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411 PPV Roundtable Preview: WWE Survivor Series 2007

November 17, 2007 | Posted by Stephen Randle

Good morning, everyone. Yes, it’s time once again for some good old-fashioned WWE PPV action. Your (American) Thanksgiving offering will be WWE Survivor Series, continuing a tradition of over twenty years, when it was created to steal PPV buys from WCW. From controversial beginnings, to controversial endings (I keep telling you, Canada will let Montreal go when they do), the PPV that originated on team-based competition this year provides some tradition in the form of a ten-man elimination match, plus four title matches, and a leprechaun. Hey, they can’t all be classics. In addition, Batista and the Undertaker look to take their long-running feud to the highest level, as WWE dusts off Hell in a Cell for another go-round.

With all those possibilities, let’s see what 411 staffers checked in to offer their thoughts.

Stephen Randle, The Wrestling News Experience

Jerome Cusson, 411Movies/TV reviewer

Randy Harrison, 411MMA contributor and video reviewer

Matt Adamson, Destiny

JT, Larry’s bitch

Ari Berenstein, Column of Honor

Mathew Sforcina, Evolution Schematic

Mike Minotti, Can They Be Champ?

Michael Weyer, Shining A Spotlight

Michael Bauer, ECW live recapper

T. G. Corke, The Seventh Dimension

Andy Clark, The Shimmy

Matt Short, The Navigation Log

Chris Lansdell, The Way I C It

Well, it’s just about time for WWE’s next Big Four PPV, so let’s take a look at the card.

Hornswoggle vs The Great Khali

Stephen Randle: I’m still wondering why Hornswoggle’s training match was a taped segment in an empty arena. At least that was more entertaining than this is sure to be.

Winner: Hornswoggle…somehow.

Jerome Cusson: Something screwy happens. That’s all the match analysis this garbage deserves.

Winner: Hornswoggle

Randy Harrison:Maybe if I don’t look at it, it’ll go away.

Winner: Me when I stick a pencil in my eye on Sunday night, but if I’m forced to choose…Hornswoggle by KO when Khali chokes himself unconscious after trying to eat poor Horny whole like a python.

Matt Adamson: I’m seriously not going to watch this shit.

Winner: Nobody (Hornswoggle, and it’s going to be terrible)

JT: Um… I’m really not sure exactly what it is I am supposed to be previewing here. This match – at least to me – is clearly for comedic relief during the show. Hornswoggle will make him miss a few times early, causing the crowd to laugh, but once Khali gets his hands on him it’s over unless there are some other type of run-in shenanigans.


Ari Berenstein: This will be about a minute of Hornswoggle running all over the ring and under Khali’s feet as the giant tries to capture him but is too slow. Then Khali will squash him like a grape. Angels and children will cry. Put the babies to sleep early. And for god sakes, wait 30 minutes after eating before going into a pool.

Winner: The Great Khali

Mathew Sforcina: Ok, question: What is HHH gonna do between now and WM? Orton V HHH (V HBK) is clearly the WM main, so he needs something to fill the time. Orton can mess about with Hardy and Jeri… Uh, the Save Us guy, but HHH needs someone to mess with. So, how about a big guy on SD not doing much? This seems like a great way to start the feud. And it’s my Cello Prediction.

Winner: Hornswoggle (HHH distraction, Khali gives chase and is counted out, just to further kill the Brand Extension.)

Mike Minotti: This is sure to be more of a comedy sketch than an actual match. I’m expecting at least one run in, probably Coachman. As for as the result, I want to say that Hornswoggle will comically get the win, but I’m having a hard time imagining just how they’re going to pull it off. Still, I think it’s going to happen.

Winner: Hornswoggle

Michael Weyer: Oh, man, who thought this up? Really? Ah, well, if I have to choose and unfortunately I do, Khali crushing him big time.

WINNER: Great Khali

Michael Bauer: The odds maker is back for one of the big four of the WWE and I get to start with this travesty. Wow, just wow. Odds that this match will suck royally that Trash of the Night doesn’t describe it: 10 to 7. If Hornswoggle wins, I will stand by my goal of never giving the WWE another red cent and add on that outside of ECW, never spend another second watching their programming (except to see Jericho’s re-return.)

Winner: The Great Khali

T. G. Corke: This is tricky, and it hurts my brain that I’ve bothered to analyse what is likely to be a short comedy match, but here goes. There are three distinct possibilities here. Number one, and my personal favourite, is that Khali utterly dismantles Hornswoggle. Maybe Horny gets in five minutes of humorous offence to start with, but then is just killed in 60 seconds after that, as he should be (because, otherwise, he’s probably in line for a WWE Championship match). Number two is that Hornswoggle wins, either because he just outsmarts Khali and makes him look like shit, or because Coachman accidentally costs Khali the match. Number three is that somebody runs in to ‘save’ Hornswoggle. Since Jericho isn’t meant to be coming back until monday, I predict Coachman inadvertantly nets Hornswoggle the win, and the rematch on Raw ends with Jericho’s return.

Winner: Hornswoggle via Coacheference

Andy Clark: Well this is interesting. Hopefully the comedy isn’t too hokey. I still think they end up friends and don’t fight. The Boogeyman will come out to mend fences and they’ll be a wacky stable.

Winner: No Contest

Matt Short: LOL WUT. I’ve really got nothing to contribute to discussing this match. I’m sure it’ll be funny though.

Winner: Khali

Chris Lansdell: Did they rehire Russo? This is just laugh fodder, and will go maybe 2 minutes. It’s either the Khali face turn or…no, it’s the turn.

Winner: No Contest (Coach shenanigans)

Maria, Kelly Kelly, Torrie Wilson, Mickie James and Michelle McCool vs Beth Phoenix, Victoria, Layla, Jillian Hall and Melina

Stephen Randle: There’s really only one woman on the face team who can even stand up to Beth Phoenix, let alone the other four women on the heel team, and that’s Mickie James. I’ll be happy as long as we get to see a Long Kiss Goodnight before Beth clobbers her.

Winner: Beth’s team

Jerome Cusson: The idea that people are actually going to pay fifty bucks to watch divas flop around and the midget vs. giant match is truly amazing. Honestly, I don’t think it matters who wins here, but because Kelly has gotten some more television time as of late, I’ll go with her team winning.

Winner: Kelly Kelly, Torrie Wilson, Mickie James, and Michelle McCool

Randy Harrison: Sloppy punches, slow chain wrestling and barely credible offense will be the order of the day until Beth Phoenix comes in and slaps the piss out of the face team. Hopefully her and Mickie carry the bulk of this one so that it avoids being total ass.

Winners: Beth Phoenix and her BAMF crew

Matt Adamson: I swear if they put this and the Khali vs. Horny match on back to back it would without a doubt be the worst 1-2 punch WWE has ever put out. Nobody cares, and the fact that it’s not Survivor Series rules makes it even more meaningless. I might have actually cared if it were elimination, but alas, we have to endure meaningless crap like this that can’t even meet a simple gimmick standard for the show it’s on.

Winner: Beth’s Team

JT: There are four people I want to see for most of this match. Beth, Mickie, Victoria, and Melina. Devoting any time to the others that is not for the sole purpose of eye candy is pointless in an already pointless match as it’s at Survivor Series with no Survivor Series elimination rules. Then again, if there were elimination rules, booking would probably have a bunch of shocking eliminations leaving Maria and Torrie vs. Layla and Jillian. Nobody wants that.

WINNER: Team Phoenix

Ari Berenstein: Have you noticed how the “model” WWE Divas, the ones who aren’t renowned for being wrestlers, are actually starting to up their game in the ring? Viewers better hope its enough. Mickie James is the one true trained “wrestler” on that team and if they can’t get it together then its up to her and if she can’t cover for them this is going to get ugly quickly. If this was elimination rules I’d say it sets up for a 5 on 1 in favor of the heels, but since it seems not to be the case I’ll say that we get a big fracas and somehow the faces pull out the victory, such as it is.

Winner: Maria, Kelly Kelly, Torrie Wilson, Mickie James and Michelle McCool

Mathew Sforcina: Clearly this match is designed to make a new challenger for Beth. Ergo, someone on the face side wins.

Winners: Team Mickie (Let’s say… Michelle pins Melina, just to further kill the Brand Extension.)

Mike Minotti: From a wrestling stand point, the face team shouldn’t have a chance. Mickie James is the only one of that team that isn’t a glorified model. Still, such things as credibility rarely matter in Divas matches, and since Beth Phoenix needs a new opponent to feud with, someone from the face team is going to pin her. I’m willing to bet that someone will be Mickie.

Winners: Face Team (Mickie James pins Beth Phoenix)

Michael Weyer: Ah, old style ladies bout. Now is this elimination or just regular tag team? Either way, it should be a fun mix of styles and I’m dying to see Mickie and Beth mixing it up not to mention how Phoenix and my gal Victoria work together. For the victor, gotta go with the champs side.

WINNERS: Phoenix, Victoria, Jillian and Melina

Michael Bauer: Odds that the true winners will be the “PCs” played by Danny Devito from the “It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia” commercials: 2 to 1. I can say this much. The heels have the better wrestlers, but Maria and Kelly have shocked me lately with the improvement they have had. This should be nothing more than to get some ass on the PPV and to put Beth Phoenix over.

Winners: Team Beth and Pervert Clowns everywhere

T. G. Corke: Normally I would complain about having a five-person tag match at Survivor Series and NOT having elimination rules, but on this occasion I’ll let it slide because I do not want to see twenty or even TEN minutes of this crap. That said, it will be bearable as long as Torrie, Kelly, Maria and Layla are kept as far away from the action as possible (at least the in-ring quota of it). I’m more than happy for those four to just stand there and look hot, especially Kelly and her arse. But no wrestling for you, dears! Anyway, I hope and pray that the team with four capable ladies, i.e. the heels, manages to defeat a group for whom wrestling talent doesn’t even apply to the majority.

Winner: Bethtorlina Layhall

Andy Clark: I like that they booked this match. It may not be Elimination Rules but there is still a Survivor Series precedent for this type of match. The heel team definitely overmatches the face team here.

Winners: Team Phoenix

Matt Short: There’s enough women in this match who can wrestle passably that this might not be a total train wreck. Sure, it’s not going to be pretty, but I think that with Vitoria, Mickie James, and Beth Phoenix in there to keep things interesting. All in all though I don’t really care.

Winners: Team Phoenix

Chris Lansdell: This should have been Survivor Series rules. Alas, it is not, and we’ll probably see Beth’s team lose to either Mickie or Michelle, depending on who they want to face Beth next. Beth will not get pinned. This has potential if Kelly Kelly, Layla and SkeleTorrie stay out of the ring.

Winner: The James Gang, Mickie pins…let’s say Layla.

Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Kane vs Umaga, Finlay, Big Daddy V, Mr. Kennedy and MVP – Survivor Series Elimination Match

Stephen Randle: Who’s on the face team? Triple H? Okay, I know who I’m picking. I’d pick survivors, but there’s only one that’s a sure thing.

Winner: Triple H’s team.

Jerome Cusson: Last year Triple H’s team got a sweep. While I don’t see that, I see Triple H of course dominating. Kennedy and Umaga will have some dissension and break up. Matt Hardy and MVP won’t face each other again. Kane and Big Daddy V will likely be the double count-out of the match. The problem with WWE is they don’t have the patience to give one of these matches the time so it can actually be good. Instead of twenty minutes, they need about thiry-five to forty.

Winners and SOLE survivors: Triple H and Rey Mysterio

Randy Harrison: NOW we get to the meat of the show. I love the traditional Survivor Series match-ups. Every year it’s the one thing I look forward to the most on the card because it takes me back to my young days as a 7 year old watching Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan captaining teams of five. I love the dynamic of having Matt Hardy and MVP on opposing sides and that everyone on each team has a dance partner that they’re feuding with on whichever show they’re from (viva la Brand Extension). I’m sure Kane and V will end up getting themselves Double DQ’d when they have their angry big-man brawl, Matt and MVP will have more great interaction, Rey-Rey will be the most popular guy in the ring, and I’m POSITIVE that it will end up being Triple H against Umaga and at least two other heels with Trips coming out on top of things.

Winner And Sole Survivor: The King of Kings, The Destroyer of All, The Game, The Blue Blood, Terra Ryzing, etc etc etc…Triple H

Matt Adamson: On one side you have some great guys to watch plus Kane, and on the otherside you have two great talents, one tub of shit and two mediocre up and comers. Tell me why the tub of shit is in there. I mean, when I’m looking through a magazine full of hot women, I don’t want a picture of a group of hot women with Star Jones in the middle of them. That would ruin a great thing. I think any result other than Triple H’s team winning is a bad move, so I’m thinking Matt Hardy is the sole survivor.

Winner: Team H

JT: Not much to dissect here, you got some people feuding and some people not feuding, you’ve got some big names in there, and you’ve got Survivor Series rules. Kind of a shame to think that this PPV used to be exclusively (for the most part) all about teams vs. teams, and is now almost lucky it gets one match on the card. I expect everyone but Big Daddy V to get to use their finisher at least once.

WINNER: Team HHH: HHH and Jeff Hardy

Ari Berenstein: I wish there were more traditional elimination matches this year but if this is it, then its a pretty good selection of wrestlers. I would have held off the MVP / Matt Hardy break up for this match and have Matt choose between he and Jeff, but its too late and with MVP turning on Matt the drama and tension of that storyline will be greatly reduced here. We’ll get a long match with a ton of quality action but I’m thinking it will be a predictable ending: Triple H finds himself two on one or three on one against a combination of Umaga, Finlay and maybe Big Daddy V, and then he goes onto destroy them all and become sole survivor (and likely defacto number one contender to the WWE title).

Winner: and sole survivor, Triple H

Mathew Sforcina: So, this would be part two of HHH/Khali, so HHH is eliminated by a CO or something, since he has to be kept strong. Thus it either becomes put over all the heels or push some faces. Since I think Jeff will need to be elevated and Rey needs a boost if DAVE is to turn heel, then they are the lucky survivors.

Winners: Team HHH (MVP pins Matt, Jeff pins MVP, HHH is counted out thanks to Khali, V pins Kane, Rey pins Finlay, Rey pins V, Rey pins Kennedy, Jeff pins Umaga. Rey and Jeff survive.)

Mike Minotti: Considering how over all of HHH’s team members are, I think that the heel team really needs a victory here. I think the WWE will use this oppurtunity to finally give some momentum to Kennedy, having him be the sole survivor and setting up a feud against HHH.

Winners: Umaga’s Team (Mr. Kennedy is the sole survivor)

Michael Weyer: Now this is gonna be good. Yes, even with V because you’ve got nine guys who we know can bring it in big time battles. Seeing the Hardys back together is gonna be good as will pushing the Matt/MVP feud more and Rey and Finlay going at it. For the winner, I’ll join the rest in saying it’ll be HHH’s side but do think he might work in at least one other and we can hope it’s the guy who deserves a good push soon.

WINNERS: HHH and Matt Hardy.

Michael Bauer: Odds that this turns into last year’s traditional Survivor Series Match: 100 to 1. They better not try that shit again. The other thing is that Kane and Mysterio should be pretty easy eliminations. Matt Hardy’s “injury” status could also come into play. Also, I must say one thing. Fuck the WWE for not giving us the first ever Tag champs on opposite sides deal despite hyping it through the moon the last two weeks. Odds Triple H does a job: 50 to 1. Yeah, I thought so. Just have to ask, how does Big Daddy V get eliminated?

Winners: Team HHH (Survivors HHH and Jeff Hardy)

T. G. Corke: This should be pretty good, I hope. I enjoyed the Hardys/Triple H/Michaels/CM Punk team last year, argue all you want about the shut-out victory. Hopefully things will be closer this time around, although I doubt the result is in question since none of these feuds (bar Hardy/MVP) are really focal points in the WWE. This match really just serves as a way of getting a pop and making the fans happy. The face team should be good, as long as Kane steps up as he usually does in big-time environments. The heel team ought to be decent enough, as Finlay is awesome, Umaga is underrated, MVP is improving drastically, Kennedy is usually quite good and Big Daddy V will probably just get a couple of minutes to squash a bitch or two and then leave. The faces will be coming away with the win here, but I’d be surprised if any fewer than two of them (Kane and Rey, probably Jeff as well) do their respective jobs for V and Finlay (and Kennedy).

Winner: ‘Team Triple H is With Us’ (Triple H and Matt Hardy survive)

Andy Clark: I’m definitely looking forward to this one. If we didn’t have Hell in a Cell I’d recommend this end the show. It should get enough time, I just hope they keep the count out and DQs to a minimum. If Matt Hardy gets pulled from the match I call a Ric Flair return to replace him. There’s no way Triple H’s team loses.

Winners: Team Triple H (Triple H & Jeff Hardy survive)

Matt Short: I don’t think we’ll be seeing the clean sweep that Triple H’s Team DX had over Team Rated RKO like last year. That would be excessive. But the guys to beat in this match are going to be Triple H and Umaga. This really seems more like a way to just advance various storylines in the match. Matt Hardy vs. MVP, BDV vs. Kane, Finlay vs. Mysterio. I just hope that it’s actually competitive and worth watching this year.

Winners: Team Triple H Survivors: Triple H, Jeff Hardy

Chris Lansdell: You have to ask? There are going to be some sweet spots in this match. We’ll get to watch MVP ducking Matt, Finlay killing a bitch, Kane and BDV getting a double count-out…and HHH taking some people to one of those U-Pick farms.

Winner: Team H (Kane and Rey eliminated)

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch © vs Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly – World Tag Team Championship

Stephen Randle: Well, at least they’re using Heat for something more than burying the World’s Greatest Tag Team and feeding jobbers to Hacksaw Jim Duggan. This is a tough one to pick, but I can’t imagine that they’re done with Cade and Murdoch yet. Besides, we just had wacky tag partners on Smackdown, and there’s no way Rhodes and Holly can match up to MVP and Matt Hardy.

Winners: Cade and Murdoch

Jerome Cusson: I’m a fan of Cade and Murdoch so I hope they have a long reign as tag champs. It would be nice if the WWE actually treated the belts with some respect instead of having them be fodder for Triple and then two Smackdown guys. I’m very anti-Holly because he’s never been that good in the ring, and he was an amazing tool for what he did to the Tough Enough kids. Cody Rhodes is way too green to be with WWE right. The guy honestly looks like he needs another year before being ready for the big stage.

Winners and STILL WWE tag team champions: Cade and Murdoch

Randy Harrison: Damn the WWE for making me look foolish after I just finished bitching about them not making a match for the Tag Titles during my groundbreaking and earth shattering guest spot in Fact or Fiction this week. Then they go and do it on Heat of all things (honestly I think more people would have known about it had they scrawled in on the wall of a bus station bathroom for all the “viewers” that Heat gets), but I suppose I should be happy that Cade and Murdoch get a taste of the PPV spotlight. I doubt this will get much time and it will barely make any waves, but if they want to continue this apprenticeship program they have going with Rhodes and Holly, they might as well consider giving them the titles here to see what the kid can learn while holding a belt.

Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes

Matt Adamson: Wow, this really is shaping up to be one of the most meaningless undercards of recent and distant memory. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly are not a team that makes sense. If they get the titles, well… I will just have another excuse to watch Heroes.

Winners: Cade and Murdoch

JT: My goodness, a tag team match I am actually interested in seeing! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not overly excited for it, its just that this match is slightly less meaningless as normal because of the teams involved. Holly and Cody are both pretty over, and it wouldn’t shock me if the won the gold here.

WINNER: And NEW Tag Team Champions, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly

Ari Berenstein: The tag champs need a win after getting squashed by Batista and The Undertaker (because sometimes the WWE just has to put the tag division in check for fear they may actually get over). Rhodes and Holly are a go nowhere team that is destined to break up and feud with each other. They do not stand a chance here unless WWE is going to actually go through a Cade and Murdoch break up, which would be immensely idiotic at this point. Damn, maybe I should change my pick then.

Winners: Cade and Murdoch to retain.

Mathew Sforcina: Hmmm. I just don’t see it happening.

Winners, and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: The West Hollywood Rednecks (Mickie James runs out to protest Holly’s chair shot on Murdoch, Holly is distracted, Cade uses chair on Holly, wins.)

Mike Minotti: They’ve been teasing a split in the Cade and Murdoch team, and having them lose their titles is the obvious next step in that story. The tag title will help establish Cody Rhodes, plus give him a reason to continue to stick with Holly as his mentor.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly

Michael Weyer: THIS is the best they could do? London and Kendrick, Duece and Domino and it’s Rhodes and Holly? Expect this to be a short blow-off with no real emotion to it and the crowd mostly dead for it.

WINNERS and still Tag Team Champions: The Rednecks

Michael Bauer:Odds anyone that half the fans of the WWE have a clue this match will happen: 25 to 1. I mean, you give the title shot to a team that wins a match of Heat. Need I say more. Cade and Murdoch have been great champs when not buried by the Dead Animal combo. Odds the title changes hands: 15 to 1. I like those odds.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly

T. G. Corke: I’m not too happy with this one. Not just because it’s basically been added at the last minute just for the sake of having another match, but because of who’s involved. And I say this NOT from a technical standpoint, but from a storyline perspective. Rhodes recently feuded with Holly. Holly defeated Rhodes three times in a row, and Rhodes never got a win back. Then, Holly came and helped him when he was being beaten up, and they formed a tag team. Now, suddenly, they’re number one contenders. I could be wrong, but I think that this means one of two things: 1) New, relatively-inexperienced (with each other) tag team champions who make Cade and Murdoch look even more worthless, or 2) Cade and Murdoch retain, derailing the momentum of Holly and Rhodes and, I fear, leading to Holly turning on Rhodes so soon after they became allies and leading to more matches between them. Neither is a great choice, in my view. This match should, in itself, be fine but the logistics of it cripple my face. I predict the retain/Holly turn scenario.

Winner: Cade-och

Andy Clark: This match could be OK, but it has no business being on a Big Four PPV. Holly is a good tag team wrestler so I’ve got hope for the match, but this is a pretty lame addition to the card.

Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes

Matt Short: While I appreciate them getting the tag team champions onto the card, I can’t get excited about this match. There’s no reason to take the belts away from Cade & Murdoch now. And given how they were built up to win the belts in the first place there should be a little build toward them losing them in the end. If Holly & Rhodes win it then it will just look like the WWE has gone back to just giving the titles to any tag team they have at the moment. I really think that’s the route they’ll go hear.

Winners: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly

Chris Lansdell: On one hand, we have the young buck that is getting pushed, and tag champs that have had the straps for a while without really seeming deserving. On the other hand, you wouldn’t normally expect the belts to change in what amounts to a bonus match, and especially not in the first go-round. Interesting dilemma. I’m not holding out much hope for match quality, either way.

Winner: Redneck Wrecking Crew

CM Punk © vs John Morrison vs The Miz – Triple Threat Match – ECW Championship

Stephen Randle: I assume this is the Miz’s reward for getting enough fan interest to win the vote at Cyber Sunday. Of course, then he and Morrison apparently screwed up everything last week, so we can be pretty sure that Punk retains this time, probably by pinning Morrison.

Winner: CM Punk.

Jerome Cusson: The Miz sucks a lot. John Morrison sucks a little less. Unless RVD comes walking through that door or Jericho ends up on ECW, Punk should hold this championship for a very very long time. Of course, Morrison will pin The Miz here setting up some sort of final match to end the feud at Armageddon. My prediction is Punk is shafted out and ends up on Smackdown by the beginning of next year.

Winner: John Morrison

Randy Harrison: Punk has exceeded my expectations by holding onto the belt for as long as he has and if he could get a credible program for an extended period with an entertaining heel that the fans actually want to see he could go from being just over to being OVER and someone that the WWE could bank on being a future superstar. This one should be good with Miz and Morrison continuing their feud within a feud and struggling with each other almost as much as they will be heelishly ganging up on Punk. There will end up being some sort of heel miscommunication and Punk will squeak out another win and continue his reign.

Winner and STILL ECW Champion: CM Punk

Matt Adamson: At last, something that has promise. Oh wait, is that THE MIZ tagged on at the end there. Well DAMMIT! Just when you think there is something to look forward to, even if it has been flogged repeatedly in the past, they have to go and the THE MIZ in there. If this isn’t the worst PPV of the year, I’ll eat my New Jersey Devils hat.

Winner: The Miz, because it’s just that fucking stupid.

JT: You know, I’m not the Miz’s biggest fan, but one thing I will say is that I don’t mind him; mostly because we know from his time on The Real World that he genuinely loves this business. He has done his best to improve, and while I wouldn’t really have considered him anything more than a jobber two months ago, I think that the fans opened a lot of eyes in the back when he won the voting on Cyber Sunday. He’s no Punk, he’s no Morrison, nobody is debating that. But he has held his own somewhat in this feud and therefore I buy him as a title contender (albeit it THIS title for THIS one show). That being said, he is probably nothing more than the scapegoat to keep the other two looking strong.

WINNER: And STILL ECW Champion, CM Punk

Ari Berenstein: I would have gone with a title change here back to Morrison had the backstage fracas between he and JBL not taken place. Now I think he is going to be punished and punished harshly. Both The Miz and CM Punk hit their finishers on Morrison and Punk takes out the Miz on the way to retaining the title.

Winner: CM Punk to retain

Mathew Sforcina: So, everyone has a belt now. Gee, if only Punk had a couple of running buddies, say two guys whom he has tagged with, who can fued with Miz and Morrison over the tag belts, like say a couple of fellow Chi… Yes, I want the Second City Saint reunion. So sue me.

Winner, and STILL ECW Champion: CM Punk (Vice on Miz after Colt Steel run-in… Hey, that’s a cool tag name!)

Mike Minotti: I imagine that John Morrison is in the dog house following his little spat with JBL. I doubt the Miz is in any trouble, but I still think he’s far from over enough to be made champion. Then again, considering that the ECW Championship has become a glorified intercontinental/US belt, a Miz win wouldn’t be the most suprising thing. Still, I think Punk is going to retain here.

Winner: CM Punk

Michael Weyer: Two days ago, I’d have said Morrison easy as they’ve been setting him up to regain it. But then the backstage farcas with JBL hit and he might still be in hot water. Plus, you know, the fact that Punk is super over with crowds and actually does a good job as champion and does anyone see Miz as a serious title contender? Expect Punk to retain until Morrison gets back in good graces again.


Michael Bauer: Odds Punk loses the title now: 50 to 1. The odds were a lot lower until Miz and Morrison won the Smackdown Tag Titles. Yes, I read that right. So now, we can have a US Title feud and let two new people have a game of one-ups-man-ship for god fucking knows what reason. This also means hell has frozen over, because The Miz has gold in the WWE. He won’t double up.

Winner: CM Punk

T. G. Corke: Until I read the spoilers for Smackdown (which I will have seen by the time this is made public), and then the quasi-scuffle Morrison had with JBL backstage, I’d have said Morrison was a certainty to win this one. However, things change and, as he and Miz picked up the WWE Tag Team Championships this week, I doubt Miz will be winning this thing either. So I think Punk retains, probably with a ‘punishment pin’ on the Shaman of Sexy. Who he faces after that is anyone’s guess. Edge, perhaps?

Winner: CM Punk

Andy Clark: Prior to this week’s show I would have said The Miz would win the belt, but after the tag title win and the JBL incident (if it really happened) I don’t see Punk losing the belt yet.

Winner and STILL ECW Champion: CM Punk

Matt Short: Before news broke about Morrison and JBL altercation, Morrison would have been my pick to win this. Let him pin The Miz and win the belt and continue to feud with Punk. Now it doesn’t look as likely. Punk to retain with hopes that we will get more of him and Morrison in the future. And as much as Miz annoys me, I’ll keep an open mind and hope that he just does the best he can in this match without looking like a dick.

Winner: CM Punk

Chris Lansdell: CM PUNK! CM PUNK! Sleeper MOTNC if they get more than 10 minutes. We all know what Punk can do, Morrison is seventeen shades of awesome, and Miz has come on leaps and bounds. I think a title change is all but inevitable, and even more likely that it happens without Punk jobbing out, the question is who pins whom, and do we get Noblesque shenanigans?

Winner, and NEW ECW Champion: The Miz!

Randy Orton © vs Shawn Michaels – Orton Loses Title on DQ, Shawn Loses Match with Superkick – WWE Championship

Stephen Randle: The countdown is running down, and the champion that he challenges probably isn’t going to be Shawn Michaels. Besides, Shawn was only an emergency challenger after Cena went down anyway, I’m pretty sure they had no plans to put the belt on him.

Winner: Randy Orton

Jerome Cusson: So you’ve got a match where everyone pretty much knows who’s going to win. Then you take away the one grain of hope fans might have in seeing Michaels win the belt with his out-of-nowhere finisher. Of course, there is going to be some ridicuously contrived and overbooked ending where Michaels gets screwed and Orton just barely walks away with the title. I’d like to know when the WWE established the rule saying heels (not named Triple H) can’t win cleanly once in a while.

Winner: Randy Orton

Randy Harrison: Michaels has singlehandedly made this an interesting feud as Orton has just kind of been along for the ride it seems from the get-go and treading water since his title win. The build-up to the stipulations, with Michaels repeatedly hitting Sweet Chin Music, and Randy Orton getting himself disqualified at Cyber Sunday, make it seem like they’re truly important as opposed to just being tacked on. With it being Michaels challenging for a title and it being ten years since Montreal, most are expecting some type of finish playing off of that, but I can’t see how it would fit in the context of the feud so I’m going to say that it won’t end up happening. Michaels will probably end up hitting the Superkick out of force of habit or by some accident (How do you accidentally thrust kick someone in the face? I’m just saying..), and Orton will retain and continue on with his reign of mediocrity.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Randy, don’t call HIM Randall, Orton

Matt Adamson: I have little doubt that this will be the match of the night. If Orton brings his SERIOUS working boots we could be looking at something special here, but considering the stipulations, I think it’s going to fail. Sad thing to, because I truly believe this match might have pushed this over the spot of Worst PPV of the Year, which would allow me to post a link to the youtube of me eating my Devils hat. Shawn is going to screw this up, Orton’s character is that smart. Notice I said “character”.

Winner: Randy Orton

JT: It really irks me that with the 2006 and most of 2007 that Shawn has had, he hasn’t at least gotten one last run with the belt. I’d still like to see it, but the fact is the WWE will not put the belt on someone who works on Sunday and Monday nights only. Shawn does not travel the full schedule, and your champion needs to be at house shows and available for other brands if necessary.

WINNER: And STILL World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton

Ari Berenstein: This is the story of either the resurgent comeback kid getting his revenge and his “one more run” at the top with the big title, OR the story of the ten year anniversary of the Montreal Scewjob, only told in reverse. All I know is that WWE sure can’t let go of Montreal and that last one sounds real good. I think three things will happen: someone gets put in a sharpshooter, someone (ahemahemVINCEahem) will ring the fucking bell, and HBK gets screwed.

Winner: Randy Orton to retain

Mathew Sforcina: Let’s see if my buddies at Stablewars have predicted this right. 15 minutes in, ref bump. Orton grabs the belt, whacks HBK with it, ref is still out. Orton revives him, Sweet Chin Music, HBK locks in Sharpshooter, Orton taps, ref calls for bell… And awards the match to Orton, DQing HBK for use of the superkick. And THERE’s your fricking screwjob.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Randy Orton (See Above)

Mike Minotti: I think this feud isn’t going to end with this match, but that may just be wishful thinking since I’m going to be at Armageddon. Anyways, I’m expecting Orton to win by cheating (he won’t get caught, lol).

Winner: Orton

Michael Weyer: Honestly…when was the last time a heel lost with a stip like that? I can’t recall and the fact is, Orton is still doing good as a heel champion after so much buildup and they seem to be ready for him and HHH again. While I’m not sold on the idea of a repeat of the Screwjob, do expect some shennigans to allow Orton to retain but it should be a good match nonetheless.

WINNER and STILL WWE Champion: Randy Orton

Michael Bauer: I love the stipulations as for once, they don’t favor the heel AND they don’t favor the face. Odds a ref bump happens: 10 to 1. Come on, this ain’t TNA, but it is still pretty much a given it will happen. With Punk retaining and a face being champ no matter what with Smackdown, you need to have one heel champ.

Winner: Randy Orton

T. G. Corke: I feel sorry for Randy Orton. On paper, he should be one of the greatest World champions of the last several years. He’s one of only five men to have won both WWE World titles since the draft split (and one of only six in history), a triple-crown winner and a Wrestlemania main-eventer. Yet, in reality, he comes across as a total log. Edge has that problem, too, and it’s a bit of a shame. I know they’re heels and they can’t win cleanly all the time, but it’s at the stage where he doesn’t even look CREDIBLE going into this match, and he had to beg Regal to ban the Sweet Chin Music so that he stood a chance of winning the match. All that’s left is for Orton to lose the match and then defeat Sting in a Passing of the Choker’s Torch match on TNA Xplosion. Anyway, as for the match itself, it’s a lose-lose situation but the action SHOULD be very enjoyable. As a mark for both guys, I’d love to see neither stipulation come into play at the end, and Orton to just hit a quick RKO and win cleanly to solidify his reign, and THEN become a dick again and try to kill HBK with the kick. Unfortunately, that’s not happening. So I think we either have a ref bump and Triple H sauntering down and turning on Michaels to give Orton the win and feud with a returning Jericho, or we finally see the end of the current Orton experiment as Shawn and Vince recreate the screwjob, therefore turning both Michaels AND Orton and giving us a Jericho/Michaels program while Orton works his way back up via winning the Royal Rumble. I’ll flip a coin on this…

Winner: Randy Orton

Andy Clark: And here’s our screwjob match of the evening. The rules state that Orton loses the title if HE intentionally gets himself DQed. That doesn’t mean Mr. McMahon can’t hit HBK with a chair and get Orton DQed. You know Vince can’t let the ten year anniversary of Montreal pass by.

Winner and NOT WWE Champion: Shawn Michaels (Non-Orton DQ)

Matt Short: I’ve never liked the stipulations that ban the face’s finisher. If worked right they can work, but I can’t think of a situation where it happened like that in recent memory. If there’s a guy on the roster who can pull it off it’ll be Michaels. Orton cheats, doesn’t get caught, and gets the pin.

Winner: Randy Orton

Chris Lansdell: I wish I could shake the deja vu feeling. The anniversary thing, the hinting at submission moves, the fact that turning Shawn right now for a feud with the Hs would be money, even if it leaves Orton in limbo…God I hope I’m wrong.

Winner, and NEW WWE Champion: Shawn Michaels (Sharpshooter)

Batista © vs The Undertaker – Hell in a Cell – World Heavyweight Championship

Stephen Randle: A hard to predict match, until you remember that Edge is still set to return at Survivor Series, possibly avec chainsaw, and apparently, he’s just a little bitter. Who took him out? I believe Batista got credit for that, since Undertaker was out injured at the time. Therefore, look for Edge to cost Batista his title, on the way to Edge-Taker at WrestleMania.

Winner: Undertaker

Jerome Cusson: Finally! A match I not only want to see, but think it will be a WWE MOTYC. These two have great chemistry for some reason. Both guys have wrestled in the cell so there won’t be that kind of adjustment in getting used to the cage. My pick is a weird one. Remember how Edge has been shown with the chainsaw before the advertisements. Edge uses the chainsaw to open the cell and spear Undertaker leading to a Batista victory and your set-up for the Wrestlemania main event.

Winner: Batista

Randy Harrison: If it’s fall, it’s time for the Undertaker and Hell in a Cell. Some of the best Hell in a Cell matches have come from the Undertaker entering the demonic structure as the days shorten and the leaves change and fall. Think back to both his classic inaugural HITC match with Shawn Michaels as well as his often overlooked brutal war with Brock Lesnar for examples of what kind of magic Taker can produce when that cage door shuts. Batista and the Undertaker have had a fantastic series of matches with Batista finally managing to get his hand raised for the first time last month. Can he make it two in a row, or will the Undertaker prevail in “his” match? I’m really pulling for Taker in this one because he deserves to have the title run that injury prevented him from having earlier this year, and I hope he pulls it off so we can see Taker/Edge Streak vs. Streak at WM 24.

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: The Undertaker

Matt Adamson: Alright, so we all know fairly well by now that the quality of a Hell in a Cell match is determined by the person facing the Undertaker and not by the Undertaker himself. That has proven to be an historically accurate view. That being said, I have no confidence that this will be a great match. I doubt it’ll be the worst Hell In A Cell ever, but my bet is that on a list of best HIAC matches to the worst, this will end up in the bottom half. Are people really going to pay $40 to see this show? I have a feeling that The Undertaker is going to come out on top, but that Batista will win the title back at Armageddon.

Winner: The Undertaker

JT: WrestleMania is less than five months away. You have to think that they will be trying to go streak vs. streak, so I look for Edge to interfere, costing the Undertaker his title shot and beginning to head toward the direction of the WM payoff. Although, they could pull the swerve and give Taker the belt back, and just make sure he loses it before the Royal Rumble; then have Edge and Taker eliminate each other at the rumble, setting up the feud that way. Don’t see it happening though, they usually begin WM booking in December and we’re practically a week away.

WINNER: And STILL World Heavyweight Champion, Big Dave

Ari Berenstein: This one has potential to be really good, maybe even a classic. Both men have great chemistry against each other in the ring and both have performed exceedingly well in the Hell in a Cell environment. I wouldn’t be surprised if this stole the show. Now I don’t know if something screwy will happen in BOTH title matches and maybe the whole HBK / Montreal deal is a red herring. After all. Edge has been plastered all over the advertising and yet no one on WWE programming has mentioned his return. Well what if he returns here with a chainsaw, cuts open the cell and takes out both men in an act of revenge? I don’t know how that leads to the finish, but hey it worked for Kane and it sounds damn cool to me. Undertaker lost last month clean as a whistle and he rarely loses twice in a row, so…

Winner: The Undertaker wins the World Heavyweight Championship

Mathew Sforcina: I can see it now, 3 Demon Bombs, DAVE beats Taker, poses with belt, Taker rises, offers his hand, DAVE takes it… Low Blow, a few more Demon Bombs and DAVE walks out champ and hated. Easy.

Winner, and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Batista (Demon Bomb X3, give or take)

Mike Minotti: I think it’s safe to say that this match is going to end the Batista/Taker feud for some time. I feel like Batista should get the win here, since he has more days ahead of him as a main eventer, and a big loss to Taker here may hamper his rep a little. A lot of people think that Taker will win since an Edge/Taker program makes more sense than a Batista/Edge program. While I would agree, I think it’s silly to be so sure that the winner of this match will still be champion for WM24, and it’s equally silly to assume that Edge will be on the possible chalenger. Sure, he’s the only WreslteMania main event worthy heel on the Smackdown roster right now, but they could very easily move someone from Raw over with the Royal Rumble stipulation. Still, a Taker win won’t suprise me, but I’m putting my money on Batista.

Winner: Batista

Michael Weyer: I don’t know what it is but somehow, these two always bring out the best in each other and in a HITC, that should really come to the fore. Expect plenty of wild action and both guys to do bloody blade jobs and pull out all the stops to make this one the best of the bunch. For the victor, I gotta go with the guy with more HITC experience and who’s still hugely over. Besides, due for his annual push for Mania anyhow so…

WINNER and NEW World Champion: The Deadman

Michael Bauer: This is the big one, as the Hell in a Cell has done nothing more than deliver come great matches, unless you are the Big Boss Man (RIP). Odds this does the same: 3 to 1. Batista is 1-0 in Hell in a Cell, while the Undertaker has been a part of seven of the 14 Hell in a Cells, but only 5 were one on one contests, making him 3-2 in such matches. All of his wins have come with no titles on the line and he is 0-2 overall when a title is contested. The history seems to favor Batista, but I do believe the Taker needs one last good run. Odds on this being the true main event: 10 to 1. They would be higher, but the WWE are tricky bastards.

Winner: The Undertaker

T. G. Corke: Oh boy, this pay per view is so difficult to predict. Usually, I’d have a pretty fair idea of who was walking away with the wins (like I did for TNA Genesis…which I forgot to write for. Too bad, as I honestly had no doubt whatsoever that Kaz and the Machine Guns were winning, and I could have done with the ego boost. But, you know, every dog eventually has his day), but this time around I’m happy to not have all the answers. I think the winner of this one may be dependent slightly on who wins the WWE Championship match. We’re more likely to see no World title changes than we are to see both of them switch hands, and given that Batista’s only been champion for two months and Orton for one month, I’m inclined to believe that neither of them have yet ‘hit their stride’. I think most people think Undertaker should win, but I don’t agree with that. We’re more than likely getting Taker vs Edge at Wrestlemania, streak vs streak, and the bad blood between them already exists as well since Edge took the title from Undertaker. It doesn’t need the extra gravity of the World championship being on the line. Batista, on the other hand, looks to be in the doldrums heading into the ‘big dance’, and could do with all the impetus boost he can get. Believe it or not, there aren’t THAT many ‘casual fans’ who are going to buy a pay-per-view on the basis that JBL is returning. Most people will buy the event anyway, regardless of what they’re about to watch. But JBL and Batista may well benefit from the added importance that the title would lend, especially Batista who’s always more motivated when he’s the champ. Therefore, I predict, and hope, that Batista retains. Whoever comes away victorious, though, the match should rock all kinds of balls.

Winner: The fans. And Batista

Andy Clark: Man, I’m looking forward to this one. It’s a toss up as to who wins, and it really depends on what they want to do with Edge. If they don’t have Edge get involved this can be a MOTYC. I can’t wait!

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Undertaker

Matt Short: They finally have a feud that’s worth ending in a Hell in a Cell match and I can’t get excited about it. Even though these two have had nothing but great matches, I still can’t get excited about it. It’s going to be good, but the fact is that I just don’t like Batista and that really has prevented me from getting 100% behind this feud. I think it’s going to be another good match and well worth the money for the PPV but hopefully this will be the final chapter in this feud.

Winner: Batista

Chris Lansdell: This match right here is begging very loudly for my $40. These two have great chemistry, Batista is willing to do crazy things, and Taker normally pulls out something special for the big 4 PPVs. I would LIKE to see Edge come down with a chainsaw, bust open the cell, and cost Batista the title. He feuds with Dave until the Rumble, which Edge wins, and faces Taker at Mania.

Winner, and NEW World heavyweight champion: Undertaker


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Stephen Randle

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