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Wrestling Deja Vu 12.22.08: The Unstoppable Force Meets The Immovable Object

December 22, 2008 | Posted by Joseph F. Martinez

The wrestling world has played host to some of the greatest personalities ever. Wrestlers are expected to be larger than life figures able to get the fans to cheer or boo at any moment. One of the more prominent wrestlers was The Immortal Hulk Hogan. The Hulkster was one of the biggest stars to ever wrestle and he had the ability to make a crowd go crazy for him. He was one of, if not the, first wrestler to become a mainstream success and his name is most associated with wrestling. Megastars like Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and others serve as inspirations for the superstars of today. Some of these wrestlers dream to be compared to their idols which brings us to the focus of this column. We’re going to pinpoint the similarities between the superstars of today and the superstars of yesteryear. I’m your host, Joseph Martinez, and before we get to the inaugural edition of Wrestling Deja Vu, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself.

Meet the host

So, I’m the latest newcomer in this 411mania new talent initiative. Hopefully I’m more of an Evan Bourne than a Gavin Spears. I’m 19 and I’ve been a fan of wrestling for over a decade. I first got into the pseudo sport in late 1997 when I saw a commercial advertising a match between Sting and Hogan. My all-time favorite wrestlers are JBL, Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and Gregory Helms. Not exactly a stable of technical elites, but I do love myself a wrestler who can work the mic. This is my first experience where writing and wrestling mix, but I look forward to whatever the future holds and hope you enjoy the column. I believe that’s enough information about me, but if you have any questions ask away in the comment box below. Let’s get to the column.

The Unstoppable Force Meets The Immovable Object

Hulk Hogan was mentioned earlier in the column and there’s no doubt that he is the biggest star wrestling has ever produced despite falling on some hard times recently. The Rock challenged Hogan for that distinction, but he’s distanced himself from wrestling. Steve Austin was the star of the WWE during the Attitude Era, but his star doesn’t shine as bright as Hogan’s. Others like Ric Flair, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels are popular, but their fame falls short of the Hulkster’s. Hogan’s success didn’t come without any help. He was booked to look strong even in defeat and was the cornerstone of the WWF and eventually WCW. In order to be the franchise player for an organization, you have to have the right assets. The look, the ability to get the crowd involved, and the ability to tell a story. Hogan built a legacy on these traits and became a legend, however not many wrestlers in this day and age possess these abilities. One individual has the skillset to match Hogan’s star power and success. That individual is John Cena, one of the current foundations of the WWE. Like The Hulkster, John Cena is booked like a machine; always finding the strength to pull out the victory. Cena also has the unique ability that allows him to create a reaction in every fan, ranging from disgust and hatred to admiration and inspiration. Both Cena and Hulk Hogan are loved by millions of people and have inspired the next generation of wrestlers. John Cena’s career appears to be far from over, but he has positioned himself to be a name we hear for the next decade or two, just like Hulk Hogan.

The Gimmick

I feel strong about right and wrong,
And I don’t take trouble for very long,
I got something deep inside of me, and courage is the thing that keeps us free.

Hulk Hogan was the epitome of virtue and Hulkamania was built on a foundation of doing what’s right. Children loved him because he vanquished the bad guys and adults loved him because he was the perfect piece to the timeless tale of good versus evil. Hogan feuded with legends and took the high road for the most part of his career. Being the Golden Boy is difficult because people eventually tire of the routine. Children grow up and adults recognize the pattern of success and Hogan was not an exception to this rule. The Hulkster’s heel turn came at a time where neither the business nor Hogan were at their peak, but his good guy image made that moment one of the greatest wrestling moments ever. Hogan played the bad guy for a while but was eventually turned face again. WCW went under and Hogan came back to the WWE as a heel, which lasted for a very short period of time. Wrestlemania X8 played host to the matchup between the Hulkster and The Rock. Hogan came into the match as a heel, but left as a face, which proved that Hulkamania was still alive and well.

John Cena is the modern day good guy. Hell, his storyline in Smackdown V. Raw 2009 involves him protecting a soldier. He stands up for the little guy and never backs down from a fight. Cena is THEE ideal baby face just like Hogan was in his day. The Hulkster and Cena each had their own cult of fans. The Hulkamaniacs represented Hulk Hogan and some of us remain fans of Hogan to this day. Cena’s Chaingang is a growing fan base because he has proven that he is dedicated to the game and the kids really love the guy, but there will always be people with differing views. While Cena probably has more admirers than any other active wrestler (sans Triple H or The Undertaker), he has faced a backlash from the general fan base. His ability to overcome the odds has drawn the ire of many fans who believe that Cena’s gimmick is the same old deal over and over again. His popularity remains off the charts, but boos always seem to accompany Cena. A heel turn by John Cena probably wouldn’t survive the test of time like Hogan’s, but it would send shockwaves across the industry because he has been a face for so long.
The Gold

When the chips are down and the highs are low, a franchise player must always be able to be depended upon. Both John Cena and Hulk Hogan are quality examples of this type of wrestler. Hulk Hogan has held the top prize a total of twelve times. It’s a testament to his ability as a performer that he held both the World Heavyweight Championship (WCW) and the WWE Championship six times each. Hogan’s only other title in the major leagues (WCW and WWE) was the WWE Tag Titles, which he held with a non-bearded Edge. John Cena has built a nickname and a catchphrase on holding world championships. Cena has been on the main roster for almost seven years and has been the World Champion on four different occasions. Championship belts aren’t the only place where Cena has struck gold as his debut album, You Can’t See Me was certified gold.

The Glory Outside the Game

Both of these individuals have achieved some success outside of the wrestling industry. The popularity of Hulkamania led Hogan to dabble in movies, which peaked early with Rocky III. Hogan was the star of other movies and guest starred on several television shows but they were all unspectacular. Hulk Hogan is no longer a full-time performer (I’d call him retired, but he has yet to announce his plans to do that), so he had to look at ventures outside of wrestling to pay the bills. Hogan has found most success in reality television shows and hosting gigs. Hogan Knows Best may have been his most successful TV hit as it was on the air for several seasons and only came to an end because of the Hulkster’s nasty divorce. American Gladiators is hosted by Hulk Hogan and has recently been picked up for another season, which will begin in the summer of 2009. Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling was another reality success that recently ended. Hogan and company are looking to take CCW on the road and the odds that people pay to see this are pretty high. The Hulk Hogan marketing machine is a juggernaut just like the man himself.

John Cena’s star outside of pro wrestling isn’t as bright as Hogan’s, but it’s getting there. John Cena’s rapper gimmick led to his aforementioned CD and it enforced the marketing ability of the Champ. Hulk Hogan was never able to translate his popularity into feature films, but John Cena has found moderate success in that industry. He has one film under his belt and another one coming in the near future. While The Marine‘s theater run was lackluster, the DVD sales were off the charts, and the movie became the greatest success of WWE Films to date. The success of The Marine has spawned a sequel which is going to feature Ted Dibiase Jr. Cena’s next movie 12 Rounds is slated for a 2009 release. Cena has also experienced success in television with reality TV and hosting duties. All of Cena’s ventures outside the wrestling world have increased his marketability and there is no doubt that he will be involved in future projects.

Crossing Paths

The Hulkster had flirted with retirement and left the WWE several times after WCW went under. There were times where Hogan and Cena had been a part of the WWE at the same time, but they never participated in the same match until the summer of 2005. Hulk Hogan (who had returned to be inducted into the Hall of Fame) tagged up with John Cena and Shawn Michaels and defeated Chris Jericho, Tomko and Christian. This wasn’t the only time these two individuals crossed paths in 2005. In August, the two presented an award at the Teen Choice Awards. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on what side of the fence you sit on), these two individuals have not had much interaction. Maybe Cena and Hogan will get together at a Tampa Bay Rays game or something.

The Legacy

Hulkamania is one of the greatest things wrestling has ever produced. It has led to millions of fans and millions of dollars in revenue. The success of Hulkamania has cemented Hogan’s status as the greatest of all-time. Hogan has also had some of the greatest moments in wrestling history. His match with Andre the Giant is referred to by many as an iconic moment. John Cena is in the prime of his career and despite being hampered by injuries, he’s been a force in the WWE. He has had some legendary moments (winning the title at Wrestlemania and his shocking Royal Rumble return), and has his own crazed fan base that allows him to compete with Hogan’s legacy. If Hogan is the Michael Jordan of Wrestling, John Cena could very well be the LeBron James. Cena has faced his share of adversity and has perservered when the lights were on bright. Time will tell if Cena ever dethrones the Hulkster as the most popular wrestler of all-time, but for now both men are examples of wrestling’s greatest successes.

Goodnight, Travel Well.

Christmas is this Thursday and it’s shaping up to be a rather average one for me. I wonder what the TNA folks have planned for their holiday episode. Impact tends to be more enjoyable for me when they have a holiday theme but hopefully they don’t do anything too over the top. Hopefully you enjoy your Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa or any other holiday I may have left out and be safe. That just about does it for the first edition of Wrestling Deja Vu. Got any questions, comments, corrections or concerns? Just post whatever is on your mind in the comment section or send an e-mail to [email protected] and I’ll get back to you asap.

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next Monday.


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Joseph F. Martinez

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