wrestling / TV Reports

411’s NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood Report 02.25.11

March 5, 2011 | Posted by Randy Harrison

Candice Lerae kicks off this week’s show, saying that she’s been waiting for the NWA to call her after spending weeks putting on misfits and oompa loompas. She says that everyone deserves to see someone as talented as her and that she’s going to show NWA Hollywood what women’s wrestling is all about. That leads us into our open for the show and from there it’s time to hit the ring for the first bout of the night!

Match One:
“Mirror Image” Ricky Mandel vs. Lucha Machine

Mandel is all decked out in manly pink tights, which is an……interesting look. Apparently according to the fans, he’s either a “Broken Mirror” or a “Mirror Idiot”, so I guess people don’t like him ripping off masks. Mandel gets the jump right at the bell with forearms to the back of Lucha in the corner before he nails him with a chop. Mandel whips Lucha across but Lucha walks up the corner and out, hitting an armdrag on Mandel on the way by. Another armdrag for Mandel and Lucha follows it up with a big chop before whipping Mandel into the ropes for a big headscissors takeover. Lucha tries a monkey flip in the corner, but Mandel reverses, sitting Lucha up on the top rope before yanking him down to the mat by his boot. Mandel stomps away and hits an elbow to the back of the head before he just chokes Lucha in the corner with his boot. Mandel whips Lucha into the ropes and sets up for a backdrop, but Lucha reverses with the sunset flip that gets a two-count. Mandel misses a clothesline and then catches a boot from Lucha, spinning him around into a big dropkick to the face. Cover from Mandel…..1………2…………..Lucha rolls the shoulder! Lucha tries to fire back with shots to the gut, but Mandel just hammers him down with forearm shots. Lucha starts to fire back with forearms and chops and sets up to whip Mandel into the ropes, but Mandel reverses and kicks Lucha in the gut before hitting the ropes for something that looks like a botched move. Not sure if he was going for a tackle or a shoulder or what, but he just kind of ran into Lucha there. Mandel recovers and hits a headbutt and Lucha fires back with a chop into an Irish whip, but Mandel holds onto the ropes and Lucha crashes and burns off of a dropkick. Mandel with his standing spinning heel kick to the face and Lucha goes down….cover…..1…….2…………3!!

Winner: “Mirror Image” Ricky Mandel (pinfall, spinning heel kick at 2:49 *1/2)

Mandel continues his one man crusade against all things lucha with the win here, but this one was a little off for me. I’m not sure if it was Lucha or Mandel, but things seemed about a half-step behind through the match and there were a couple of botched spots that didn’t quite come together. It will at least be interesting to see where Mandel’s mask collector angle goes in the future as it seems like there might be something there.

After the match, Mandel lays in the smack talk and rams Lucha’s head into the mat before ripping his mask off and wiping his ass with it. Officials come out to cover up Lucha’s face and Mandel blows his nose on the mask before throwing it down at Lucha on the floor. The crowd is not very happy with Mandel and let him know it as he makes his way to the back.

From there, we head back to Jonny Loquasto, who has Famous B and Andrew Hellman in the NWA Hollywood interview area. Famous B says that he’s a bigger star than Mr. Megastar and points out that he’s beaten both Tommy Wilson and Cedric The Hitman in the past. He says that it will be no different than those matches except for him having Andrew Hellman to watch his back. Hellman says that he feels sorry for Tommy Wilson because he stuck his nose into something that has been brewing between him and Cedric for a long time. Hellman tells Cedric to bring the case next week and that he better bring his “A” game because their best day is nothing compared to their worst.

Back from the commercial break and Jonny Loquasto is pimping the next NWA Hollywood TV taping on March 6th before he’s interrupted by NWA World Heavyweight Champion “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce. Loquasto says that he knows that Pearce has been stressed because friends can tell things about each other and he tells Pearce to hold on a second before going out of camera. Loquasto comes back with a cheesehead on and says that he knows Pearce is a big Packers fan so he thought he would cheer him up with the hat. Pearce is less than impressed, mocking Loquasto for wearing the hat wrong while asking if he’s got an extra chromosome. Pearce hands Loquasto the belt and says that he needs one more thing before going off camera and grabbing one of his “Scrap Iron” t-shirts. Pearce says that now he almost looks presentable and then starts in on shill mode for the next event as well as his t-shirt. Pearce says that it’s Steelers/Packers and he’s got fifty bucks on the Packers and asks if Jonny wants to take the bet. Jonny points out that the game already happened and Green Bay won. Pearce leaves, but not before making sure that Jonny knows that he owes him fifty for the bet and another twenty for the shirt. Really funny stuff from these two and a fun way to show a little different side of Pearce while still having him be heelish for picking on someone smaller than he is.

After Todd Kenely and Excalibur do an open in front of the crowd and talk about the main event triple threat tag match, we go back to the NWA Hollywood interview area with Willie Mack, who talks about how he should have known that “Rock Superstar” Kaos wouldn’t face him one-on-one and that he shouldn’t have been surprised when Austin Aries and Peter Avalon interfered. Mack says that he knows that Kaos realized that he can’t keep him down and that there won’t be any running or hiding this time out. Mack says that he thought Kaos was a man, but he’s just a little puppy, running down the street with his tail between his legs. Mack says that next week, Kaos is all his, signed, sealed and delivered.

We head to the ring for the next bout, but before we can get any introductions, Stu Stone is out and he’s pissed off. He slaps the hell out of Angelo Trinidad and steals the microphone, saying that he was the greatest commentator that NWA Hollywood had and that he can’t believe he’s been fired. Stone yells at Todd Kenely and calls Excalibur a schmuck in a mask before he shoves referee Chris Massie and keeps on yelling. Out come the referees to try to calm him down and he’s clinging to the bottom rope as they force him out of the ring. Here comes security and they’re dragging him up the aisle and out the door as Stone screams and tries to fight back. Crowd is chanting for someone to taze him and they razz him all the way to the front door as he gets thrown out of the building and into the street.

Match Two:
Rico Dynamite w/Sylvia vs. Rex Reed

Reed gets the crowd on his side and they hit a lock-up with Reed pushing Dynamite into the corner and giving him a clean break. Funny exchange between Todd Kenely and Excalibur about whether the Rex Reed in the ring is actually the movie critic as well. Another lock-up and Dynamite gets the advantage, sneaking in some cheap shots on a break before trying an Irish whip to the opposite corner. Reed reverses it and sends Dynamite into the corner before LEVELING him with a charging clothesline. Reed snap mares Dynamite out of the corner and scores with a HUGE seated clothesline before he shoves Rico into the corner and lights him up with a nasty chop. Reed with an Irish whip and he charges at Dynamite in the corner, but Dynamite moves and Reed eats the top turnbuckle. Dynamite takes Reed over with a huge belly to back suplex and starts laying in the stomps after a snot rocket and covers for a one-count. Dynamite rakes Reed’s eyes across the top rope and whips him across, missing a clothesline before he rocks Reed with a high knee that gets him a close two-count. Dynamite with a reverse chinlock and Reed fights back to his feet, elbowing his way out of the hold before hitting the ropes and Dynamite DROPS him with a clothesline.

Dynamite with some chops to the chest in the corner and Reed reverses with Dynamite trying to float over. Reed catches him and Dynamite fights off of his back, ramming Reed into the corner and charging in after him. Reed gets his boots up and kicks Dynamite in the face before he takes him down with a running clothesline. Reed takes Dynamite back down with a reverse elbow and kicks Dynamite in the gut before hitting the ropes for a nice running kick to the side of the head, Samoa Joe-style. Sylvia is freaking out at ringside and Reed sets up for a standing back senton, but Dynamite rolls out of the way and Reed hits nothing but canvas. Dynamite pounces and looks to lock in the Rico Death Clinch, but Reed kicks him away and the grapple against the ropes. Dynamite eventually shoots Reed in and takes him over with a very impressive tilt-a-whirl slam and THEN locks in the Rico Death Clinch. Reed tries to fight it off but he can’t do it and he has to tap out!! Dynamite picks up the win in a very hard-fought match.

Winner: Rico Dynamite (submission, Rico Death Clinch at 4:08 **1/2

Rico’s roll continues in a match that was actually very even and well put together. Reed showed a lot despite being put into the “jobber” role and it would be nice to see more of him in the future, while Rico is starting to make some waves with win after win. Pretty soon it’s going to be time to put him into a real feud to keep from having his matches become afterthoughts, but for now he’s building momentum and continuing to gain steam.

Jeff Resnick in the ring with Rico Dynamite after the win and he asks him about Sylvia and what the relationship status. Dynamite says that there’s no relationship and if you check his Facebook status, he’s single. Sylvia is apparently here for his ora…..uh…MORAL support because he’s a ladies man. He says he’ll bring the ladies up, he’ll bring the ladies down and just like dynamite, he’ll tick tick BOOM and call it a night. Crowd isn’t very happy with that one and boo him all the way to the back.

From there, we go outside the Showcase Theatre and Todd Chandler and Brandon Parker are outside working on their “game” until Candice LeRae walks by. They both try to convince her that her lips look lonely and they ask if her lips would like to meet theirs. Individually of course, this isn’t some kind of weird Hedonism three-way kissing thing. My words, not theirs. LeRae just pats them on the head and walks away, but they still deem it a success and walk away with high-fives.

Match Three:
Buggy vs. Candice LeRae

First time seeing long time SoCal veteran Candice LeRae here in NWA Hollywood and I’m quite excited as I’ve been a big fan of her work for quite a while now. Crowd gets on LeRae and she pitches a bit of a fit before she offers up a handshake to Buggy. Crowd tries to warn Buggy off of it but she shakes and LeRae tries to get in the cheap shot. Buggy catches the boot and turns it into a side headlock, much to the crowd’s delight, cranking and riding LeRae down to the mat before LeRae tries to power out of it. Buggy keeps the headlock locked on and LeRae pitches another little mini-fit before shooting Buggy off into the ropes. Buggy with the shoulderblock and she runs the ropes a bit before putting LeRae right back into the side headlock. LeRae steps on the back of the knee and reverses to a headlock of her own, but Buggy lifts her up and lays her across the top ropes in the corner, kicking LeRae off with a hard boot. Buggy with a whip across and LeRae goes in face-first before deciding she needs to roll outside for a breather. Great character moment as LeRae fixes her extensions outside the ring and jaws with the crowd before sneaking in to attack Buggy from behind while Buggy plays to the fans.

LeRae with some forearms and she whips Buggy across for a backdrop, but Buggy reverses it into a sunset flip that gets a one-count as LeRae rolls through it and WAFFLES Buggy with a big seated dropkick right in the face. LeRae with a cover, but she only gets a one-count as well, screeching at the crowd to shut up, which gets them on her even worse. LeRae shoves Buggy into the corner and whips her across, following her in with a big forearm before she sets up for another whip. LeRae charges at Buggy in the corner, but Buggy floats over and catches LeRae with a headscissors that slams her head into the middle turnbuckle. Buggy with a whip into the corner and she catches LeRae coming out with a big dropkick into a cover….1………..2…………..LeRae rolls the shoulder! Buggy sets up for her patented bulldog, but LeRae shoves her off and then follows up with a beautiful rolling neck snap, a la Mr. Perfect. LeRae rolls over into a cover and only gets a two-count, complaining to head referee Rick Knox about a slow count. LeRae sets up for a spinning neckbreaker, but Buggy reverses out of it with a clothesline and a back elbow, putting LeRae down. Buggy with a big clothesline and she whips LeRae into the ropes for a big sidewalk slam into the cover……..1…………2………………..LeRae BARELY kicks out!! Buggy sets up for the bulldog again, but LeRae reverses it into a swinging neckbreaker called the Raccoon Breaker Spike of Death from Doom!!! LeRae with the cover….1…….2……………3!!! LeRae with the big win over the most popular NWA Hollywood ladies star in her debut bout!

Winner: Candice LeRae (pinfall, Raccoon Breaker Spike of Death at 4:35 **3/4)

Probably the best ladies match in NWA Hollywood since the show began. Buggy has really come into her own since this show started and she was a great foil for LeRae’s spoiled brat act in this one. LeRae is a real pro and the entire match was crisp and looked good with no blown spots or obvious misses. Great work from both women and a thoroughly entertaining match that sets LeRae up to be a big deal in the future.

After the match, Dave interviews Devora, a musician/philantropist who is getting ready to do a ride from Los Angeles to Miami for the Wounded Warriors, as well as other charities. They give some information about where to go to support her ride and it’s time for the main event.

Match Four:



The Tribe (Hawaiian Lion and Navajo Warrior) vs. Skullkrusher Rasche Brown and Slymm vs. The RockNES Monsters (Johnny Yuma and Johnny Goodtime)

Natural Selection are going to be providing commentary for this one, which could be incredibly entertaining. Slymm steals Lion’s wrap and starts doing a mock war dance with it, prompting Ricker to do the same thing at the commentary desk and call Slymm a dummy. Yeah, this should be fun. The reaction of Natural Selection as RockNES make their way to the ring is pretty funny with Cage saying there’s no entrance he hates more, while Ricker calls them egomaniacs and a thing of the past. All six men in the ring as the bell rings and The Tribe gets attacked by the other four as Hawaiian Lion gets thrown to the floor on one side and Warrior gets thrown out on the other side. Slymm and Brown work with Yuma and Goodtime, press slamming them onto Lion and Warrior on the floor! Ricker calls everyone hoodlums and says that none of them deserve a title shot as all six guys brawl as we head to a commercial break.

After the break, Slymm and Brown are working over The Tribe in the ring until they both miss clotheslines and eat missile dropkicks off the top rope from Yuma and Goodtime. Lion and Warrior take the Monsters down with clotheslines and Lion throws Goodtime out to the floor as things are settling down into an actual match. Double clothesline from The Tribe takes down Yuma and it’s down to Lion and Yuma in the ring. Lion goes for a cover and only gets a short two-count before he works a reverse chinlock. Lion picks Yuma up and chops him down and follows it up with three or four more chops before tagging in Warrior. Double whip into a big double hip toss from The Tribe and Warrior follows it up with an elbowdrop off the ropes into a cover…..1……..2…….Brown breaks up the pin attempt. Warrior with a HARD chop on Yuma and another and Yuma fires back with forearms before Warrior cuts off the comeback with a headbutt. Tag to Lion and he comes off the second rope with a double axehandle before coming off the ropes with a nasty elbowdrop into a cover that gets another short two-count. Lion locks in a reverse bearhug and squeezes at Yuma as Cage talks about the three teams and says that he has his money on The Tribe to win. Yuma fights out of the bodylock with some reverse elbows and hits the ropes, but Lion takes him over with a hard shot to the gut.

Tag to Warrior and he tomahawks Yuma down to the mat as Ricker calls the crowd a sea of dorks, a comment that draws some criticism from Todd Kenely. Ricker follows that up with his “announcer voice” that sounds like he’s channeling the radio DJ that Jimmy Fallon used to play on SNL. “Warrior with a headbutt and WE’RE BAAACK with Z 105 in the Morning Madhouse!!!” Warrior moves to a big bearhug and squeezes away on Yuma as Goodtime tries to rally the crowd from the apron. Lion with a tag as Yuma tries to fight his way out of the bearhug and Warrior just throws Yuma into a bearhug from Lion. Lion nearly gets the pin off of the bearhug with a pair of two-counts and Lion keeps up the pressure as they both go down to the mat. Yuma tries to fight out from underneath with right hands and he gets Lion to break the hold, pushing him away before Lion scores with a kick in the gut and locks Yuma into his HUGE GIANT SWING DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX!! Lion into the cover….1……2………….Goodtime and Slymm both make the save!! Lion locks the bearhug back on and cranks on it as Yuma looks like he’s close to going out. Referee checks the arm and it goes down twice, but Yuma fights off the third time and tries to make a tag. Yuma finally makes the tag to Brown and he and Lion stare down before Brown blocks some punches from Lion and fires back with right hands of his own.

Brown whips Lion into the corner and hits a big reverse elbow before whipping him in again for a jumping leg lariat!! Brown with a powerslam on Lion and he sets up in a three-point stance, but Goodtime makes a sneaky tag as Brown has his back turned. Goodtime climbs up to the top and hits a HUGE FROG SPLASH OVER BROWN ONTO LION!! Goodtime with the cover…….1………….2…………………….Warrior makes the save!! Brown shoves Yuma off the apron and into the barricade and Warrior sets up Goodtime for a BIG double chop off of the ropes. Warrior hits the ropes again but Slymm takes him down with his big Vader tackle and tries to splash Lion in the corner. Lion slips out of the way and Slymm slams into the turnbuckle before Lion turns him INSIDE OUT with a huge clothesline. Lion turns around and BROWN CUTS HIM IN HALF WITH A SPEAR!! Brown with a cover on Lion…..1………2…………Yuma makes the save!! Brown grabs Yuma in the goozle and Cage and Ricker haev come down from the commentary desk to ringside. Goodtime catches Brown with some shots from behind and kicks his hand away from Yuma’s throat……EXPLOSIVE AMNESIA ON BROWN!! Cage is up on the apron now to distract the Monsters and Warrior has Cage’s title belt in his hands….Warrior charges and the Monsters duck the belt shot! Fireman’s carry puts Yuma on Goodtime’s shoulders and Yuma hits an enziguri on Warrior and he falls face first into the belt!! Goodtime with the cover……1………2…………………3!!! The Monsters are the new number one contenders to the titles and Natural Selection!!

Winners: The RockNES Monsters (pinfall, fireman’s carry enziguri on Warrior at 9:12 shown) ***

Really fun triple threat tag match between three incredibly solid teams. The action dragged a little bit in the middle with the bearhug stuff, but the finish was fast and furious with big move after big move leading to the logical finish of having RockNES earning another chance at the titles. It almost would have been more fun to have them miss out on the chance and have to wait and build the rematch even longer, but I think that RockNES deserve their shot, while the issue with The Tribe and Brown/Slymm appears to be far from over.

After the match, Natural Selection is in the ring attacking the Monsters as The Tribe and Brown and Slymm pair off in the other corners. The ring clears and eventually it’s Natural Selection and the Monsters in the ring with Ricker stomping Goodtime in the nuts before he starts choking him with his jacket. The brawl is still going on on the outside and Natural Selection is just decimating the Monsters on the inside!! Ricker chokes Goodtime across the bottom rope and they stand tall with some more stomps before leaving the ring.

From there, we head to the highlights of the Hollywood Invitational Battle Royal leading to an interview with David Marquez talking to Colt Cabana. Cabana says that it’s his destiny and it’s about being determined and that Pearce has been trying to send him back to Chicago, but he’s failed. Cabana says that the doctors told him not to get in the ring because he wasn’t ready, but he is determined to become the champion and that’s all there is to it. Cabana says that if he had to get in the battle royal, he would and he did. Before he can continue, he’s interrupted by “Pretty” Peter Avalon. Avalon says it doesn’t matter what Cabana says because he’s there to deliver a message from The Standard. Avalon says that when you mess with The Standard, it’s like messing with fire and when you mess with fire, you get burned. Cabana calls it a cheesy line and talks some smack on Avalon, but doesn’t realize that “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce is behind him. Avalon tells him to turn around and PEARCE THROWS A FIREBALL IN CABANA’S FACE!!! Cabana writhes around on the floor in pain as Marquez and other officials try to cover him up and check on his condition and the show fades out with Pearce’s evil grin into the camera.

Final Thoughts: Another solid hour of television from NWA Hollywood as the ladies match nearly stole the show and the triple threat tag main event proved to be a fun match overall with Ricker and Cage on commentary adding an extra layer of entertainment. The interview segment with Pearce and Loquasto early in the show was funny and the ending with Pearce setting Cabana on fire continues to show just how far “Scrap Iron” will go to hold onto the belt while keeping the build strong for their upcoming title bout.

Speaking of title bouts, the next NWA Hollywood KDOC TV Taping is set for Sunday, March 6th with a special 3pm bell time at the Regent Showcase Theatre at 614 N La Brea Ave in the heart of Hollywood. Already announced for the show are three huge main event matches with Austin Aries battling Scorpio Sky in the fourth bout of their best of five series, Natural Selection defending their NWA Heritage Tag Team Championships against the RockNES Monsters and NWA World Heavyweight Champion “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce putting his title on the line against Colt “Boom Boom” Cabana in a bout in which there must be a winner. If Pearce is counted out or disqualified, Cabana will become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion and if Cabana loses, it will be his last shot at the title for the forseeable future. Tickets for the show are $15 for adults and $10 for children and are available from SaveFans.com and you can check out NWA Hollywood’s website for more details.

If you’re a fan of MMA, be sure to check out Nokaut.com for more of my work.


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Randy Harrison

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