wrestling / Columns

High Road/Low Road 10.10.08: Carlito and Primo as Tag Team Champions

October 10, 2008 | Posted by Sat

Welcome back to the High Road/Low Road!

A brief explanation of the column: Uncletrunx takes the Low Road (negative view) on angles, gimmicks, and other wrestling related “stuff” while Sat takes the High Road (positive view).

The Results for Vladimir Kozlov:

High Road: 71%
Low Road: 29%

Carlito and Primo As Tag Team Champions

High Road:
Carlito and Primo as WWE tag team champions is a good thing because it seems like the WWE is interested in pushing them. The reason being is that SmackDown has seen a decrease in the Latino Demographic ratings since Rey Mysterio went to RAW. It seems like the WWE is deciding to push some new Latino stars and it seems like Carlito and Primo Colon are going to be on TV every week, which means that the WWE tag team titles are going to be featured weekly.

Low Road:
Sadly, these days in WWE, the tag team championship is not really a push. It’s more the place they send wrestlers that they’ve run out of ideas for. Vince McMahon’s view on tag teams is well known and I’m not sure that this is a step forward for Carlito. It may be a great first step for Primo and it may be a clever way to stop Carlito from complaining (he’s not going to gripe about being teamed with his brother) but I’m not sure it can be described as a proper push in the WWE in 2008.

High Road:
Now, as I wrote above, the WWE tag team titles are going to be featured weekly on SmackDown. This is bound to help the tag team division because if you are going to have Carlito and Primo on SmackDown every week, then they are going to need some opponents. This will allow other tag teams to get noticed by the fans and in turn have these teams develop a following.

Low Road:
This assumes that there is a long term plan to revitalize the tag team division and build it around Carlito and Primo. Given that there have been all sorts of false dawns for tag team wrestling over the past few years in WWE, I’m not holding my breath that this team will be what sets the world on fire and brings about a return to the glory days of ‘80s tag wrestling.

High Road:
I have always been a huge fan of brother tag teams because of the fact that very rarely do we actually see a real brother tag team. The only few brothers tag teams that come to mind are Harlem Heat, Bret & Owen, The Hardys, and the Colons. Now, I have probably missed a few, but the thing is that brother tag teams are very rare and that is something that makes them interesting to watch.

Low Road:
You’ve missed the Steiners. If you want to go a bit further back, you’ve got the Rougeaus, the Funks… A brother tag team is a novelty for a short time but it’ll take far more than that to make tag wrestling interesting in WWE. If a Hardys reunion couldn’t boost the tag division and keep it high on the agenda, I don’t think the teaming up of Carlito and Primo, a midcarder and a relative unknown, will manage to do it.

High Road:
Carlito and Primo should have an interesting run as WWE tag team champions. The reason being is that while they have a lot of tag team experience, they have not wrestled as a team in a few years. This really adds a lot to their matches. In some of the first few matches that they have, the point will be made that they have not partnered up in a while, but once they get a few matches under their belt, the point can be made that they have a ton of experience together. I think that the WWE will play this up because of the fact that one of the announcers (cannot remember who) mentioned how they had teamed up a few years ago.

Low Road:
Surely this would have been a good subtle build to use before they won the titles? Watching the team grow together and become a stronger unit, rediscover the chemistry, build momentum and then win the belts? With so few tag teams I can see why WWE would put the belts on them at this point but it seems like such a short term measure. A longer build might have made the belts seem like something worth having.

High Road:
The person that really benefits from teaming up with Carlito is Primo Colon. The newer wrestlers are more likely to be successful if they are aligned with an established wrestler. Primo has benefited from this, but what really helps him is the fact that he and Carlito have also won the WWE tag team titles together. Primo Colon has benefited greatly because of his association with Carlito and because of the WWE tag team championships.

Low Road:
Carlito may be happy to help his brother get established in the short term. However, Carlito’s behaviour over the past few years suggests that as soon as he feels he’s not getting the attention he deserves, he starts to complain. How long will he be happy stuck in the relative backwater that is the tag division? As a supplementary question, I have to ask how many more times will WWE be prepared to make allowances for him once he starts complaining? In a way, having Primo there could work against him; in the past, WWE has put up with his attitude seemingly because they couldn’t afford to lose an established Latino star. If Primo can become an established star, it might just be that Carlito is no longer quite so irreplaceable next time he starts to complain.

High Road:
I think that Carlito and Primo had to become a tag team and they also had to become a successful tag team. Why you ask? Because eventually we are going to see a feud between Carlito and Primo and for it be a meaningful feud, there needs to be many layers to the feud. I think that with Carlito and Primo becoming the WWE tag team champions, they have accomplished this. Now, instead of two brothers feuding, it will be two brothers who were tag team champions together feuding. You have to admit that it sounds a whole lot better than just brothers feuding.

Low Road:
Either way, it sounds like an over used cliché. Unfortunately, I can almost write the whole story in my head; brother tag team wins belts, tensions occur, belts are lost, one brother blames the other, fall out, feud. I’d rather see them remain on the same side, as the Hardys are, and still tag sometimes while still being singles wrestlers. However, for them to get to the level of the Hardys, they have many years to go. Will Carlito’s infamous discontented attitude mean that he’s out of WWE before they get there? I hope not but I don’t hold my breath. It may have a happy ending; Jeff Hardy has come back despite well publicized “demons” but like Jeff, I’m not sure that the ultimate ending will be a happy one.

Are you taking the High Road or the Low Road?

High Road

Low Road

Both Roads


Simply write “High Road”, “Low Road”, or “Both Roads” in the comment section.


These are all of the e-mails that we received this week. We do not respond to the actual e-mail, but the reply to your e-mail will be below.

Tim Schmidt Writes:

I go High Road on Vlad. While its true he gets heat for being foreign he also gets it for beating people. He just doesn’t beat them he demolishes them and I think that’s part of the reason he gets heat. Also attacking the most liked faces in HHH and Jeff is sure to get anyone some heat. Plus the way he bailed when HHH interrupted his match with Khali in typical heel fashion. Overall I think Vlad has all the tools to be a serious main event threat and it looks like he’s already heading to the main event.

Sat: I agree. The key becomes what happens to him after his feud with HHH because I don’t see him winning the title in his first shot at it.

Uncletrunx: I didn’t like him bailing; if he’s going to be a dominant monster, he needs to stand his ground in those situations. It could be a subtle shift to making him more rounded, which will be a good thing long term. Or it could be the old “HHH mustn’t look weak” thing, which is not so good. Either way, I also can’t see him beating HHH this time around and believe that his long term survival depends on what happens after that loss.


Below are the comments for last week’s columns and our responses. The comments that will be included will be the ones that pertain to this week’s column. Also, your comment will not be included if you are commenting on another reader’s comment. I didn’t jot the date down from when I put these into the column, so if your comment isn’t in here, then most likely you posted after I had sent this to Uncletrunx.

Roman Bellic Writes:

high road. Vladimir is a fresh face that would appear headed towards the main event scene which is always a good thing if he sticks around long enough

Sat: I agree. As I wrote above, the key is what happens after his title shot because I don’t see him winning it in his first chance at the title.

Uncletrunx: If he’s there for the long haul, he’s going to need far more character. It might happen but he could also be a short term stop gap for HHH to beat before the build to wrestlemania starts.

Orlando Writes:

I’m going to take the high road on Kozlov. Personally, I find him bland and boring. However, I do think that he could be a fresh star on the US title scene. Insert the old “Russian with the US championship” line here, and he could draw some real heat.

Personally, I hope he one day goes over to Raw and team up with Santino. That would be a definite High Road!

Sat: If he enters the U.S. title scene after his loss to HHH, then I think that is definitely a positive. But, even though I see him losing to HHH, I see him being a player

Uncletrunx: Teaming him with Santino would be a big mistake in my opinion, unless they use him as Santino’s hired muscle. Even that would be a huge step backwards.

The Gold Standard Writes:

Im taking the high road with Koslov.I wouldn’t be surprised if the WWE gives him the U.S. Title. Foreign wrestlers always seem to get some kind of international titles. As for his finisher I think he should go back to using that torture rack backbreaker.He used it when he first debuted.

Sat: I hadn’t thought of this, but just like the person above you, I think that this is most likely what is going to happen after his feud with HHH.

Uncletrunx: The torture rack would be a great finish for him. The headbutt could set it up perfectly; the headbutt is a great transition move but when he hits it as a finish it’s an anticlimax.

Michael Writes:

Low road, if you’ve seen one dominating monster you’ve seen them all. I don’t know what people see in him, he’ll just go the way of Umaga and every other monster heel the past ten years has soon enough.

Sat: I don’t see this happening, but I don’t blame you for thinking this after all of the dominating monsters that we have seen.

Uncletrunx: I can see him ending up on the conveyor belt of monsters. It’s classic booking – if it was 1988 he’d be against Hogan, now he’s built to be fed to Cena or, in this case, HHH – but it doesn’t do wonders for the monster after they’ve been beaten. There are ways to keep him going after the first big loss but it will take a lot of effort and I’m not sure that they’ll put that effort into him.

The Ratings Killer Writes:

Definite High Road. As you’ve mentioned Kozlov has a great look and a great background in various fighting styles. The guy also has potential to transition into a comedy babyface character once his monster push runs out of steam.

As to be expected a majority of the 411 writers totally hated the guy for no real reason when he debuted, and now that he’s getting pushed they’re having to concede just how wrong they were.

Sat: I can’t speak for everybody else, but I thought that he had some potential just because of his look. The WWE is not going to waste somebody like that.

Uncletrunx: I don’t want to see him turn into a comic babyface. I’d rather see him turn into a monster face who can absorb a ton of punishment and keep coming, an intense fighter who won’t back down and won’t give up. I think that’s some way off though and for now, I’d like to see the character evolve into something a bit more rounded than the monster foreign bad guy that he is currently.

The Great Captain Smooth Writes:

High road. Koslov started out slow, but has really improved as a performer. Any time that you can get people eager to see a Khali match, then that means you have “it”. I would like to see him face Umaga or Zeke. I’d also like to see him turn face and say, “I LOVE DUBBLE DUBBLE E!!!”. A fued with Santino would rock, if only to hear Santino call Koslov “Cole Slaw”.

Sat: Please WWE do not turn him back into Dubble Dubble E guy. And I’ll admit I was looking forward to the Khali match too.

Uncletrunx: A Kozlov face turn at this point would be the kiss of death, I think.

Vallejo Writes:

Shitty finisher, but high road all the same. I really like his chest kick.

Oh, and to the writer blasting his finisher because it’s too easy to hit, you’re a fucking moron. The RKO and Sweet Chin Music are easy to hit, too. Maybe we should just replace them with some stupid overwrought horseshit.

Sat: I think that with wrestling you have to stop looking at all of the details. Sure the move can be hit out of nowhere, but don’t let that ruin your enjoyment.

Uncletrunx: I’m not going to dignify you with a response. People who respond with phrases like “you’re a fucking moron” don’t deserve a reply. Grow some common decency, respect and manners.

Guest#4323 Writes:

LOW ROAD. He is boring and a typical stereotype heel wrestler.Maybe if he could wrestle, but I haven’t seen it. Mainly because he is booked in nothing but squashes.

I was excited about him and Khali though. Just to see the the train wreck. Apparently management realized how bad it would be too.

Sat: I was looking forward to Khali/Kozlov too, but not because of it being a trainwreck.

Uncletrunx: Khali Kozlov could be a success if it established Kozlov as the elite killer that he’s being booked as. As an alternative, it could be well used to show that he’s not one dimensional and can take punishment and come through it. It would need to be handled with skill, but if Kozlov is actually going to be a long term main event guy, he should be able to pull it off.

Kris Writes:

High road. Koslov has all the tools to compete with the big guns, we’ll see whether they let him. You can believe this guy taking out The Big Show, just can’t see that with the Hardys, Punk, Kendrick etc.

Sat: I agree. You know that Kozlov can hold his own with the main eventers, but do you feel the same way about Kendrick.

Uncletrunx: I see the point you’re making, and it’s a good one; he looks like a threat and a convincing threat at that. However, if you look two or three years down the line, can you see him still using the same gimmick? I think there will need to be changes for it to work long term, otherwise the Umaga path is the one he’ll be following. Looking at that, “The Umaga Path” looks like the title of a political action thriller!

TGS Writes:

High Road on Koslov. Also, your articles are usually about someone getting a push from Koslov to Kofi’s ic title, to Lance Cade getting involved with main eventer, even Adamle becoming general manager. So I have a question.

Back in 2004 when Shelton beat Triple H clean on Raw, where did you think he would be at now? Because I thought he was going to be a main eventer by 2005-06, especially after his performance in MITB at Wrestlemania 21.

Anyway I would just like to know your thoughts on it. Thanks

Sat: When Shelton beat HHH, I thought he was on his way to the main event scene. After the MITB performance, I didn’t really see him going to the main event scene and I thought he would just have a good career.

Uncletrunx: I thought he was going to be a main event level guy, who at worst would slip back down to upper midcard with main event moments.

The Siddhant Dash Writes:

I m gonna have to go with low road Guys u c they are building Vladmir Kozlov as they did with Umaga and The Great Khali

destroy jobbers, get some heat,have an undefeated streak, all have theme songs with no lyrics(all are musics) and all are big,strong

But when Umaga and Khali challenged for the WWE Title look how they fared

Umaga was choked in the middle of the ring and Khali was FU’d to the floor

Both of them Lost and since then what have they Done???????

Umaga-IC Champion(a title that has meant nothing to me after guys like Edge,Chris Jericho etc became Main eventers and the IC title meant SHit )

Khali-he became World Heavyweight Champion but because Edge was injured and in his first title defence He lost to batista) and look what have they done to him now”The GReat Charli” is the next big thing

Its has been the same for both Umaga and Khali

so it will be for Koslov unless the WWE has something better for him other than let him face HHH for the WWE Title at Armageddon or Royal Rumble

cuz if they do, Koslov will never win and his Push will be deactivated and he will relegated

and thast a proven fact

Quote the Raven:-Nevermore

Sat: Good point, but the thing is that Kozlov does not look like Khali or Umaga. The look is going to get Kozlov over, while Umaga is a big guy and Khali is a giant.

Uncletrunx: The thing with monsters is that they lose a lot of their threat when they get beaten, especially if they are beaten with something other than a fluke roll up. The key thing for Kozlov long term will be whether he can survive the first big loss without being totally derailed.

MissyNEVERWearssocksWithShoes Writes:

Honestly, high road. I didn’t expect it to be like this when he first came out. Yet, there’s something I like about him. In a year or so, I would like to see him tag with Umaga..they’d make a killer ass tag team.

Sat: I think him in a tag team is a step backwards

Uncletrunx: A decent monster tag team in a decent tag division could work. I’m not sure that Umaga is the guy to do it with and I’m not sure WWE is the place for such a tag team these days.

The Horrible Fanfare Writes:

Total Low road. I hate Koslov. His character is one dimensional and stupid and he really needs a manager to help develop.

The Clumsy looking headbutt is the worst finisher since Umaga’s THUMB OF DOOM.

Sat: I think is garbled English is one of the thing that is helping him get heat and a manager would be a bad idea right now.

Uncletrunx: I think a manager could work for him; someone who can stand there and make threats on his behalf, while he just stands there like a killing machine. It could actually work if WWE still used managers.

Evil Dave 83 Writes:

High road. Tentatively high road.

He looks good (solid rather than roid-riffic), and has some neat throws and touches in the ring (his methods of setting up the inverted DDT are unique and suggest a good mind).

I don’t expect his character to drop into the old commie stereotype. The new Russia is characterised by billionaire oligarchs and a nouveau riche class of millionaire who are ruthlessly determined and only one step removed from gangsters. And Russian gangsters are tough, ruthless bastards (see Eastern Promises). Expect the Kozlov character to explore this new Russian stereotype, which could actually be quite interesting.

Unless he gets a billionaire oligarch mouthpiece, who is quietly intimidating, uses Kozlov to carry out hits for him, and brags about how he spends millions on Kozlov’s training facilities and sparring partners to buy the WWE title for the glory of Mother Russia. WWE DO NOT BOOK IT!

Point is, we’re getting glimpses of a good ring-brain there (like Umaga is actually quite a smart guy in the ring, lots of neat touches) and there is potential with the character.

Sat: Yeah I agree. And I don’t see the WWE doing Kozlov has a new Russian, but you never know.

Uncletrunx: Looking back, I think I was wrong to call him Boris Zhukov 2008. I think he’s more like Ludvig Borga 2008, and that could end up going somewhere but won’t automatically do so; there’s a big risk of it becoming a stereotype “bad foreigner”. I get the feeling that he’s being built as an Apollo Creed / Klitchko type of character, a stereotypical Eastern European emotionless killer character. That will be great short term but once he’s jobbed out to HHH, they’ll need to find a way to keep his momentum and generic “bad foreign monster” isn’t something which has a long life in it.

17 Writes:

Low Road. There is no reason to care about Kozlov, his gimmick is boring and dated, his finisher is terrible, and his squash matches have been unimpressive. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was fired by WrestleMania after jobbing first to Triple H, and then everybody else on the roster.

Sat: He isn’t getting fired by WrestleMania and since when are squash matches supposed to be impressive. They serve a purpose and they are what they are.

Uncletrunx: I think his squashes serve a purpose but he can’t keep doing them forever. Squashes followed by a loss to HHH won’t help his credibility. I also think that he needs a finish which makes people thing “Wow, that opponent is dead!” Something he can build to, rather than something which, to be blunt, made me think “That’s it?” when he first used it. It may be a credible finish in that it would break someone’s ribs if he actually used it for real, but I’d like to see him use something monsterous and spectacular.

Your reasons for taking the High Road, Low Road, or Both Roads and suggestions for future High Road/Low Road are welcome at [email protected] or in the comment section. Your reply will be included in next week’s column.


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