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Thoughts From The Top Rope 11.06.2007: All Good Things Must Come To An End

November 6, 2007 | Posted by Daniel Wilcox

It’s a sad, sad day here on 411Mania. I’d been riding on a high, putting out what I thought was some decent columns that you guys enjoyed, then I get word that my 411 career is coming to an end. Apparently, no one reads my stuff anymore. Apparently, you’re all sick of the WWE mark constantly praising the “crap” that Vince and co. put out every single week. Fuck, apparently Bayani was getting more hits than my stuff – and that’s my 17 columns combined! And so, this will be the last column I ever write for 411wrestling.com and it sucks.

But I think you and I know the real reasons I was let go. I was getting too many hits – no one was reading anything else. I heard Larry tried to get a fill-in for the 4 R’s but no-one had heard of it. So they got rid of me before my fan club took over the site and demanded I write everyone else’s articles while they wrote my pay-per-view simulations. It’s a shame that things have come to this, and I only wish that I wasn’t so damn good.

What sucks even more is that I’m going out with a whimper; no context today, just feedback and my responses to it, maybe followed by a few bullet points if you’re all lucky. I was told not to bother writing a full article, probably because the site would implode with all the hits it gets.

And what better way to kick off my final column than with my loyalist reader, Samer;

Hey Dan, how is it going?

Not too great, as you’ve read.

Interesting look there at some of the stars of tomorrow.. Here’s my take on what you said:

Umaga: Yes, Umaga has definitely gone a long way from being that Jamal guy in 2 minute warning, and he’s a valuable asset to Raw, but i think he’ll always be stuck in this “highest level of Jobber to the stars” level.. Just like Kane. I mean that’s how the whole “monster” character works in wrestling, it’s pretty one dimensional, and therefore it’s almost impossible to be a real star.
Look at Kane, sure he held the title for one day, and he main evented a couple PPV’s but that was it. Look at Abyss in TNA, he won the title once, lost it, and has been stuck in higher mid-card feuds ever since. That’s not criticism mind you, just an observation. Khali is another example (although he sucks), he won the tile but that’s about the only run he’ll ever get (hopefully). Again that’s not to say that Umaga doesn’t have a chance of one day being WWE champion or anything, with all these injuries, who knows? And he proved that he works hard and can have a good match under the right circumstances, it’s just that i can’t picture him being a long term “star”. Any monster not named The Undertaker can’t stay on top for long. Fans want to be emotionally tied to the wrestler, and it’s hard with monsters.

You certainly raise a good point, but I’d argue that a few other monsters have been stars for long amounts of time. You mentioned the obvious one, Taker and you also mentioned Kane. Yes, he’s a jobber to the stars right now and has been for several years now, but he’s as over as he ever was and that is a testament to the big guy. I’d still consider Kane a star now, and had he been giving a longer run back in 1998, he could very well have reached the same levels of Taker.

MVP: well i can’t argue there. The guy has it all, BUT i think he should be booked to wrestle more. And no not wrestle in 6 minutes matches with Kane that end in a count out. They need to put him with a good worker who can elevate him, because he still has the ability to improve in the ring. His feud with Benoit benefited him immensely as he really improved in the ring. A series of matches with Matt Hardy can do just that too. He has the mic skills, the charisma, and the fans care about him. That (and what i said earlier) is all you need.

Mr.Kennedy: Well that’s a no brainer. Definitely the one with the brightest future of the bunch. And probably one of the best characters in the WWE in the past 3 years or so (besides the boogeyman of course). They guy is awesome on the mic, he reminds me of Jericho with his mic work, for some reason. I’m not sure why, but he just does.
However after his injury, i feel that his in ring work has been hit or miss, sometimes he just looks off. But of course, one feud with say, JERICHO can solve that. Definitely a future world champion.

John Morrison: Well i got nothing to add, i think THIS guy has it all. The look, the charisma, the in ring ability, some flashy cool moves, which separates him from the rest of the roster, because not only is he a good worker, but he can pop up the cool moves when he wants to in order to get the crowd into the match. See his matches with Punk.
Hell i could easily imagine Morrison’s entrance music saying: i think i’m cute, i know i’m sexy.. Ooops, it’s been done before, well yeah because Morrison in many ways reminds me of Shawn Michaels. And that’s a compliment obviously. Here’s hoping he won’t lose his smile.

Just a question though Dan, NO LOVE FOR CM PUNK? You can argue that he’s already a star, but let’s face, does the ECW title mean that much more than the US or the IC title? I don’t think he’s a star yet, but if they really give him the ball, the guy can do wonders for them. Yeah he’s a cool babyface champion, but it’s when he’s a heel that he’s in his best form, especially when it comes to mic work.. Let the guy feud with Cena sometime in the future.. That i’ll pay to see.

I was really torn on whether to include Punk or not – I think he has a potentially great future, but it depends on where WWE values the guy. Guys like MVP and Kennedy are stone-wall future main-eventers and WWE knows this – we can tell by the way they are booked – working big matches, promo time etc. But Punk hasn’t really had any of that. Even with the ECW Championship, Punk is always low down the card and gets very little mic time on a show with only 12 or so guys. So basically, I figured WWE (at this stage) doesn’t view Punk as a future star and thus neither should I.

So great topic this week, and really you nailed most of it. There are possibly other future main eventers, but the problem in the WWE is that you NEED to have good mic skills. That’s why someone like Jeff Hardy, no matter how over he gets, can’t be considered by the management as a long term star in the company. Sure he might get the title, and it would be really cool to see, but he’ll have the Mysterio type of reign. Same thing goes for Matt Hardy, although he’s really improving on the mic thanks to his feud with MVP, i can definitely see a good program between Matt and Edge for the World Heavyweight Title.

I don’t why but the recent promo work from Jeff Hardy has been really enjoyable. He owned Kennedy on the mic a few weeks ago. I think I’d love to see Hardy go heel at some point and go full-blown emo, cutting emo promos and generally blaming the fans for everything. I don’t know if he’d have to change up his offense to work heel, but it’d be interesting nonetheless.

I’m glad you didn’t mention Carlito, because quite simply, he sucks. In the ring at least. He has Charisma, and the fans are kinda into it, but that’s where the praise ends. I’m sorry but he’s been in the WWE for a while and he’s the sloppiest worker on Raw. Hell even the VERY green Harry Smith looked better and way more sharp than young Carli. And can he get any slower? The way he runs the ropes is embarrassing quite frankly. Some people are still high on hm but i can’t see why.

Sheton is another one who i don’t think will ever be a main eventer. Which is a shame because the guy is great in the ring, although he screws up every once in a while. But when he’s feeling confident he’s one of the better wrestlers on the roster. They should at least stop treating him like a jobber though.

Shelton’s a weird one. From 2004 to 2005, he was gold – great matches every night and the fans loved him. It really all started to go wrong when they made the decision to turn him heel and do nothing with him. Hell, if they’d turned him heel and let him feud with someone like Shawn Michaels, he’d be a star right now.

Finally if it was up to me, and that’s a weird choice, but i would go for Paul London. What WWE fans don’t know is that Paul London isn’t just a guy with cool moves, he’s also a great wrestler. People need to check out his work in ROH for evidence. He can have the babyface Shawn Michaels 1996 run. Of course that’s a long shot, and it needs time to elevate him, but he can have great matches. He’ll make a fitting “underdog Champion” Kinda thing that they like to bust out every once in a while (Benoit, Rey, Eddie…).

And finally i just want to say that the WWE did the right thing by having Batista pin Taker clean in what was an awesome match. Suddenly i’m buying Batista as a worthy champ again, after being a choker for most of the year.

Great column,

Thanks Samer!

And finally, this from 411’s Justin Pelletier;

Hey Dan,
Great column and I agree with all the guys you mentioned but I think you forgot about two important guys: Lashley and CM Punk. I realize both have held world titles already (or at least the ECW title) but so has Morrison and you included him. Clearly Punk and Lashley have a huge fan base and both some something special that will propel them tot he top of the card for a long time to come.

again, great work

Well, I explained my thesis on CM Punk earlier, and I have my reasons for not including Bobby Lashley – I cannot stand him. He is as bland a performer as I’ve seen in years – generic look, generic moves, and no charisma. I have no doubt that if WWE really wants him to be a star, then they can turn him into one, but right now I just don’t like him as a performer.

Some Random Comments

Last night’s Raw great; the Stone Cold and DX skits in particular. If you didn’t enjoy that opening promo you may as well give up on wrestling. Yes, it served no purpose in developing a rivalry or angle, and yes it broke kayfabe at times, but none of you should care! It was two great performers entertaining! It’s like The King said, that was all about fun and if you don’t want fun on a wrestling show then what the hell are you watching for? All I’m saying is, don’t take this shit too seriously because it is only wrestling after all and more importantly, you’ll enjoy it a hell of a lot more, I promise you.

Survivor Series looks like it’s going to be a great show. The two world title matches should both be great encounters, the Survivor Series match will be equally awesome, and Hornswoggle/Khali will be harmless fun – hey, fun on a wrestling show! Oh yeah, the Rated R Superstar is back too!

Slimmer > Small

And so we come to the end of an era. I am officially done. My only regret is that I never came up with a cool closing line to end this journey with. It’s been fun.


Be honest, you all believed it didn’t you? You all thought I was done. Come on, don’t lie. Wait, you really didn’t? Oh. Well, OK. Damn.

Truth is, I need to take a break from my 411 duties to get in some revision for exams coming up at the end of the month. So I’ll be taking the next few weeks off to get that done, then I’ll be back and better than ever. Look out for my return around December 11th as I embark on a series of columns looking at my favourite aspects of pro wrestling. My return column (which you’re all already eagerly awaiting, amirite?) will feature My Top 25 pay-per-views of all time. Then we’ll take a look at My Top 25 Wrestlers of All Time and finish up the series with My 100 Favourite Matches! That’s right, 100! So there’s that to look forward to I guess.

So, all you Americans out there have a great Thanksgiving and all that, and everyone else just have a good November, OK? I’ll see you all in a few weeks!


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Daniel Wilcox

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