wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Impact Report 01.01.09

January 1, 2009 | Posted by Randy Harrison

We’re in the Impact Zone and Don West and Mike Tenay are on the entrance ramp, talking about how we’re going to get to see tons of the best TNA pay-per-view matches from 2008 and that we’re also going to get to see the first title defense of 2009 as Beer Money Inc. will put their titles on the line against LAX. Let’s get to the videotape for the first match, from Bound For Glory IV on October 12th in Chicago, IL.

Match One:
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

Mick Foley is the special guest enforcer at ringside and gets a big pop from the Chicago crowd. If Impact looked like that every week with a crowd of four to five thousand people it would improve their perception greatly. I realize it wouldn’t happen in a million years, but it’s still something nice to dream about. Jarrett gets a monster pop upon his return to action in TNA after a two-year absence from competing in the ring. Jarrett looks like he never left as he’s in great shape. A pop-up promo from Jarrett talks about how he felt great and how the match was everything he hoped it would be and more. Foley says that he’s known Jarrett for twenty years and he knew he was going to put everything into it, but he also knows how hard it is to come back after such a long layoff. Angle talks about how he and Jarrett saw eye to eye when they first met, but then started banging heads about disrespect between the two men. He also brings up his “no-fire” clause in his contract.

The bell rings and Angle gets a quick double-leg takedown, forcing Jarrett into the ropes. Angle drops for an ankle pick and gets another takedown before letting Jarrett back to his feet. Side headlock takeover from Angle and he gets a two-count off of it before Jarrett fires him off. Angle takes Jarrett down with a shoulderblock and drops him with another side headlock, cranking away at it. Jarrett pops up again, saying that Angle has a great aura and persona about him and that he’s done it all in the wrestling business which was why he hand-picked him. He talks about resentment about choosing the wrong guy. In the ring, Jarrett shoots Angle off of the ropes and takes him over with an armdrag takeover, following it with a side headlock that puts Angle onto his back. Angle pops up and says that he had no remorse for Jarrett and he wanted to hurt him. He understands that there are tragedies, but that’s life. Angle shoots Jarrett off and tries to get the offense going, but ends up back on his back after another side headlock. Angle picks him up and drops him with a belly-to-back suplex, but Jarrett hangs on to the headlock. Angle fights to his feet and pushes Jarrett into the ropes before burying some hard kneelifts to the gut. European uppercut and Angle tries an Irish whip, but Jarrett ducks and hits a beautiful dropkick before sending Angle over the top to the floor with a clothesline. PLANCHA FROM LUCHA JARRETT to Angle on the floor!!! Jarrett whips Angle into the guardrail and follows it up with a big right hand before heading up to the apron. Jarrett tries a forearm, but Angle gets out of the way and Jarrett slams into the railing. Angle rolls Jarrett back in and lays in the boots as Foley pops up and talks about how he was hoping to get involved as he didn’t want possibly his only TNA appearance to be watching a match from outside. Angle hits a European uppercut and chokes Jarrett against the middle rope before whipping him into the ropes. Jarrett reverses it and hits an inverted atomic drop before scoring with an enziguri. Jarrett hits his dick to the back move and does his strut, but goes to the well once too often and tries it again, getting clotheslined out of his boots by Angle. Commercial break!!!

Random Impact Observation #1: These pop-ups with the guys talking about the action in the ring is pure money. The only way it’d be any better is if they were talking shoot. One of my favorite things to watch are the Wrestling Gold DVDs with Meltzer and Cornette watching old matches and telling shoot backstories. Good times all the way around and it’d be fun to see TNA doing that with these. That aside, it’s still great work from TNA.

Back from the break and Angle whips Jarrett into the corner, but Jarrett floats over into a roll-up for a two-count. Angle WAFFLES Jarrett with a clothesline as they both get back to their feet and Angle gets a long two-count off of it. Angle pops up and says that he took advantage of Jarrett’s layoff and upped the intensity to gas out his tank. Jarrett says that the first ten minutes of the match was all about getting his bearings back inside the ring. In the ring, Angle hits a beautiful snap suplex for a pair of two-counts before locking in the reverse chinlock. Jarrett fights to his feet and works the gut to break free before catching Angle with a right hand. Angle goes to the eyes and shoves Jarrett into the corner for some shoulderblocks. Angle backs off and charges for another, but Jarrett moves and ANGLE HITS THE RINGPOST!! Jarrett ducks an Angle clothesline and kicks him in the gut, dropping Angle with a DDT and both men are down!!! They struggle to their feet and trade haymakers in the middle of the ring with JARRETT WINNING! Angle cuts him off with a knee to the gut, but Jarrett hits a pair of clotheslines and a sit-out powerbomb for a two-count. Jarrett tries an Irish whip, but Angle reverses it. Jarrett kicks Angle in the face and tries a right hand, but Angle catches Jarrett and sends him FLYING with a belly-to-belly suplex!! 1….2….JARRETT ROLLS A SHOULDER!! That was just short of three. Angle sets up behind Jarrett and tries for the Angle Slam, but Jarrett reverses into a tornado DDT for another long, LONG two-count. Jarrett elevates Angle and crotches him up on the top turnbuckle!! Angle cuts Jarrett off and threatens to belly-to-belly Jarrett over the top of the post to the floor. Jarrett fights it off and hits a HUGE SUPERPLEX!! Jarrett pops up and talks about how Angle was trying to hurt him and he fought for his life to hit the superplex, while Angle says that he wanted to hurt Jarrett and send him to a hospital bed. In the ring, Jarrett rolls over and it’s another long two-count as Angle barely rolls his shoulder out. Angle tries a kick, but Jarrett catches it and LOCKS IN THE FIGURE-FOUR LEGLOCK!! ANGLE’S SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Angle pops up to talk about the figure-four, saying that it was almost as painful as the anklelock and that he nearly tapped out, but he did what he had to do to get free and that he won’t let Jarrett get it on him again. Angle drags and screams his way to the rope and manages to get the break as we head to commercial!!

Jarrett tries an Irish whip, Angle reverses, Jarrett reverses and tries a clothesline, but Angle ducks it and hits a German suplex for a two-count as we come back from break. Angle hits another and tries for another pinfall, but can only get two as THE STRAPS COME DOWN!! Angle sets Jarrett up and tries the Angle Slam again, but Jarrett counters out with an armdrag. Piledriver attempt from Jarrett gets reversed, but Jarrett gets the sunset flip for a one-count as Angle locks in the ANKLELOCK!!! Jarrett pops up and talks about the anklelock and how dangerous it is. He says that he wasn’t sure which way the match was going to go at that point. Jarrett tries to make the ropes but Angle drags him back to the middle of the ring, cranking on the foot. Jarrett powers up and rolls through to break free of the Anklelock, but it’s out of the frying pan into the fire as Angle hits THE ANGLE SLAM!! 1….2….JARRETT KICKS OUT!! ANGLE’S PISSED!! Angle gets to his feet and climbs the ropes, heading up to the top turnbuckle for a moonsault and JARRETT ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY!! BOTH MEN DOWN AGAIN!! Jarrett shakes his fists and gets to his feet. JARRETT’S HICKING UP!! Angle charges with a clothesline, but Jarrett ducks and referee Rudy Charles gets dropped like a bad habit. Jarrett with knees to the gut and HE HITS THE STROKE!! FOLEY’S IN THE RING FOR THE COUNT!!! 1……2…..ANGLE KICKS OUT!! Foley talks about getting involved as the enforcer once the referee went down and that he’d have a hard time looking at himself in the mirror if he’d done nothing. Angle hits a ballshot on Jarrett and heads out to the floor for a chair. Foley chastises him and ANGLE CRANKS HIM WITH IT!! RIGHT IN THE DOME!! Angle’s in the ring and he WAFFLES JARRETT WITH IT!!! Angle drags Jarrett into the middle of the ring and drags the referee over for the count and gets a two-count before FOLEY PULLS OUT THE REFEREE!! Angle tries to throw a right hand, but Foley blocks it and drops Angle with a big right. FOLEY HAS SAWK-O!!! FOLEY LAYS IT IN ON ANGLE AND TURNS HIM RIGHT INTO A GUITAR SHOT FROM JARRETT!!! 1-2-3, IT’S OVER!!!

Winner: Jeff Jarrett (pinfall, guitar shot) ***

(Jarrett looked great in this one and if they had gotten about ten more minutes and used a little more psychology, this baby would have pushed four stars easy. I was entertained and enjoyed it, but it felt a little too much like single moves back and forth rather than a fluid match.)

We come back from another break and we get to see a video package on the TNA Knockouts Division and the feud between Gail Kim and Awesome Kong.

Match Two: TNA Knockouts Championship
Awesome Kong w/Raisha Saeed vs. Gail Kim (c)

This one is from the January 10th edition of Impact and was the first time that the TNA Knockouts were featured in the main event. Also of note, this is the first time that Saeed has accompanied Kong to ringside. Jeremy Borash is in a tuxedo and in the ring for the SUPER-SPESHUL ANNOUNCING, but these ladies cut him off to get to action!! Kong charges and Kim ducks out of the way, landing some chops on Kong against the ropes. Irish whip, but Kong reverses, charging in and missing as Kim slips out through the ropes to the apron. Kong HAMMERS Kim with a spinning backfist that puts Kim out to the floor and Kong follows her out to ram her face-first into the ring steps. Kong throws Kim up the entrance ramp and chokes her out with a leg, but Kim fights free and CHARGES OFF THE RAMP WITH RIGHT HANDS!! Kong walks Kim over and rams her into the wall of the ramp and Irish whips her into the wall of the bleachers, laying some boots in for good measure. She pushes Kim against the ramp and charges again, but Kim rolls out of the way and KONG GOES THROUGH THE WALL!! Officials come to check on Kong as Kim crawls back to the ring and we hit a commercial break!!!

Back to action and Kong has recovered, running Kim headfirst into the ring apron before flinging her back into the ring. Kim tries a running charge off the ropes, but Kong just Vader’s her down to the mat before picking her up and crotching her on the top turnbuckle. Kim tries to fight Kong off and slaps her in the face, jumping and hitting a tornado DDT that gets her a two-count. Kim hits big right hands as one of the Beautiful Slores talks about how she’s not involved so she doesn’t care. Kim comes off the top rope with a SENTON BACK SPLASH!! 1….2…KONG KICKS OUT AT THE LAST MINUTE!! Kim fires up and heads to the apron again, kicking Raisha Saeed before going up to the top rope. Kim comes off and gets CAUGHT WITH A KONG CHOKESLAM!! Kim barely kicks out before the three-count and the crowd is fired up behind Gail Kim. Kong Irish whips Kim into the corner and tries a charge, but Kim gets out of the way and lays in some clotheslines. The rest of the Knockouts pop up and talk about how great Kong is and how dangerous she is as she hits an IMPLANT BUSTER ON KIM FOR A TWO-COUNT!! She grabs Kim and sets her up for the Awesome Bomb, but Kim wriggles free and hits a forearm and a dropkick. Kim heads up to the second rope and tries hurrancanrana but it gets reversed into an AWESOME BOMB!! KONG PICKS HER UP AND DROPS HER AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN WITH A JUMPING KONG BOMB!!! There’s the three-count and we have a new TNA Knockouts Champion!!!

Winner: Awesome Kong (pinfall, Awesome bomb x3) **3/4

(That was a good match, but could have been so much more. They really didn’t need to run around on the outside in the early part of the match. It was good enough as it was and didn’t need all of that. Kim played the underdog well and they put out their best effort to get the crowd behind them, but it just felt like there was something missing. Solid effort from both ladies though)

Match Three: TNA World Heavyweight Championship (MMA Rules)
Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle (c)

This one’s from Lockdown on April 13th and we get right into the action, with Angle and Joe trading some punches and kicks early on. West and Tenay talk about the stipulation with Joe retiring if he loses the match as Angle comes in with a takedown attempt, but Joe makes the ropes for the break. Solid leg kick lands for Angle and he bounces around looking extra-cocky before they lace in a Greco-Roman knucklelock. Angle hits another kick to the leg and Joe fires back with kicks of his own, rolling into a potential anklelock but Angle makes the ropes. Angle pops up and talks about how tough that match was and that he doesn’t have much respect for Joe. Joe says that it was two guys that had stuff to prove and Joe proved that he was the better man. Angle shoots in for a takedown and tries to ground and pound, but Joe covers up and makes the ropes to get back to his feet. Angle hits another takedown and tries to isolate an arm for an armbar, but ends up just pounding away with punches until Joe gets another rope break. Back to the feet and circling as Angle shoots in for a low single-leg, but Joe reverses to the top position. Angle grabs guard, but Joe manages to land some good rights and lefts before Angle clutches the ropes for the break. Joe grabs a bodylock and eats some knees to the gut before stomping on Angle’s foot and hitting a BEAUTIFUL JUDO THROW!! Angle kicks him away and they’re back to circling in the middle of the ring. Bodylock from Angle and he hits a gorgeous belly-to-back suplex before mounting and looking for a head and arm triangle choke. Joe pops up and talks about his training partners and how he trained better than he ever had before. Angle talks about seeing red the whole time he was training and how he wanted to beat the hell out of Joe. In the ring, Joe makes the ropes for a break, but Angle ends up pounding him before grabbing a front facelock. Joe fights to his feet and hits some right hands of his own, bouncing off the ropes right into an ANGLE BELLY-TO-BELLY that gets two. Angle mounts Joe for some punches, but Joe makes the ropes again to save himself. Angle hits a big European forearm and goes back to the mounted punches before trying for an armbar, which Joe furiously defends. Joe breaks free, but Angle is right back on him with punches before Joe fires back with shots of his own. Joe off the ropes and Angle drops to chop block the knee!! Commercial time!!

Back from the break, Angle’s got a leglock on Samoa Joe and he’s cranking on it as Joe tries to roll over to turn the pressure. He gets over to his stomach and Angle’s screaming in pain, but he grabs the bottom rope to get the break. Angle takes over as they get back to their feet, chopping out Joe’s leg and working another leglock before Joe breaks it with some chops. Angle hops forward and grabs a side headlock and Joe fights back to his feet with some elbows to the gut. Angle tries to catch Joe with another belly-to-belly, but Joe avoids and FLIPS ANGLE’S SHIT INSIDE OUT WITH A CLOTHESLINE!!! Both men slow to their feet and JOE DROPS HIM WITH FOREARMS!! Charging knee in the corner by Joe and he whips Angle across to try for another one. Angle avoids and tries to get up to the top rope, but Joe kicks him in the face. Muscle Buster attempt from Joe, but Angle reverses it into the ANKLELOCK!! Joe rolls and kicks out of it as we hear Angle pop up and talk about how tough it is to keep Joe in the anklelock. Angle charges in and EATS A URANAGE!! Two-count from Joe and they’re both back to their feet as they trade blows and Joe hits a HUGE powerbomb for a two-count!!! Angle rolls the shoulder, but Joe goes with it and gets a vicious-looking Boston crab before transitioning to an STF!! Angle drags himself to the ropes, but Joe transitions again to a CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!! Angle reverses to an ANKLELOCK!! Joe rolls again and rolls right back into the crossface as Angle looks close to tapping out! Angle tries to fight free and gets out from under Joe, barely getting to the ropes. Angle charges and Joe drops to hit the CROSSFACE AGAIN!!! Angle rolls through and HITS THE ANGLE SLAM!!! 1……2….JOE BARELY ROLLS THE SHOULDER!! Angle gets the anklelock dead-center in the middle of the ring and rolls with every single one of Joe’s escape attempts. Joe pops up and talks about the agony of the hold, but that he knew he had to hold one because it was his night. Joe grabs the tights and LOCKS IN THE KOKINA CLUTCH!! REAR NAKED CHOKE FROM JOE AS ANGLE GRABS THE REFEREE!! Angle drags himself to the ropes by using the referee and gets the clean break!! Kick to the gut by Angle and he tries the Angle Slam, but Joe rams him head-first into the cage and hits a superkick. He grabs Angle and HITS THE MUSCLE BUSTER!!! 1……2…….3…..JOE DID IT!! JOE’S THE NEW TNA CHAMPION!!!

Winner: Samoa Joe (pinfall, Muscle Buster) ****

( I loved this match, even if a lot of people didn’t. It was great to see a slowly-built match with some MMA elements involved as I love to see some MMA. Angle and Joe did very well to work together and did a great job with the MMA rules aspect of the match. Great, great match and I wouldn’t mind seeing another someday.)

Tenay and West are in the ring after that match is over, hyping the rest of the show and talking about all the great stuff coming up, as well as the Beer Money/LAX main event.

Match Four: TNA World Heavyweight Championship
AJ Styles vs. Sting (c)

This one is from November 9th at Turning Point and we see Styles start out quickly with a collar and elbow as Sting pops up and talks about how this match was all about respect and how he had respect for Ric Flair and Mick Foley had it for Terry Funk. Styles says that what was at stake was the championship and the respect. Styles hits a hammerlock and he and Sting trade reversals before Sting hits a snap mare. Styles holds on and turns it into a standing armbar before going back to the hammerlock. Snap mare again by Sting and it’s right back to the hammerlock from Styles. Styles pops up and talks about how it was about the Main Event Mafia and their power and that if you have the belt, you have the power. Sting breaks free of the hammerlock and tries an Irish whip, but Styles reverses. After a rope-running sequence, Sting holds onto the ropes and Styles misses a dropkick. Bulldog from Sting and he tries to capitalize, but Styles manages to hit the picture-perfect dropkick the second time around before we head to commercial.

After the break, Sting’s got Styles up in a press slam and he THROWS STYLES TO THE FLOOR OVER THE TOP ROPE!! Sting gets up and yells to the crowd before heading to the floor after Styles and he whips Styles chest-first into the railing. Sting drops Styles across the barricade chest-first again with a slam and rolls him back into the ring for some boots. Styles says the pain was so intense he nearly quit, but he didn’t and Sting says that he wasn’t trying to hurt Styles, he was just trying to teach him something. Styles hits a big backbreaker in the ring and tries an Irish whip into the ropes for a hiptoss, but Sting grabs an abdominal stretch, hammering away at Styles ribs with right hands!! Sting cranks on it as Styles tries to break free with elbows to the legs, finally getting Sting over with a hip toss. Styles charges in, but Sting hits a HOT SHOT across the top rope on Styles!! Sting buries the shoulderblocks into Styles’ gut in the corner, following with an Irish whip before ramming Styles chest-first into the top turnbuckle. Bearhug from Sting now and AJ breaks free with some headbutts, but Sting goes right back to the abdominal stretch, cranking away at Styles and cockily looking out at the crowd. Sting tells AJ to give it up, but AJ breaks free and hammers some right hands and they’re TRADING HANDS!! PELE KICK FROM AJ STYLES!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN AND OUT!! Styles pops up and says that Frontline’s plan for 2009 is for them to work their asses off and be the best that they can be. Styles hits some clotheslines in the ring and follows with a belly-to-back suplex. Sting in the corner and Styles shoves him out with a forearm before going to the apron for the SPRINGBOARD FOREARM!! That only gets a two-count as Styles follows with a vertical suplex for another two-count. Sting tries for the Scorpion Deathlock, but Styles kicks him out!! Styles charges in and tries a splash in the corner, but eats turnbuckle and STING HITS THE SCORPION DEATH DROP!! 1….2…..STYLES BARELY KICKS OUT!! Sting up to the top rope now and he waits for Styles to get to his feet. Sting leaps and Styles gets out of the way, setting Sting up for the Styles Clash. Sting with a kick to the head to reverse and he hits an elbow to send Styles into the corner for TWO STINGER SPLASHES!!! Sting props Styles up in the corner again and tries for a third and he gets it!!! Sting puts Styles up to the top rope and follows him up, looking for a superplex but Styles blocks it into a SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!! Styles drags Sting into the middle of the ring and heads up to the top rope for the SPIRAL TAP!! HE HITS IT!! HE HITS IT!!! He heads up to the top rope again instead of going for the cover and this time the Main Event Mafia come down and break up Styles’ attempt. Styles turns his attention back to Sting and ducks a clothesline but MISSES THE PELE!! Oklahoma Roll from Sting and there’s the 1-2-3!!!

Winner: Sting (pinfall, Oklahoma Roll) ***1/2

( It wasn’t a bad match per se, but you knew that the Mafia were going to get involved somehow and they did. Sting looked good and he and Styles meshed well together, which they’ve done every time they’ve been in the ring. What knocked this one down for me was the interference that you knew was coming, as well as Sting still acting like a babyface despite being in the top heel faction in the company.)

We come back from the break and we see a video featuring TNA’s tag team division, showing the rise to prominence of Beer Money Inc. as well as the return to form of LAX. Sufficient match-hyping ensues and it’s time for some live, in-ring action!!

Match Five: TNA World Tag Team Championship
LAX vs. Beer Money Inc. w/Jacqueline (c)

Random Impact Observation #2: Storm’s cooler scooter is FUCKING EPIC!! It even has the Beer Money logo on the side. Nothing could be more pimp than that.

Storm and Homicide start things out with Storm dropping Homicide with a shoulderblock. Flying headscissors from Homicide and he hits a big monkey flip followed by a dropkick that sends Storm scurrying to his corner for a timeout. Homicide lays a kick in on Roode on the apron and hits a BIG belly-to-belly suplex off the ropes that gets a long, long two-count. Storm grabs a side headlock, but Homicide hits a blind tag and Hernandez flies over the ropes with a slingshot shoulderblock. LAX hit a big double-team move that gets a two-count, but Storm manages to fight free and makes a tag to Robert Roode. Roode with right hands and chops in the corner before kicking Hernandez in the face off of a back-bodydrop attempt. Roode off the ropes, but Hernandez sends him FLYING WITH A SHOULDERBLOCK!! Tag to Homicide and he hits a reverse elbow off the ropes, but Roode hits a knee to the gut and fights back. Homicide turns it around again and hits a pair of veritcal suplexes before handing off to Hernandez for a backbreaker that gets a two-count. Tag to Homicide and he chops away at Roode, whipping him in but getting reversed. Homicide hits the apron and Roode charges in, but Homicide back-bodydrops him to the floor before hitting a TOPE CON HILO!! HOMICIDE GRABS A BEER OUT OF THE COOLER!! SUPER-PIMP!! We head to a commercial as Homicide enjoys a cold one on the floor.

We’re back to the action after the break and Storm hits a spinning neckbreaker move on Homicide to score a close two-count. Homicide with right hands and he tries for the tag, but referee Earl Hebner didn’t see it and Hernandez gets sent back to the apron. Illegal switch by Beer Money and Roode takes over with a backdrop for a two-count before tagging in Storm. Storm sets Homicide up on the top rope and follows him up to try for a superplex, but Homicide blocks it. Homicide hits a DDT off of the top rope, but Storm rolls into a tag to Roode. Reversal sequence with both men and Homicide shoves Roode off before making the HOT TAG TO HERNANDEZ!! HERNANDEZ IS CLEANING HOUSE ON BEER MONEY!! DOUBLE-DROPKICK!!! CHARGING SPLASH TO STORM IN THE CORNER!! CHARGING SPLASH TO STORM!! CLOTHESLINE ON STORM!! HERNANDEZ CATCHES ROODE OFF THE TOP ROPES FOR A SIT-OUT POWERBOMB!! Storm BARELY breaks up the pinfall before Hernandez hits a tag to Homicide. He hip tosses Homicide over the top rope and they take down both members of Beer Money. Roode slings Homicide to the floor as Hernandez hits a HUGE superplex on Storm!! Roode hits a spinebuster on Hernandez, but Homicide comes in with a GRINGO CUTTER!! Homicide to the top rope and he MISSES THE FROG SPLASH!! Beer Money hit a double-team move that looked like a botch, and it only gets a two-count before they signal for the double-team. They set up for their finish, but Hernandez shoves Storm out of the way and saves Homicide. Hernandez shoots Homicide off of his shoulders into a DDT!! SUPERMEX PLANCHA ON STORM ON THE OUTSIDE!! Homicide hits the frog splash on Roode!! 1…..2…..ROODE BARELY KICKS OUT!! Jacqueline hands a belt in to Roode!! Roode misses with it and Homicide kicks him in the gut before he CRACKS HIM WITH THE BELT!! 1….2…ROODE ROLLS THE SHOULDER!! Homicide gets a roll-up on the inside, but as the referee is distracted on the floor, Jacqueline gets a chair and holds it between the ropes. Roode kicks Homicide off RIGHT INTO THE CHAIR!! 1…2…3…BEER MONEY RETAINS!!

Winners: Beer Money Inc. (pinfall, Jacqueline chairshot) **1/2

Decent match with a crappy finish, which seems to be the MO with TNA these days. Beer Money are on fire and this was no exception, with their botch on the double-team being the only sour spot. LAX looked great too and I want to see them take on Beer Money for about twenty-five minutes on pay-per-view to tear the house down with a clean finish. Major markdowns for the finish though as the “chairshot” from Jackie looked like it wouldn’t have knocked out Tenay.

We finish out the show with a highlight video package of all of TNA’s greatest moments in 2008 and we’re out!!!


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Randy Harrison

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