wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Heat Report 12.16.07

December 17, 2007 | Posted by Scott Slimmer

Hey guys and gals, I’m Scott, and this is 411’s ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT WWE Heat Report.

Before I begin, I’d like to send out a big thank you to Chris Lansdell for his great fill-in Heat Report last weekend. I won’t go in to all of the details, but Chris had to go to what can only be called extraordinary lengths to actually write the Report, and I give him a ton of credit for sticking with it to the end. And speaking of extraordinary lengths, I also need to say thanks to Ryan Byers and Sat for the help they gave Chris during the completion of his Report. They gave freely of their time even though they knew they wouldn’t be getting any credit for the final product, and it’s that kind of teamwork that makes me proud to work for 411.

Anyway, I’ve always prided myself on writing the Best Damn Heat Report on the Net, and part of being the best is continually striving to improve. So last week I was proud to debut a completely new format for the Heat Report. The most dramatic change was a drastic reduction in the length of the play-by-play. I loved writing in-depth, detailed reports of each match, but I completely understand that most readers would rather just get right to the highlights. So from now on I’m going to be presenting a more condensed Overview of each match in order to give you a clear view of the main events while skipping over some of the more minor details. However, in order to compensate for the abbreviated length of the Overview, I’m also going to be adding a Background, Analysis, and Rating for each match. The Background will provide a brief review of the recent events in the careers of each of the wrestlers involved in the match while the Analysis and Rating will allow me to give you my opinion on the quality and future implications of the match. Finally, I’ll still include the Result, Length, and Best Spot in order to continue to provide the most complete coverage possible. Okay, enough with the boring stuff. Let’s get to the wrestling.

This week’s Heat Report is going to be a bit, um, brief. The real reason is that I’m sick as hell right now. My BPBC (Blood Pepto-Bismol Content) is somewhere around 5.6, and let me tell you, that is WAY over the legal limit. So trust me, it’s better that I finish this thing as quickly as possible. Conveniently, this week’s episode of Heat is a look back at the greatest moments from the first 15 years of Raw, so there’s actually no new content in this week’s episode. When I was a younger, naïve Heat Reporter I might have still done a full play-by-play of matches that happened years ago, but I’m a bit older and wiser now. So I’m just going to give you a brief list of the great moments a that are featured, and I’ll leave it to you too find the details in 411’s extensive archive if you’re really interested.

  • The Undertaker vs. Damien Demento from the 01.11.93 episode of Raw.
  • The Acolytes vs. The Hardy Boyz for the World Tag Team Championships from the 05.29.99 episode of Raw.
  • The Rock confronts “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan from the 02.18.02 episode of Raw.
  • Trish Stratus vs. Lita for the WWE Women’s Championship from the 12.06.04 episode of Raw.
  • Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton from the 07.16.07 episode of Raw.
  • CM Punk vs. Kenny Dykstra from the 03.26.07 episode of Raw.

    Okay kids, that’s it for this week’s episode of Heat. Hope you had fun. Feel free to email me with any comments or suggestions. I’m not sure when my family is getting in to town for Christmas, so I may or may not see you back here next weekend. But I’m sure that another fine member of the 411 staff will be here in my place if I’m not available.

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