wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Smackdown Report 11.07.08

November 7, 2008 | Posted by Steve Cook

Welcome to 411’s Smackdown Report! I’m Steve Cook, filling in for Scott “F’n” Rutherford who is on assignment. I don’t actually know what he’s doing…I just always wanted to use that phrase. No, I’m not the new Larry Csonka, I just happen to be around when other people have something resembling a social life.

If you’ve got time on your hands this weekend, you can read my post-election thoughts, my Friday wrestling news column, and my recap of Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling, which should be going up sometime tomorrow night. It’s the Weekend of Cook, and it’s been sanitized for your protection. Again…I just always wanted to use that phrase.

Oh, and I’m not doing star ratings. I realize that will be the subject of at least half of your comments. They’re just not my thing…I did them once for Brace Of Impact and felt like a dirty whore afterwards. Then again, maybe that was just because I talked to Lansdell for two hours. Who can say?

In Memory Of: Paul London & Chuck Palumbo’s WWE careers. *plays “Leave The Memories Alone” on YouTube*

Smackdown starts….RIGHT NOW~!

We start with a recap of last week’s casket match. Like many other recappers, I don’t recap recaps.

Theme and Pyro, and Smackdown is in Orlando, Florida tonight! Jim Ross & Tazz are your hosts.

Opening Interview: MVP’s VIP Lounge

MVP claims his so-called losing streak is due to lack of focus. If he doesn’t win enough matches, he will have to sign a “standard talent contract”, which is still more than I make at 411mania. He blabbers on until The Great Khali & Ranjin Singh make their entrance. Singh says we’re all had enough of the VIP Lounge, and it’s time for the Khali Kiss Cam! MVP is boring and Khali epitomizes entertainment. They invite MVP to stick around, but MVP has none of it and vacates the Lounge. WHO WANTS TO KISS THE PUNJABI PLAYBOY? I must say, the Orlando crowd ain’t looking too shabby. Of course, they end up picking the one that looks like Sweet Sapphire’s daughter. Khali likes it. I repudiate my earlier statement, she’s much bigger than Sapphire. As Khali always says, the only thing better than kissing one beautiful woman is kissing two beautiful women, so they find another one, a large white woman. Khali’s all inter-racial, yo. Cassandra & Susan are their names, for the record. Khali’s kiss is as soft as an orange blossom, and more exhilarating than a ride on the Matterhorn. Hey, I don’t write this stuff! Khali kisses Cassandra to the pleasure of the crowd & dismay of MVP. Ranjin says Susan is yearning for the same, so she gets a quick peck. Ranjin asks the crowd if they want to see Khali kiss both at the same time. Khali doesn’t seem too hot about the idea, but the ladies seem down with it. He kisses them both repeatedly, and afterwards MVP runs in and attacks Khali from behind! That has about as much effect as you’d expect, as Khali just turns around and MVP leaves. Khali seems slightly irritated as we go to the back…

Vickie Guerrero is amused by the Kiss Cam and even says “No wonder they call him great!” She wonders if she got the wrong giant to take care of her business, which doesn’t make the Big Show very happy. He storms out as MVP storms in. MVP is outraged with the previous developments, but Vickie says that the Kiss Cam is one of the highest rated segments on Smackdown. She reminds MVP that he has to pay back his signing bonus if he doesn’t win a match by Survivor Series. MVP says he wants a match tonight, so Vickie books him against…the Great Khali! MVP is unhappy.

Match 1: R-Truth vs. United States Champion “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin

You know, the sing-along with Truth sounded a lot louder in the Impact Zone. As JR & Tazz point out, it’s the Natural Born Entertainer vs. the Natural Born Athlete. We start out with headlock by Shelton, which is reversed into a back suplex by Truth. Cover gets 1, as Gordon Solie would say…EH EHHHHHHHHHH. Truth shows off his athletic ability with a cartwheel after being whipped into the corner, but Shelton hits him with a gutbuster and takes advantage. Shelton works over Truth’s ribs with a submission hold, Truth fights out, Shelton misses a splash in the corner & Truth clotheslines him down. Series of clotheslines by Truth, a kick gets a 2 count. Shelton kicks Truth, tries a power bomb but Truth fights out, goes off the ropes and hits his flying corkscrew forearm! Shelton barely kicks out at 2. Shelton gets kicked again but is smart enough to roll outside when Truth goes for the Booker T scissor kick. Truth does the AJ Styles flip dive onto Shelton on the floor! Truth rolls Shelton back in, goes up top and hits a missile dropkick for two. Truth tries to suplex Shelton from the apron back into the ring, but Shelton gets Truth up and drops him rib-first on the top rope! Shelton hits Pay Dirt, and that’s all she wrote!

Winner & Still U.S. Champion: Shelton Benjamin

Backstage, The Brian Kendrick steals Samuel L. Jackson’s material and they say so. He & Ezekiel Jackson try to intimidate Jimmy Wang Yang. Commercial time!

Match 2: Ezekiel Jackson (w/The Brian Kendrick) vs. Jimmy Wang Yang

Something tells me this won’t go too long. Kendrick wants retribution from last week, and Hurricane Helms wants to make fun of Ezekiel’s tights. Not sure I’d be poking fun at that guy under any circumstances. Yang does get some punches in to little effect and targets Jackson’s knee, but that doesn’t last long. Yang gets thrown around some, literally, before Jackson hits a standing Rock Bottom for the three count.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

Kendrick is pleased, and he hits The Kendrick on Yang! Danger Danger!

We get a Vladimir Kozlov video package. I still say he looks like Lance Storm on steroids.

Backstage, Eve tells Michelle McCool that it’s been a year since she won the Diva Search, and she wants to take it to the next level. She wants Michelle’s advice on how to become a wrestler. Michelle gives a typical speech about how you have to want it, but then points out that her opponent next week, Maria, is missing a little bit upstairs. She’s a Playboy pinup girl and that’s what she does best. Soon afterward, Maria enters the picture and Eve exits stage left. They want to talk about next week, and leave to do so.

Raw Rebound!

Backstage, Jeff Hardy tells Vickie that he wants one more shot at Triple H, at Survivor Series. Vickie says that Jeff is all promise and doesn’t have what it takes to be WWE Champion. He needs to get ready for his tag team match because that’s what he does best. Tonight, Jeff Hardy will blow her mind!

Jim Ross & Tazz are at the table, in case you were wondering.

Match 3: WWE Champion Triple H & Jeff Hardy vs. John Morrison & The Miz

I’m still not sure about Miz & Morrison having the best entrance in wrestling (the Beautiful People say hello)…why does Morrison have paint on his abs? Is that the “in” thing to do now? Some things I just don’t understand. Anyway, H & Morrison start. H is amused with Morrison’s paint and Rick Rude imitation. Morrison works H over in the corner, whips him into the other corner but H comes back with a clothesline. Vertical suplex by H, who tags in Hardy. Hardy beats Morrison down and goes for the Twist of Fate, but Morrison ducks outside. Hardy dropkicks both Morrison & Miz on the outside and does the flip dive onto them. Commercial time!

We’re back and Hardy has a side headlock on Miz. He continues to beat Miz up, Triple H wants to tag in but Hardy is having too much fun to allow that. Miz shoulderblocks Hardy off the apron and Miz & Morrison get control of the match. Miz catapults Hardy into a forearm from Morrison, then Morrison elbows Hardy while Hardy’s propped up by Miz’s knees. 2 count. Morrison uses a rest hold, Hardy fights out but Miz comes in and slams Hardy down for a two count. Double gutbuster gets two. Morrison kicks a downed Hardy, but Hardy responds with a reverse enziguri. Clothesline by Hardy, both men are down…Hardy can get a tag from Triple H, but Hardy wants to stay in! Miz misses in the corner, Hardy knocks Morrison off the apron, basement dropkick on Miz! Whisper in the Wind gets a two count. Hardy with a reverse sit-out suplex on Miz, goes up top, Morrison knocks Hardy off the top, H goes after both Miz & Morrison…but here comes Hardy with a chair! He whacks both Miz & Morrison for the disqualification!

Winners: John Morrison & The Miz

Triple H Pedigrees Miz, so I bet Miz doesn’t feel much like a winner. Play Motorhead! H seems confused by Hardy’s actions. But, really, it’s Jeff Hardy. What do you expect?

Eve interviews Vladimir Kozlov. He will crush him, and then he will become champion. Yup.

Jeff asks Vickie if that was extreme enough. Her & Vladimir already have a deal. Close but no cigar is the story of Jeff’s life, it seems.

We’re back, and well it’s the Big Show. He has a message for the Undertaker…apparently he gets his power from fear. Undertaker has no power over Big Show. He’s not afraid! So, he challenges Undertaker to a Casket Match. And that’s that.

The WWE Smack of the Night was the Kiss Cam stuff from earlier, in case you’re keeping score of these things.

Match 4: MVP vs. The Great Khali (w/Ranjin Singh)

MVP has his tunnel back, but that will likely be the highlight of his evening. His strategy consists of kicking and backing off. MVP eventually runs into a Khali clothesline and it’s all downhill from there. Another big clothesline, Khali kicks MVP in the corner, some elbows, but Khali misses and MVP gets some more shots in. He runs into another clothesline, and the tree chokeslam ends it!

Winner: The Great Khali

Anybody like squash? Helms pops in and says MVP was close…he must have been watching a different match.

JR & Tazz talk about WM tickets being available Saturday…and probably only Saturday.

Match 5: Brie Bella vs. Victoria (w/Natalya)

Brie has yet to be beaten, and Victoria hasn’t won a match since 2006. I don’t like her chances here. Victoria takes Brie down with a side headlock, she likes it so much that she does it again. Brie takes Victoria down with a fancy headscissors, but Victoria clotheslines her down to the mat. She mounts Brie and pounds away, and does some good ol’ fashioned hair pulling. The Spider Web gets a 2 count. Standing moonsault gets nothing but knees, Brie hits some forearms and follows up with a monkey flip. Victoria slams Brie to the canvas for two. A sudden inside cradle by Brie gets a three count!

Winner: Brie Bella

Brie heads under the ring when Natalya tries to attack after the match…Nattie & Victoria go to yank her out from under and we get an entertaining visual where it looks like Brie is ten feet tall. Alas, there’s another Bella under the ring, and they both attack the heels! Double hair mares followed by double X-factors!

Backstage, the Colons note that there are two of them. And as Primo says, that’s cool. Do brothers usually date twins? What happens if one pair wants to get married? Not having a brother myself, these are questions I never had to think about.

They didn’t name the other twin this week, but JR’s blog told me that her name is Nikki. Nikki? Do I really need to deal with another Nikki in my life? I wish mothers were more inventive with their naming in the 80s. Then again, I guess that’s better than the goofy names Sarah Palin gives her kids. Sorry, political joke.

Time for a John Cena video package!

We get another Smack of the Night from last week. So was that last week’s Smack of the Night? I am confused.

Match 6: Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Undertaker

I get to take a break from typing as Undertaker makes his typical entrance. We start with a tieup, Kozlov pushes off, Taker pushes off. Headlock by Kozlov, off the ropes, shoulderblock by Kozlov. Headlock by Undertaker, off the ropes, shoulderblock by Taker. Anything you can do…and so on and so forth. Arm wringer by Taker, arm wringer by Kozlov, kick, off the ropes, big boot by Taker. Clothesline over the top by Taker! Taker follows him outside, elbow on the apron, followed by the legdrop. Kozlov comes back with some kicks and forearms, Taker clotheslines Kozlov out of the corner, cover gets 2. Kozlov comes back, some shoulderblocks in the corner, punches, they punch back and forth, headbutts and a kick by Kozlov get 2. Kozlov continues to work Taker over, Taker fights back, they go back and forth, Kozlov gets the advantage, Taker comes back. Splash in the corner by Taker, followed by Snake Eyes and a big bo-no, powerslam by Kozlov! Kozlov crawls over for the cover, but crawls into the Devil’s Triangle! He’s right by the ropes so Charles Robinson breaks it. Here comes Jeff Hardy! He attacks Kozlov with a chair and that causes a disqualification!

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

Hardy hits Kozlov on the back and the head with the chair, and then whacks Undertaker on the head! Oh noes~!!!!!!11111111 Undertaker sits up and Hardy heads for the hills. Undertaker hears the official decision and is pissed. He goes back down to the ring and chokeslams Kozlov. Yeah, that’s a good way to put over the #1 contender, isn’t it?

Jeff promises Vickie he’ll take out the Undertaker if he makes the match. It’s extreme rules! Are hallucinogens outlawed by the Wellness Policy?

And there you have it!


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Steve Cook

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