wrestling / TV Reports

411’s ROH on HDNet Report 01.28.10: King vs. Generico (01.25.10)

January 28, 2010 | Posted by Aaron Hubbard

The show starts with a video package of Tyler Black and Austin Aries fighting each other at Final Battle. And now, Jim Cornette is in the ring. He talks about how it is the most polarizing match in ROH history (read: everyone hated the booking, most hated the match, and very few people appreciated the in-ring effort), and says Aries and Black want to address it. So out comes Black and then Aries. Tyler seems to have about twelve fans that are very vocal. Tyler basically points out everything wrong with Aries’ performance, all the running and trying to get counted out and disqualified, and calls him a coward. He says some of the fans, some of his friends, and he himself lost some faith in himself, but he needs one more chance to prove that Aries is a punk bitch.

Cornette seems a little frazzled by that, but Aries takes the mic, talks about the kids and calls Tyler a potty mouth. Cornette says he’ll worry about standards and practices. Aries says that he made a new year’s resolution to never face Tyler again, because he proved that Black can’t beat him. “To be the man, you have to beat the man.” Tyler gets no rematch according to Aries.

Cornette says that when he came to ROH, he was told that Tyler was a franchise ball player, but he failed to win the ROH Title at Final Battle. He realizes that he signed up for a wrestling match and not a track meet. He tells Aries that he realizes that he’s one of the best wrestlers in any organization, which makes it all the more troubling that he’s a gutless coward. He says he thinks Tyler has the ability to win, and Aries has the ability to wrestle and beat Tyler. He says that he isn’t happy that ROH fans feel like they got cheated out of a classic, ball-buster match. He says that there will be a rematch, but if it ends in anything other than a pinfall or submission, there will be three judges at ringside to make a decision. Each man gets to pick a judge, and Cornette will pick the final one.

Cue the opening. Our main event is Kenny King vs. El Generico.

Cheech & Cloudy vs. ROH World Tag Team Champions Mark & Jay Briscoe
Cheech and Jay starts and Jay grabs a headlock. Cheech shoves him off but eats a shoulderblock. He tries a hip-block takeover and Jay blocks, but Cheech ducks a clothesline and hits a headscissors. Jay comes back with a hard back elbow for two. Jay hits a chop and tags out, and Mark hits a belly-to-belly suplex for two and the lights go off? What? Okay, Cheech tags out and flapjacks Cloudy into a tornado DDT on Mark. Cloudy gets two but Mark fights out and tags out to Jay. Cloudy avoids the Death Valley Driver and tries a German with no success, ducks a back elbow and hits a few forearms, and then gets planted with a spinebuster. Jay gets two and tags out and the Briscoes bust out the double military press. Cheech breaks up the pin and Mark hits a vertical suplex for two. He tags out and the Briscoes chop Cloudy in the corner and hit the double biel.

Jay knocks Cheech off the apron but Cheech breaks up the cover. Jay tags out to Mark and whips Cloudy into an elbow from Mark, hits a backdrop suplex and Mark misses a senton off the second rope. Cloudy rolls under him and tags out, and Cheech hits a high crossbody. He follows up with a back elbow and a leaping heel kick. Mark runs into an elbow and Cheech hits a moonsault for two. Cheech tags out to Cloudy and Cloudy hits double knees, Cheech hits a big shoulder block, and then slingshots Mark into a flatliner from Cloudy. Hmm…the Complete Slingshot? Mark counters a double clothesline by hitting Cloudy with an elbow and Cheech with his side exploder. He hits Cloudy with a throat thrust and enzugiri, sets him up top and hits a palm strike, and then the iconoclasm, but Cheech breaks up the cover again. Mark throws Cheech over and tags out to Jay, they set up for the doomsday device but Cloudy rolls into a victory roll for a very close two. Jay bulls over him with a clothesline and hits the military press DVD and it’s over.
Winners: The Briscoes (via military press death valley driver on Cloudy) **1/2

Kyle Durdan puts them over as six-time world champions. Jay says it’s a new year, but the same story. Mark brings up The Kings of Wrestling, but before they can really say anything, The American Wolves come out. Davey Richards says they are the team that tears it up every night, they are the most dominant force in ROH, and they are the real “Kings”. Eddie Edwards says that they are entitled to a rematch and the hunt is on. The Briscoes are ready to throw down but out come The Dark City Fight Club and we get a huge shoving match.

We get video recaps of Kevin Steen turning on El Generico. Durdan is in the back with Generico for what is sure to be an exhilarating and insightful promo. Never mind, he says nothing except for about a thousand words with his eyes. Damn. Colt Cabana comes out to consol him.

Skullcrusher Rasche Brown vs. Bobby Shields
Bobby tries to get the jump on Rasche but that doesn’t work, and Brown just knocks him aside with a palm strike. He whips Bobby cross corner and cuts him in half with a flipping spear. Vicious torture rack sets up the Burning Hammer as Prince Nana and Ernesto Osiris look on. SLAP THE PORPOISE!
Winner: Rasche Brown (via Burning Hammer) 1/2*

We finally see Mike Hogewood and Dave Prazak to put over the judges. Prazak puts over the new iPhone ap, and then we plug The American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks in two weeks.

Pick 6 Contender’s Match: Kenny King vs. El Generico
I believe Kenny King is #4 on the standings at the time of this match. King Pearl Harbors Generico but doesn’t follow up, so I guess it was just an insult. Kenny hits a kick to the chest and grabs a headlock, and then hits a shoulder block. They do a leapfrog sequence that ends when King gets another headlock takeover. Generico fails with a headscissors but grabs the ropes with his feet. Kenny powers Generico into the corner and rubs his forearm into his face, but Generico misses a punch and hits a series of them. King telegraphs a back body drop and gets kicked, and Generico hits his series of armdrags. Kenny counters corner mounted punches with an inverted atomic drop but runs into a leaping heel kick. King begs off the referee before kicking Generico in the gut again. Kenny hits a pair of stomps, hits a suplex and floats over to hit several forearms for two. King continues the beat down and whips Generico into the turnbuckles. Kenny starts dancing and talking smack and gets another cover for two.

King and Generico start trading punches and Generico gets the advantage and slams Kenny for two. He hits a backbreaker for another nearfall and King begs off in the ropes again, only to hit the stun gun when Generico comes in close. It only gets two and Kenny hits his own scoop slam and his springboard legdrop for two. King decks Generico with a right hand and chokes him in the corner. He drives Generico’s face into the bottom turnbuckle with his foot and whips him cross-corner. Kenny takes too much time feeding his ego and Generico makes the standard babyface comeback of two clotheslines and a back body drop. He clotheslines King to the floor and connects with a tope con hilo. Kenny goes to the eyes and then hits the double knees to the back, sending Generico into the guardrails. Generico leans on the post and King stupidly charges and eats the post. Generico waits for Kenny to get up and tries to jump through the ropes and hit the tornado DDT but it’s a little sloppy. It gets two back inside.

King avoids the half-and-half suplex but Generico delivers the modified Michinoku Driver for two. Generico goes for the corner yakuza kick but Kenny hits a leaping crescent kick (sort of, bad camera work there) for two. King sets Generico up top but gets thrown off, Generico tries a crossbody but Kenny catches him and hits the Royal Flush for two. King looks to try the superplex again and gets thrown off, but this time he backflips and lands on his feet. Generico comes up with a big boot and a schoolboy but only gets two. Generico grabs a wristlock and hits a palm strike, goes for the tornado DDT but Kenny gets an awesome counter to a northern lights suplex into the turnbuckles. King hits a flying back elbow and a corner clothesline backs up to the other corner and dodges the corner yakuza kick, and nails the spinning enzugiri. He hits the Coronation and gets a big victory that isn’t tainted in anyway.
Winner: Kenny King (via Coronation) ***1/4

Now it’s time for the judge selection. Cornette reiterates why they doing this whole thing. Aries says Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown couldn’t make it, and just brings Kenny King back out to be the judge. How does Rhett Titus feel about that, I wonder? Kenny says he’s fair and will call it down the middle. Tyler says he picked someone he’s been at war with, someone he respects as a wrestler and as a man, Roderick Strong. Roddy follows the Keep It Simple, Strong method that Ari talks about and says that Black gave him the first title shot should he win. Cornette appoints himself the third judge and says that the only way that Black and Aries can be masters of their destiny is to try to win.


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Aaron Hubbard

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