wrestling / Columns

Evolution Schematic 01.26.08: Mankind (Part 2)

January 26, 2008 | Posted by Mathew Sforcina

Writer’s Notes

Happy Australia Day! For those of you not blessed to be an Aussie and aren’t stuck doing a column on the great day, perhaps pause and consider something you like that came out of Australia. Be it Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Kylie Minogue, Real Beer, Australia’s Sporting Dominance Over England, Don Bradman (The Single Greatest Sportsman Who Ever Lived, Bar None), The Wiggles, Rupert Murdoch, whatever. Just pause and thanks us for bringing them to you. Or, if there is not a single thing you like about Australia, then pause, think about us, then spit on something. It’s all good.

That said, have you listened to 411mania’s podcast to preview the Royal Rumble? I hear it’s got an Aussie in it, and that he did a great job, despite sounding like he’s just come out of a Monty Python film. Ignore the mistakes, I mean, Chavo I should have guessed, yes, but you can’t blame me for Lashley if it’s not a work.

God I hope it’s a work, if only for my reputation.

TO STREAM: Simply press the play button on the podcast player.

TO DOWNLOAD: Right click on the DOWNLOAD HERE link below and then save the mp3 file to your computer.



Oh yeah, almost forgot about this bit!

When we left off (abruptly, alas, and for that I apologize) last week, as seen here, Mankind was just starting to get into his groove when Dude Love turned up to become Steve Austin’s tag partner, replacing Shawn Michaels.

Phase 4- It’s Crowded At The Top.

Dude Love had finally emerged, and in his first true match won a title. This did not sit well with Mankind, but for a while, he was willing to work with Dude Love. The two identities shared the same body, Dude Love also having problems with Hunter Hearse Helmsley after Austin got injured and had to forfeit the tag titles. Although in the record books Mankind got the win at Summerslam 97 in a cage match with Hunter, it was Dude who really won the match, much to Mankind’s chagrin. But while Mankind and Dude somehow got along, it all got weirder when yet another Persona came back.

Phase 5- ‘Cactus Jack… Is Back!’

Mankind and Dude Love just couldn’t get the job done, see. HHH had to be dealt with. And they both knew that only Cactus Jack could be sick enough, crazy enough, to get the job done. So Dude and Mankind let Cactus out, for one night only. They gave him control, and let him do things to HHH that if it was outside of a wrestling match would be grounds for attempted murder.

But now all three personas had a footing, all three had a stake, and all three tried to take control, to become the dominate persona. At first, Dude and Mankind were able to work together and keep Cactus down, and Mankind was more often than not the guy who normally had control of the body. Thus Mankind was the guy who fought Kane in his ‘first’ ‘official’ PPV match, as Mankind tried to stop the juggernaut that was Paul Bearer’s little son.

However, the 98 Royal Rumble saw a unique opportunity for Mick’s identities as what can only be described as a clerical error saw Cactus Jack, Mankind AND Dude Love all draw numbers, Mankind losing out as he drew the middle number and was eliminated by The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust.

But the Rumble let Cactus Jack out, and coupled with Terry Funk’s return under the Chainsaw Charlie persona (another topic for another time), Mankind for the first time since he emerged was thrown to the back, as he vanished as Cactus Jack took over.

Then Cactus Jack felt he was being disrespected, and thus after Wrestlemania Cactus Jack withdrew back into Mick Foley’s subconscious. Vince was then able to swoop in and help Dude Love take control, with dreams of gold, chicks, power, chicks money and chicks. So again, Mankind lost out, and was gone.

Phase 6- Finally, he returns, straight into Hell.

Eventually though, the night after Over The Edge 98, Dude Love was fired for incompetence by Vince McMahon. So, given that Dude was banned and Cactus Jack had no interest in resurfacing, Mankind was able to take control once again, and on the June 1st edition of Raw, Mankind returned to help Kane defeat The Undertaker, impressing Vince enough to give him back his job.

Mankind once again joined up with Paul Bearer but more importantly with Kane, the duo forming an impressive, if unstable duo. But while they began to find their legs as a tag team (and quickly rose up the ranks to #1 Contenders), Taker had some unfinished business with Mankind.

Phase 7- “Good God almighty! Good God almighty! They’ve killed him! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!”

The result was King Of The Ring 98, and arguably the second most famous match in Professional Wrestling history. Certainly the second most famous moment in WWE history. Hogan Slamming Andre.

And then Mankind getting thrown off the cell.

Mankind proved something that night. He proved that he could take an INSANE amount of pain and survive. He proved that he could still hang with The Undertaker. And he proved that he was a sick son of a bitch.

Of course, the night was still all right despite losing to Taker, as he helped Kane win the World Title, although it was mostly The Undertaker, who by this time was secretly working with Kane while in reality actually getting back with Paul Bearer, with poor Mankind stuck in the middle.

Phase 7b- Before the storm.

Of course, Mankind was oblivious to all this, through clouded judgement and pain. He was just happy when he and Kane won the tag titles, upset when they lost them to Austin and Taker at Fully Loaded, happy again when they regained them (in a history making match on Raw that saw every title holder at the time involved in the match, The Tag Champs [World Champ Austin & Taker at the start, Kane and Mankind at the end] defend against 3 teams, Kane and Mankind, the New Age Outlaws and The Rock and D’Lo Brown, who had with them the IC and European titles, D’Lo subbing for an injured Owen Hart), and when Kane and Taker joined forces again ‘officially’, at first he was cool with it. Then when Kane attacked him, he was less happy.

And that’s when Vince once again reared his head.

Phase 8- The son he never wanted.

For at Summerslam, Vince convinced Mankind to go out and defend his tag belts by himself against The New Age Outlaws in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Mankind was the destroyed, pinned to lose the belts, then tossed into a dumpster where Kane popped up and attacked him a bit more.

Mankind, who had begun wearing a shirt and tie, mocking Dude Love’s business like suits as he became Vince’s bitch, now himself began to suck up to Vince, as he tried to prove himself. His win/loss record began to suffer, as he competed for the IC gtitle and lost against The Rock and Shamrock on PPV, but he was more concerned with trying to get into Vince’s good books, as he became the thing he at first rebelled against, trying anything he could to stick around, trying to solidify himself, and that led to Mankind’s defining non-painful moment.

We interrupt this Schematic to bring you an important message from ‘The Society Of People Who Want To Do Things To Rebecca Knox.’

~The HOTNESS of Rebecca Knox~

Yes please.>
She OOZES sex…

We thank you for your time. Viva La Rebecca-Lution!

Phase 8b- “It’s Mr. Socko!”

For when Mankind went to cheer Vince up at the hospital, he took a sock puppet, Mr. Socko.

And that sock just fucking EXPLODED. Suddenly he was the most popular new guy on the roster! As soon as Mankind realised he could put him over the Mandible Claw, Socko was well and truly born.

Thanks to his new marketable quality, Vince seemed to accept Mankind a bit. He gave him the new Hardcore title, and seeming respect. And he seemed to get an easy run to the World Title at Survivor Series in the tournament, Al Snow stealing Mr. Socko being the sole downer, it seemed.

But then at Survivor Series, Vince screwed Mankind over and chose The Rock, giving him the World Title and making a crucial error.

He pissed Mankind off.

Phase 9- An Angry Masked Man.

While Austin was kept from the title, Mankind was there, fighting The Rock, fighting the McMahons, Mankind now firmly established as a top guy, and a beloved guy, as The Corporation screwed him out of the Hardcore title, and Mankind traded the World Title with Rock a couple of times, winning it, losing it, winning it, before losing it finally the night after St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, thanks to Paul Wight. Mankind then got to win the right to referee the main event at WMXV, counting the fall to give Austin the title.

Mankind continued to fight against The Corporation throughout 99, winning some, losing some, as he became more and more the dominate persona. Part of this was merely being around the longest, a stretch as the sole persona making his grip that might tighter, but also because he lightened up enough that Dude Love wasn’t as needed, since by the mid to late 99 he was fully into the ‘human Muppet’ phase. It was such a gradual thing, but it was logical. Mankind found that a funny line and a sock was more than enough to fight the system, to fight Vince McMahon, he didn’t have to go to the depths Mankind once had, so Mankind began to lose touch with that side, and began to let the ‘real’ Mick in.

This led to the formation of the Union, although this was quickly disbanded as the members were just too much into individuality. And the strain began to show every so slightly, as Cactus Jack emerged for one night before Mankind clamped down on him.

But with this slip, Mankind then regained his focus, and found himself holding the #1 Contendership for the WWF title, ending up in a 3 way against HHH and Austin at Summerslam, and won the title!

He then lost it the following night to HHH.

But while he lost the World title, a week later he won another ‘world’ title, and more importantly a new tag partner.

Phase 10- The Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection.

Mankind’s new goofy, child like side meshed oddly well with The Rock’s cool, cold side. The duo held the tag belts a couple of times, and had some very, very high rating segments on Raw. They broke up once, Mankind then lost and regained Mr. Rocko from Val Venis, albeit after losing to Val at No Mercy. And then the Connection reunited, won the belts again, then lost them when Mick thought that Rock didn’t care about him.

And that was when the Mankind/Snow ‘friendship’ blew up.

Phase 11- Al Snow’s brief run as an important guy.

Because Al was the guy who tried to break Mankind and The Rock up, and he and Mankind had several battles, ironically driving Rock and Mankind back togther,
Mankind getting a last title run with Al as tag champs. But Mankind won their final match, and then entered his last big run.

Phase 12- “This Era… Sorta Sucks.”

Because HHH married Steph, and they began to run roughshod over the company. And Mankind, as a long lasting and popular guy, stood up for the company and told HHH and Steph that they were doing a bad job.

He was then fired.

A couple of weeks later, the entire roster in a show of confidence, threatened to walk if the Regime didn’t rehire Mankind. They did so, Mankind got a street fight at the Rumble for the world title… And then HHH DESTROYED Mankind on a Raw.

And so Mankind, in an act of self sacrifice, knew that he couldn’t get the job done. And since the job had to be done, he swallowed his pride, he swallowed his own existence, and let Cactus Jack come back to fight HHH.

Of course, Mankind wasn’t gone forever, even after Mick ‘retired’.

Phase 13- The fans wanted him back!

It was a long time, but at the 2005 Taboo Tuesday, Mick Foley fought Carlito. And the fans chose the persona who would get the win. And despite Dude Love being RIGHT THERE, Mankind won the vote, and then won the match. He then vanished yet again…

Today- Arrive, get small pop, leave.

Mankind made one last appearance at the 15th Anniversary Raw show, giving Vince Mr. Socko. And while Mick is in the Rumble, Mankind seems, once again, to be back in Mick’s mind. But you never know, there are Rumble spots still open…


Mankind is the persona with the widest changes, the biggest swing in his lifespan. And this is fitting, in a way, given that he is the most insane, the one with the least tenuous grip on reality. But above all, Mankind is mostly the real alter-ego of Mick Foley. Dude Love was merely his ego. Cactus Jack, his pragmatism. But Mankind, Mankind was the exact flip of Mick Foley. Occasionally nice, but mostly insane.

And that’s why we loved him.

And now, another sliver of a fractured view of life, as from the pen of Dave Lovelace…

Check out more of Dave's toons on umop.com


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Mathew Sforcina

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