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The Wrestling 5 & 1 12.31.11: Kaitlyn vs. Mickie James!

December 31, 2011 | Posted by Greg De Marco

So here we are, at the end of 2011. 2011 has been a CRAZY year in the DeMarco household, what with the loss of not one but two jobs (which obviously means the obtainment of two jobs as well, ‘cause I’m certainly not unemployed now), the addition of a new family member to the household (not a kid, but a mother-in-law), and all the changes that happen to a 5-year and a 3-year old each year. Plenty has also changed on the 411Mania front, as I continued to hold down the 5&1 fort, debuted and killed The DeMarco Files, saw Buy or Sell die a slow death, tested a 5&1 PreShow (which is still in development), and created a radio show that grew from several hundred listeners being hosted solely at Blog Talk Radio to over ten thousand listeners thanks to syndication with the Voice of Choice Wrestling Nation. I’ve also taken on the responsibility of live-recapping TNA’s Impact Wrestling (well, the live broadcast of taped wrestling), writing the Impact Wrestling content for the 411Mania staple 4R’s, and something tells me I’m not quite done yet.

But the world of wrestling has changed just as much. This week we’ll take a look at 2011 in the world of wrestling, and look ahead to what’s shaping up to be a great 2012. But first, we’ll look back just one week, to your comments on the December 24th edition of The Wrestling 5&1.

Hernandez is going to kill someone with that move. It looks like he just gets them past his head and lets them drop instead of throwing them like an arrow.
Posted By: Dr. Wiki

Thankfully, Darci Drake missed the side of the pool.

Every female draw the WWE has ever had made money strictly on their looks. Even Chyna (not hot, but unique). It’s nice to fantasize about a day when beautiful women can suddenly work great matches. But if it hasn’t happened in all these years, what makes you think it could happen now? … If I’m Vince McMahon, I’d rather make the $15 off of Trish, Sable, Maryse or Kelly posters than waste TV time on badly worked matches only a niche audience would care about.
Posted By: Guest#1339

You bring up a good point. But if the male wrestlers were grotesque, people would stop watching as well. Wrestling fans tend to lean towards the homophobic side, and it takes a more secure person to admit that the majority of successful male wrestlers are good looking men. I’m married to a beautiful woman who has plenty of sex with me, so I’m secure enough to admit that John Cena has rugged good looks, Randy Orton would likely be an underwear model if he weren’t a wrestler, and Chris Jericho has a look that Hollywood would love. But 95% of our audience is male and loves to oogle the pictures we put into our columns. Looks are important in wrestling, but so is skill. If the WWE wanted to promote a female division where the women could wrestle AND were hot, they have the marketing power to make that happen. They just don’t want to.

I have had pretty much no interest in seeing either HHH or Taker do anything since around 2002, I’m sure they’ll have another Mania match were they’ll both have 20 minute entrences so the younger guys have to have 2-3 minute matches and it’ll have some kind of stip to hide how broken down Taker is and how insecure HHH seems to be. … HOWEVER if my choice is that or each of them having a match against someone on the actual roster I’d pick HHH vs Taker, it’s clear HHH won’t put over anyone who actually needs it and Taker’s pretty much a lost cause so if they want to have another finisher, lay down for a minute, finisher, lay down for a minute, blow job match good for them. It’ll keep them from getting in the way of the actual wrestlers and angles.
Posted By: @ScottOTD

Exactly my point—let HHH-Taker live in a vacuum. The match will be just as good or better than any other option for Taker on this card, and it doesn’t impact any other performer. Plus, if Shawn Michaels is really added to the mix, the story will be a good one.

Happy Holidays by the way, your column is one of the hightlights of my online week
Posted By: @ScottOTD

And thank you, sir!

and regarding the taker-hhh debate.. Call me crazy but, i think somehow ‘Taker would have his last ‘Mania match with..
Randy Orton. Think about it. He’s consistent, he’s definitely worthy of selling it both as a heel and a face. There’s definitely a storyline there- being either Legend Killer part deux or now seasoned enough to bring down the Deadman.
Waddya think, De Marco?
Posted By: gene

I think John Cena is the obvious choice, but Randy Orton is a future hall of famer himself. I think it would be a great feather in his cap to wrestle in ‘Taker’s last match, and I’d be very happy with that choice.

now, if they stopped F’ing with Bryan’s win-loss record/matches and how they book him, he’d be the best in terms of actual wrestling. his submissions and reversals are fun to watch as well as his kicks.
Posted By: derpyderp

Win-loss records are meaningless in wrestling, unless an angle determines that they are necessary. That doesn’t get you over with 98% of the audience. Daniel Bryan gets over by what he does in the ring. Very few others in the WWE can say that.

TNA is terrible.
Posted By: Guest#1569


The 5: After this point, I would say CM Punk is the best in the world.
Posted By: Still Guest#8287

You can definitely make that argument. All three are amazingly talented. If Jericho returns, we might have a great basis for comparison.

The WWE needs to realize that there are little girls that might want to grow up to be wrestlers too, and perform in the WWE…until they see how badly the current Divas are being used. If used properly they can be seen as role models an entice at least some of the female demographic to follow the product for it’s soap opera aspect. This leads into merchandise sales which leads to advertisers taking notice and wanting to have their products on WWE airtime.
Posted By: Guest#9443

I believe there’s a market for exactly that. Establishing “Divas” or female wrestlers as beautiful role models for little girls to idolize. Right now, there’s no Diva positioned to do that. AJ or Eve could potentially be built in that manner.

So far so good on the Roode & Storm pushes. But I will reserve final judgment until they actually feud. A long-term feud between the two for the title would be great. But knowing TNA, Angle will get his win back against Storm, Hardy will beat Roode for the title, and the two will end up feuding in the mid-card.
Posted By: JDW

I think they could still feud as the semi-main event pairing, much like Storm-Angle is now. But I feel like a Storm-Roode feud NEEDS to involve the title, as the title was Roode’s sole motivation for turning on his partner.

Bryan is like that hole in the wall restaurant that has great food. Doesn’t draw in casual business but a great find and experience for those in the know.
Posted By: Guest#3272

You’re basically describing what ROH was when guys like Punk, Bryan and even Tyler Black were there. And look at what happened. The best food is now being copied elsewhere.

Dont think the wwe is Kayfabing Bryans weight. On a recent Colt Cabana podcast he was a guest on Cabana brought up how in ROH they underbilled his weight where he was actually in the upper 190s and they talked about it. So i dont see why he couldnt have gained the 10 or so lbs since then .
Posted By: SuperCorky

I always used his ROH weight (186 lbs) as my basis. If it were underbilled, then it’s entirely possible that he’s closer to the 210 they’re using on him.

“with whom Bryan is incapable of having a great match. That type of praise is normally saved for two men: Ric Flair and The Rock” … HBK Shawn Michaels blows all three of them out of the water when it comes to having excellent matches with any type of wrestler. How you threw the rock in their I dont know and Flair could never hang with a high flyer
Posted By: Keith

Because The Rock is a vastly underrated in ring performer. He rarely had bad matches regardless of his opposition. Flair could easily work a high flyer, as he would involve the psychology of taking away their biggest weapon—their legs. HBK has had a few stinkers in his career, and is known for having to script out every element of his matches.

Jericho > Punk and Bryan, if for no other reason than Punk basically STOLE his best in the world phrase (even going to so far in interviews to say he is “The best in the world at what I do” – basically EXACT ripoff of Jericho). … When either one gets put over the likes of Austin and the Rock in ONE NIGHT…maybe we can talk.
Posted By: marky mark & Lionheart bunch

Except for the fact that Daniel Bryan did it before Jericho did. Or did that not count? So it counts when the WWE steals some of ROH’s angles, but not all of them?

You have to define what you mean by the word “wrestler.” You seem to be taking it to mean only what goes on between the ropes, but “wrestler” to me takes in all aspects of being a professional wrestler, and that’s everything: wrestling talent, mic skills, character development, crowd interaction, etc. And I wouldn’t count Jericho because, as of Christmas Eve 2011, he isn’t a wrestler. So, it’s clearly CM Punk at this point.
Posted By: neverAcquiesce (Guest)

See, you laid it out as two different things: wrestler and performer. If we use your definition of wrestler, then yes, CM Punk wins.

Who the hell is Lizzy Valentine? Whether you Indy guys like it or not, you’re either WWE or you’re just irrelevant.
Posted By: #FACT

Based on the voting, I’d say you’re exactly right.

Personally, I view Punk, Bryan, and Jericho like I would view Iron Chefs. Punk is like Chef Symon, who takes his craft and adds a little flair to everything he does to the point where watching him isn’t just preferred, it’s compulsory. Jericho strikes me as the Bobby Flay of the three, where he can take practically anything and make it entertaining, even when he’s not winning. And then there’s Daniel Bryan – he’s the Chef Zakarian of the group, who has worked at his craft for years, is a technical master, and has finally climbed to the apex of his career after facing down some giants in his industry. I don’t care who actually is the best, because they’re all freaking good, and I would watch any of them in a heartbeat. Same goes for the Iron Chefs, come to that.
Posted By: Nick V

I don’t care to argue over your choice of Iron Chefs, but you bring up a good point. All three performers are important. Iron Chefs would suck if we only saw one chef each time out.

As for Daniel Bryan, he may be able to execute moves well, but Punk, and moreso Jericho, know how to engage the audience and tell a story. Jericho is the best in the world. And as for best technical wrestler, I would choose Ziggler over Bryan. I find Bryan boring.
Posted By: Guest#5404

Normally I would disagree with you on just a personal level. But Daniel Bryan’s matches are proving you wrong as well. The fact that he builds up fan support during his matches shows that he’s engaging the crowd. He’s a much better live crowd wrestler than a TV wrestler. His past ROH matches show that.

Also, punk has some ugly moves(flying elbow, GTS).
Posted By: My 2 Shiny Coppers

I didn’t get into it, but I’ve thought that since his ROH run. He does execute several moves with a degree of sloppiness.

WWE has had “female role models” in the past. Sable, Chyna, Lita, Trish Stratus were all booked to be strong characters on the show. You know what happened?
Posted By: Guest#0681

Really, you called Sable & Chyna role models? Really?

Cool column, DeMarco. This “Best in the World” debate could be an actual angle between the three. It pretty much writes itself. Jericho comes back and accuses Punk of stealing his gimmick. Punk says it doesn’t matter cause he’s the best now. Bryan gets involved saying he’s the best actual wrestler, you don’t wrestle with microphones, etc. Then have a Punk/Jericho/Bryan Triple Threat Match at Mania. Then I weep with joy.
Posted By: Dr. Toboggan

The fantasy booker in me loves it. Loves it! And it makes you…

But not at ‘Mania. That’s the type of angle you center your summer-to-fall swing around. That’s normally the toughest part of the year to book. A few years ago they let Jericho & HBK tear it up in that time frame, and giving that freedom to Punk, Jericho & Bryan would be a very good idea.

Firstly, the business doesn’t necessarily need saving, but what this (WRP)does suggest is a shift away from a promotional style which was established by Vince McMahon, developed by Eric Bischoff until we arrived at the general format of 4 weeks of tv building to a monthly ppv, with the odd annual superevent receiving special attention. … WRP is a different method of storytelling and promotion from the standard McMahon established after taking the WWE (inter)national. …
In fact, it seems a bit odd that no one has tried it before – why take McMahon on in the style he invented and then perfected? Being different from the WWE doesn’t just mean in the ring, or do most promoters think there only is one way to make money in major league wrestling?
Posted By: Banterman (Guest)

The main reason no one has tried it is because of the seasonal aspect of the product. They want to make money year-round, basically because that’s what has always been done. It’s a huge risk to take several months off, especially in today’s society. When you come back, will it be as good? Will people have moved on? The “off-season” won’t have the same hook as sports, and comparing it to scripted television is like apples to oranges at this point. I’m not saying it wouldn’t work (it likely would), I’m just sharing why I think it hasn’t been done.

I had heard of Bryan for a very long time but had never seen any of his work until a couple weeks before he was on NXT. I watched some fatal four way with Bryan, Jerry Lynn and two other guys (can’t think of the names) and instantly knew Bryan should be something big. There was this awesome highlight vid that was posted on here last year that showed how great he can be, and made me pull for him even more. Great to see three actual wrestler make it like that.
Posted By: SS87

One great thing about Punk/Bryan/Jericho is they take a ton of pride in what they do in the ring. Guys like Rock & Cena take a ton of pride in their work as well—but that pride is in entertaining the fans. Not in putting on a good match. That’s actually why Rock & Cena are bigger stars, though.

GREG – AUTOPLAY ON THE RADIO SHOW *OFF*. Not negotiable. I’ll listen to it after I’m done reading and commenting. It’s obnoxious to have it autoplay and blunder around looking for the button to stop it.
Posted By: Guest#7717


Glad you pointed out Jericho & Punk gave the “Best in the World” tag to themselves, but it was wrestling fans who gave it to Bryan Danielson. The reason for that is BD/DB IS the best wrestler in the world. And since selling a match has more to do with ring psychology than running one’s mouth, it can be argued he wrote the book on selling that many wrestlers are trying to copy now.
Posted By: 007

One question I’d like to ask is who wrestlers want to work with in the ring out of the three. I’ve heard other indy wrestlers say that Daniel Bryan (then Bryan Danielson) was the best guy to work with.

Womens wrestling has never been anything more than a fucking joke. The only chick anybody is going to remember is Moolah, and that’s just for political reasons.
Posted By: Guest#8573

You really don’t think they’ll remember Trish? Because they will.

Would love to see Punk v taker,but Taker is showing signs of quitting for good and Punk is already over.Y2j said recently he would love to be a victim but I dont see it happening.
Posted By: The Reaper

I agree, Punk-Taker would be great, and Jericho would make an awesome opponent as well. unfortunately, with HHH-Taker happening last year and likely this year, time probably won’t let those matches happen.

I pick Lizzy for one simple reason. Her breasts actually appear to be natural, as supposed to Kaitlyn’s plastic puppies. Hell, I’d pick Lizzy over any of the women in the Hall of Bang for this very same reason.
Posted By: natural > plastic

I thought Layla was natural?

I’d go outside the box and pick Christian as best in the world. Jericho and Punk still have awkward and botchy moments. Christian is as smooth as HBK or Flair in their primes. His run as ECW champion was amazing. He had great matches every week with what amounted to a bunch of rookies.
Posted By: Dr Insanity

I’ve often watched a Christian match and thought it looked too scripted. But that might be because his opponents can’t hang with him. I’d love to see the WWE really let Christian work with guys like Punk, Bryan & Jericho. Come to think of it, Christian’s prior matches with Jericho were all very good.

Who will take Jericho’s crown when he retires? I don’t think it will be Punk or Bryan. I think it will be Cody Rhodes.
Posted By: Guest#9899

I would be down with that. Cody Rhodes is amazingly talented, likely the best in his family. And…

I don’t know which implication in your post is more ridiculous — that Trish Stratus can’t work a match, or that women who can work a match can’t be hot.
Posted By: HeartBurnKid

My thoughts exactly.

Anyone that honestly believes Trish (or any diva) was over for anything more than her looks is delusional. Female wrestling is irrelevant in the states. Overseas is a different story.
Posted By: Guest#6218

Right, but 99% of the wrestling discussed on this site isn’t overseas.

There’s almost nobody in the wrestling industry that can eat losses like Jericho yet still remain over and relevant. Therefore because of his usefulness to the industry (it doesn’t hurt that he’s a good wrestler and great promo), he is truly the best in the world at what he does (job out and make others look great).
Posted By: Guest#5676

Here’s another point to support your argument: if Jericho, Bryan & Punk all completely disappeared, who would fans be begging for after 12 months? I’d bet the majority would be asking for Jericho.

Joey Ryan can say all he wants on your show. But the hard facts are right there in black and white and they speak for themselves; shrinking roster, plus shrinking crowds mean less shows, a smaller (or non-existent) touring circuit, and no hopes of or plans for expansion on the horizon. CHIKARA>PWG, in every measurable metric. Now, you wanna say PWG>CZW or PWG>EVOLVE, okay, that might be more realistic. But none of the facts — not opinions, but facts — I brought to the table are disputable.
Posted By: Jed

PWG books over 20 wrestlers on their shows, including expensive fly-ins. CHIKARA has regular talents don masks and work twice on some shows (Los Ice Creams, anyone?). Their crowds aren’t shrinking—the past few shows of 2011 have sold out in advance, and whatever seats they were able to create by adjusting seat configuration wasn’t enough to provide enough seats for everyone who was waiting outside for door tickets. If PWG took on the same schedule and distribution as CHIKARA, I believe they would be more successful. Because they put out a better product.

So 2011 is coming to a close, huh? While I think we all need to get excited for 2012, it’s always fun to look back to the year that has passed. I generally remain positive, and I expect to do that there. For starters, let’s look at the Biggest Story in Wrestling for 2011. That one is so easy, there shouldn’t even be nominees. Sorry CM Punk, this one goes to the guy in the image above…

The return of The Rock made waves throughout the WWE, and the wrestling world. He popped a big WrestleMania buyrate, and his appearances on RAW got the company strong ratings. He bumped the Survivor Series buyrate as well, but not as much as expected. But his presence lead to more discussion and arguing than any other in wrestling during 2011. And it caused some doubts, too.

John Cena and CM Punk are two of the most talented men in the business today. In the ring, on the mic, in the mainstream press—both men consistently deliver. But they pale in comparison to The Rock. I know there will never be another Rock, another Shawn Michaels, another Steve Austin. But Rocky’s return just showed us how far away we are from those three amazingly talented performers. I don’t know what the plans are for The Road to WrestleMania, but watch out for Rock appearances. They will be the early highlights of 2012.

You Decide: Did The Rock make a good impact on wrestling this year?

So The Rock was the top story in all of wrestling this year, but I’ll still give a top story for the WWE and for TNA…

TNA used The Bound For Glory series to push Bobby Roode to the #1 contender position, earning a title shot against Kurt Angle during the company’s top PPV of the year—Bound For Glory. It was a good build that had the online world pining for a Roode title win. What we got instead was a crappy finish to a short match—one which saw Angle retaining his championship.

This was less of a surprise since Hulk Hogan himself stated that “Bobby’s not the guy, brother” on the Thursday before TNA’s annual supershow, saying that James Storm has a better connection with the fans and that Jeff Hardy is a guy who transcends all media.

Of course we all remember that it was James Storm that captured the belt from an injured Angle on the following episode of Impact Wrestling—much to the chagrin of the internet (once again). This was all a big set-up, as Roode defeated Samoa Joe to earn a shot at his tag team partner, where he turned heel after blasting Storm with a beer bottle that lead to an apparent concussion angle for Storm.

Bobby Roode starting wearing a suit again, and adorned himself the “Leader of the Selfish Generation.” Us here at the internet, finally getting what we wanted (Bobby Roode as world champ) complained once again—proving we truly can’t be pleased. What has followed is actually a bit of booking that is turning me around on this whole issue—Bobby Roode is doing a great job as the heel world champion, and James Storm is the “champion of the people” tearing it up in his feud with Kurt Angle.

2012 is a very important year for TNA, as we’ll see if they’re serious about pushing the newer generation of stars, or if they’ll return to pushing WWE retreads to the top of their programming. I am looking forward to a Roode-Storm feud through Lockdown, and a spring & summer that likely sees one of these two talented wrestlers holding the world title.

You Decide: Has TNA turned things around with Bobby Roode and James Storm?

Outside of The Rock’s return, the biggest story of the year in the WWE was the ascension of CM Punk. The Straight Edged Superstar went from being a cult-leader to being the leader of the New Nexus to being the leader of a notion of change for the company. He dropped “pipe-bombs” left and right, going from face to heel and entering the upper tier of talent in the world’s biggest wrestling company.

It all started with one little promo that absolutely no one saw coming…

Now, this was followed up by CM Punk and John Cena wrestling at the Money in the Bank PPV, in Chicago (Punk’s hometown). But the RAW prior featured a contract signing for the big match—in Boston (Cena’s hometown).

Many of us (myself included) feared a Cena wil with Punk returning after a good three month break. But that didn’t happen…

CM Punk pulled off the victory, leaving the company and taking the WWE Championship with him…for about two weeks. There was a tournament for the WWE Championship, where Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz in the finals and captured the title. However, Triple H booked John Cena as Rey’s first opponent Not for SummerSlam, but for later that night on the same RAW. Cena won the title, giving Rey a title reign of less than two hours (but only the third shortest reign of 2011!). This all lead to the immediate return of the man many considered to be the true champion…

While the moment was great, it probably would have been better served following Cena-Rey’s SummerSlam main event, at a minimum. From that moment on, CM Punk was booked as a face, and much of his momentum coming out of Money in the Bank was negated. But the run that CM Punk had from the shoot promo to Money in the Bank to his return on RAW was amazing, and the best run of 2011.

You Decide: Did you expect CM Punk to reach the top of the card for the WWE in 2011?

I do have a story I want to cover this week, and it comes from the world of women’s wrestling. Madison Eagles, former SHIMMER champion and world renowned female athlete, was advised that she very well might need to retire from professional wrestling due to a knee injury.

The exclusive report came from RingBelles, including this quote from Eagles herself:

“It’s just disgusting. I got the worst prognosis that I could have; either surgery and you can’t wrestle again or let’s just wait it out and see what happens. Unfortunately, that one doesn’t have any time restraint on it. We’re looking at crap or crapper.

It was two days after SHIMMER [back at the start of October] that I did it. I did a double stomp – from doom, as I call it, the Double Stomp of Doom – and just hyperextended my knee so horribly that I just collapsed in pain and couldn’t move. I think it was six weeks after I actually did the injury that I finally got my MRI from the specialist done – and at that point it still looked pretty horrible, like, having been healing for six weeks. So they put me in a brace for another five or six weeks and that’s just come off recently and it’s still pretty bad. It just looks horrible from my point of view.”

That’s crap news anyway you look at it. If her career is cut short, then 2011 saw the end of Madison Eagles, the potential retirement of former WWE Diva Serena Deeb due to post concussion issues, well known independent LuFisto taking an indefinite leave due to back issues, and one-time indy favorite Mercedes Martinez experiencing issues with headaches and migraines after suffering a concussion and stinger at the WSU iPPV from November.

The big question I ask is why these injuries are happening? Are they just part of the business, or is there a deeper issue here. As we’ve discussed here, more than once, women’s wrestling is hurt by its portrayal in the top two American wrestling promotions—WWE and TNA. They are eye candy, offering very little to the product in TNA and nearly nothing to the product in the WWE. So are the women on the independents attempting to overcompensate? Are they taking unnecessary risks as part of an effort to prove themselves—women in wrestling as a whole—to the hardcore audience already following their product?

I don’t have the answer. I have a forum to ask the questions, as Buggy Nova, Terra Calaway and Barbi Hayden regularly visit The Greg DeMarco Show. Plus, Rain and Taelor Hendrix have been booked for January appearances, and this topic will undoubtedly be discussed.

You Decide: So now I turn it over to you… Are these injuries simply “part of the game?” Or are unnecessary risks being taken by athletes trying to prove themselves are more than eye candy?

It’s prediction time!

Daniel Bryan becomes a multi-time world champion: Bryan is immensely talented, doesn’t appear to be a wellness issue, and he’s getting over during his matches. He’s going to be at the top longer than we expect.

Christian will get another main event run: After the WWE Draft, I think Christian will get a run with someone like CM Punk or John Cena. I don’t know why, I just see it happening.

The WWE will book the WrestleMania 29 Main Event on April 2: That’s right, this will become a WWE tradition. I think we see John Cena beat The Rock at ‘Mania (officially, via tap-out to the STF), and The Rock puts Cena over big time on RAW. When The Rock gives Cena the stage, Cena is interrupted by The Undertaker. Taker-Cena is booked for WrestleMania 29, and Taker goes away until early 2013.

John Cena & The Rock will team again: The WWE really wants John Cena to be viewed as a huge main stream media star. So after Cena goes over Rock, Rock will be back to team with Cena, and this time they’ll be on the same page. Vince wants us to view them as equals. We don’t, but that’s what he wants.

Dolph Ziggler, World Heavyweight Champion: I know it will officially be his second reign, but Dolph will make his way to Smackdown and win the big gold belt. And he won’t Swagger the reign, either!

The Miz wins the Royal Rumble: With Randy Orton possibly out with injury (I think he’ll try to return to soon and end up out of action for 6-months), The Miz will be inserted into the Smackdown world title match at ‘Mania by way of his winning the Rumble.

John Cena WILL turn heel, briefly: The WWE will give it a shot, just because they want to see if it can work. It’ll be short lived, and he’ll be a face before we know it.

John Morrison will return to the WWE: I don’t see him going to TNA. Rather, I think things fall apart with Melina and he returns to the WWE shortly thereafter. He’ll have 99 problems, but that bitch won’t be one!

Another injury will alter WrestleMania plans: Someone important will get injured (not just Orton). It will change the course of WrestleMania. So many guys are working hurt, likely more than we know. It’s bound to happen.

Cody Rhodes will be everyone’s pick to win a world title in 2013: Cody won’t win the big one in 2012, but we’ll leave the year with him labeled as the guy who will win it in 2013.

Summer Slam will really become the summer’s WrestleMania: Something huge will be booked for Summer Slam, possible Rock & Cena teaming or Rock vs. someone else (Orton? Punk?). The WWE really wants to increase SummerSlam’s profile, and it makes sense.

Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose & Tyler Black/Seth Rollins will find success on the main roster—as a tag team: They’ll both debut separately, but they’re so linked in many minds it’s not even funny. They’ll debut and be great, but it’llbe too crowded for them to succeed. So they’ll team up, where Ambrose will gain recognition as a great talker and Rollins will gain recognition as a great worker. Both will get over, and will eventually become the WWE version of Beer Money (in terms of success & push, not gimmick).

Sin Cara will get released: Be it another wellness violation or another injury, the WWE will decide that he’s not worth the hassle.

Kharma will get released: Through no fault of her own. She’s awesome. She’ll come back, beat Beth Phoenix, run through the Divas, run out of opponents, and creative will have nothing for her. She can’t face men in the WWE when Linda McMahon is running for senate.

A former name will return: I’m thinking of the following names…Carlito…MVP…Chris Masters. This doesn’t count Chris Jericho.

Bobby Roode vs. James Storm will main event Lockdown, for the TNA World Championship: TNA won’t let us down here, they truly are behind Roode & Storm.

Bully Ray, World Champion: He’s too talented, and they’ll need a transitional champ at some point, either to move the title to another face or due to injury. He’ll get a brief run, which his career definitely deserves.

Matt Morgan, World Champion: I see him being a successful world champ in TNA’s India project, he’ll get that shot back in the States. Possibly at Bound For Glory.

Samoa Joe will stay in TNA: People always wish for his release to either return to ROH or get a shot in the WWE. But 2012 won’t be much different than we’ve seen from TNA’s use of Joe.

Austin Aries will leave the X-Division: Aries is too damn talented to be in a division that TNA treats like a cruiserweight grouping. Aries can be used as a man to make the TV title a real legit championship.

TNA will reduce its PPV events, putting some on live TV: People keep saying how TNA isn’t placing any importance on PPVs, and it’s true. Final Resolution drew 8,000 buys. But if TV is their main source of income, than it makes sense to have live specials. Plus, with the UFC off of Spike, and Bellator unable to debut on Spike until 2013, Spike might need TNA to fill in the gap.

Joey Ryan returns to ROH: I think his character in WRP will be so awesome that his profile will increase. He’ll have talks with the WWE and TNA, but nothing will come of it. He’ll get that shot in ROH, who will push him because of his WRP attention. He’ll make the most of it and ascend to the top of the card.

Low Ki will make his return: In fact, I think ROH is serious about bringing in Japanese talent, and Low Ki will come back to beat KENTA and earn an ROH World Championship match against Davey Richards.

Chris Hero signs with ROH: I just can’t help but think this Hero-to-WWE thing will never pan out. Hero signs with ROH and becomes world champion by Final Battle.

ROH takes on a major touring schedule: I think they’ve been working to make this happen behind the scenes since the buy-out. I can easily see six live events per month, plus a taping each month, plus six iPPVs for the year. Do the math, that’s 90 events.

You Decide: What are your predictions for 2012?

The latest episode of The Greg DeMarco Show, presented by 411Mania.com/Wrestling, aired on December 27, 2011, as Greg & Patrick welcomed Steve Cook, Tony Acero, Justin Freemyer and Buggy Nova to review the year that was…2011!

As 2011 comes to a close, it’s appropriate to review the past 12 months. Greg & Patrick offer their usual positive perspective on the wrestling business, pinpointing the return of The Rock as the biggest story of the year and CM Punk as the top performer of the year. But it doesn’t stop there, as Steve Cook stops by to discuss all the top stories in the WWE and TNA, and Tony Acero chimes in on the top performers in each company. Greg & Patrick review ROH’s year as well, and Greg greets Buggy Nova with his favorite moment of the year—one that Buggy provided a few months ago! This isn’t your normal year in review, so definitely check it out! If you listened live, you still have over 45 minutes of bonus time to listen to, as Greg & Patrick make predictions for 2012—WrestleMania and beyond!

Click here to listen to the program, or listen here:

Next week: RAIN finally makes her appearance!

Last Week: Lizzy Valentine didn’t give Kaitlyn the type of opposition I expected, and Kaitlyn is half way to the (newly revamped) Hall of Bang…

(What do you think?)

This Week: It’s time. I’ve promised a return for her in the past, and I think it’s time. Can she do it?

Does Kaitlyn pick-up win #3?

Or does Mickie James finally make her way to immortality?


Kaitlyn vs. Mickie. Take your pick!
Stay tuned as next week as I’ll reveal the winner!

I want to share with you what I think is my favorite free TV match of the year for 2011.

CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler, WWE RAW, November 21, 2011

Hit up the ‘Mania on TWITTER (so Ashish will like me, okay?)

http://www.twitter.com/gregdemarcoshow – that’s me!

This week we revisit a personal favorite of mine, and someone who is making waves in Hollywood everytime she’s seen hanging out with boyfriend George Clooney…

Get reading!

Randle’s Wrestling News Experience!
The News from Cook’s Corner!
Marsico presents The Wednesday Wire, and returns with the Friday Supplement!
Fact or Fiction!
Yours Truly provides our Impact Wrestling coverage!
The Wrestling Sandwich year-end edition!
Part 1 and Part 2 of Ari’s Final Column (of 2011) on Ring of Honor!

Please take a moment to read Tony Acero’s Low End Theory. It’s an awesome weekly look at Hip Hop, and Tony did a great job putting together a Year End Awards Show. Read it, you’ll like it!

Plenty to talk about, as usual. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite: Kaitlyn or Mickie! Chime in with your thoughts on 2011 and your predictions for 2012!

Until next time…

Listen to the show!

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Greg De Marco