wrestling / Columns

Hidden Highlights 01.08.07: Issue #71

January 8, 2007 | Posted by Prag-Thomlison

Hidden Highlights
By JP Prag and James “JT” Thomlison

Issue #71


Hello everyone who thought Connecticut’s nickname is the Nutmeg State (damn you Cranium!), and welcome back to Hidden Highlights!!

Hidden Highlights

There are very few positive things on the Internet. It’s more about everyone’s negative view of what everyone else is trying to do.
— Eric Bischoff, Controversy Creates Ca$h

Hidden Highlight (n) – a small, hardly noticeable point that makes a big, positive difference. This could be anything from a wrestler putting extra emphasis into his moves to make it believable to a person in the background reacting while not the focus to the cameraman shaking the picture to create an effect. There are just so many unsung heroes of wrestling that it is impossible to cover them all.

Every week we take the top 3 Hidden Highlights from the biggest shows on television (RAW, ECW of SciFi, iMPACT, SmackDown!, and a PPV or television special if there is one). Plus we turn to you, the readers, to let us know all the Hidden Highlights you saw this, last, or any week in history. On top of all that, we explore the other issues that prove why this is the most positive article in the IWC.

And who is this mysterious we, you ask?

Why none other than JP Prag and James “JT” Thomlison, of course!

We bring you Hidden Highlights with one goal in mind: to appreciate all those little things that make a huge difference. JT?

JT: First I’d just like to say I truly did enjoy Geoff’s first dissertation of 2007. We also appreciate the love Geoff, and just so everyone is clear, when he says:

JT & JP have managed to create a column that focuses on the positive aspects of the business without sacrificing an intelligent point of view

What he means is:

JT might be positive, but he still calls me at two in the morning drunk off his ass to bitch about the Boogeyman and sing the praises of King Bookah.

Also, Geoff, just so you know, I know you’re the resident alcoholic (oh, do I know) and Cook is merely your drinking lackey, but he was part of the column and you were not. Thus, he was the alki by default!

JP: You know what I learned from that whole rant?

JT: What’s that?

JP: That you drunk dial Geoff.

JT: …that may or may not be true. It way also be the other way around… Oh, and I’d like to congratule Jeff Small, who somehow managed to celebrate his, and I quote, “about 40-something of these.”, in his 52 week one year celebration. I’m no mathmetician so you’ll have to ask him how that works.

JP: Maybe he doesn’t count the holidays or something. Either way, on with the Hidden Highlights!

Hidden Highlights for WWE RAW: Monday, January 1, 2007 by JP

JP: RAW. Day One. Year 2007.

Pretty dramatic, huh?

The year started off with Kevin Federline getting his revenge on John Cena with not just a victory, but a cocky pin victory. Good work, Mr. Federline. I hope when you finish filming that British reality show you can come back as a manager. That man is too good as a heel to waste him trying to sell more than 6000 albums. And I’ll give the man formerly known as K-fed a little more love, but first this…

(3) Hometown Hero:

As JR was quick to point out this week, not only does Kenny Dykstra have a last name, but he also now has a hometown! I was shocked when I heard it, too, and was glad that JR mentioned it. But what I was more shocked about was that Lillian Garcia actually pronounced “Worcester” (wĘŠstÉ™) right! I’ve heard her mispronounce Worcester (not just her, but plenty of others) more times than I can count, and it was a great Hidden Highlight to hear her get it right and know that she’ll be getting it right in the future.

(2) Still unbroken:

Speaking of things that JR said, I will give him props for this little bit. As Chris Masters went to put on the Masterlock on Carlito, JR said that the Masterlock was “a move—according to Jonathan Coachman—that has never been broken.” Now, as we all know the move gotten broken “last week” in Iraq by a soldier, but did you catch that key point: “According to Jonathan Coachman”. It would seem that Coachman reversed the decision from last week because of interference from JBL, making the Masterlock still unbroken! I like that little bit of continuity, acknowledging that the events in Iraq happened yet finding a way to reverse it.

(1) The most hated man in America:

As promised, we are going to have more Kevin Federline love because the man was just on fire this week. After pinning Cena, Federline did one of the greatest things I have ever seen since Ted Dibiase; he took out some random cash and just threw in on Cena’s prone carcass! This was great on so many levels! On one hand, he was telling Cena he was a cheap whore that he could buy. On another, he was flaunting his wealth and power. And on yet another hand, he was showing great disrespect to Cena. And below the surface, he was telling Cena that for the right amount of money, anything can happen, even getting to pin the WWE Champion. I hope that if Federline ever comes back he always throws money over his (or his wrester who he manages) opponent when they are laid out. It is a great signature that has so many meanings that I can do nothing but give Kevin Federline our top kudos for this week’s RAW.

JT: Yup, I actually defended Kevin Federline as well in last week’s Fact or Fiction. You know, what I find so funny about this whole situation is that everything he said in his promo a couple of weeks back is true. Music aside (dear God, music aside), we know nothing about him, have all made our judgments, and he then said people need to give him a chance to show what he can do. Well… he was right! We all had our preconceived notions and our minds were all made up about him long before his first appearance on RAW, then he comes out over the course of two months, and is one of the better non-wrestling heels on television. That, AND gets a win over Cena (sorry, LC, gots to give him his due on that one). He really did a very good job with the situation he was put in.

Hidden Highlights for ECW on SciFi: Tuesday, January 2, 2007 by JT

JT: Test gets a seemingly easy win over Sabu, same for Turkay and Burke over the FBI, Striker gets “physics”al regarding Punk and Holly, Tommy continues his quest to bring down the wall that is Khali, RVD goes for the gold, Kevin Thorne cleans Balls’ clock, and Lashley “retains” his ECW World Title!

(3) Thanks for keeping my seat warm for me:

For the match between Kevin Thorne and Balls Mahoney, the announce team was once again joined by Brad Armstrong. Now, both Taz and Brad are aware that the whole reason he is there is the slight possibility of replacing Taz if he decides not to re-up on his contract. Reports are that Taz has not been happy with this move, and if I had to guess, these two are probably not big fans of one another. This has translated quite well into their on air relationship where it has been jousting back and forth non-stop. As Brad was leaving, he took off his headset, and as he walked passed Taz you could hear him say “I’ll be back, Taz”. I thought this was a great little schwork comment to throw out there that almost indicates that him replacing Taz is inevitable. Really a double sided jest that drew a chuckle from me since we have some idea what’s going on between these two behind the curtains.

(2) It’s all about the look:

Elijah Burke and Sylvester Turkay came out for their match against the FBI. Before the match start however, Burke hopped on the mic to cut his promo essentially taunting the FBI. I originally noticed the beads in his hair bobbing around outside of his hat, but thought nothing of it because as far as I can remember, he has had them pretty much since they’ve debuted. I paid a little closer attention though during the match, and confirmed that he had orange, red, yellow and white beads to match the stripes on their windbreaker outfits! I could be wrong here, but I believe they were simply white for quite some time. So, nice job of accessorizing with such a minor detail to help add to the overall “theme” of those two.

(1) I’ve got you covered:

During the main event match, Lashley had thrown RVD into the ropes, and as he made his way back towards him, you could see Lashley dip his right shoulder down ever so slightly ahead of time to prepare for the cross-bodyslam. Some may say that since he was early, everyone knew it was coming and it deterred from the realism of the move. Well, uh, I already know it’s scripted so who cares! A lot of big men sometimes don’t realize how strong and dangerous they truly can be if they are careless in the ring. To me, he was simply taking an extra second to ensure that the move was executed properly – and more importantly – safely. Nice job by Bobby of making the move appear pretty devastating while keeping RVD safe.

JP: You know, I hope Taz stays around (BTW, aren’t we supposed to be saying Tazz since he’s in ECW) because I have a much better role for Brad Armstrong: ECW Representative! Who better to replace Paul Heyman who could represent the new vision of ECW while being competent on the mic? I would have said Ted Dibiase, but they already fired him. And as much as I love Dusty, and he was in ECW for a bit, he just doesn’t fit there. Michael Hayes might be good, but I haven’t seen him in a while so I’m not so sure he’s “TV ready”.

Hidden Highlights for TNA iMPACT: Thursday, January 4, 2007 by JP

JP: Someone needs to start keeping track of how many bait and switch main events we are going to get on iMPACT. Also, my girls Catherine and Katie would like to know who does Ms. Brooks’ hair. She went from full perm to completely disheveled and back again in less than 8 minutes. Man, it was really impressive! Luckily, her boy will start us off with the Hidden Highlights.

(3) BFF:

After Rhino managed to pin Robert Roode, AJ Styles ran in to beat up Rhino some more. This lead to a double team of Roode and Styles taking out Rhino. After hitting the Styles Clash, Robert Roode and Styles started sharing high fives and knuckle-downs. But best of all was if you could read lips. Very clearly, Roode said to Style, “I like you.” I thought that was a great moment, and one of those points where you can see two people who have something in common get together. Although nobody could hear Roode, he stayed in character, and continued to look for talent for Robert Roode Enterprises.

(2) Memorabilia:

As you are quite aware, we here at Hidden Highlights are always watching the background. During the opening segment of iMPACT, Samoa Joe came in to Jim Cornette’s and we got a rare side view of his office. And did you catch what was sitting on his top bookshelf? Why, it was a “Fan’s Revenge” sign, the one he took from ringside oh so long ago. And let us not forget that the “Fan’s Revenge” match was one of the first things Cornette set up when he came in to TNA. I’m impressed that he has kept that around, and it collecting memorabilia, and really enjoy that that bit of history made its way on to TV.

(1) Random Chairs:

When the Samoa Joe/Kurt Angle brawl began, the two fought their way outside. When they made it through the first set of doors, there were some chairs piled against the wall there that they used to hit each other with. When I saw these, at first I was think, “Oh, how convenient. Why are there chairs sitting right there? I mean logically, come on!” But then, to my great surprise, as the brawl continued I noticed that there were chairs everywhere! It seems as if there might have been a real reason to have chairs all about, and I was glad to have my cynicism thrown back in my face. See, even the King of Positivity can be given a wake up call from time to time, and that makes this a Hidden Highlight.

JT: I also had the eyes roaming in Cornette’s office. What I liked was that the marker board hanging on the wall was completely empty! You’d think this would be where Cornette put that nights “card”, but it appears he is flat out too busy dealing with the madness going on in TNA right now.

Hidden Highlights for WWE SmackDown!: Friday, January 5, 2007 by JT

JT: Little bit of a different format this week, kids. As it turns out, I found a BUNCH of Hidden Highlights, but as I went back to review, it seemed that they were just a bunch of short, good ones. So instead of trying to get long winded with three, I’m just going to get straight to the fun with bulletpoints so I can give you all of them!

  • In the opening promo, Teddy Long said that it was something he liked to call the Beat The Clock Sprint. Saying he liked to call it that indicates it was his call, which technically it was. We’ve seen it before on RAW, but Teddy has never seen it on SD, so keeping in brand split fashion, this was something “new”.
  • Keeping that in mind, Michael Cole said “It’s never been done before”. While it has happened on RAW, in that particular tournament, the winner did not go on to challenge the champion at the Royal Rumble, and therefore this was a prize that the wrestlers hadn’t fought for in a tournament like this.
  • As Chavo made his way to the ring, he was selling the whole “scared” thing as he eyeballed Kane. He then went to put his arms up for the “I’m Chavo-let-me-move-my-finger-so-you-give-me-some-love” thing, but stopped halfway and put them down, too concerned with Kane to finish.
  • At the end of the Kane vs. Chavo match, they indicated that Kane had literally caught Chavo by the neck off the Frogsplash. Well, I couldn’t tell in the real-time replay, so I went back and watched it in slow motion. Sure enough, Kane does get his hand up and in place about a half foot above his body. Nice aim by both guys and especially nice by Kane for actually throwing in the little gesture to seem to “catch” him in the air when he could have just let Chavo fall on him and then grab his neck.
  • As you know, sometimes we give love to an entire match because there are so many HH in them it’s too hard to choose. Well, I’d like to give London vs. Kendrick some love for the exact opposite. I’m sure there were plenty of HH, but the fact is that match was SO enjoyable, I was too busy enjoying it to find any. Just an overall great match that had my attention so strongly the little things didn’t matter.
  • …..or so I thought! About the time I typed the note for that, this happened. With 45 seconds left in that match, both men were in a series of reversals. Kendrick went for a pin on London, but London rolled him over for his own pin. What I noticed was that London only had one of his legs over one of Kendrick’s arm. Usually in this pin position, one man will have both legs over both of his opponents arms, but London sold the fact that the match was moving so fast and there were so many reversals, he would take what he could get because catching the other one off guard was how someone was going to win this match.
  • Have to give some love to MVP for that promo. He really made me believe that the World Heavyweight Championship meant more to him than anything. He came out, sold the injuries, and was so moving, I honestly thought he might get a face pop from the crowd.
  • From the same promo, I’d also like to give some love to the makeup department. MVP’s eyes were purple and swollen, something that would make sense considering he had just told us that his recovery has been filled with many, many sleepless nights.
  • After the London vs. Kendrick match, we then got Helms vs. Booker. I just thought this was refreshing booking that in a night with four of these tournament matches, having a face vs. face and subsequently a heel vs. heel match was a nice change of pace as to the usual face vs. heel booking we see in tournaments like this.
  • King Booker gave me the greatest Spinebuster ever. I mark for Booker. I mark for Spinebusters. That is all.
  • After a Helms Dropkick off the top rope to King Booker, I noticed during a quick close up shot of King Bookah’s boots still say “Booker T” on them. While it’s probably just an older pair of boots, I still thought it was a great touch because despite the fact he’s “King Bookah”, every once and a while Booker T comes out to rant.
  • As Tatanka came out for his match, JBL said:

    Didn’t this happen 300 years ago? Cowboys vs. Indians? You know, where they brought us food on the east coast, and we shot them in the back and took their land, and their women, gave them Chicken Pox and gave them alcohol; eventually they got it all back in blackjack and casinos. Long story but I think we’re replaying it right here.

    If you cannot see the satirical humor in that, well.., sorry. Hilarious stuff.

  • During the Tatanka vs. Wang match, things were pretty exciting and Cole said, “I love this!”, to which JBL responded with “I do too. This is competition! Not an inferno match! Every second matters here!” …JBL has been hooting and hollering openly about the MVP match, and this was a much subtler way of mentioning it, yet still showed it’s on his mind.
  • Michael Cole did NOT call the Samoan Drop by Tatanka on Wang after the match… well, Tatanka is Indian, not Samoan, thus Cole didn’t want to call it. They even showed the replay and neither of them (Cole or JBL) mentioned the move. Nice job of differentiating because of background.
  • When Benoit came down to the ring for his match with Kennedy, he handed his U.S. Title to the ref. As the ref went to hand the belt off, Kennedy pointed at it angrily and then pointed at himself, as if to say “that’s MY belt”. As you all remember from that glorious HH debacle, Benoit is the man who took the belt off of him.

    JP: OMG, JT, that totally read like a Reader Write-in! Speaking of which…

    Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights

    Hidden Highlights aren’t just for us to find and tell you about, but for you to spot and share with us. Don’t just sit there and stare, but be a more active, attentive, and engaged viewer. Appreciate all the hard work that goes into making the wrestling we have the privilege to watch and then let us know what you caught this and every week.

    This week JT gets to pick our Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights of the week.

    JT: A pretty brief version this week. Apparently, there was a hefty amount of mail regarding something I’m not tou—

    JP: Stop! You’ll get your chance later. So, *GENERAL WARNING*:: some parts of the following Reader Write-in Hidden Highlights may be edited for grammar, spelling, and English translation…

    JT: Kicking us off this week is Bram V., who managed to make it home just in the Harry of time:

    JP: …JT? Harry of time?

    JT: Yeah, Harry of time. You know how people always say the Nick of time, I just picked a different name. Harry. The Harry of time!

    JP: …that is by far the single stupidest thing I have ever heard you say.

    JT: Oh, please… …we all know you’ve heard me say stupider! Now back to Bram:

    I got pretty lucky tonight. I was out for most of the night, so I couldn’t watch Raw like I had planned to (what can I say, I’m a sucker for celebrities getting their asses kicked). When I did get home, it was just in time to catch the main event and a Hidden Highlight. When Johnny Nitro was walking to the ring, Lillian was doing her usual thing, the camera was focusing on Nitro, and I noticed that as Lillian said his name, he mouthed it along with her! I’m always to busy watching Melina to notice what Nitro does during their entrance, but I’m pretty sure he’s never done that before. It makes sense though, given his Hollywood Celebrity gimmick, because we all know how much celebrities love hearing their own name.

    JT: Excellent catch. You know, it doesn’t surprise me how often Nitro finds his way into this column. I’m certainly not ready to christen him the next Shawn Michaels, but he has proven that he has the personality to have staying power if he really wants it. Funny you mention always being glued to Melina, I think most of us have that problem. Fact is Nitro is always doing little things like this and that is why he has so much potential. Also from last night’s RAW is 411’s own Daniel Wilcox:

    This is from last night’s Raw and the match between Kevin Federline and John
    Cena. Two weeks ago, Sly Stallone did that interview, and in it he said K-Fed wouldn’t stand a chance against Cena in this match. The HH is K-Fed wearing the boxing robe, plus the gloves and the helmet! K-Fed is showing that not only will he beat Cena, but he is also gonna do it Rocky style as a dig at Stallone!

    JT: As soon as I saw him come out, I immediately thought of that interview with Stallone. Apparently, someone in the wardrobe department would like us to believe that K-Fed watches the product, even if he’s not a part of the action. The sparring gloves were a nice touch as well. Speaking of promo work, Susan D. caught something from RAW as well:

    During the DX in-ring promo this week, there was a point where HBK made reference to Flair’s beatdown by Rated RKO. As he is doing this, Triple H walks to the ramp side of the ring and looks down. He looks there because he’s visualizing the exact place where Flair got beatdown. A little later, HBK talks about how HHH got beatdown on the announce table. Again, HHH walks to the announce table side of the ring and looks at the table, re-visualizing the attack. A nice job by HHH to show just how deeply affected he was by both events.

    JT: First of Susan, glad you like the column. Triple H has been a beast at cutting a promo for years. He’s so good at it in fact, he doesn’t even have to be TALKING and he heightens the enjoyment, as evidenced here. Plus it really goes along with the whole schtick they’ve been selling about Flair being such a mentor to them, and here he is, re-visiting the spot where his good friend was beat down. Motivation? Oh you bet. Joe K. caught one regarding the finer points of fashion… okay, so maybe he just likes staring at Diva hotness:

    Did you notice on RAW that Melina and Victoria were both wearing the same brand jeans/pants during their segment? (AppleBottoms…I believe it’s rapper Nelly’s
    line, don’t hold me to that, though) No wonder Victoria didn’t attack Melina. Plus, let’s not go into the fact that I had to check out both women’s curvy posteriors (sp?) to make this connection.

    JT: Usually we’d be talking about how this was great coordination between two people—

    JP: And how matching outfits rock! Like with Torrie, Carlito, and Flair all in red!

    JT: …yes, that too. But what I was going to say was that they I have to assume that since they travel so much on the road together, the women probably do the women thing – a.k.a shop together. Probably got them the same day at the same store. Nice catch Joe, you perv. Chris A. actually wants to vent about ECW, and since he was quite observant in doing so, we will make an exception and let him have it.

    *sets up soapbox for Chris*

    Hey, got a couple of little observations from the intro to the ECW main event this week… I think the director was asleep at the switch or something. First, during RVD’s entrance, the camera cut to a crowd sign, as they often do; only this one said, “RVD NEXT ECW CHAMP — OR IT’S TNA TIME!” The camera focused on this sign a good 5 seconds or so; it might have been an attempt to say, “Hey, we’re not afraid of TNA”, but, given WWE’s history of not acknowledging TNA and the other screwup (which I’ll get to in a moment), I’d sooner say that the director saw a pro-RVD sign and homed in on it, not really paying attention to it.

    The second screw-up came during Lashley’s entrance. Ever since ECW was revived, they’ve been very careful not to show any part of the Smackdown set, to try their best to make it look like a separate show. That kinda went down the tubes tonight, as several shots during Lashley’s entrance showed a good portion of the Smackdown entrance ramp. Fortunately, the actual entryway (with the Stark Fist Of Doom(tm)) didn’t make it on camera, but still, you’d think they could frame their shots a little more carefully, especially since they’ve been so careful to do so far.

    JT: Well, Chris, I gave you the floor, and that’s about as far as I can go. You know the rules around here. I will say that those are nice observations and your argument does make sense. Jordan L. chimes in with both an ECW television show and a SvR video game HH!:

    Hey guys, it’s Jordan from WWE vs. TNA. At the end of ECW yesterday, when RVD was getting medical attention, if you listened carefully, you could hear him asking, “Did I win?” But not only this, it sounded as if he wasn’t fully aware of what was going on, like he really got knock loopy.

    JT: I’d like to think that he really got knocked loopy (and he may have a little), but the fact is he knew what the outcome of the match was going to be, so I doubt he got THAT knocked that he went into full “Wrestling is real!”. I will however give him full credit for throwing that in. I’ve mentioned before that the completely unnecessary touches are some of the best ones.

    Also, just wanted to say this random but oh so important tidbit, while playing SVR 2007 season mode, I formed a tag team with RVD. He sent me a voicemail and it mentioned “smoking the competition.” Coincidence? I think not.

    JT: See, this is what’s funny. You know damn well that everyone involved in this game knew about this and actually encouraged him to say it. That’s the thing with RVD; Vince and the entire planet is – no, was – fine with it… as long as it was out of the public eye. He got away with it for years, and only when he got popped publicly did it become an issue.

    JP: Out of the public eye? He was in High Times Magazine for crying out loud!

    JT: Well, regardless, nice catch Jordan; RVD smoking jokes never get old! Onto TNA, Josh L. chimes in right on cue… er… because he decided to… or… something. At any rate, he’s our only HH for TNA this week! But it was a mouthful!

    Just making another one of my sporadic visits to being you another HH but first I wanted to get some input on something real quick. I couldn’t help but notice that the Paparazzi Championship segment came right after the VKM in-ring segment this week and it got me wondering. What do you guys think Kevin Nash thinks of Russo’s/VKM’s taunts and insults towards his longtime buddies Triple H and Shawn Michaels? I mean, he’s still friends with the two of them to the best of my knowledge and it got me wondering about backstage heat. Anyway, I don’t expect you guys to post this part on HH but I wanted your input on the matter. If you have time to respond, cool. If not, I understand you guys have some hectic ass schedules so it’s all cool. Anyway…..

    JT: Silly Josh, you know us posting it is the only way you’re going to get a response! I blame JP mostly. See we originally split the duties, and while my half of the emails were handled in a timely and organized fashion, his were stockpiling. So then I had to not only do mine (which I was still completing with ease) AND start picking up the slack for him, which eventually came overwhelming; I said something, he threw a hissy, and we decided from that poin—

    JP: ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT. I think he has heard enough of your wives tale and blatant lies for now, sheesh. Want to answer his question?

    JT: More than happy to. Now, I’m sure I’d know more, but I haven’t heard a lot of shoot interviews from either party; mostly because SOMEONE (who shall remains nameless but has to read this because he’s the approving editor of the wrestling zone and will thus see this) hasn’t sent me the 283 shoot interviews he said he would. However, I know enough about it I think to provide a somewhat decent response. The thing to remember Josh, is that Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels are best friends. They talk to each other at least once a week; Hell, Big Kev introduced HBK to his wife. They both understand that this is just a business. If you recall, when DX was going after WCW, Kevin Nash’s name was left out of a lot of those promos, and in turn today, it’s not Kevin Nash saying a word. It’s the other two guys being bitter assholes. The one’s who think they should have never been let go. Nash on the other hand gets it. He knows he was entirely too injury prone (and well, INJURED), and basically did not meet the requirements of life on the road in the E, thus was let go. To go even farther, let’s look at the fact that everyone talks about how he was the lowest drawing champion ever. What does he do? Make fun of himself in TNA by saying he was in fact the HIGHEST drawing champion in WWE history. What else has he done in TNA? Made fun of his long list of injuries by pretending to milk them. Fact is, Nash doesn’t take himself NEARLY as seriously as VKM obviously do. On the other note, Shawn has shown more than enough times that he doesn’t take himself (wrestling wise) too seriously since he found God and returned to wrestling. Thus, neither men will ever put what’s going on in this business above the other’s friendship. As for HHH, I’d assume his thoughts are pretty similar. Basically, all three men are friends, and all three know this business better than most. They probably joke about it over the phone. JP?

    JP: Ummmmm… I have no insider connections, so I have no idea what Nash is thinking. Not sure why you plugged me in here at all. My guess is that Nash is really only paying attention to what Nash is doing and not much else. I’ve been amazed in the past by how much wrestlers/management are unaware of the products they are involved in (see: Sting not knowing Kurt Angle was a special ref, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan not knowing what happened in Montreal Screwjob, Linda McMahon at the stockholders meeting insisting the brands are completely separate and distinct, etc…). Now back to Josh.

    During JB’s interview with Gail Kim, did you notice that he made his best efforts to keep his eyes fixated towards her face and nothing else? On one hand, of course Gail Kim IS an extremely attractive woman so it would be a challenge for any guy. But it also speaks a level of professionalism for JB since he’s working for a ‘professional’ wrestling company and also it highlights, pun intended, the fact that TNA’s ‘Knockouts’ are just plain gorgeous and it’s hard to keep your concentration when in their presence. I know it’s a pretty minor HH this week but still I thought it was interesting. Keep up the good work, guys!

    JT: No, you’re absolutely right. And here’s the thing, it’s very rare to see it. You don’t see many women being interviewed in the E, and if it is, it’s Todd Grisham (who keeps the same level of professionalism as JB). Usually we see the women interviewing and the wrestler either too serious to focus on her, or ogling her. JB acting this way helped sell how serious this break up is. After all, these guys have been one of the hottest tag teams in wrestling for years now. JB has a job to do, and it’s only made harder by Gail Kim’s hotness – and yes – the knockouts are indeed gorgeous. Even Tracy, fuck anyone who disagrees. If you spend five minutes within five feet of her and think she isn’t attractive, I’ll give you $100 bucks! Speaking of which, Cook, you need to get on that scientific dissertation about how camera lenses somehow cast a magic spell of funny-face onto her, because …damn. Josh?

    SIN Tonight, Repent Tomorrow…..

    JT: Had to throw that in there. You end all of your emails with it, and I have no idea if we’ve ever mentioned it… that’s all I’ve got… other than I do… Oh, I do.

    JP: Oh please. You work for a bail bond company and have a beer or two at night.

    JT: TRYING TO CONNECT WITH THE PEOPLE HERE IF YOU DON’T MIND! Don’t listen to him, Josh… it’s more like 3 or 4 beers.

    JP: Well, if you don’t mind, I actually do have another take on Josh’s write in that isn’t about you finding another dude to drunk dial.

    JT: Had to bring that up again.

    JP: You bet. The way I saw it, by focusing on Gail he was not looking at James Storm who was obviously just standing off to the side (in non-kayfabe). That way, he could be surprised when Storm showed up and not look like he was already waiting for him to show up. It’s an actor’s thing.

    JT: And you are an actor?

    JP: Actor, writer, AV genius, consultant to the stars, entrepreneur, and all around lady killer.

    JT: Well, at least one of those things has got to be wrong. Nothing for SD this week, so shame on all of you! Heading us into our Classic/Other section is Patricia M., who caught one from an unlikely hero!:

    I just picked up the Roddy Piper DVD and I noticed something during the backlot brawl with Goldust. Before there is a match between Piper and Valentine where Piper lost 50% of his hearing in that ear. And during the brawl I noticed that Goldust was beating away at the ear. Why would he have done this? Well if you just lose your hearing you will be off-balance. So Goldust would have wanted Piper staggering around to throw him off his game plan.

    JT: I think we’re all thinking the same thing right about now… who in the heck’s idea was it to put a Goldust match on a Legends DVD??? Just kidding, Dustin. That is an excellent call though. Against a man like Piper you definitely want to do anything in your power to gain the advantage because you know he’ll be doing the same! That was all for this week, and did anyone notice that three girls emailed us, and JP didn’t say a word? It’s like his mind was somewhere else (foreshadowing!)

    JP: I was just being loyal to my lovely Catherine.

    JT: And Katie?

    JP: I’m loyal to them all, JT. Loyal to them all.

    Do you have a Hidden Highlight from this or any week in history that you would like to share? Please e-mail JP..erT…er…us at [email protected] with your thoughts! Send them by Saturday afternoon to be considered! And remember, they can be from any show, live or taped, or any house show, or anything you saw… we just like to know!

    That Other Section

    This week, JP has something for That Other Section.

    JP: So I got this e-mail from 411mania’s own Daniel Wilcox, writer of Schmozzes and Screwjobs:

    I just received feedback from Floyd Hartlett, the guy who argued that Maven was eliminated from the 2002 Royal Rumble in your column. As well as telling me that he watches gay porn, Floyd provided this link to YouTube – [Link withheld]

    It’s a video he made of himself watching the Rumble and showing that Maven WAS thrown over the top rope by Taker and it includes a voiceover by him being a total ass. He is SO proud of himself because he was right and he goes off on a rant about internet writers not always being right.

    He will probably send you the link along and totally have a go at you (JP) for being wrong and if he asks for a written formal apology to be included in your next column, that was my idea. Sorry.

    JP: It’s ok, Dan. For those looking for a good laugh, check it out here (it’s actually Floyd’s friend because Floyd “is a bit camera shy” according to this chap):

    JP: Horse racing on a cued up video, that’s classic. Man, I’ve never heard a drunken Brit sounding like such a douche. Oh wait, yes I have. From Floyd himself:

    If you have the audacity to try to claim I’m wrong again, without even having the decency to watch the footage yourself first, by God you shouldn’t be writing the damn article. I’m seriously fucking pissed off now because of what you said, especially since I knew I was right and you were basing it on a memory you knew wasn’t necessarily accurate anyway.

    But I digress, an otherwise great column as always! I’ll look forward to next week’s issue, where you will no doubt have written in an apology at the bottom. Good day, gentlemen.

    JP: And that was the short version. Floyd had many more things to say, but that is for my personal enjoyment.

    Now for the hard part.

    I’m sorry.

    Sorry that you are still wrong!

    It didn’t happen, no way, no sir, nadda!

    What, how can I say that?

    Because as a writer, I know how to make a good joke never end. And pissed off readers, as Larry will tell you, make for great entertainment. JT?

    JT: Ten foot pole… not touching.

    JP: Well, that’s too bad, because reader Bram wants to:

    The other thing was some information I found concerning Scotty 2 Hotty winning the 2005 Royal Rumble. It turns out that that isn’t the first time Scotty had that problem. In 2002, he was attacked by Kane before he could reach the ring, although in that case he did eventually make it in.

    JP: And that is what Billy said:

    This is a response to Floyd from your last column. If I remember correctly Scotty eventually did make it to the ring in the 2002 Rumble match and was eliminated by DDP I think.

    JP: Well there’s another one for you. Never-ending!

    JT: Much like you hitting on all the women that write in that want nothing to do with you.

    JP: Enough of you and your man-loving drunk dialing, take us home!

    Exit, stage left!

    JT: …why do I get the feeling I need to lock my car door? Weird. Oh well, have a great week all, see you next time my little throw pillows!

    JP: Are those the little pillows that you throw at Geoff, Larry, and Cook at your slumber parties? Oh yes, I love new running jokes.

    Thank you for joining us for THE 71st ISSUE of Hidden Highlights! Be sure to drop us a line and let us know what you think and all the other Hidden Highlights we missed. Plus, we want to hear your Reader Write-ins for all the moments you see this and every week.

    We’ll catch you next time in the reader approved most positive article in all of the IWC, and most definitely the most positive article on Mondays: Hidden Highlights! Until then!

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