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The Triple Threat 2.11.07: The 37th Edition

February 11, 2007 | Posted by Sean, David, Alex

Hello everyone, we are still rolling along on the road to Wrestlemania and as we inch ever closer the matches start coming on the screen. Now that we have our two main events, are there any other matches that we should be thinking about. RVD giving his notice, TNA’s new policy, and we preview the TNA PPV too. Let’s get on with the whole ordeal.

Topic #1 So ECW is now deciding to do an Originals vs. New Breed storyline, should this be the time to do it? And who should they use?

David Martell: This is a perfect time for a storyline like this to happen. ECW is on the downfall and so are the ECW originals. RVD won’t be in WWE much longer and everyone else is just getting old. Its time to show off the new guys and get used to their faces because most likely they are going to be with us for a while. It’s good to see the newer guys in action and hopefully all of this will lead to something good. Last week we got to see Matt Striker three times in one show, how great is that? This storyline gives me more interest in watching the show so I hope this will bring in some more fans and make stars out of some of these new guys.

Alex Mattis: Well this is pretty much a “real life” storyline. I can’t say too much about it because I think the so called “ECW” product is terrible and I don’t watch it, BUT, I know how Vince works and I can’t see the “New Breed” coming out of this feud looking weak. I expect the E to completely bury the ECW originals.

Sean Garmer: This is a good idea for ECW because the people are starting to get down on the product, so this livens it up a little I guess. The best thing about it is that the Originals haven’t looked that bad yet, so maybe there is hope. I liked the way they used Striker this week, I don’t watch the show that much, so it was cool to have a nice laugh. CM Punk could be put in there anywhere and he would work so I hope they put him in there eventually. I like who they’ve used so far though.

Topic #2 TNA has now instituted a new policy where they aren’t allowed to talk to the media without their approval. So that means we are going to see a more WWE style interviews. What do you think of this? And should TNA have put in this policy?

David Martell: It is a smart thing because you really don’t want the wrestlers talking about about the product. Yeah, we might not get the wrestlers real thoughts but hey, if it makes the company look good then its going to make the fans think that its something worth watching.

Alex Mattis: Well after Kip James saying all the things he did, people should have expected this. This isn’t going to hurt anyone or anything, it just takes away wrestlers freedom of expression. TNA is a growing fast and bad publicity is not what they need…especially from their own employees.

Sean Garmer: TNA has a right to do what they want with their wrestlers. If that means censoring what they say and preventing them from talking to the “wrestling” media then go ahead. This is just another way that TNA will seem similar to WWE, and in this case it’s not a bad thing.

Topic #3 Apparently Hulk Hogan and Vince have had a falling out and now we could see a Lashley vs. Khali or Shane McMahon vs. Lashley at WM 23. Does this make the Trump vs. Vince ending any better?

David Martell: I sure as god hope not I HATE Khali. I guess it could be a good way to make Lashley look incredibly strong but as far as this match being good, its not going to happen. Yes, it is better then Hogan vs. Khali but it still is not something that I would pay for to see.

Alex Mattis: Hogan is more than likely playing the Foley card, acting like he doesn’t want the E and he may tease going somewhere else just to leverage his position with Vince and ultimately…get more money (like he needs it). As for a Lashley-Khali match, this match would be a HUGE chance to make yourself a delicious sandwich or better yet take a sharpened pencil out and shove it in your eye, trust me it would be more soothing than watching that match.

Sean Garmer: The whole falling out deal is kinda silly, but Hogan should probably know by now not to do stupid things like that on a radio show. I’m not that big into wrestling anymore, but one thing I still have a passion for is the Legends because we should always honor those that came before us. Vince deserves to be able to surprise the fans with who gets into the WWE Hall of Fame every year. It’s cool to wait in anticipation every week to find out who’s in the Hall of Fame. Certainly that list that Hogan provided, will span more than a couple of years, but still, I’d rather not know who was under consideration, and just find out when they were announced. Thanks Hogan for being selfish brother. I still be happy to see Dusty in this year. Well, if anyone was going to buy the show for that match, there’s now, no way it’s happening. However, don’t hate on my boy Lashley, because this could be good for him. Not to mention, it’s probably safer that Lashley is the one that slams Khali and not a 52 year old Hogan. The match may be slightly better, but this is mainly there to push the Vince vs. Trump thing, which I’ve actually enjoyed on RAW lately. I just hope that Lashley gets some big ups in the wrestling world after this, because he deserves it. Besides, who really wanted to see Snitsky vs. Lashley at Mania? Yeah, the crickets are chirping already.

Topic #4 WWE has set some of the card for No Way Out? What do you think about the Tag Match and the Four Way Ladder Match? This is virtually the same match they had at Armageddon. Should WWE be rehashing matches?

David Martell: It is kind of dumb for WWE to have the same match again but this match will probably still be a good one. I hope the wrestlers do different spots to change everything up. I like this idea but they might lose some PPV buys because people are going to think “been there done that.”

Alex Mattis: This is ridiculous on so many levels:
1. Why are Raw guys allowed to go to SmackDown?
2. NOOOO build has been put into this.
3. It has already been done. It was good. Not great, the
spontinaity of it made it special. An MNM-London & Kendrick, match with no gimmicks could be amazing, but they need more buys and Vince is learning that spot-fests sell. Expect seemingly the same thing you got at Armageddon, I will be surprised if it isn’t.

Sean Garmer: I think both of you are missing the point here. For one, WWE has been lax with the brand extension for a long time, so we shouldn’t be surprised by this. Besides, they should be able to do what they want to make money. Anyhow, think about it like this, WWE is consolidating two feuds together; possibly leading to something even bigger at Mania 23. Also No Way Out tends to do better in buyrates because it’s closer to Wrestlemania, and it tends to give us some glimpses of things to expect at Wrestlemania, especially this year, than Armageddon that’s seen as just a regular PPV. It’s technically, not in the same calendar year, (but it is if you count the year starting and ending at Wrestlemania.) If you remember the first match was unannounced until the PPV started. So WWE is banking on getting a few extra buys by announcing the match beforehand this time. It’ll be a cool match to watch anyway.

Wrestlemania Moment of the Week: Up until Wrestlemania we will take the time every column to retell of a Wrestlemania moment that was cool to us.

David Martell: Well this is, a moment, but not a good one. I remember when they were setting up for the Brock vs. Goldberg match and how excited my friend Jeremy and I were. We said that this match would be the greatest match of all time. We even built our whole feelings about that Wrestlemania around that one match. What a disappointment it was when it turned out to be one of the worst matches I have ever seen. Our excitement was gone the rest of the night because of the match. Damn you Brock Lesner and Goldberg, DAMN YOU!

Alex Mattis: Well this week I’m going to do the “Money Making Moments” of WrestleMania. They are important to me, for their importance in wrestling history. Andre-Hogan WrestleMania III is, to this day, one of, if not the, most important and biggest matches in the history of the business (Second only to the “Kevin Nash Open Invitational X-Division Gauntlet Battle Royal” on Bound for Glory). 93 thousand plus says plenty about the importance of this match. While the match wasn’t a Benoit-Angle classic, it was an emotional ride that millions went on. The ending of that bout is iconic, and that’s a fact. Fast forward 14 years and the WWE puts on one of the biggest title matches they will ever have, The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin. This match can never and will never, be duplicated. Much like Hogan-Andre this match set attendance and buy rate records, the main difference is this match delivered in terms of quality. Next week, I will cover my favorite “Wrestling Classic’s” of WrestleMania. There are four that come to mind, I’ll let you guys guess.

Sean Garmer: My Wrestlemania moment this week goes to the Macho Man vs. Ultimate Warrior match at Wrestlemania VII. This match still stands as Warrior’s best match ever and that’s a testament to the Macho Man. Sure, the match didn’t have any cool moves or mood swings, but it told a story. Both of these men put their “careers” on the line and they showed it. Macho Man was carried to the ring to start out, not only because he was a King, but also to save energy. Warrior didn’t do his usual run to the ring because he needed to conserve his energy. The match itself was a great one because each man proved that they weren’t going to give up easily. Macho Man couldn’t keep Warrior down even with four elbows. Macho Man kicked out of the Splash/Body Press and it took a lot to keep him down. The pin at the end showed that the young buck was able to outlast the old stallion enough for the pin. The best thing was the ending with Elizabeth reuniting with the Macho Man making for a soap opera moment that can never be equaled again because it symbolized realism.

Topic #6 RVD apparently has been trying to let WWE know that he’s not re-signing with them when his contract expires. We know he’s going to end up in TNA. How much of a big deal would that be for TNA? And should WWE be worried?

David Martell: This will be good for TNA because they will have another known name in their company but I dont think WWE should be worried because if Kurt Angle cant get them the huge ratings they want then theres no way RVD can do it. This will give us some good matches we always wanted to see but besides that nothing major is going to happen from this.

Alex Mattis: This would be a huge score, for the first time in 6 years we would actually be able to see what RVD can REALLY do. That being said, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, etc. should not be pushed down because another guy from “up north” signs with TNA. I can say this all I want but we all know how TNA works.

Sean Garmer: Ok we can’t dispute that this would be a big thing for TNA to have another huge WWE star on it’s roster but soon this will begin to be WCW 2 with worse booking because of Russo. Look the dream matches RVD could have are great there is no doubt about that, the problem is that TNA talent will again have to suffer to make way for a bigger name. If Angle couldn’t pull TNA out of the rating doldrums, RVD isn’t going to do it either. However, the in-ring product will continue to improve which is good.

Topic # 7 TNA does have a PPV on tonight called Against All Odds. What do you think of the card?

David Martell: Wow! There is way to many gimmicky matches in this PPV. There’s not alot I’m looking forward to but I feel like the main event could be awesome. Alex can explain everything better then i can because i dont get the chance to watch TNA because I work every Thursday but those who read this column know that already.

Alex Mattis: Well TNA always delivers on PPV’s but the road to AAO has been an ugly one. The matches will be solid, but three gimmick matches on one PPV?!? Talking about this just pisses me off. Thanks Russo for DESTROYING a good product. “A FUCKING “PRISION YARD MATCH.” Well Angle-Christian will deliver and Sabin-Lynn should be great, and Scott Steiner is back, so this PPV may surprise me.

Sean Garmer: You mean to tell me that Alex actually admitted there is something wrong with TNA? That’s a miracle. Anyway, from someone on the outside looking in, that doesn’t watch TNA, I’d think this was Wrestling Society X with better wrestlers. What in the world is a Prison Yard match? Why aren’t the tag titles on the line? Why in the world are we starting a Women’s division on a one hour show? That’s just a few questions I have for Mr. Russo. Christian vs. Angle looks good, so does Sabin vs. Lynn, and AJ vs. Rhino could be your best Hardcore match of the night. Oh yeah, Samoa Joe is not wrestling on the show, instead he is an enforcer in the main event? I sure do hope this PPV turns out better than it looks like on paper.

Match of the Week Nominees: #1 Contender Triple Threat: Shawn Michaels vs. EDGE vs. Randy Orton (RAW), ECW Championship: Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly, RVD vs. Elijah Burke (ECW), Christian Cage & AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle (TNA), Matt Hardy vs. Joey Mercury, World Championship: Batista vs. Mr. Kennedy (SmackDown).

David Martell: #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Shawn Michaels vs. EDGE vs. Randy Orton

Alex Mattis: Christian Cage & AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle

Sean Garmer: #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Shawn Michaels vs. EDGE vs. Randy Orton

Now! Time for Feedback

The first one as always comes from our loyal follower John Bryant Bateman

Then fine. How about if Umaga & Khali form a Stable and Armando becomes the Mouth piece for the 2 of them? also: My dream match for this week. Shelton Benjamin vs Johnny Nitro vs Jeff Hardy vs Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams vs Jerry Lynn in a Money in the Bank-style match for the X-title. whoa whoa whoa…..Orton being destined to end the Deadman’s undefeated streak at WM? *stabs Alex with a needle and gives drug test* Dude what are you on? If anyone and I do mean anyone would be credible at beating the Deadman’s streak it’d have to be Shawn Michaels. I mean think about it. HBK vs UT one MORE TIME at Wrestlemania.

Sean Garmer: Um no matter what you put Khali in, it sucks period. Ok on to your match, which is a good one by the way, ok so a 6 Way Ladder match between six good wrestlers. I’d expect some crazy moments especially with Nitro and Shelton in there. A Canadian Destroyer off the Ladder is not happening because that could kill someone. Cradle Shock off the Ladder would be kinda cool though. Jerry Lynn kinda looks out of place here but whatever. I’d say Shelton wins just to take the title throw it down and say he’s going back to WWE. As far as your other comment goes, I’m under the belief that Taker needs to retire undefeated at Wrestlemania. Considering what Orton has done to himself since that Wrestlemania 21 encounter, I’m glad he didn’t end Taker’s streak.

Shout Out’s to our 411 Crew

Get yourself hyped for TNA’s Against All Odds PPV with the 411 Staff Roundtable

Ari’s Column of Honor Is the place to go for all of your ROH needs.

The 3R’s “The Franchise” Larry Csonka and Geoff Eubanks, just like you like them.

Truth B Told Bayani Domingo has those Asian girls looking good. He debates whether or not ECW is a dead brand and should WWE do away with it. Well you should let him know with an email.

Remember that Hidden Highlights is out there too. Go read JT & JP’s column that show’s you all the little details of a wrestling show. I can’t link them because they come out at the same time I need to turn this column into the system. So there is a link here in spirit.

You can never go wrong with a little Wrestling Fact or Fiction Stuart Carapola & Justin Pelletier battle it out.

Meehan Gives you all the news with his great writing included too. Don’t miss the King of Positivity.

Because they come out the latest of all these columns they get first dibs from us. High/Low Road Sat & Uncle Trunx discuss Undertaker winning the Royal Rumble.

Shining the Spotlight Michael Weyer has a very interesting column for you this week. It’s on how race has played a role in wrestling, specifically how blacks have had to deal with racial problems in wrestling. I found out a fantastic read and everyone should check this out.

Top Ten Julian Williams is here with his Top Ten Shawn Michaels. About time someone gives the best wrestler ever his due. May the Lord rejoice, because his favorite Wrestler is getting his own top ten.

Special shout out to the Andy Clark who’s doing the Shimmy on Monday.

There is something you should know about

411 Video Games section Go read the whole damn section. This is the place to go for your Video Game needs and maybe even more than you asked for as well. Seriously, everyone has been working hard to keep this running and any feedback for them is greatly appreciated. I do reviews and organize the roundtables for the section, but it’s all those column writers, news reporters, other reviewers, and our Editor Caleb Newby that keep it afloat. I’m just happy to be a part of it.

Well that is all for this week folks. Thanks everyone for reading. Well let us know what your opinions are with some feedback. It’s always good to have someone else to argue with besides these guys. We hope you enjoyed this edition of the column and we will see ya’s laters. Later Triple Threaters.

If you want to send us your thoughts or comments send them to [email protected]


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Sean, David, Alex

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