wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Impact Report 11.09.06

November 9, 2006 | Posted by Larry Csonka

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show for the 3R’s!

    TNA Impact Begins…NOW!

    -We get a highlight package highlighting the Fight for Your Right Tournament.

    -Tenay and West welcome us to the show.

    -Slick Johnson is wearing his short again. Joy.

    Robert Roode w/Miss Brooks vs. Ron Killings w/Lance Hoyt vs. AJ Styles © w/Christopher Daniels

    Roode shoves Ron and then AJ. They decide to kick his ass for it, sound strategy. Leap frogs and a dropkick from AJ. Ron clotheslines Roode to the floor. AJ stops on a dive to not hit Brooks, but then Ron hits a swank plancha to Roode! AJ then flies and nails Ron. Back in the ring and AJ covers for 2. Side back breaker to Ron gets 2. Ron counters and gets the leaping leg lariat to AJ. Wheel barrel suplexes gets 2 for Ron as Roode makes a save. Jerry Lynn and the X-Guys watch on, scouting AJ I suppose. Ron gets tosses and Roode clips out AJ’s leg and then goes to work with elbows and a leg vice. Roode nails Ron as he tries to enter the ring. AJ fights back, off the ropes but Roode gets the rolling crab! SHADES OF LANCE STORM! Ron off the top with a dropkick to break that up. AJ and Ron trade rights, Enziguri by AJ. Clash try, but then he opts for a PELE to Roode. AJ up top…Brooks grabs his leg and Daniels over to pull her off. Hoyt then puts her in the crowd and a dude spills a drink on her. Roode with a superplex to AJ. He then rushes the fan that spilt the drink and saves Brooks. Ax kick misses by Ron, roll up by AJ gets 3.

    Winner: AJ Styles @ 4:58 via pin

    -AJ and Daniels celebrate as the X-guys look on. Sabin is not impressed.

    -Back from commercial and during the break Roode yells at Brooks. He needs crowd control and an image consultant. He needs good PR and makes Brooks go do her jog. He is pissed.

    -Shane Douglas is out to address the crowd. He wants to call out Brother Ray. Ray arrives and looks puzzled, he must have attended a booking meeting. Douglas says he stood next to him and said to him, but Ray disrespected him. Ray says he is caught of guard and has never disrespected him. He respects him. He didn’t like what Douglas had to say. He says Douglas shouldn’t hold a grudge. Douglas says the Naturals have earned everything, and aren’t living on a washed up legacy from a washed up company. He then slaps Ray. The Naturals rush the ring and beat him down. Douglas pulls the chain from his boot! He lays out Ray as the Naturals GET THE TABLES! Douglas chokes out Ray as they set up the table. Crowd chants for Devon as Ray gets thrown through the table. Backstage we see Devon was laid out.

    -Back from commercial as Tenay and West hype next week’s 2-hour special. Earlier today AMW was signing autographs and LAX showed up.

    -We see the footage and Konnan shows up and AMW gets pissed. Hernandez and Homicide attack and slam the security railing on Harris’ arm as Hernandez gives Storm the border toss into a wall.

    -Next week it is the Naturals vs. Team 3D in a tables match.

  • Austin Starr w/Alex Shelley and Kevin Nash vs. Petey Williams vs. Johnny Devine

    Nash is on commentary, glorious. Starr with a dropkick to Petey, Starr and Devine have a cool sequence of moves and Petey then gets a sling shot front lung blower to Starr. Devine with a snap suplex on Petey for 2. Starr with a side slam to Devine. They double shop Starr, off the ropes and a double backdrop to Starr. Russian leg sweep to Devine by Petey. Destroyer try…Starr breaks it up and Devine tosses Petey into Starr. Slam by Devine, up top…MOONSAULT connects. Starr breaks it up. Devine with a backslide on Starr for 2. Stiff kick by Starr…STARR BUSTER on Devine. Starr up top…Shelley doing camera work on the apron gets tossed into Starr. CANADIAN DESTROYER to Devine! 1…2…3

    Winner: Petey Williams @ 2:45 via pin

    -Nash berates Shelley after the match.

    -LAX comes to the ring now. They have the Uncle Sam doll again. Konnan says you can’t stop the revolution. He says they got even with AMW, because no one jumps LAX. Petey is about to leave and he tells him he knows he has been discriminated against. They invite him to show up next week, because next week they burn the American Flag on Prime Time. TNA is a company of racists, and the flags LAX carry stand for something. Konnan says the American flag stands for lies and exploitation. Next week he will spit, urinate and burn the flag.

    -Back from commercial as Tenay hypes the Prime Time special. He discusses the 6-Sides of Steel, Barbed Wire Cage match. Rhino and Cage join us on split screen. Cage says Tenay is an ass. Cage says he has the advantage. He is taller, better athlete, better hair, if you want to know more ask his ex-wife. Cage says he has the ring smarts, more than anyone else in this business. In 7-days, he will embarrass Rhino in front of a large prime time audience. Rhino says sure Cage has the bolt cutters, but he plans on shoving them up Cage’s ass. Cage says Rhino hasn’t beaten him yet. Rhino says next week, it is pay back time, his time for revenge. Rhino say she was made to bleed, but he will make Cage bleed and beg for his life. He won’t stop. Cage wishes they were together right now. Rhino says he has smarts and he won’t wait for next week, because he is on his way there right now to kick his ass.

    -West is at Genesis central! He hypes the Philly and East Hartford shows this weekend, and then pimps TNA DVD’s. We turn to the Barbed Wire Cage match as well as Angle’s in ring debut. At Genesis all three title are on the line again, Angle faces Joe so BE THERE!

    -Backstage Mitchell motivates Abyss.

    -Back from commercial with Joe discussing Angle and Angle discussing Joe from their training places. Tons of cool hype for the match, like last week’s training package. Lots of respect shown from Joe, same from Angle. Angle knows he has his reputation on the line and Joe knows if he beats Angle than he is the best. Joe got into wrestling because it is what he is, he is a warrior. Angle guarantees it will be the match of the year. Joe promises victory, as Angle says Joe will remember this match the rest of his life. Joe promises to break Angle.

    #1 CONTENDER’S MATCH: Abyss w/James Mitchell vs. AJ Styles © w/Christopher Daniels

    The ref tosses Mitchell and Daniels, one on one baby.

    AJ tries a takedown, but Abyss tosses him to the corner. Lockup and elbows by Abyss. Abyss then tosses him half way across the ring. Abyss misses a charge, shoulders by AJ, off the ropes…RANA by AJ! Suplex try…Abyss counters and then AJ gets a head scissors take down on Abyss. Corner clothesline by AJ. Another. Third time he eats a boot from Abyss. Abyss to the floor and grabs a chair. He wedges it in the corner, sick right by Abyss. He picks AJ up, powerbomb try, countered and then Abyss gets a catapult to AJ into the chair and AJ is down. Abyss chokes out AJ now. Abyss backs up…corner charge and crushes AJ. The X-Guys watch on as Sabin acts bored yet again. Back breaker by Abyss, AJ escapes and gets rights to Abyss. Off the ropes and a dropkick by AJ and then wild rights by AJ. Rights by AJ as they are on their feet, Irish whip and AJ almost hits the ref, but Abyss charges and he kills AJ and the ref. Cage is in, and he nails AJ and Abyss with chair shots. Well that was random and RUSSO-RIFFIC!

    Cage on the mic says he is the $1 contender. The ref is up and puts the count on both men. They are both out and he gets 10 and calls for the bell @ 6:01. Other refs are out and we head to commercial.

    -Back from commercial and they decided that they should restart the match, because we should have a winner in all.

    They brawl, springboard forearm by AJ gets 2. Dropkick by AJ gets 2. Off the ropes…goozle by Abyss…Chokeslam, countered into a roll up for 2. Abyss whips AJ, back elbows and then Abyss gets the shock treatment! Mitchell is back with the bag of tacks but Daniels is there to stop him. The ref tries to get them to leave, PELE on Abyss. Clash try, Sabin comes down and levels AJ. Black hole slam by Abyss. 1…2…3. Russo-riffic.

    Winner and #1 Contender Abyss @ (call it) 12:15 (with the crap in the middle) via pin

    -Daniels checks on AJ as the X-Guys yell at Sabin.

    -Sting is watching on from the rafters.

    Abyss will battle Sting at Genesis for the NWA title, but first he will battle Kurt Angle next week on the 2-hour Prime Time Debut of Impact!

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show for the 3R’s!
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    Larry Csonka

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