversy Creates Ca$h

Hidden Highlight (n) – a small, hardly noticeable point that makes a big, positive difference. This could be anything from a wrestler putting extra emphasis into his moves to make it believable to a person in the background reacting while not the focus to the cameraman shaking the picture to create an effect. There are just so many unsung heroes of wrestling that it is impossible to cover them all.

Every week we take the top 3 Hidden Highlights from the biggest shows on television (RAW, ECW of SciFi, iMPACT, SmackDown!, and a PPV or television special if there is one). Plus we turn to you, the readers, to let us know all the Hidden Highlights you saw this, last, or any week in history. On top of all that, we explore the other issues that prove why this is the most positive article in the IWC.

And who is this mysterious we, you ask?

Why none other than JP Prag and James “JT” Thomlison, of course!

We bring you Hidden Highlights with one goal in mind: to appreciate all those little things that make a huge difference. JT?

JT: 48 days, my friend… 48 days and COUNTING!

JP: I can feel the WrestleMania already! So I know you are going to spend some time with it in “That Other Section”, but I do have to say our Cryme Tyme special certainly evoked a lot of… deep feelings… from people.

JT: That’s one way to put it! At the end of the day, people hated it 3-1. But Larry, Ashish, and we loved it, and that’s all that matters.

JP: Yeah, that and the idea that you have to follow the rule of negative feedback.

JT: What’s that?

JP: Well, people are more inclined to send in feedback when they are upset than when they enjoy something. So, by that each positive feedback counts 4 times and each negative one counts 0.5 times. So that means the results were 2.7-1 positive! Yay us!

JT: Numbers don’t lie, huh?

JP: Nope, not in my world. But we’ll talk about this a lot more later; so for now, let’s get on with the Hidden Highlights (classic style!!)!

Hidden Highlights for WWE RAW: Monday, February 5, 2007 by JP

JP: You know it’s Wrestlemania time when people from other brands show up, talk, and have matches on RAW for no reason. Unlike many in the IWC, I am a fan of the brand extension and would like to see it successful. The problem is when the walls become too porous. That happens more often than not at this time of year. But this time of year lasts for three months! So for a quarter of the year, the brands are intermingling. Not only that, but we have a cross-brand war over the summer, so it’s not so fresh. Ah well, that won’t stop the Hidden Highlights from rolling!

(3) Grab the puppy:

A major news item this week has been the segment between Ric Flair and Carlito where Flair chewed Carlito out for being lazy and not deserving his spot. I suppose that everyone was so focused on the words that they did not pay much attention to the scenery. If you took a look at Torrie (and I feel bad for you if you didn’t [Unless your name is Billy Kidman, in which case I understand]), you would notice that she had her dog wrapped up tight against the frigid Iowa cold. The odd part? That dog was not Chloe!! Unless Chloe lost a mask vs. fur match with a breed change on a pole match, I’m not sure what happened. That dog was a naked Chihuahua!! Unless the hidden message is that Torrie got a Latino dog as a tribute to Carlito? IE, Torrie gave up Chloe to get something that was more representative of her boy-toy. If so, kudos on that one!

(2) I love your hair:

Has anyone heard that song “Shoes” by Kelley? No? It’s weird, but reminds me of the next one we have. Candice Michelle and Melina were talking about back about Candice’s SuperBowl commercial, and Candice let Melina know that the spotlight was on her tonight. Candice then continued to compliment Melina until she turned to leave. But did you catch what she did as she turned? That’s right, Candice rolled her eyes at Melina! She was faking the whole conversation, being nice to Melina’s face and bitch to her back. It was so subtle I almost missed it, but it reinforced that the two were competition (in many ways) no matter what was actually (fakely) said.

(1) Murder:

Earlier in the evening, The World’s Greatest Tag Team hooked up with Chris Masters to take on Cryme Tyme (you might know who those guys are) and Carlito (I may mention that guy from time-to-time). But that has nothing to do with the Hidden Highlight. JR started to talk about the events preceding the match, specifically the Undertaker choke-slamming Batista. JR said, “Batista looked ready to kill… errr… figuratively… not literally… ready to commit assault!”

That had to be the funniest save I have ever heard in my life! As we all know, the WWE has a strict policy that says murder is not part of the WWE television programming. Although a natural phrase in American society, JR had to cover it up from a compliance standpoint. It was such an out there save, I just had to call it out.

JT: I was indeed looking at Torrie Wilson’s puppies, only not the ones that breathe and require feeding… …what? That Flair rant was GOLD as well; I almost spit out my beer I was laughing so hard. Good stuff.

Hidden Highlights for ECW on SciFi: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 by JT

JT: The ECW Originals are out in full force, same for Vinnie Mac, Thorn gets a little help to defeat Dreamer, there’s apparently a chick named Rebecca working for ECW, Lashley gives us a glimpse of his past, Lashley takes care of Holly, Marcus Cor Von continues his dominance (at the expense of Balls Mahoney), and Elijah Burke (and company) get the better of RVD as the entire ring fills with madness!

(3) I’m in the ring with a beast:

During the Lashley vs. Holly match, Lashley got the Hardcore one up in a Delayed Suplex position. Now, normally, this is the part where Lashley sticks out his right hand and demands support from the crowd (which he of course gets), but NOPE! Not this time. He knows he is in there with Hardcore Holly, and that if you break your focus for even a second, he will make you pay. I’m sure that’s probably not the reason, but hey, get kayfabed up for me, wouldja? Holly is not a man you want to give an opportunity to, and Lashley remained focused for the entire move (and match really). Sometimes it’s what you don’t do that’s the HH.

(2) Calling it right down the middle:

When Matt Striker came into the ring to referee the match between Tommy Dreamer and Kevin Thorn, he turned to Dreamer gave him a warning about something (didn’t catch what it was), then turned to Thorn and warned him about hair pulling! Now, we all know that Striker was out there for NO other reason than to be Vince’s lackey, and ensure that Thorn wins the match. The little warning before the match start was a nice little attempt to try and seem unbiased, as if he was really going to call it down the middle. You know, I’ll give you that Striker isn’t the most electrifying man on the roster, but I’ll be damned if he doesn’t give 100% to his character, and will therefore continue to get love in this column.

(1) I’m sorry Vince. You were saying something?:

Man, let me just say that Sandman was the KING of the background! When Vince first got to the ring, you could see him in the background mouth to Dreamer, “Let me fuck him up!”. Then, for a split second as McMahon was talking, you could see him in the corner of your screen with the bamboo stick between his legs and he was …well… “stroking” it. Then you could catch him randomly sipping beer. THEN (told you he was a beast!) as McMahon was finishing up, he had his arms draped over his bamboo and was making the “talk talk talk” signal with his hand. He was doing so much, I almost found myself paying more attention to him than what Vince was saying. Background Beast!

JP: That’s way good stuff there. The best part is that was probably all real emotion pouring from the Sandman. It’s a shame that you had to point it out, though, because now Vince will get mad and fire him.

Hidden Highlights for TNA iMPACT: Thursday, February 8, 2007 by JP
JP: Did Brother Ray really say “Guinea” on TNA? Wow, they really do let those guys fly on the mic. It’s such a change from what Jerry Jarrett originally envisioned for TNA. Remember that he wanted a family-style program that kids could really get into. And then be brought out the Johnsons. Seemed like a mixed message to me.

(3) That happened when?:

During the opening match, Abyss made quick work of former Newly Franchised Natural Chase Stevens. But in the forty three seconds of a match, I caught an interesting gem. Don West mentioned that Shane Douglas has been trying to take the tights back from Chase Stevens on Explosion! Now, one would say the Hidden Highlight is the continuity of the angle. And while that is good, the read Hidden Highlight is that Don West watches Explosion! That just goes to show how dedicated to his job Don West is, and how much he is in love with the TNA product.

(2) The Final Clue:

We cut to the back where Tomko was so frustrated with “that guy” that he was beating the railings with an iron rod. Christian Cage eventually came over and calmed him down by giving Tomko the rest of the night off? But did you catch the shirt that Tomko was wearing? It was a white shirt that said “Pump”. Was that the final clue for the consultant, or the final swerve and prove my theory right that it was really going to be Dory Funk? Well, as we know from the end of iMPACT… Scott Steiner appears to be the Special Consultant. But Christian has never said it! I think Steiner is still just a swerve and we’ll be seeing Dory Funk at Against All Odds!

(1) Me am smart two:

I think I’ve used that title before, as well. During a mid-episode promo, Christian Cage and AJ Styles were letting their opponents know exactly where they stood. After a rather quip remark from AJ, Cage turned to him and said, “I don’t care what they say about you, you’re pretty smart.”

AJ’s reaction to this was priceless! First me smiled and nodded, and then it hit him what Cage he said. He turned flush and mouthed, “Hey, what was that?” The timing of it was so perfect that I could do nothing but laugh. Absolutely great moment!

And before I close out TNA for this week, I just want to give props to David Sahadi for the “Competition going to the dogs” commercial. The ending where Abyss screams and the dog let out a little cry… you could not have asked for anything better!

JT: You are SOOOOOOOO in denial about Dory Funk good buddy. As you all know, I haven’t seen Impact yet, but I’m sure my boy Captain Charisma came through with the goodness as ALWAYS. In fact, chances are by the time you read this, he’ll have already won his title defense against Kurt Angle. HOLLA AT YA PEEPS!

Hidden Highlights for WWE SmackDown!: Friday, February 9, 2007 by JT

JT: We draw closer to No Way Out as Taker destroys the Miz, Deuce and Domino get another victory over the Hooliganz, King Booker gets himself a match with Kane, Joey Mercury gets a step closer to ultimate revenge on Hardy, Kennedy is feeling a little underappreciated, we take a trip down memory lane with Jericho, the Boogeyman can’t get past Finlay (and thank GOD for that), Daivari steals one over Helms, and Big Dave gets a win over Kenned to retain the title!

(3) This arm has been immobilized:

Short and sweet time! After Gregory Helms hit Daivari with an Unprettier, he went for the pin. But not only did he hook his leg, he also straddled his left arm, putting all of his dead weight on said arm! Nice way to eliminate the arm from the kickout to try and ensure a pinfall. Something you definitely don’t see very often if at all.

(2) Please give me your $40 bucks!:

During a promo for Now Way Out, they had a three second shot of Cena nose to nose with HBK, and Undertaker nose to nose as the announcer said “WrestleMania opponents-“; they then did the same showing Cena and HBK standing side by side, looking up at the ramp, with Undertaker and Batista doing the same looking down at the ring (think back to RAW) as the promo voice saying “will team up!”. Just wanted to give some love to the production department for using what was likely the best possible shots to visually drive the point home and help hype the PPV.

(1) This leg has been immobilized:

As Matt Hardy and Joey Mercury went at it, Mercury found an early weakness in Hardy’s left knee and spent the better part of the match attacking it. It took a while, but eventually, Matt Hardy was able to shift the momentum even if only for a few minutes. When he did so, there was a point where he went to the second rope to try and get a leg drop in. What I noticed was that he hopped on the first rope with his right foot and then hopped up to the second rope, also with his right foot. He made sure his left foot never touched the ropes at all! He just had it hanging loose and limp as if he could put ZERO pressure on it. Nice sell of the knee injury by Hardy on something simple that many wrestlers would not do when using the ropes.

JP: Matt Hardy remembering to sell? Well, wonders never cease!

Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights

Hidden Highlights aren’t just for us to find and tell you about, but for you to spot and share with us. Don’t just sit there and stare, but be a more active, attentive, and engaged viewer. Appreciate all the hard work that goes into making the wrestling we have the privilege to watch and then let us know what you caught this and every week.

This week JP gets to pick our Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights of the week.

JP: Well, though most of our mail was Cryme Tyme related, we still had a number of gems from some not-so-disenchanted readers. So, *GENERAL WARNING*:: some parts of the following Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights may be edited for grammar, spelling, and English translation…

It’s ladies night here in Hidden Highlights as we start off with Lisa and some Classics:

Hi, I have been reading your article for a while and I think you guys are doing a great job. I just wanted to suggest a couple of classic hidden highlights. I don’t know if you have mentioned these before, so I apologize if you had.

JP: You never have to apologize to me, my dear, but the sentiment is noted.

1. In Wrestlemania 19 during the Rock/Austin match, the Rock breaks character. At the time he was portrayed as this fun loving heel who would trash talk Austin every chance he got but on that night he didn’t. At the end of the match the Rock leaned down low to Austin and you could see him just talking to him. Then right before he gets back on his feet to leave the ring he pats Austin on the chest. The commentators do not mention this.

It should be noted that match was Austin’s last time in the ring until his match against Eric Bischoff.

JP: Sometimes, when two guys are that close both personally and professionally, they will break kayfabe, if only for a moment. This was a great catch there. What else do you have?

2. For this possible hidden highlight one would need to have a slow motion button and very observant eyes. During the buried alive match at Survivor Series 2003 The Undertaker and Vince are at the grave. Undertaker is standing on top with Vince inside. Vince swings the shovel at taker and cuts him in the arm. After this you see the Undertaker tuck that same arm in (which is also bleeding) as he goes to the dump truck and while Kane is attacking him that arm is still tucked in. I guess this should be mentioned as a hidden highlight because the moment the taker got cut, Kane, Vince and the commentators covered it up so well that no one was the wiser even (from what I have seen no offence) the IWC.

JP: Cover-ups in the WWE? Who would have thunk it??!

Like I said, I don’t know if you have covered the above before or if you would consider the above hidden highlights but I have considered suggesting them to you for some time now. Well anyway, that is all I have to say.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading next week’s article.

JP: Honey, there is no need to ever fear writing to us. I look forward to hearing from YOU again. Remember, you can reach me every other week.

JT: Are you done?

JP: Not by a long shot! In case you didn’t notice, JT, Stephanie wrote to my mailbox directly, and here’s what she had to say:

Right at the end of the main event on Raw tonight, I believe it was right after Shaw Michaels was declared the winner, I noticed someone in the crowd holding a title belt up…and it wasn’t a WWE belt. In fact, it was a replica of TNA’s X-Division belt. I thought that was kind of cool, considering how WWE did confiscate signs with any mention of TNA on them.

Guess the fan got lucky and didn’t get caught with it.

JP: He wasn’t as lucky as I am to have been your first.


JP: This was the first time she’s written in, JT. As a matter of fact she said:

This is my first time sending anything into the site.

JP: And what can I say, she wanted her first to me.

Jis: Oh well, at least he’s leaving me alone.

Jordan: And believe me sweetie, you have absolutely nothing to do with that.

JP: Please, your threats are about as meaningful as the science behind Cotton Candy.

JT: Can we please just move on to one of the guys?

JP: Only you would want me to give up the ladies for some guys. Sigh. Well, thanks to Anthony Zenker, Matt Chewning (I’ll get back to you), and Dan Wojcok for finding the same. Now, let’s move on to another guy in James Fulton. Good thing it’s a good one:

Anyway, found a HH during the Royal Rumble match that I missed first time round, when I watched it a second time.

When Khali is knocking everyone to the mat, and eliminating people, just as he’s about to go for HBK (who’s prone on the canvas), you can see Shawn point to someone else and say “Take him”.

Classic moment from HBK I thought!

JP: That is absolutely classic and the definition of a Hidden Highlight in its purest form! I could not have found one better. Zack Rizza makes his triumphant return with another excellent one:

I know you guys missed me. I was going to tell you guys last week, but I didn’t wanna piss JT…..G and JP Shad off with this one…but one of the highlights from the Cryme Tyme/World’s Greatest Tag Team from last week was AFTER the match. Right before they cut to a promo in the back, you can see Charlie Haas giving the “westside” signal up (with his cornrows), then they cut right to a promo.

Then, I was doing my monthly romp through the rhelm of WWE SmackDown and it was where Cena, Batista, HBK, Undertaker, and Vince McMahon came in. Vinnie Mac says that there is FIVE former and current champions in the ring. Great pick-up by Vinnie Mac to realize that he WAS a champion back in the day.

JP: Yeah, that was probably a safe bet. Those guys were nuts! But they did appreciate good catches like this one, so maybe it was all good anyway. John Leafhill sent in bunch that just missed the cutoff for Cryme Tyme, but it’ll take a perfect spot here:

Hey guys! I finally had enough time to actually concentrate on some WWE
shows this week and noticed a couple of HH’s worth mentioning.

Let’s start by revisiting the Royal Rumble PPV.

JP: Ok.

– The first one goes out to the camera crew. As Mr. Kennedy got on the ring post to do his shtick, they started with a camera angle far above his head, slowly going down until Kennedy seemed almost majestic. This made me feel like Kennedy could actually challenge Batista in this match even though I had read the rumors about Batista’s WrestleMania match with Undertaker. Also, referee Nick Patrick referred to Kennedy as “Mister Kennedy” repeatedly during the match. It seems they’re now serious about building up Kennedy…Kennedy.

JP: Camera crews often are not given enough prop for the magic of television. This was a good prop for them. Please continue.

The whole main event is full of noticeable things, but I picked a couple I found interesting:

Throughout the match new entrants attack the persons they are or have been feuding with. This is common in the Rumble. What amazed me is that when Tommy Dreamer entered he went straight for Edge. Continuation all the way back from One Night Stand II last year as the two had a big feud back then.

“The Flying Irishman” (c) JBL, Finlay hit the most innovative offensive move of the year when Kane put him on the turnbuckle as Finlay placed the bottom of his foot against Kane’s head and actually pushed hard on his own knee to create some impact on Kane’s head.

At one point Viscera and Rob van Dam put Edge on the top rope and tried to push him out. Shelton Benjamin noticed this so laid down on the bottom rope and actually PULLED DOWN from Edge’s hair in hopes of eliminating him.

And the last one comes right after The Great Khali eliminated Chavo. Shawn Michaels pointed to the right and yelled something to Khali. I thought HBK told him in-kayfabe to go after someone else but wasn’t sure, so I had to rewind and check again. If you listen closely as Shawn puts his hand in front of his mouth you can hear him tell Khali to go to the camera and, not suprisingly, Khali goes straight to the camera and lifts his hands up as we wait for Undertaker’s entry. Here we see that the veterans are the ones handling what happens in the Rumble.

JP: As you saw earlier, it was totally in kayfabe. One of my favorites ever written in!

Some more from this week’s SmackDown!:

As Joey Mercury had interfered in Matt Hardy’s match with Mike Mizanin, Mercury was in front of the crowd doing the snapshot-pose. I noticed that something in the crowd right behind him was blurred heavily. I looked at it closely several times and I have to say that I believe it’s some guy’s white shirt with the TNA logo on it.

Next we have a conversation between Kennedy and Thaddeus Long. In the back wall we see a poster of John Cena with some dogs. I thought it was a poster for the Marine, but as the camera zoomed in you can see the text “Can the top dog fend off his enemies on the long road to WrestleMania 23” or at least close to that, it isn’t easy to read with Long’s head in the way. This serves two purposes – first it sells Cena as the company’s “top dog” and second, it foreshadowed Cena’s involvement in the main event interview later on.

JP: Teddy always has great wall art that is worth mentioning. I’d talk about his walls every week, but it would get tiresome. Now, for some old business, Matt Chewning said:

The guy from the TNA PPV that had a sign that said “my sign is a hidden highlight” gets a spot but not the one i had at SS!? wtf? Is it cause my sign said HH and not hidden highlight? Grrrrr

JP: Yes. Yes it is.

Just kidding! For starters, we did talk about your sign before it appeared in Issue #62. Why didn’t we talk about it again? Probably because it never appeared on the show! Neither I, nor JT, not any of the readers saw it. Thanks for trying. If you did see it, grab a screen cap and send it over. We’ll be waiting.

Finally, wrapping us up this week is Corey Van Slyke with:

Fo JT…G & JP Shad: I ain’t haterin’ on da king, just din’ finish my thought yo, da king owns da belt

JP: Word.

Andrew Critchell: Fo’ Rilla!

JT: Dear Vince, I do not want to see Booker vs. Kane at WrestleMania 23. Love, JT!

Do you have a Hidden Highlight from this or any week in history that you would like to share? Please e-mail JP..erT…er…us at [email protected] with your thoughts! Send them by Saturday afternoon to be considered! And remember, they can be from any show, live or taped, or any house show, or anything you saw… we just like to know!

That Other Section

This week, JP, JT, and JT again have something for That Other Section.

JP: I think I’ll go first with…

Hidden Highlights for Hogan Knows Best: Sunday, February 4, 2007

JP: Except it was a repeat, so moving on…

JT: Great, that means it’s my first part with…

THE Hidden Highlight for Wrestling Society X: Tuesday, February 6, 2007

JP: This may not have been so… clear… last week, JT, so let me explain to the readers. Since WSX is only a half hour long, and is only going to be 13 episodes, we decided to just do one Hidden Highlight for it each week. So with that JT, take it away!

JT: Oh good, I can talk. Is it me, or does WSX have the cah-RAZIest names on their roster? Human Tornado? Filth and the Fury? Alcatrazz? Youth Suicide? Trailer Park Boyz??? Can I get a “Matthew Jones” anyone?

Again with the pin stuff!:

Okay, I have a HH from the episode that I watched, yet it seems that I missed a new one entirely because Byers has a recap up of Episode 2, which reads nothing like the show I saw. So, if someone can kindly point JP in the direction of when the most current episode is on so he can cover it next week (and also me so I can cover it two weeks from now), that would be truly helpful; because at this point, I’m reading two different versions of this week’s episode. What… the… fuck? Okay, wait… I’m noticing now he’s calling it WSXtra, so this could be something diff-… you know what, if someone could just email us and tell me what the fuck is going on, that’d be great, because apparently I am not intelligent enough to figure out what the deal is here… I’m sorry for not following the ins and outs of this show and its related content. JT = Jackass.

At any rate, in the one I watched, our second match-up saw That 70’s Team (Disco Machine & Joey “Magnum” Ryan) take on Team Dragon Hate (Horiguchi & Yoshino). After the Disco Machine tagged in and taunted both members of TDH, he was rewarded with a Drop Toe Hold courtesy of Horiguchi. He immediately went for the pin, and placed his arm around Disco Machine’s leg’s and reached up, grabbed his hand and started to pull it! What a unique way to attempt to keep someone’s shoulder on the ground! I don’t think I have EVER seen that done. Dare I say, innovative? Have to give that props.

JP: I saw the same episode, so I have no idea what you are babbling about.

JT: Neither do I! But we have more to do with…

Hidden Highlight of the Reader Feedback for the Cryme Tyme Special

JT: So it would appear that last week’s issue was possibly the most reacted to since the inception of Hidden Highlights. It would seem people either loved it, hated it, or just flat out didn’t get it. I originally was going to go through one by one and respond to each email that we received, but quickly realized I would end up merely being repetitive every third email. Therefore, what I’ve decided to do is share the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of the responses we got to the Cryme Tyme Issue, and I will delve into a general response to all at the end. We had several differences of opinion regarding the column, so let’s just get right into it!

From Corey F.:

Seriously, Hidden Highlights as a column is something I look forward to every single weekend. Been a fan since the beginning, and like most of your other readers, I can’t NOT watch wrestling and think “That’s a HH” when I see something small that adds to my enjoyment.

So imagine my surprise when we had a “special” edition of HH this week, the Cryme Tyme Edition. I gave it a shot, you guys never really have failed before, and it might be interesting.

It wasn’t. Not at all. In fact, I was hoping you gentlemen would get tired of talking “like Cryme Tyme” halfway through and be your regular elves, which is good enough, and I would at least have half a column to enjoy. But it wasn’t meant to be. I’m not an easily offended guy, but your street slang/ebonics was just atrocious and in bad taste. JTG and Shad Gaspard do use ebonics as Cryme Tyme, but in all the segments
I’ve seen them in, they’ve never become a caricature of black stereotypes that you two put them in (albeit in a joking manner; I’m not accusing either of you or racism).

My point is that I found the latest issue to be in extremely bad taste and I could barely get through the Royal Rumble Highlights before I gave up on the column entirely. I’ve never been moved to write you two nor any other IWC writer before, but I felt the need to write now because I honestly don’t think I’d ever been offended before by anything written at 411mania. Forgive me for expecting more out of
Hidden Highlights, but it’s only because you’ve set the bar so high for yourselves in the past.

Thanks for taking the time, and I honestly do hope you stick to the regular format from now on; it works and it works extremely well.

From David G.:

I normally enjoy Hidden Highlights but I read none of this week’s column. Can we get a translation posted? Thanks.

From Andrea S.:

OK, the Cryme Time bit was dead-on. Scary, awesome, did I mention scary?

Seriously, get your heads checked. Paxil is cheaper now than ever before. Ask your doctor if Hidden Highlights are right for you.

(Seriously, fantastic stuff.)

From Jim P.:

The Cryme Tyme gimmick made me not bother trying to decipher your article.

1 reader lost. Way to go.

From Graeme P.:

As a long-time reader, and fan of the column, I hope that you understand when I say that you must never do that again. Seriously. never again.

Bobby: *Shortened*

I just read it. It was insanely funny.

From SSgt Rahmin W.:

I love Hidden Highlights. I look forward to it every week.

But I could not get through that shit this week. I think we all understood that it was Cryme Tyme doing Hidden Highlights, but GOD DAMN man, ebonics doesn’t translate well into written word.

The whole article was visual assault. If anyone got through it on one sit-through that DIDN’t take at least an hour, I would be surprised. I started reading, thinking, “This might be funny” and it turned into “Shit man, they didn’t stop it.”

You did the WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE that way.

I stopped reading after the first highlight of the Rumble. It was too much. It made my damn eyes hurt. That’s the prime reason I am emailing you today. Some ideas look good on paper. That does not mean they translate well in execution. If I am the only guy that responds this negatively to this weeks article, I will be equally as shocked, but I will stand by it.

Bad execution on this weeks article.

Don’t do it again.

From Jamie L.:

Why ruin a perfectly good column with that gimmick? I couldn’t even be
bothered to read past the 2nd Rumble highlight, I normally look forward
to this column; thanks for ruining my day.

From Cram:

I’ve read EVERY single issue of Hidden Highlights but this week i can’t read your column for shit man. please upload another version with no gimmicky ghetto shit talk so i can actually read the greatness that is Hidden Highlights. Your column is good enough as it is, and this is certainly not funny or easier to read.

From Ian P.:

411 Column of the year right there, boy. Funniest thing I’ve read in quite a while.

From Jonathan G.:

Hidden Highlights is usually a well-written and clever little article, but the Cryme Tyme stuff was horrible, unfunny and impossible to read. It reads exactly like someone whose only interaction with black people is reruns of Friday movies and, well, Cryme Tyme on WWE.

I hope I’m not the only person who thought it was a horrible mess, and in fact, I hope you repost it with the normal written voice to make up for it.

From James F.:

Love the Cryme Tyme column… shame it took so long to translate! Haha.

From Charles E.:

I love reading the Hidden Highlights more than any other article on 411mania, (how is that for positive?) but I have to beg you to never do Cryme Tyme highlights again. I got a headache trying to translate as I read it. I think even a Delirious Highlight article would have gone smoother.

Don’t waste your outstanding prose by trying to write “street”, just let the entertaining river of the Highlights flow its natural course.

From Justin P.:

Normally I am a huge fan of your column, guys… But trying to read it with you two having it all wiggered out was impossible. I hated the column and couldn’t even read past the Rumble highlights. If you guys were trying to be funny… Please, don’t try so hard. It was much too painful.

From A A:

I usually love your Hidden Highlights. Really, I do. However, your Cryme Tyme version was unreadable. I appreciate that writing like that took more effort than usual, as your columns are among the most coherent on the site. Please, bring back plain old vanilla HH. Thank you, and keep up the great work.

JT: Well, first and foremost, we most certainly had no intentions of ruining anyone’s day, giving anyone a headache, or losing readers (sheesh! tough crowd!). Secondly, no worries about it happening again; it was a one time thing and even if we did want to do it again, I don’t think JP or myself have the patience to do so. Finally, no, we did not create an alternative version of the issue, so you’re either stuck reading the Cryme Tyme edition, or you’ll just have to skip a week!

As our 75th issue was approaching (seemingly unnoticed last week), we wanted to do something unique to celebrate. Someone mentioned the Cryme Tyme thing, and we discussed the possibility of actually pulling something like that off. Obviously, we decided that we could.

So, while we will not defend the article – as we see nothing to defend – we will stand behind it whole heartedly. For starters; say what you will, if you actually devoted the time to read it all the way through, that shit was funny to us. We thought so when we decided to do it, we thought so as we were writing it, we think so now, and we’re not the only ones. Had some actually made it past the Rumble highlights, there was the awesomeness of Ron Simmons, the jacking of Jeff Small, and of course the sign-stealing of Larry Csonka; good times indeed.

Another reason we will stand up for it was the insane level of energy and effort required to write that thing. Seriously kids, if you thought it was hard to read, you should try writing it. It took us the better part of a month to throw that thing together exactly how we wanted it. When we made the decision to write it, we knew we were not going to half-ass it. The whole point was to capitalize on what made Cryme Tyme funny in the first place: their insane level of “over-the-top”-ness, so that’s what we tried to re-create. Personally I think that’s exactly what we got.

JP and I were well aware when we submitted the article that people would absolutely adore it, or completely hate it. We knew there would be no middle ground, and we decided to run with it anyway. Despite the negative feedback we’ve received regarding it, I have no problems saying that we are very proud of the issue and would write it again if we had it all to do over.

In closing, to those who enjoyed the column, we appreciate the love as always. We are truly glad that you got a kick out of it. But I’d really like to address the people who did not enjoy it. We’d just like you to know that we really do appreciate the respectful manner in which you guys expressed your disdain for it. Most emails weren’t bitching or yelling or anything like that. As you can see, most were respectfully showing disapproval while still giving positive re-enforcement on our usual work. Believe me, I have seen some of the assholes that email Csonka to go on their rants, and we are really, REALLY happy that we didn’t have to deal with any of that. You sent your message loud and clear, and didn’t have to throw a hissy fit to do so. So while we will most definitely NOT apologize for writing the article, we do appreciate those that felt it wasn’t up to HH standards choosing to go about it in a mature way.

JP: I couldn’t have said anything better. This issue was a month of work and absolutely astounding. For those who couldn’t make it very far in the article, give it another chance. Not only are there a plethora of jokes and hilarity, but there are bunches of excellent Hidden Highlights (you know, what this article is really about). Even if you couldn’t read our characters, the Reader Write-ins were still in “regular” English, so you always have that.

I did enjoy the contrarians who at least acknowledged that we were trying something new. Who in their right mind would write a 15 page article completely in character? And have those characters be the epitome of stereotypes (side note: To those who thought JT and I were being racist or had no exposure to black people, I need to remind you that JT grew up in Detroit and I in Boston. We were intentionally trying to be as “Cryme Tyme” as possible, it was very conscience how over the top and ridiculous it was.)?

I’m confused that so many people got the idea that this would be a regular occurrence or that that we were giving up the format that we’ve worked so hard to create. Did the fact that it was our 75th issue just slip by? Why would we want to do that on a regular basis, or ever again? It seemed so odd to me that people feared this could be the end of Hidden Highlights as they know it!

Well, no worries, my friends. This is the way we like to do it. That is, until Issue #100. Wait to you see what we have planned for that one!! OH MY!!! Right JT?



JT…G: ………………..it wuz steel’ funny ez hell, suckaz.

JT: Oh just go away!

Exit, stage left!

JT: That’ll do it for us this week kiddos. Now, far all of you wondering what to do tonight since RAW isn’t on, the answer is simple. Watch Heroes! Until next time my little Ewoks!

JP: Ummmm… I think the correct answer is watch the “This is TNA” special. Forget that, too?!

Thank you for joining us for THE 76th ISSUE of Hidden Highlights! Be sure to drop us a line and let us know what you think and all the other Hidden Highlights we missed. Plus, we want to hear your Reader Write-ins for all the moments you see this and every week.

We’ll catch you next time in the reader approved most positive article in all of the IWC, and most definitely the most positive article on Mondays: Hidden Highlights! Until then!


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