wrestling / Columns

Column of Honor: 02.10.07

February 10, 2007 | Posted by Ari Berenstein

Change or Be Changed

The top story is change in Ring of Honor. Things are rapidly shifting in the landscape of this business, and ROH is also experiencing some of those effects. Just like the events of one year ago, ROH is losing valuable talent, alliances are shifting and personalities are evolving.

While ROH recently returned to live show action two weeks ago, you can really say that those shows were an addendum to the incredibly packed year of wrestling action that was ROH in 2006. The new season, and the new changes to ROH, begin in earnest starting this upcoming weekend with the start of the Fifth Year Festival.

Who could believe that Samoa Joe would be starting his short but important last ride through ROH? His end tour begins in a city that has always held him in high regard. New York City was where Samoa Joe made a big city impression. Hulk Hogan may have had Madison Square Garden, but Joe’s MSG was right across the street at the Hotel New Yorker. Joe won the ROH Pure title there during Manhattan Mayhem, had his legendary encounter against Kenta Kobashi in October, and participated in one of the most brutal triple threats in ROH history against KENTA and Bryan Danielson at In Your Face. Now Joe has one more legendary encounter in him for New York City, against the man he challenged and threw down the gauntlet in September in Takeshi Morishma. All of the ROH fans and all of the Puro fans in Japan turn their eyes towards the ring in New York City.

Who could believe that Jimmy Rave would be the greatest threat to the title reign of Homicide? “The Notorious 187” and Jimmy Rave are on a collision course with history. Rave made a huge impression in December when he won two matches on the same night thanks to his dangerous heel hook submission. Rave has been on a major winning streak over the last two months and has earned, yes, earned his way to a title shot. Homicide walked out of his hometown on that same December night as the NEW ROH World champion. Yet Homicide still has a lot to prove. There are still doubters everywhere, who claim that Homicide could lose the title at any moment. Homicide will have to prove those doubters wrong in order to forge his own legacy as champion.

Who could believe that after the events of Chicago Spectacular, we would see the emergence of new attitudes and new objectives? Specifically for Davey Richards, Brent Albright and Matt Sydal, each have seen new changes in personality and emerging new ambitions on display through the home video release.

After a series of singles loses, the powerful and fierce warrior Richards has seemingly begun to doubt and grow frustrated over his standing in this wrestling company. He believes that it is not enough to be a good wrestler, but that he must find someone to watch his back. These are dangerous thoughts voiced in ominous words. Could this be the start of a heel turn for Richards? The temptations of comfort in numbers is certainly available to him in Lacey’s Angels, if he so chooses. Or perhaps Richards will bring in someone new into the game.

Brent Albright has shown that singles victories are not satisfactory enough for him. Surprisingly, Albright has chosen the easy way, the path of freed and avarice. Albright has sold himself to the highest bidder. He has worked for former champion Bryan Danielson and he is currently being paid big bucks by Lacey to support herself and Jimmy Jacobs in their war against BJ Whitmer, Colt Cabana and Daizee Haze. Albright has all the skills and all the power in the world to be a legitimate force in Ring of Honor, but as long as he’s all about the money, he may very well be wasting that potential, but earning a ton of cash.

Matt Sydal had scratched and clawed every step of the way in 2006 in order to make an impact. He set out on the goal of winning the ROH tag team titles and time and again was thwarted. Finally, he found the right partner in Christopher Daniels. They won the titles, but with that victory something different began to occur. Sydal, who had previously been confident yet humble, has now become overconfident, almost arrogant. He may be one half of the current tag team champions, which gives him the right to brag about his prowess. Yet bragging and talking a big game is certainly not indicative of the class a champion is supposed to have. Christopher Daniels may now be wondering if he found the right partner in Matt Sydal, or if they are at cross purposes in their role as tag team champions.

Yes, things are continuing to evolve and take shape in Ring of Honor. Yet for every evolution there are new questions that must be answered. Who will make it to the top of the food chain? Who will adapt to new circumstances? Who will be left in the dust?

2007 has only just begun.


-I’ve finally caught up with the newest ROH releases (just in time I’m sure for next week’s ROH shows, where in all likelihood they will release MORE shows). So, watching Black Friday Fallout, Dethroned, and both nights of The Chicago Spectacular, I’ve been able to see some interesting little details and character points develop. For instance:

-Christopher Daniels has begun to recite a prayer during his entrance. Right when he reaches the closest turnbuckle to the entrance stage, Daniels begins to utter a recitation. It’s hard to make out what it is, but I think it may begin with “Our Father” (although I doubt it’s actually the Our Father prayer). What a great little character touch that is finally addressing a character point somewhat lacking since his return. Daniels talks about “The Gospel According to the Fallen Angel” but now he is actually preaching it.

Some more Christopher Daniels notes. Honor Reclaims Boston has a very cool promo with Daniels using a blackboard and working on an equation that states Lords (his team with Sydal) are greater than Kings (of Wrestling). It’s a short but fun little segment that again shows off more character for Daniels. Daniels may be the best teacher in the history of wrestling given the lesson. Plus, the whole promo speaks to me personally considering my occupation. Combined with the Video Wire exclusive promo of Daniels talking to NOAH’s Muhammed Yone about hairstyles (bald vs. Afro), Daniels has shown us more personality and flair in these few months than at any point since his return to ROH at Death Before Dishonor III (and no, Curry Man doesn’t count).

Finally, since the beginning of his time in ROH, Daniels has been well known for leading a congregation of followers. It has taken a while, but at The Chicago Spectacular: Night Two, he once again looked like the minister of a group, as he led a unit consisting of Matt Sydal (albeit injured at the time), Matt Cross and Allison Danger to the ring. It wasn’t labeled as such, but I would love to consider that group the unofficial new incarnation of The Prophecy.

-Jimmy Jacobs has officially moved from Emo love puppy to scary freakazoid (anyone remembers that cartoon?). The “Kiss2Kill” video (or is that “Kiss2Bill”?) alone is enough to show that, but watching the four latest DVDs you get to see the evolution of that change. The “blood scar” (that’s the best I can call it) Jacobs was wearing at TCS night 2 was quite ugly and disgusting…and yet the perfect visual enhancement for his character. It expressed quite clearly the situation Jacobs had been in considering the wars with BJ Whitmer and Colt Cabana. Jacobs himself expressed that quite well with his own promo on the release.

-Another really good promo is one done by Adam Pearce. It closes The Chicago Spectacular night 1. It’s basically a combination of the quotes from the press release from Rohwrestling.com that announced the challenger but with a few of Pearce’s quirks and enunciations thrown in. The most important thing is that he says this promo with a lot of fire and intensity, something that was last apparent in Pearce’s promos against CZW.

It’s too bad Adam Pearce never had that strap match against Homicide. Pearce really sells the whole deal about the need for the strap match, not to win but to inflict punishment on Homicide. Maybe logically Pearce wouldn’t need this match now that they had a brutal cage match instead (and the strap did become somewhat involved), but I would have loved to see what would have gone down in an “official” strap match. Perhaps if Homicide retains the title, we can get that match, for the title.

-Other nice touches over the course of the last few shows: Jimmy Rave’s first steps of a face turn thwarted when acknowledging the crowd with a wave, and then changing his demeanor in a snap after being hit with toilet paper by Nigel. Nigel’s selling of the leg all throughout TCS Night 2 after it being “seriously hurt” by Rave during their match on night 1; the little character touches for Jimmy Bower in wanting alcohol during the show but being told no by Prazak, clamoring for the return of Lenny Leonard so he could drink, the excessive plugging (a Bower must) and the misogynistic cracks at Allison Danger (another must). Bower really does well in building up the events in the matches, especially highlighting all the things happening with Rave (the turnaround of his slump, his run in the elimination match) and the situation between Jacobs, Lacey, Cabana and Whitmer. Then again, like Vince McMahon, the booker of the company always knows how to build up his talent on commentary.

…Yeah, yeah, I know Bower isn’t the booker of the company. But if he was…what a genius.

-I know there have been a lot of complaints about the increasing silences and cold crowds in ROH shows. Some people believe ROH hit a bit of a slump between Glory By Honor V and Final battle 2006. I think some of the criticism on each of those points is warranted but that perhaps some of the matches and shows that took in between that were good to very good are getting lumped in with the lesser shows. For example, Dethroned and Honor Reclaims Boston seem to be getting the short shrift in people’s estimation. That would be a mistake–they are both worth the price of purchase. The ROH tag title match (Daniels and Sydal vs. Hero and Claudio) and the main event of Joe and Homicide vs. Briscoes in an elimination tag match are BOTH really fun and enjoyable tag matches. You’d be missing out on them if you didn’t buy because you heard the shows weren’t as strong. Honor Reclaims Boston is a solid show all the way through and the main event of Aries/Strong vs. KENTA/Richards is a definite must see topper.

The crowd alone does not a show make, but even if, both crowds for these shows were fine (Dethroned) and very good (HRB). I think people are lumping crowds together. There have been some generally apathetic crowds as of late, but not on every show.

I’d say a good example of a lackluster card and crowd would be Survival of the Fittest 2006 and Suffocation. You’d be more likely to pass on those shows if forced to make a choice, and yet each one also has its positives (the SOTF finals for the former and stuff like Albright’s debut and Jay Briscoe v. Davey Richards on the latter). Black Friday Fallout is a somewhat fun but not a necessary purchase. The Long Island crowd is actually on better behavior, but even that is relative as the silences and awkwardness is astounding. The Bitter End has one of the most horrible and indifferent crowds, but if you put it on mute, you’d find the match quality (Corino vs. ‘Cide aside since it was way disappointing) solid enough.

-ROH definitely needs another upgrade for its audio presentation. On some shows the in house microphone work is terrific, and other times it comes off as if we’re listening through a funnel. ROH has done very well in upgrading its visuals and its lighting design. There has always been trouble with the mic work. It’s especially noticeable when a naturally soft spoken guy like Nigel McGuinness gets on the mic, and I can’t hear what he is saying. Sometimes I catch myself thinking I might have gone temporarily deaf, but then I hear the crowd going “speak up!” and I know I’m not alone. I don’t know if it’s technologically feasible given the way they currently record audio (direct feed through their video camera, not through to any modulation equipment), but this is something that desperately needs to be addressed. It’s critical to help the wrestlers get over their promos and sell what’s happening in the storylines.

ROH Call
ROH Champions—As of 02/10/2007

ROH World Champion—Homicide(champion since 12/23/06, 2 successful defense)

Next Defense: Jimmy Rave, 2/16/07 Manhattan, NY

ROH World Tag Team Champions—Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal (champions since 11/25/06, 1 successful defense)

Next Defense: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong, 2/16/07 Manhattan, NY

ROH News
(via the ROHnewswire… and other sources when attributed

Back to Bruno!
According to the Wrestling Observer, “Bruno Sammartino has agreed to appear at the 3/30 ROH show in Detroit on Wrestlemania weekend.”

This very cool news for ROH fans. Sammartino thought enough of ROH to make one appearance back in September, and now he is back again. You know what would be great is if he continues to appear on ROH shows but every time out, he makes a speech about how great ROH is. Then immediately after, someone can get into a disagreement about who should leave the arena first after respects have been paid to Bruno. And then they get into an all out brawl! It would be the best running joke in wrestling in years, other than Russo’s booking of TNA.

Hey, you can also start the rumors of Sammartino being elected to the WWE Hall of Fame this year (which would be the next night in Detroit), although up until this point, Bruno has stayed away from pretty much all WWE related events whatsoever.

New on 34th Street and 8th Avenue
We have several more matches to announce for 2/16 in Manhattan when ROH returns to the Manhattan Center. The first Manhattan event last September saw Adam Pearce defeat Delirious in controversial fashion. Pearce has been a thorn in Delirious’ side since that show. Now Delirious will get one more shot to defeat Pearce. It will be Delirious vs. Pearce on 2/16 in NYC!!!

ROH is set to hold its first Four Way Fray on 2/16 in Manhattan. The rules of the match are simple. There will be four athletes in this bout. There are no tags and they will all be in action at once. It is elimination rules and the winner is the sole survivor. This action packed bout will feature Jack Evans vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Davey Richards vs. Shingo when the Fifth Year Festival kicks off in Manhattan!!!

ROH’s tag team scene is heating up. Colt Cabana and Nigel McGuinness have agreed to reform their team on a more consistent basis. They will have to “man up” in Manhattan. It will be Cabana & McGuinness vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe on 2/16.

Once again the New York show has been rounded out and has one hell of an in depth lineup. ROH always comes strong in New York with their card. The four way elimination match (used earlier in FIP) is a particularly good idea as it will keep the match fast paced. It’s also different than having a traditional Four Corner Survival on every show. In multi man matches, I actually prefer elimination style over the one fall to win rules. I like Cabana and Nigel teaming up again given that they have a nice history in ROH and right now both are faces.

New at Southhampton Road
Another big match has been signed for the 2/17 event as the Fifth Year Festival heads to the city where it all started…If you watch the current ROH Video Wire at www.ROHvideos.com you’ll see highlights of a wild no DQ mixed tag team match. The war will continue in Philly when Lacey pays Adam Pearce to join her team. It will be Lacey, Jimmy Jacobs & Adam Pearce vs. Daizee Haze, Colt Cabana & BJ Whitmer in a street fight!!! The current card is listed below for this huge event.

This feud is continuing over several months and several combinations of the wrestlers involved, yet it is not getting old. The stars of whole thing continue to be Jacobs and Cabana, but there have been nice supporting roles played by Albright, Lacey, Whitmer, Haze and now Pearce. Lacey should continue to buy anyone she can to throw at Cabana and Whitmer and then those gentlemen can go ahead and continue to thwart her nefarious plans. If it sounds like a Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner cartoon, that’s because Lacey does remind me of a coyote. MEEP MEEP!

Hero’s Sandwich

Konichiwa, idiots, it is I, your all time favorite wrestler, Chris Hero, coming at you from the land of the rising sun, which is Japan, for all you simpletons. I arrived here just a few hours ago, so I am in great need of sleep, so this might be a bit shorter than usual. Even I, Chris Hero, get jetlagged after a 14-hour flight. I will be making my way to my first class hotel room, located in the heart of Tokyo momentarily, so I’ll let fly my weekly words of wisdom post haste.

People have asked me about the decision that Larry and I made to keep me off of the 5th Anniversary Festival shows, and whether or not we believe it to be a bad career and business maneuver for me. To all the doubters, I say absolutely not, as Ring of Honor is an unsafe work place. If there were a union for professional wrestlers, they would have that company shut down, lickety-split. They employ thugs, psychopaths, and the moderately mentally impaired. Here in Japan, all of the wrestlers are first-rate individuals, as well as highly professional in the work environment. The owners of Pro Wrestling NOAH have treated me in a way that is befitting a mega-star like myself, providing me with first class airplane tickets, and from what Larry has told me, first class lodging as well. I was treated like a king on the flight, especially by one of the lovely stewardesses of JapanAir. Wow. Was she a piston or what? So, now I understand what Ric Flair has been rambling on about for all these years, if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. She even helped Larry work out the kinks. All I know is that there was a happy ending for everyone.

Now, onto wrestling matters. I must admit that I will feel somewhat badly about missing Sloppy Joe mix it up with Mr. Morishima in New York City. It would be nice to witness that bloated blowhard finally get his comeuppance, and be beaten by a man of similar physical size for the first time. Joe has built a career of treating smaller wrestlers like red headed stepchildren, and padding his win-loss record against less than stellar talent. Think about it. When was the last time that Joe actually won a big singles match? Now, consider MY track record. I am on a winning streak that rivals Goldberg’s back in the day. I am practically unbeatable in a singles affair. Say what you will about the loss to Homicide, but we all knew that the execs at ROH wouldn’t ever let me win that match, but that’s a tale I have already told. Mr. Misawa has told me during a recent phone call that he laughed so hard that a piece of sushi almost flew out of his nose when he was informed that Sloppy Joe had called him out. In addition, Mr. Misawa and Mr. Kobashi have both told me that I am the one gaijin wrestler that they have wanted to bring into NOAH for the longest time, and even see me as a future GHC Heavyweight Championship material. After I prove this to them in a handful of tag team matches on this tour, Larry Sweeney and Mr. Misawa have come up with a tentative series of agreements to guarantee me at least one title match, if not multiple. Now you and I all know that it won’t take more than one match, but you can never be too safe, you know what I mean? All I know is that there will be gold around my waist again, REALLY soon.

Oh well, my taxi has just arrived at the hotel, and I need to get some sleep, so that I can head to the NOAH offices first thing in the morning to take my physical and psychological exams, just to let these nice people see what kind of immaculate condition I am in, both in body and in mind. Until next time, my “Hero Worshippers”, this has been your idol, Chris Hero, and this has been your Hero Sandwich. Sayonara, suckers!!

…This has been Hero’s Sandwich.

You know…I didn’t know Chris Hero worked blue. Or that he was delusional.

ROH Lookalikes

You know the old gag of matching up celebrity look a likes and such. Here are some MORE of the too-close-to-be-coincidence celebrity to wrestler matches that I’ve found, with pictures and comments included for your benefit.

Davey Richards – Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine)

Could it be those eyes…that wacky haircut…the sideburns…the grumpy attitude? Maybe it’s all of those things that our resident wrestler who likes to kick shares in common with Marvel Comics’ most well known ass kicker. It’s even better with Hugh Jackman playing the role, as there are some definite similarities in the face. Although physically speaking, Richards is a lot shorter than the Sydney, Australia born actor (Richards 5’8″ compared to Jackman’s 6’2 ½”), he would actually compare height wise to the short “sawed off runt” that is Wolverine (isn’t that what Sabretooth used to call him?). Bad attitudes, killer instinct and kicking ass—Davey is ROH’s very own feral mutant. I say that in the best light of course.

Brent Albright – Matthew Fox (Actor)

Mr. “Get Out or Tap Out” and the man who can’t get out of “The Island” on Lost share some distinct features in common. Bone structure of the face and facial hair aside (and that’s plenty to connect the two) there’s plenty more than meets the eye between the pair. See, both men like to hang around in large parties of people—Albright is in a party of three, and Matthew was in a “Party of Five” (and a group of airplane survivors). Both men have ties with good looking women named Lacey (Lacey Chabert starred in Part of Five). Albright uses a fujiwara armbar called “The Crowbar” as a finish. For all I know Fox’s character Dr. Jack Shepherd may have used a crowbar somewhere on “The Island” See? They have a lot in common.

Christopher Daniels – Howie Mandel (Comedian / Host of “Deal or No Deal”)

Note, this comparison is ONLY valid for the bald and soul patched (or whatever it’s called) version of Howie Mandel. Originally I was going to go with Yul Brenner, but that comparison really didn’t work out. Brenner actually looks more like Gran Akuma than Daniels. However, Howie and Chris? Perfect match! The “bald is beautiful” look, the bald hair, the fact that they’re both bald. It’s undeniable. Look at those tough guy grimaces. Awesome. They even have matching sunglasses in those pictures! I swear if Schwarzenegger and DeVito hadn’t starred in Twins, you couldn’t find a better match.

BONUS Lookalike

The Great Khali – The Geico Caveman (Spokesman)

I think we have just found THE MISSING LINK between CAVEman and HUman! His name is The Great Khali! Wrestling is so easy, even The Great Khali can do it! Or…maybe not.


ROH Preview: Fifth Year Festival—Show 1: Joe vs. Morishima, Homicide vs. Rave in New York, NY

February 16, 2007- 8:00 pm belltime
Manhattan Center (Grand Ballroom)
311 West 34th St.
New York, NY 10001
(212) 279-7740

World Title Match
NYC’s Homicide, with Julius Smokes, defends vs. Jimmy Rave

This match could be a huge crossroads for ROH. If Jimmy Rave upsets Homicide for the title, it would send shockwaves through the company and stir up a ton of controversy. Is Rave really ready for the main event? He has been pushed strong as the next big heel contender. Fans still hate Jimmy Rave even after all of these years, but putting him over in NYC, Homicide’s hometown of all places, may be one of the ballsiest moves ever. It could also backfire big time. I always have this fear that Rave may be Sapolsky’s “Justin Credible”—the smarmy heel who rockets to the top who the fans reject. There is a world of difference between ECW then and now and it has to do with ROH not having TV or PPV to worry about compared to when ECW went with Credible on top. Also, Heyman was unwilling to put the top face (RVD) over in the end.

If you look down the line, the winner of this match fights Morishima the next night for the title. There is a lot of uncertainty and unpredictability to that situation and whether or not ROH will put the ROH title on the NOAH wrestler, at least for the short term. There could be several hot swaps of the title in a short period of time. OR Homicide could rise through all the adversity and show that he is true ROH championship caliber.

As far match quality, these two had a very good match at Black Friday Fallout. Rave snuck in a win but was actually quite resilient in the match. Homicide pulled out a lot of unique offense in that match, but it could not put away Rave. If Rave injures Homicide’s leg, the heel hook will be the crucial final touch to put away ‘Cide. If the champion can use the support of the hometown fans to his advantage, he may be able to roll through Jimmy Rave. Somehow I don’t think this is going to be that easy.

Dream Match
Samoa Joe vs. Takeshi Morishima

This is the big match ROH fans have been waiting for since September of 2006 and easily the biggest match of Joe’s tenure since his match against Kobashi over a year and a half ago. Morishima has similar physique and power compared to Joe, but his style and flair is reminiscent of Stan Hansen. NOAH is riding a lot on Morishima to be the man of their future. He came up short in a title match against current GHC Heavyweight champion and NOAH founder Mitsuhara Misawa. He could use a big win here to put him over the top in the eyes of the Japanese fans. Joe, meanwhile, does not want to be seen as a stepping stone, even as he steps down from his position in this company. He is the one who presented this challenge to NOAH and now he must come through with the win in order to prove his case. It’s not enough anymore to talk the big game, Joe must show that when the chips are down against international completion, that he is the man.

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal, with Allison Danger, defend vs. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

The match that was to be over two months ago in Chicago finally takes place in New York City. Aries and Strong have some ghosts to exorcise in the Manhattan Center. They lost the belts there to Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli under controversial circumstances. Daniels and Sydal picked up the straps in November, but commitments to singles and multi man matches as well as a knee injury has somewhat delayed the title run of the champions. It has also cause several fans, including this writer, to question their capability as being defending champions. Are Daniels and Sydal one hit wonders? If they are to prove that they are for real, they must do something Sydal has never done…defeat Aries and Strong in a match where the titles are at stake.

Tables Are Legal Match
BJ Whitmer vs. Brent Albright

Last time out in New York, Brent Albright launched BJ Whitmer into unconsciousness with an Awesome Bomb from the ring to the outside through a table. Now tables are legal–that’s sensible enough. Look for some table teases before a launching of heavy artillery. Run ins by Lacey and Jimmy Jacobs are not out of the question either, so Whitmer needs to be prepared for the numbers game.

Grudge Match
Delirious vs. Adam Pearce with Shane Hagadorn

The rematch from Glory By Honor V Night 2 should prove to be a fine undercard outing. Delirious has made his bones in ROH and has a great chance of picking up the win here. Pearce should be ready for the cat calls and insults from the rowdy NYC crowd.

Four Way Fray
Jack Evans vs. Shingo vs. Davey Richards vs. Jimmy Jacobs with Lacey

As explained above, all four men are in the ring and the match is contested under elimination rules. Evans always shines in multi man matches because he can bounce off of everyone and the crowd loves it. Richards has been in a mini slump as of late and as he always says in his promos, he needs to win. Shingo has his mullet, and that is over with the crowd—although I don’t know if he’s a face, heel, or whatever. Maybe he’s just a Shingo. Jacobs has his new, darker attitude and a willingness to bleed and to feel pain in order to get the win. He has the advantage of having Lacey in his corner to run interference, but I’m actually going with Richards to get the win here.

Tag Team Bonus Match
Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Nigel McGuinness & Colt Cabana

Nigel and Cabana are two great tastes that taste great together. Or something. Actually both men have worked well as a team in the past due to their similar styles. As faces, both should now be on the same page and willing to go all out against their opponents. The Briscoes meanwhile are coming back to NYC after having a standing ovation filled fight against The Kings of Wrestling in December. They are on a huge roll and on their way to a tag title shot in a few weeks. The fans will be hot for them and their high powered offense. They should get the win here in order to continue their momentum towards the ROH World Tag Team titles.

Plus more with Sara Del Rey, Daizee Haze, Pelle Primeau and others!!!

Going Home


The Pepsi Challenge—WE HAVE A WINNER.

It was a tough call, but after all two of the entries, I have chosen the winner.

The winner is… truth_soldier! Here is the winning entry:

I actually gave the “Pepsi Challenge” to my dad a few months ago when he came over to watch some wrestling. WWE’s No Mercy dvd had just been released, so we watched that. When it was over, he said that, aside from the Kennedy/ Undertaker match, he could have gone without watching the whole show (and that’s only because he is a fan of the Undertaker).
He has been a fan of wrestling since he was a teenager, so he is old school. Because of this I figured, why not let him see something less commercialized, so we watched Death Before Dishonor III (one of the shows from your list; lucky me). After it was over, he was very impressed with all of the matches, and even commented on Punk’s promo at the end, asking, “Does that guy (Daniels) ever get to wrestle Punk, or does he have to wait even longer?”.
I told him that I knew the answer, but that I didn’t want to spoil it for him. I told him that he could find out by buying Homecoming or Redemption from rohwrestling.com. He bought both shows, and has been hooked ever since, even helping me put together my “Summer of Punk” collection.

(Note: I’ve only been a fan of ROH since early Fall 2006, so I don’t know if I’m considered “honorable” yet or not, but I have converted two people since then.)

There’s something about a father-son relationship based on Wrestling that is very touching. It’s always good to know that family can come together over professional wrestling. I was impressed that your dad gave ROH a shot, but it’s to his benefit as ROH does come closest to what’s out there of filling the “old school” quota while remaining on the cusp of innovation in the ring. Dorian is new to ROH, but he has already been spreading the word to others and its that and his enthusiasm that puts him over the top.

Now let’s hear from the runner up, Pat!

My friend Kevin is a long time WWE fan, and he has never even heard of ROH! So I decided to take this challenge of yours, and I showed him the 4 ROH DVDs that you listed! I already had 3 of them, but I had to buy Redemption to show him all the DVDs. I thought he would have hated these DVDs, BUT WAS I WRONG! He loved all 4 shows and instantly became a ROH fan. His favorite show was Redemption. He LOVED the 4-way elimination match for the ROH world title. His 2nd favorite match out of all the matches I showed him was CM Punk vs. Roderick Strong world title match from Escape from New York. His top 3 ROH wrestlers now are Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, and Samoa Joe! He now tells me that instead of buying every WWE PPV( Except for WrestleMania 23, Summerslam, and Survivor Series), he is now gonna buy more ROH DVDs, cause I already gave him Redemption, so now he want more ROH! He also tells me that next time ROH comes to Dayton, OH( Which is the 23rd of Feb.), he is gonna see it live! Like I said before, I have now turned him into a ROH FAN!

Pat is a frequent reader of this column, and he came very close to winning. It seems his friend has become really convinced about the quality of the ROH product, to the point where he is reducing the amount of WWE pay per views in order to afford more ROH product. Now that is commitment. Pat, you were the only other reader to enter the competition, so I don’t want you to leave empty handed. I’ll contact you shortly to arrange a little something.

So you see, EVERYONE walks out of here a winner!

**The Independent Buy In**
Support independent pro wrestling, ROH or non ROH, I don’t care. But if you out there are spending so much time complaining about how WWE sucks, then dammit, spend some money so you won’t have to spend so much time complaining. This list stays in the column and will be added to as the year goes on. Remember: don’t bow out, BUY IN!

*ROH This Means War (Bryan Danielson / Roderick Strong, AJ Styles / Austin Aries, Claudio Castagnoli / Alex Shelley)
**ROH Vendetta (Bryan Danielson / Roderick Strong, Eight Man War: Generation Next + AJ Styles / The Embassy, Samoa Joe / Christopher Daniels)
**ROH A Night of Tribute (Bryan Danielson / Christopher Daniels, Aries + Strong / Joe + Lethal, Colt Cabana / Homicide, Claudio Castagnoli / Milano Collection AT)
**OVW December 2005 Television Showcase (CM Punk (c) vs. Ken Doane vs. Brent Albright—3 Way Dance TV Title, CM Punk vs. Brent Albright—TV Title)
**SHIMMER WOMEN’S ATHLETES Volume 1 (Cheerleader Melissa vs. MsChif, Sara Del Rey vs. Mercedez Martinez, Lacey vs. Daizee Haze)
**TNA Bound For Glory 2005 (Iron Man 2: Styles / Daniels, Monster’s Ball 2, Joe / Liger, 10 Man Gauntlet, Jarrett vs. Rhino)
**TNA Genesis 2005 (Jarrett & AMW / Rhino & Team 3-D, Styles / Williams, Elimination X: Joe, Daniels, Shelley, Strong / Sabin, Dutt, Aries, Bentley; Christian Cage Debuts)
**ROH Steel Cage Warfare (Generation Next / The Embassy, Dsanielson / Romero, Joe / Lethal, Corino / Homicide )
**ROH Final Battle 2005 (Low Ki / KENTA, Danielson / Marifuji, Claudio / Nigel, 4CS: Daniels / Joe / Lethal / Whitmer )
**ROH Tag Wars 2006 (All three Trios Tournament 2006 matches, Generation Next / Danielson and Lethal, Low Ki / Christopher Daniels )
**BCW International Incident (Jarrett / Raven, Daniels / Sabin, Petey Williams / Jerry Lynn, Bobby Roode / Abyss)
**SHIMMER WOMEN’S ATHLETES Volume 2 (Four Way Elimination Match: Daizee Haze vs. Sara Del Rey vs. Lacey vs. Mercedes Martinez / MsChif vs. Beth Phoenix / Alison Danger vs. Rain)
**PWG Astonishing X-Mas (December 16th, 2005) (Super Dragon vs. Kevin Steen / Eight Man Tag / Strong & Evans vs. Human Tornado & El Generico / Colt Cabana vs. Scorpio Sky)
**ROH Fourth Anniversary Show (Generation Next / Styles & Sydal, Danielson / Rave, Homicide / Cabana Ghetto Fight, CZW all out brawl)
**ROH Best In The World (KENTA &Marifuji / Joe & Dragon, Strong & Evans / Briscoes, Shelley / Daniels, Shimmer 4 Way)
**ROH Dragon Gate Challenge (Daniels / Joe, Generation Next / Blood Generation, Styles & Sydal / Dragon Kid & Horiguchi)
**PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2005 (2 DISC) (Steen/Dragon, Styles/Evans, Dragon/Reyes, Romero/Kazarian and tons more)
** ROH SUPERCARD of Honor (Danielson / Strong III, Do Fixer / Blood Generation, AJ Styles & Matt Sydal / Austin Aries & Jack Evans, Joe / Jacobs / Daniels)
**ROH Better Than Our Best (the whole damn card. No really, the whole damn card)
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 3 (Knox / Danger, Del Ray / Haze, Cheerleader Melissa / Shantelle Taylor)
**FIP Big Year One Bash Night 1 (Strong / Gibson, Spanky & Rinauro / Rave & Lethal Homicide / McGuiness)
**IWC Super Indy V (Low Ki / Abyss, Sydal / Petey Williams, Delirious / Sydal, Shelley / Reyes, Gambino Bros. Moving Co. / Burning River Brigade—M Dogg 20 and Josh Prohbition)
**Hardcore Homecoming: November Reign PLATNIUM EDITION. (Lynn / Polaco Cage Match, Douglas / Pitbull Gary Wolfe Dog Collar, Matt Hyson / CW Anderson. Bonus DVD: Sabu / Al Snow, Chris Benoit / 2 Cold Scorpio, Psicosis / Rey Mysterio Jr., Lynn / Polaco)
**UWF-TNA Hardcore War July 9th, 2006 (Styles / Joe / Daniels, James Gang / AMW / Team 3-D (No Finish), Jarrett / Rhino, Lynn / Williams, Lethal / Dutt, Abyss / Runt)
**UWF-TNA Monster’s Ball July 10th, 2006 (Rhino / Joe / Abyss, AMW / Daniels & Styles, Homicide / Lynn, Lethal / Jarrett)
**Colt Cabana’s European Vacation II – World of Cabana
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 4 (Rain / Sara Del Rey, MsChiff / Cheerleader Melissa Falls Count Anywhere, Daizee Haze / Rebecca Knox).
**ROH The 100th Show (Team ROH vs.Team CZW, Danielson / Delirious, Aries & Strong / Homicide & Reyes, Daniels / Castagnoli)
**ROH Ring of Homicide (Homicide / Necro Butcher, Aries & Strong / Briscoes, Daniels / Sydal, Danielson / Delirious, McGuinness / Lethal)
**ROH In Your Face (KENTA / Joe / Danielson, Homicide / Hero, Whitmer / Jacobs, Richards / Rave)
**ROH Throwdown (KENTA / Strong, Danielson / Whitmer / Jacobs, Pearce / Necro Butcher, Rave / Joe / Delirious / Richards)
**ROH Chi-Town Struggle (Danielson / Cabana, KENTA / Aries, ROH vs. CZW, Briscoes / Rave and Kennedy III)
**IWC Summer Sizzler 3 (Shirley Doe / Dennis Gregory IWC World Heavyweight Championship, Delirious / Troy Lords IWC Super Indy Championship, Kings of Wrestling / Rickey Reyes and John McChesney, McChesney / Shima Xion, Burning River Brigade / Cleveland Mafia / Gambino Brothers Moving Company IWC Tag Team Championship)
**FIP Impact of Honor (Aries & Strong / Fast & Furious ROH Tag Team Title Match, Bryan Danielson / Colt Cabana ROH World Title Match / Davey Richards / Shingo Takagi, Steve Madison / Erick Stevens)
**UWF-TNA House Show July 22nd, 2006 (Monster’s Ball Rematch: Samoa Joe / Rhino / Abyss, Jay Lethal / Alex Shelley / Daniels and Styles / James Gang)
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 5 (Daizee Haze / Rebecca Knox 2 out of 3 falls, Sara Del Ray / Mercedes Martinez No Time Limit, Allison Danger / Cheerleader Melissa)
**ROH Death Before Dishonor IV (CZW vs. ROH Cage of Death, McGuinness / Strong, Dutt / Danielson)
** ROH Fight of the Century (ROH World Title: Joe / Danielson, KENTA / Richards, Daniels / McGuinness / Lethal / Castagnoli, Ultimate Endurance)
**ROH Unified (ROH World vs. Pure Title: Danielson / McGuinness, ROH World Tag Team Title: Aries and Strong / Briscoes, Cabana / Hero, Richards / Rave)
**ROH Glory By Honor V Night 2 (ROH World Title: Bryan Danielson / KENTA, GHC Title: Naomichi Marufuji / Nigel McGuinness, ROH World Tag Title: Aries and Strong / Kings of Wrestling, Samoa Joe & Homicide / The Briscoes)


**PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2006: Night One (Strong / Romero, CIMA / Cross, Deliirous / Generico, 8 Man Tag)
**SHIMMER Women’s Athletes Volume 6 (MsChif / Melissa Last Woman Standing, Rebecca Knox / Allison Danger Pure Rules)
**PWG Hollywood Globetrotters (Super Dragon and Davey Richards vs. Roderick Strong and Jack Evans; Cape Fear (El Generico and Quicksilver) vs. Arrogance (Chris Bosh and Scott Lost); B-Boy vs. Frankie Kazarian; Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin.)
**PWG Beyond The Thunderdome (Super Dragon and Davey Richards vs. AJ Styles and Chris Daniels); Cape Fear vs. Arrogance; Joey Ryan vs. Chris Sabin)
**PWG Enchantment Under The Sea (Cape Fear vs. Briscoes; Matt Sydal vs. B-Boy; Super Dragon and Davey Richards vs. Arrogance; Austin Aries vs. Kevin Steen)
**wXw World Lightweight Tournament 2006 (Ares / Baron von Hagen, Pac / El Generico, Quackenbush / Roudin, 5 Way Tournament Match)

If YOU (yes, YOU!) would like to contribute your own additions to the Indy Buy In list, contact me and let your voice be known!

ROH @ 411 This Week

A great article that’s been receiving some praise around the internets is the 411 Tribute Roundtable to Samoa Joe. Big ups to Samuel Berman for organizing the whole thing and getting the 411 Group of Honor (that’s an unofficial, unofficial name) to comment on the best of Joe in ROH. Some very interesting responses from everyone, so definitely check that out if you haven’t already.

In The Independent Mid Card, Sam comes back to look at one more Samoa Joe match on his way out.

J.D. Dunn goes from retro to current ROH reviews with his run down and ratings of ROH Survival of the Fittest 2006 and Motor City Madness.

Honor Bound Links

One outside link to some funny stuff—perhaps this is where the Prince has found his calling!

Meehan gives you the week in news and some great and in depth analysis, Mee style!

Meanwhile Marsico continues to be my favorite personality on Rocketbusta Radio (Michael Z a close second) and he does a hell of a job right here during the News to Start Your Weekend. Marsico discusses WSX in detail (a show I am massively enjoying).

Find my angry and bitter rants on TNA at the Against All Odds Roundtable. I think when I wrote that I was off the Ritalin. No…no, I do truly feel that angry about TNA right now. Oh well.

For some decent TNA stuff, check out Jacob Ziegler’s reviews of Best of the X Division Volume 2 and TNA Top 50 Moments.

A great High Road / Low Road column this week on The Undertaker.

Calhoun finishes rebranding WWE in The Ripple Effect.

Stuart Carapola continues to look at Hogan’s Frien-emies with That Was Then and gives you his run down of ECW / TNA / WSX in Friendly Competition

3 R’s

Weyer on Race and Wrestling

ALL HAIL BAYANI! New king of the internet feud!

That will be all there is for now. It’s been a fun column for me—a lot more ROH oriented discussion than there has been for a while. Not a lot of news, but after last week’s outpour, I’m not complaining all that much.

It’s a busy week ahead for me. Tuesday I get to check out SILVERCHAIR, returning from one of their frequent hiatuses with a new album to promote. Check out the great song “Straight Lines” at their homepage. It’s a bit Coldplay-esque combined with the great sound they had for their last (and under looked) album Diorama. Then, Friday I head into the city again to catch the ROH show. I’ll be up in the balcony having a great time as always. I’ll have live thoughts and such next week.

Also next week—a preview of the 2/17 show in Philadelphia, Delirious is back with some (belated) Valentine’s Day advice and maybe one or two other features.

Have a great weekend. Brooklyn! DAH EM BAH SEE!


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Ari Berenstein

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